Digital Scrappers - Post pages here!!!

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I signed up for the Scrapmatters Newsletter some time ago, but I have never received one through email. Can you tell me who they come from so that I can check my spam mail? I know the downloads come from Andilynn (or something like that).

Thank you,

Hmmm... I think you should have received it by now... Andrea started a list on the thread below of e-mails that bounced back to her... I would check to see if you are on it... and either way, e-mail her at the address Michelle noted. I'm sure she'll get the newsletter to you. :)
Hi y'all!

I finally got my Christmas kit done so I find myself with a bit of extra time on my hands this morning and thought I'd pop over here and get inspired by some great layouts. Of course, y'all certainly didn't disappoint.

Christy that tree of yours is beautiful, but I think my favorite layout is the polka dot one. Great idea to include some text from the book. I still remember some of the stories we read (incessantly) when my kids were younger. Fondly remember them now, of course, now that I'm not having to read about "are you my mother" every single day of my life! LOL

Ceeliebell, that's your first digital? Wow! Great LO! You've got some natural talent there, girl! Looks great!!

Fran, as usual, your LO is phenomenal... I love the little flower peeking out from the background paper. It's details like that that really set your LOs apart, IMO.

Thanks y'all for making sure even us infrequent posters have some beautiful pretties to look at!
Here is the layout I did for the color challenge at ScrapMatters.

Click for credits
YAY!! Love your layout! The pics with the rounded corners are really cute! :) Super cute title too. :)

LOTS of sites sell Christmas cards.... but, like Wen said, no one will have Disney since they are copyrighted... If you want something traditional, I know there were a bunch of freebies on the ScrapMatters blog train from Black Friday.... You can check out some of the blogs to see if the links are still working... here are some I remember seeing:

Denise has a couple on her blog (scroll down):

Erica has a couple:

Sweet Shoppe Designs has a bunch of cute ones you can buy....

Have fun! :)

Thanks Christy. I chose to go with the freebie from Erica Zane's Comfort and Joy kit. It needs something more, but I'm limited with my digital stash and digi skills at this point. Also, I couldn't get the image any larger :confused3
I just need to vent, and I know you guys would get my anger (since pictures are the heart of what we do.

The first two times I used photopass (Oct '07 & Mar '08), I didn't have any problems. The CDs came within a week of ordering, everything was fantastic. This time, it's been problems all over the place. First, some of my magic pictures didn't have the characters in them. That was corrected, but it was the first time I ever had a problem with them, and I guess it should have signaled that it wouldn't be the last. When I ordered, I never received my order. I emailed them after almost two weeks, and they said it could take up to 14 business days, and they said I had to wait until then (27 days after my order, 28 because the day they said it would arrive on Thanksgiving) until I could email them back. Finally the day after Thanksgiving I emailed them that I still didn't receive the CDs. A few days later, they sent me an email saying "Once the entire order has been successfully created and tested for quality control, we will ship it to you at no additional charge." I was a tad annoyed by the "no additional charge" comment, since it wasn't my fault in the first place, no charge should be obvious.

I got a tracking notice a few days after that (which I never did the first time, so I think it was never sent.) I finally got the CDs on Dec 8 (I ordered on Nov 9.) I have 5 CDs. The first copied to my computer fine, but the next two I tried are both corrupted. I never even heard of the error before (cannot copy image because of "cyclic redundancy check"), and when I looked it up, it said it was caused by problems when burning the CD. Tested for quality control, right. I emailed them to resend the CDs, and got an email form letter back that they will email me in 5 business days.

They finally emailed me, with a stock appology, and went through the same thing about checking for quality control, etc, before sending. I received them today (again, I got a tracking notice.) I put in the first CD that was a problem last time, and guess what. The SAME problem. I went in Sept, and it's almost Christmas, and I still don't have all my pictures.

I'm alternating between being so upset I could cry, and so livid I want to throw my computer against the wall. I need to go through this *again*!? They don't even have anyway to contact a human being. By calling all you get is a voice mail, and with the emails, I've seen throughout this process that all you get is stock answers. It furiates me because I recommend the Photopass CD to so many people.

