March Monthly Challenge Thread - Come and join the fun!

Add 6 more for me... I'm on a roll!!! :)

Off to grab DD from track practice, finish dinner and than sale raffle tickets.. Yeah, not!
20 for me tonight - I ignored what needed to get done and had fun instead. :thumbsup2
One for me - first page of DH's ancestor album! Hey, its a start;)
I did 12 last night. Now I need to grab another album from home to keep working.
1 more for me. Hopefully I can get a few more done tonight!
2 more. Slow and steady but we've got the long Easter weekend coming up soon.
I thought I better update the list before the weekend since many of you will be cropping till you drop!

Welcome to all you new scrappers out there! We're glad that you're joining in on the insanity.

And we have a new page leader. Coming in at 62 pages is ...... Macca1111! :banana:

I have an all-day crop to attend tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to finally add some numbers behind my name. I've been cropping all week, but with the way I work I don't really finish pages until a good portion is complete - then I go back and journal. I hate the journaling, so it's always last to be done. This Disney album is going to be HUGE, that's for sure!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
I have decided to scrap this past Christmas. Now mind you I havent scrapped a Christmas in years and years :lmao: But I am up to a total of 55 pages so far this month.:cheer2:
4 more done. I scrapped with a friend last night and did more talking then scrapping. Hope to get more done this weekend.
I got 12 done today! I'm hoping to get several more done tomorrow, and I hope to get quite a few done on Friday (I'm off for Good Friday) before we head out to WDW!! :cool1:
I just went to an all day crop today and got 6 pages done. That makes this months total 8. I think I'm back in my groove.:cool1:
I got 6 pages done tonight! I am really excited. I have made a sizable dent in my February 2007 pictures and I used a lot of scraps to boot! :cool1:
2 for me and 2 for Kicky. He would really like a :banana: next to his name if the post will allow it, as he was trying to get one in January but didn't quite make the total:sad2: I explained to him he'll get something when he reaches the level, but being 8 he can't see why you can't just hold his totals over ;) I've told him there's plenty of this month left to do pages, and we have the long weekend next week, but he's not convinced :upsidedow
can i join in on these? If so ...

I've scrapped 15 pages so far this month. Have several more to go. Plus I'm working on 3 autograph books for our trip in April. The autograph book I'm making for myself is using all swap items. so far it's pretty cool looking when i get it all completed i will post pictures of it. I really need to get over to these threads more often.


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