DIS Day Crop 6/10/11 ~ Opens 9EST

Great pages! Just got the cupcakes done. I hope they taste as good as they smell! DS told me they look amazing. :goodvibes

Working on the LO for the challenge I am hosting...if you have not joined yet, please submit a LO. :thumbsup2
I'm home!!! Please say a little prayer... there was a serious accident just east of the J's we go to...saw the lights.... not the accident... by the time we got out of J's we witnessed life line having to land... right in the middle of our major road.... :(

Ok, back to catch up on this thread... my natives are eating lunch now.... so I can play!!!! (oh, J's had lot of stickers on sale for 97 cents and they had some bling for 50 cents!)
Those pages are wonderful - love all of them
I'm trying to remember if I still have that lion fur paper or not - I love how you used it for 2 sets of LOs - ties them together
Love the honey pot with Pooh - we are doing that breakfast on our last day - wonderful swap parts

I think the paper is grasses from the safari chic pack....I usually will cut my paper if I need more than 2 page LO to tie them together...save's paper and uses up what I have!
I'm home!!! Please say a little prayer... there was a serious accident just east of the J's we go to...say the lights.... not the accident... by the time we got out of J's we witnessed life line having to land... right in the middle of our major road.... :(

Ok, back to catch up on this thread... my natives are eating lunch now.... so I can play!!!! (oh, J's had lot of stickers on sale for 97 cents and they had some bling for 50 cents!)

hope the people are okay.....

you are such an enabler :lmao:
I'm home!!! Please say a little prayer... there was a serious accident just east of the J's we go to...say the lights.... not the accident... by the time we got out of J's we witnessed life line having to land... right in the middle of our major road.... :(

Ok, back to catch up on this thread... my natives are eating lunch now.... so I can play!!!! (oh, J's had lot of stickers on sale for 97 cents and they had some bling for 50 cents!)

I will have to watch the news tonight. Prayers going up!
Ok, we are home...
First Lisa ~ love the cards!!! Love the lion & kilo layout too!!!! Those are too stinkin' cute!!!

LM3k ~ love the lo and congrats on using your first ever swap pieces!!!!

Good morning! Well what's left of it. I am still waiting to see if my pics show up. Been busy shopping and cleaning and cooking to prepare for grad party tomorrow. Still need a few more things at a few more places. Julia has a dentist appt this afternoon and Josh is working till 5.

Lisa, I hope Megan is feeling better and I love the grad cards.

Nan, I love the idea of speed scrapping to the laundry, I may have to try that someday.

Hope everyone accomplishes alot and can't wait to see.


:welcome: Cassey!!! Please come and go as you please.. I wanted this to be less informal than our Friday night crops... I'm not a game person.. I like to scrap and talk with my girls! ;)

2 pages done and one kitted. Not too bad.
Off to sisters house for her to give me a shot of B12. Couldnt figure out what was wrong with me for a long time, thats why I stopped swapping and "boarding" and had alot of depression. Turns out that new studies being done are linking Gastric Bypass with anemia and my iron levels actually read zero! Will have to stay on shot for "rest of life" but I can really tell a difference.

BTW, the cards are cute!

I did not know that....I wonder if that is some of my friends DH's issue.... may need to follow up with her on this... He has been really lethargic as of late...

Hi Guys!! Just read through everything!! All caught up! DD and her friend did a great job in the talent show this am...they did an Irish dance routine. And, guess who forgot their camera??? Yep! Me!!!! Duh!

Anyway...want to say hello to all and here goes (hope I don't forget anyone or anything):

Lisa - glad Megan is feeling a bit better! And, forgot to post in the other thread...the clips are on their way...have dc if needed!

Brooke - saw your letters...love them!

Cheryl - good luck to Rachel when she takes her driving test eventually!!

Brandi - Happy Birthday to Grandma!

Reddy - please show off those Donalds when you are done!

Nan and Rebecca - thanks for hosting this!

Before I left for the talent show this am, I put a load of laundry on and did dishes and straightened and folded a dry load. So, I need to switch that and maybe more dishes (think DH made some) and put away the folded load. I think I will do that while my cricut is working. I don't speed scrap (although I like Nan's idea), but I do chores while a title or something is cutting on the bug. LOL Anyway, I plan to do those few chores, but nothing major because I had decided to devote the time to just scrapping this afternoon. DD has softball tonight, so I can stay until maybe 5ish. I am determined to get at least 3 pages done from our 2010 Disney trip done...I know I am a slow scrapper!!

