Project 365 ~~ JAN 09

i love that progress 365 glitter thingy. i think i'll have to fix my siggy to put that in there.
ds and i had a really great date today so i took pics of our movie ticket stubs and the Chili's sign. lunch and a movie. what better way to spend a freezing cold day. i'm really looking forward to doing this.
I went ahead & made this a sticky because I figure you will all be looking for this thread quite often over the next 12 months. ;) The concept is a GREAT one! I'd be lucky to do it once/week. LOL But then only my teenage DD is home anymore & she seems to have the same sulky expression everyday anyway. :lmao: Just kidding...she's actually quite cheerful most of the time. ;)

hey Deb! how are you? where ya been? nice to see you!
thanks for the sticky!!!
Nicurn: thanks for the template!!!! I'm going to take it traditional and tweak it each week... I need to work on it tonight to make it work!!! You are a gem!!! Thank you!!!

you're welcome. :) I bookmarked that site in hopes that she will put out more templates. I have been downloading templates all afternoon... :) looking forward to starting this on jan 1st. :) oooh, there was another template that was kind of like a wreath and I thought that would be cool for the last page next year... (nothing like planning ahead) it could be a wrap up or best of or something like that. :) maggie
MO2DK!! Can we put a link to this thread in the progress thread, or do you want to merge them?? I can do either.
Do we want the progress to be just that, progress and this one to be for chatter. Although we tend to go off topic on every thread. Let me know what you want to do.

Thanks for the Glitter tag Nan!!

I was thinking that the other one would be just progress and this could be chit chat, but we talk a lot anywhere... :rotfl: It's not like it's an official swap or anything, but I was thinking that people might want to keep track of their progress in one easy-to-find place. I'll put a link to this in my first post and whatever happens happens. :thumbsup2 Thanks though!:flower3:
hey Deb! how are you? where ya been? nice to see you!

Thanks's been a slow year for scrapping here. :( I still haven't fully recovered from the redecorating purge DH made me do last winter. LOL I don't know where anything is anymore. It makes it really difficult to scrap at all! And it's been a tough year otherwise as well. I'm just not very chatty these days. I do pop in to see how all of you are doing though. ;)

For those of you who can't decide when to start/finish this...if it's your project then there are no rules!!

If you'd done it last year, there would have been 366 days. ;) So start when you're ready & end when you like! :thumbsup2 I'm sure no one is going to count your pages when you're done! :rotfl2:

The more I think about it I'm considering trying to do a modified version...once a week maybe. :confused3
Hmmm. . .you mean you're supposed to do that oven cleaning thing more than once a year??? A lady at work one day was being a little snippy with me because I don't cook (I mean, joke about it all you want, but no snippiness!!). So she kept trying to sell me on this one recipe that only had to "bake in the oven for 10 minutes. . .even YOU could do that". I looked at her blankly and said, "Oven? Is that the thing where I store my shoes?" Not too much snippy commentary after that!! :rotfl2:

Today's pic for my album was my cat sleeping in the sun in our sunroom. We retiled it this past summer (during that crazy house overhaul right before DS came), and it's now a room we use (it so was NOT before!). So the pic tied in the new room, my adorable cat, and the weather! (I really didn't plan for all that. . .I just thought she looked cute!). My pic of DS for Mom's album was of him in one of my favorite outfits, grabbing his feet. . .he's just now gotten really successful at that! :)
I thought about this with starting this past Sunday. I wondered if there would be slots on the last page (the one that will only be left-sided, if that makes sense) to get the last 4 days of 2009?

I've got to make my journaling notes so I don't forget the pics!!
I forgot to make myself a "progress" spot!! I like the idea of smilies for each month completed. Because I need motivation, I'm starting with December (even though it's only 4 days!)


We are going to have so much fun with this!! :banana:
I thought about this with starting this past Sunday. I wondered if there would be slots on the last page (the one that will only be left-sided, if that makes sense) to get the last 4 days of 2009?