OK, off to go see if the other CD is any better.
I understand your frustration. Just a thought....could you try on another computer and see if it will work. I know I have some CD's that work fine in my laptop and won't in my work computer.

Hope at least some of your CD's worked.
I understand your frustration. Just a thought....could you try on another computer and see if it will work. I know I have some CD's that work fine in my laptop and won't in my work computer.
I was just going to suggest the same thing, check them in another computer. I had a bunch of back up disks that I thought were bad because some worked and some didn't. Took them to DH's computer and they all worked fine. I rebooted my computer and then they worked.:confused3 Technology is so awesome and such a pain all at once!
I hope you can get them Hon! Weeks to get them are inexcusable. Can you try a basic Disney customer service number and explain to them? I've had to do that for a couple of things and once I got a live person it was so much easier. Just ask them to hear you out before transferring you, usually if that will do the trick.
I just need to vent, and I know you guys would get my anger (since pictures are the heart of what we do.

OK, off to go see if the other CD is any better.

I think you need one of these: :hug: :grouphug:. That totally stinks! I hope it all works out. I know how hard you worked on those photos and to have this happen is just terrible. I would be so heartbroken! I agree with the others and try it on another computer.
Here is the layout I did for the SS tonight at SM. I'm not crazy about it, but it turned out OK.

Oooh, I like it Melissa! That's a beautiful picture too.

Well, being in Vegas snow is a rare thing. Yesterday we had record snow falls, they even canceled school. As you can see DD was thrilled!
(click for credits)
Heather: I'm holding on to the happy thought for you. I use photopass all the time, too. Hopefully all will turn out in the end. How annoying though.

Melissa: Very cool LO

Wen: Snow in Vegas, who would have thunk it!
I love your LO's! Your tree and decorations are very pretty.
Here are some of my recent LOs.... :) We are heading to Disneyland for a few days on Friday.... it's supposed to be rainy and cold -- but maybe that will keep the crowds down! I figure we'll take our ponchos and umbrellas and just go for it!!!








Here is one I got done today while I was snowed in. I'm so sick of snow!!!!

Christmas Wonderland


And here is the one I did with Britt's new template pack.

Group Shot

I have an update. :) I did try them in my laptop, and there were problems, but with different pics (!?) Between the 2 CDs & 2 computers, I was able to stitch the full CD together, I think. Most of the CD did work on my laptop, really weird. Maybe it was the venting that helped, lol. I make all kinds of combinations with the borders (I make the pics go from over 200 to almost 2000), so obviously I spend *forever* on them, and then to have all these problems, I was going a bit insane. Thanks so much for the support Michelle, Wen, Melissa, and Lauren. :) Now there's lots more things I can scrap. :D

Wen-I saw the Vegas snow on the news! Along with San Diego, Malibu, crazy!! That's such a pretty LO!

Melissa-I already commented at scrap matters, but awesome LOs. :)
Melissa, love the concept of you group shot page and the colours are wonderful.

Wen -- snow in Vegas! How awesome for your children. Great LO! I love that Alpha and snowman!

Melissa -- I love how all your LOs are so elegant yet simple at the same time. Really nice. And I am working on your challenge -- mostly in my head, but I'll have it for you in time.

Heather -- sorry about your photopass blues and all the extra work you had to go through to get all your pictures. Melissa is right: you need a :grouphug:
I wanted to stop in and say i have been lovin' all your layouts!! I have been home sick for a few days - terrible cold.. and snowed in with the fam on top of it.. LOL

Wen, glad you got snow!! And whenever you want, i would be happy to pack some up and send it your way! LOL ;)
We got 10" the other day, and i hate it! Plus a few more today..

Heather, glad to hear the bright side of your story! That was terrible!!
Here are two layouts I got done:

Chicago Harbor Lighthouse

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! - On Friday we got a TON of snow. It was impossible to go anywhere. It snowed an inch an hour until about 3:00 pm. I went out when it stopped and took a bunch of photos. I am sooooooooooooo sick of snow!!!!

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