:welcome: Hope the games go well tonight!!! I don't speed scrap other than my laundry challenges!!! As you know..with 5 kids plus DH and myself, we are forever doing laundry.. We, what am I saying.. I am for ever doing laundry!

Cute cards, Lisa!

I've finished 2 pages, have load #4 in the washer, and now its about time for lunch. I'm going to take care of that now and decide what to tackle next.

You are on a roll... So have you decided what to tackle next?

Well apparently no one wants to give mommy "mommy-time". I am not being very productive in the scrappy department. Lunch is done and some laundry. Hope to be back in a bit. AUGH!!!

Oh, I so know your pain!!! LOL... DS10 was a real pain at the store.. I could have beend one 15minutes faster if he would have stopped looking at the toys he was NOT going to be getting!!!

Just a quick pop-in ;) DH just called and asked me to lunch :) I'll be back by 1 (3 eastern).

Hope you had a wonderful lunch with DH!!!

My boys got out of school on May 27 - suppose to go back August 21
dummy me that is our Disney trip - my oldest's teacher said that Disney should be wonderful & he can work on some of his school things while there:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

here is some of what she named off
Stay with us
wait in line
sit at the table to eat
deal with crowds
deal with strangers & very strange people
get more comfortable with people who are dressed up

This son will be 16 at time of trip:cool1::cool1::cool1:
no he won't be driving :drive::drive:

Reddy ~ love the teacher's chore list!!
We got out May 26th.. we are due to start back Aug 16 I think.. which is actually a week later than normal! shock!

hope the people are okay.....

you are such an enabler :lmao:

Me too... I always worry it's one of the kid driving... I was like... ok, PJ is still at work... thank you.. I still worry and she has been driving for almost 2 years... I bet as a mom it will never get any easier...

Yes, I do like to enable.. I even got my cricut mat for 50% off!!!
Great job everyone! I need to use more swap pieces because I have a lot of great stuff. I just need to get over my issue I have with my photo colors having to match my layouts :rotfl2:
Pictures are here!!!! :cool1: Now I can use some of the swap pieces and finish Josh's school book. Let's hope I don't cry all over it as I am working. I am going to try and scrap in my car while Julia is at the dentist, wish me luck!

Lisa and Erin, love the layouts!!

Be back in a couple hours.

Good luck Cassey!!!!

I tear up when I scrap my kids' books... I can only imagine this year will be hard... Senior years are tough for us!!! :hug:
Praying for all those involved in the accident.

Lisa & Erin, luv those layouts. Those papers are perfect for the safari pics, and Pooh and the honey pot are too cute!

I've been working on my tags for the Outside the Parks swap. This is my first swap with you guys, and I'm worried that my stuff won't measure up. I made one of each tag and waited for my oldest dd to finish her movie so she could critique -- she's 13 and doesnt worry about expressing her opinion even if it might hurt my feelings. lol She likes them, so I guess I'll tweak a few things that are bugging me and finish them up.
Good luck!

Here is a random Mommy question...anyone have kiddos get injured while sleeping in a loft or bunk bed? We are thinking of getting DS a loft as part of his big boy room makeover, but I do not want him to get hurt while climbing down in the middle of the night dor something.
Praying for all those involved in the accident.

Lisa & Erin, luv those layouts. Those papers are perfect for the safari pics, and Pooh and the honey pot are too cute!

I've been working on my tags for the Outside the Parks swap. This is my first swap with you guys, and I'm worried that my stuff won't measure up. I made one of each tag and waited for my oldest dd to finish her movie so she could critique -- she's 13 and doesnt worry about expressing her opinion even if it might hurt my feelings. lol She likes them, so I guess I'll tweak a few things that are bugging me and finish them up.

I worry all the time about my swap pieces.. feel free to post them and we can let you know... I bet they are better than you think!!! I'm always surprised by the praise I get here and I'm not so thrilled about them... Everyone is so nice about helpful suggestions!!! As for DD critiquing... I know how that goes!!! My kids don't hesitate to tell me what they think... My DH annoys me he just nods and say "I love everything you do"... to which I respond that doesn't help... "You know I'm perfect!" LOL

Good luck!