I've got to make my journaling notes so I don't forget the pics!!

I'm not going to buy the kit, so I don't know.

My thinking is to do the weeks Sunday-Saturday just because I'm sooo spatial and that's how most calendars are. I'm thinking I'm going to do 2-page spreads with 7 photo layouts for each week. I have a lot of 7 photo layout ideas from the books Creative Sketches (I have volumes 1 and 2). For the first 3 days of the year I'll just use the single page that is on the right side of a 2-page spread and I'll incorporate the Project 365 2009 Title into it. Then, for the tail end of 2009 I'll use that left single page at the end.

I'm planning to use 8.5x11 pages and use a regular 3-ring binder and do it mainly digitally. (Maybe I'll learn Photoshop this year!) The reasoning behind the size is that I have a lot of photo paper in that size and also a ton of sheet protectors in that size, so LESS TO BUY!!! :rotfl:
from the kit of the month site...

Here's a list of what's in the kit:

* 1 12x12 D-ring binder
* 54 12x12 specially divided page protectors--four 6" x 4" slots and four 3" x 4" slots on each side
* 399 3" x 4" journaling cards--21 designs, 19 of each design
* 60 4.25" tri-fold journaling cards--4 designs, 15 of each
* 60 4"x 6" header cards--12 designs, 5 of each
* 60 2.8" x 3.8" footer cards--12 designs, 5 of each
* 8 4" x 6" decorative title cards
* 8 4" x 6" decorative end title cards
* 12 12" x 12" decorative cardstock--6 designs, 2 of each
* 25 4" x 6" transparent overlays--5 designs, 5 of each
* 12 3" x 12.5" monthly divider tabs
* 27 days of the week cardstock sheets--378 total stickers
* 11 days of the week cardstock sheets for journaling cards--429 total stickers
* 2 yards ribbon--two designs, 1 yard of each
* 2 4" x 6" decorative boxes to hold journaling cards
* 1 date stamp

looks like there are no worries about having enough space if anyone starts early! :thumbsup2
Hmmm. . .you mean you're supposed to do that oven cleaning thing more than once a year??? A lady at work one day was being a little snippy with me because I don't cook (I mean, joke about it all you want, but no snippiness!!). So she kept trying to sell me on this one recipe that only had to "bake in the oven for 10 minutes. . .even YOU could do that". I looked at her blankly and said, "Oven? Is that the thing where I store my shoes?" Not too much snippy commentary after that!! :rotfl2:

:rotfl: :rotfl:
I bought a journal to keep in my purse or camera bag whichever I toss it into so I can write daily notes...

I've got to template a few things tonight from the digi-format nicurn found.. I hope it works!!! :)
Hmmm. . .you mean you're supposed to do that oven cleaning thing more than once a year??? A lady at work one day was being a little snippy with me because I don't cook (I mean, joke about it all you want, but no snippiness!!). So she kept trying to sell me on this one recipe that only had to "bake in the oven for 10 minutes. . .even YOU could do that". I looked at her blankly and said, "Oven? Is that the thing where I store my shoes?" Not too much snippy commentary after that!! :rotfl2:

I had a professor in college who's wife didn't cook very often. He bought her Christmas present in September and hid it in the oven. She found it in December. She complained about him putting it there until he let her know it had been there for 3 months before she found it.

He was a great professor but definately did some crazy things. He locked the tv in the closet for 8 years when his boys were young becuase they were fighting about what to watch.

You are welcome to it!!
I got a christmas I won't lose it for 30 cents @ Michaels!

Of course DS12 came out of bb practice w/ a headband tied around his head.. I laughed so hard I had to race home for the camera!!!
SIOH - my pic today was my kitty warming himself on the radiator! No sun here but a similar idea!

Well, I have never cleaned my oven and we've had it for a couple years. But considering how infrequently it gets used I think once every 10 years woud be the proper schedule for me.

If it wasn't for the fact I had spilled stuff in it over Christmas Eve.. it still would not have been cleaned!


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