December Scrapping Challenge .......Trees,candles and photos

I managed to get 6 pages done today.. Good job everyone.

We are caught up again.

I have 23 more pages done today... still lots more to go for DH's present to be I'll be busy for the next few days..
I keep forgetting to join in here. I am at 11 pages for the month so far! I did pretty well in November too but forgot to join the thread lol!!!
2 more and final for the month!

The rest of the month is crazy, so no more scrapping for me :sad1:

DD gets out of school today for a month, DH gets home tomorrow night for 3 weeks :banana:
I can't believe Christmas is only 11 days away, where has this year gone :hourglass :sad2: have dinner with friends on Sunday, 2 playdates with DD friends Monday & Tuesday, need to do :laundy: and pack for trip to WA, leaving the 20 or 21, back home on Jan 1. Thank goodness my shopping/wrapping is done :yay:

So good luck with everyone getting the last few pages scrapped for the month and 2007.

Thanks for hosting Fireplug, you've done GREAT:thumbsup2 , see ya next year :wave2: have a wonderful holiday season everyone :hug:

Lisa :santa:
2 more for me - AND I did all my wrapping (including doing Santa's for him - you can tell he's a bloke :lmao: ) and made soup and a roast dinner :angel: Now I need a little Amaretto and a mince pie:rolleyes1
This is my first time posting in a monthly thread. :) I've done 17 pages so far of our October Disney trip.
I finally finished 2 pages! I have been working on those 2 FOREVER!!! Now to get on with it and get more done!
I did 10 today! Hope to get some more done tomorrow.
Caught up to this point. With all the holiday stuff starting to really pick up pace I can imagine we are ALL busy. Just remember a little scrapbooking can be just the relaxing activity for a little down time! We are doing good so far for this month, keep up the good work!

**I managed to get 8 CJ pages done during the snow today!**

2 more - may get some done this afternoon as DH is off to the squash club to watch the Chelsea match :thumbsup2
I got 9 done yesterday. We're headed to a family get-together today, but I'm hoping to get some done when we get home--I have to, if this album is going to be done by Christmas!! :)
I finished 8 tag books w/ 8 double sided tags in each...but since they don't count toward the total because they are gifts for them to add photos....

Anyway, DH is home so I can't work on his today I'm going to go downstairs and wrap some gifts and than tomorrow morning tackle the book again... I forgot on the 19th, I'm chaperoning a field trip to see the Roman arts from the Louve' w/ my DS11 and 3 boys in his class...and luckily he got to chose his group so I had final say so... But I'm dreading naked art and pre-teen boys.. maybe I should consider sending DH instead! (or bring a ice water bottle)
2. I'm a long way from my goal of 10 considering how much wrapping I have to do :)
All caught up to this point. I hope I havent missed anyones additions. Let me know if your totals dont look right, thanks.

I got 10 more done today in the wedding album! Now, I'm up to the actual wedding, so it shouldn't take too much longer!!

MIL & FIL are coming to our house Friday night, so everything has to be cleaned. . .including the scraproom!! :scared1: I'm hoping to get the album done by Tuesday so I can tackle that!


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