Here is a random Mommy question...anyone have kiddos get injured while sleeping in a loft or bunk bed? We are thinking of getting DS a loft as part of his big boy room makeover, but I do not want him to get hurt while climbing down in the middle of the night dor something.

Well, both of my boys have bunk beds.. We have had no issues... we had the safety rails up top when the kids were younger...and they had to use the ladder.. We told them up front (all 4 of the boys) that if they got caught jumping out of the top bunk and got hurt that they'd sleep on the floor in their sleeping bags! I think DsS16 was the only one who got busted but in all fairness he was sick and trying to do the right thing..but DH still busted him... I wasn't here otherwise I would have fought for him to have a freebie!
My DD has had bunk beds for years and she always sleeps on the top. She is now 10 almost 11, and we have had no issues with injuries. She is going to get a double bed in her room shortly though, because the bunk beds are not very comfortable in general for bigger bodies. She is now 5' 4'', and going to middle school next year. So time for a big girl bed-LOL! Even though that is what we said when we got the bunks
Well, both of my boys have bunk beds.. We have had no issues... we had the safety rails up top when the kids were younger...and they had to use the ladder.. We told them up front (all 4 of the boys) that if they got caught jumping out of the top bunk and got hurt that they'd sleep on the floor in their sleeping bags! I think DsS16 was the only one who got busted but in all fairness he was sick and trying to do the right thing..but DH still busted him... I wasn't here otherwise I would have fought for him to have a freebie!

Good to know, I think he will love the bed and he will probably get used to the ladder very quickly...I guess I am just being a worry wort! :goodvibes

Ditto what Nan says about swap pieces. I am sure they are great! :love:
My little guy has a loft bed. It is actually a bunk bed and we didn't put the bottom bed on. When we went shopping for his furniture, they only had it with one mattress. They had the boards on so that you could, but I asked DH if we could just do it without totally and he didn't see why not??!! My thinking was this: I can use under that for so much toy storage!! I got organizers and shelves and its like a little kingsdom under there!! His bed is not traditional...it has a staircase at the one end instead of a ladder. Each step even has a drawer built into it. (More storage!!) One drawer has all the light sabers, one has outdoor equipment, one is winter stuff... Anyway, no issues with falling. We were told there are certain guidelines to follow in choosing a mattress. It has to stop below the guard rail by a certain amount to help keep them from falling out. My DS LOVES his bed! I can go see how messy his room is and maybe take a picture or two for you if you want?
Good luck!

Here is a random Mommy question...anyone have kiddos get injured while sleeping in a loft or bunk bed? We are thinking of getting DS a loft as part of his big boy room makeover, but I do not want him to get hurt while climbing down in the middle of the night dor something.
when I hear of kids getting hurt it usually has 2 kids pushing or fighting on the top

We had a bunk bed growing & never had problems but my older sister got the top bunk. nephews have bunk bed now - so far they just keep having the mattress hit the floor :confused3:confused3

how old is son?? I think at least 8 is what I would do if my boys were normal as is they have old hospital beds so they dont break on them
Praying for all those involved in the accident.

Lisa & Erin, luv those layouts. Those papers are perfect for the safari pics, and Pooh and the honey pot are too cute!

I've been working on my tags for the Outside the Parks swap. This is my first swap with you guys, and I'm worried that my stuff won't measure up. I made one of each tag and waited for my oldest dd to finish her movie so she could critique -- she's 13 and doesnt worry about expressing her opinion even if it might hurt my feelings. lol She likes them, so I guess I'll tweak a few things that are bugging me and finish them up.

Thanks so much! I am sure that your swap pieces will be great! We were all new once and still get nervous about them. I can honestly say that I look forward to every piece I get and that's why I think I USED my first today...I love them too much to never have them to use again!! LOL
no bunk beds here....but friends have them....they had rules too and no injuries!
one had the loft and added fabric around it to make it into a fort, little guy loved it! I'm sure your little guy will love his new big boy room!
Ok...here is page #2...I am scrapping totally out of order here...I have several books to complete from last year's trip. One that will be an ABC with all black and white photos and using only red, black, white and yellow paper, one that will be ABC with color photos and coordinating paper, one that will be devoted to Halloween in the parks including the Halloween party and one that is just general (everything else)!! So, this is a page from the black and white ABC one. I have done several letters, just not in order!! I think when it is done, I will post it on the scrapbook gallery thread. By the way, the Pooh one was for the general book!!



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