Project 365 ~~ JAN 09

Ash~ You are so funny!! But I will probably add the least of 3 things to do sometimes!!! Fills up space!!!

123SA: We will keep DH in our prayers... can you imagine when you need help filling a care package you have us to help!!! My kids love to send care packages to my cousin.... WE laugh at him all the time...b/c we won't have talked to him..and then I'll get an email with a subject line of "Greetings from the SAND PIT"... with a muttering from myself of WTH!
I saw something about this Project 365 and like the idea but didn't really know how to start. After reading this thread, I have a few ideas. :thumbsup2

I'd rather do it all digitally but I still am totally inept at Photoshop. I have a program called LumaPix and I can use that. It's a lot easier than Photoshop but it's not as powerful either. You are more limited in what you can do.

Just an idea: check out If your camera is set to the correct date, it will store them in date order & there is room for journaling for each pic. Also, you can share w/ family & friends, just by sending them the link. Its completely free. I use it to keep track of my pics & dates for scraping.
123SA: We will keep DH in our prayers... can you imagine when you need help filling a care package you have us to help!!! My kids love to send care packages to my cousin.... WE laugh at him all the time...b/c we won't have talked to him..and then I'll get an email with a subject line of "Greetings from the SAND PIT"... with a muttering from myself of WTH!

My DH calls it the sandbox. For anyone who has extra blank handmade greeting cards laying around, especially birthday & anniversary. You can send a pack of them w/ blank envelopes to deployed soldiers. Most soldiers don't have access to greeting cards to send home to loved ones. So once you get the guys address' let us know. I have an entire box of Valentine ones that will be leaving here very soon. PS My DH calls it the catbox instead of the sand pit.
You know what would be really neat? If we could find a way to post ours (or what we wanted to share--maybe even just a list of what the pics are) at the end of the year! I wonder if we'd have similar type pics or different ones? I may also keep a typed list of what each day's pic is so that I can put an "index" of sorts in the front or back.

What if we just posted our daily pic here & we could do a small description. It would keep us motivated to keep going w/ the book too. Do we have to use photobucket to get pics on here? Yesterday, I took a pic of the roses DH brought home. WE found out our little guy would be delivered csection instead of VBAC b/c after 3 months head down, he's turned sideways. LOL Today, I'm taking one of DS scrapping w/ me. I'm trying to get his babybook done before baby bro arrives.

I have a feeling that this thread is going to turn into something so much more than a group of disers who are doing a project. We will all be sharing the ups & downs of our lives for the next year. That's really special. I wonder how many of us will have a Disney trip in our year?
THanks. I'll check out that site. DH is in the reserves so I don't have the same kind of network as I imagine the full time army does. I like the idea of keeping it simple. It is the daily, non-important stuff that I know he will miss the most. I wanted to do this the last time he went but I never got myself together. He leaves for training this month -- he is a chemical officer, but they are training him in civil affairs. He'll leave for Iraq in May, 1 year boots on the ground there. Not sure whether to start this now, when he leaves for training, or in May.

Mine is in the guard & thank GOD our family support was amazing. We met once a month & they were really neat families. But, none of us lived super close to each other. We are actually in another state from his guard unit (about 1 hr away). Sometimes you feel like you are the only one. That's why the sight worked so well. Also, when you need to vent you don't really want wives talking to their hubbies & it getting back to yours. LOL I'd go ahead & start it this month b/c there are going to be things before he leaves that you'll want to capture. I'd even include little notes that will fit in the pocket. Not just the who, what, when, where stuff. I saved every email he & I sent each other & then some special ones from friends & family. I'm trying to figure out how to put that into a book. But, when things get difficult I look back on them & remember how much I missed him & then everything seems so small in comparison.
123SA: We will keep DH in our prayers... can you imagine when you need help filling a care package you have us to help!!! My kids love to send care packages to my cousin.... WE laugh at him all the time...b/c we won't have talked to him..and then I'll get an email with a subject line of "Greetings from the SAND PIT"... with a muttering from myself of WTH!

Thanks Nancy! I'm sure he would love to get a care package.
Mine is in the guard & thank GOD our family support was amazing. We met once a month & they were really neat families. But, none of us lived super close to each other. We are actually in another state from his guard unit (about 1 hr away). Sometimes you feel like you are the only one. That's why the sight worked so well. Also, when you need to vent you don't really want wives talking to their hubbies & it getting back to yours. LOL I'd go ahead & start it this month b/c there are going to be things before he leaves that you'll want to capture. I'd even include little notes that will fit in the pocket. Not just the who, what, when, where stuff. I saved every email he & I sent each other & then some special ones from friends & family. I'm trying to figure out how to put that into a book. But, when things get difficult I look back on them & remember how much I missed him & then everything seems so small in comparison.

I saved all the emails from last time too. They are just in box though. It would be perfect for DS6 baby album though -- he was just 5 months old when DH went the first time, so the emails are filled with his baby accomplishments.

Hmmm...DS6 was 5 months old when DH went the first time...whatever happened to mission accomplished?
Just an idea: check out If your camera is set to the correct date, it will store them in date order & there is room for journaling for each pic. Also, you can share w/ family & friends, just by sending them the link. Its completely free. I use it to keep track of my pics & dates for scraping.

Thanks...I'll have to look into this. I have SO MANY photos on my computer right now that my hard drive is full. :rolleyes1 I went on a 3 day WDW trip this month and can't even finish uploading the photos from the trip because of this little issue. :scared:

I have a feeling that this thread is going to turn into something so much more than a group of disers who are doing a project. We will all be sharing the ups & downs of our lives for the next year. That's really special. I wonder how many of us will have a Disney trip in our year?

Oooh....can I stick around? I was HORRIBLE at scrapbooking this year and I'm not sure 2009 will be a whole lot better, which is why I want to at least attempt the one photo a day thing. I picked up extra hours at work so now I work 5.5 days/week and we are also trying to move in 2009. (6 months from today....yet we still are not sure where we are going!) So....2009 is no doubt going to be one interesting year for my DH and I!
PROJECT 365 ~~ January!!

Let's support each other as we get through the first month of this awesome project!!!

Ideas, pics, tips, tricks, new links, sharing, chit chat... let's get this party started!!!
Woo hoo!! Thanks!!


Project 365 Glitter Siggy
Keeping track here..... I think I will give myself cool little smilies for each month that's done... :thumbsup2

Ready? Set? Go! :yay:

started a progress thread for anyone who wants to 'join' or keep track....
I think I will keep track of mine all in one post, updating it as we go along.

can someone please please pleasssssse make a cool Project 365 graphic or something for us??? :worship: :thumbsup2
Great idea, thanks for starting the thread! I've taken pics yesterday and today. :thumbsup2
I'm going to attempt this! I'm planning to start on January 1. That gives me the rest of today and all of tomorrow to prepare for it!

That means I need to clean out my computer's hard drive to get space to put all these photos, charge my camera batteries, and empty the memory cards so I can TAKE PICTURES!!

You have NO IDEA how far behind I am in scrapbooking. It's really, really sad! :sad2:


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