You Thought 85 Ghosts Was Bad?

CoolDisGirl said:
But has anyone stopped to think why the fireworks requirement has gone up? It was debated before about "spoilers" on all the vmk boards, that Yavn was not happy about it. Perhaps this is his way of slapping all of us. Perhaps his way of saying you can post spoilers of the answers but now you CANNOT attain the green car no matter how many spoilers are posted. To attain the higher pins you HAVE TO be an expert in haunted and fireworks. Just a thought since nobody in the history of VMK has ever reached 300,000 without cheating. No other reason I can see for the change. And please done flame me, I dont care if you read the spoilers or you dont. Makes no difference to me. But this is the only explanation I can come to for the extreme change.

If that is true, it was a VERY immature & childish response on VMK's (Yavn's) part. Who is really being punished here? The kids!! Those 8-14 year olds that VMK is "supposedly" targeting. I personally don't care if I ever get a green car. I'm a grown woman and can handle it :) I know it's not worth even trying since getting 75,000 in fireworks is going to be tough for me. But my kids on the other hand are a different story. They spent a lot of time yesterday working on the green car quest until I had them get off the computer, and now they have to start all over again because they both didn't finish???? With the scores even HIGHER??? VERY WRONG to punish THEM just because "spoilers" were posted on a forum!!

Sorry, but my 8 DS was in tears over the ghost game yesterday trying to get his 75 ghosts (which he finally did by the way) But now you're telling me it was all in vain?? Sorry, but kids playing VMK are always going to want the new items - why make them completely unattainable??

Honestly, as much as I love VMK, if this is an indication of the type of people that run the game - immature & vindicative -, I WILL stop playing and will have both my boys stop as well. Just not the type of thing we would choose anymore to be a part of.
Loves Disney said:
I sit patiently at my computer waiting for a bsod to load while listening to the sweet sounds of yelling, screaming, and shouting coming from multiple rooms in our house as some family members try to complete the quests lol. Some comments I heard while listening, which I found funny, include:

(This is being yelled between rooms)

FamilyMem#1= What is the name of the other boat besides the Columbia!?!"
FamilyMem#2= What!!??
FamilyMem#1= What is the name of the ship that isn't the Columbia?! Tell me quick! Quick!
FamilyMem#2= Wait I am busy!!
FamilyMem#1= C'mon, Quick! Just tell me! Time is running out. C'mon!
FamilyMem#3= Where am I supposed to be!!??
FamilyMem#1= Quick!! Just tell me!
FamilyMem#2= WAIT!!!! I have to Finish!
FamilyMem#3= Am I in the right place!? Help!!
FamilyMem#1= Tell me now!! Time is running! What is the name!?
FamilyMem#2= Figure it out yourself! I am busy!!
FamilyMem#1= Just tell me now!! C'mon! Quickly, quickly!!! What is it??
FamilyMem#2= I AM BUSY!!!!
FamilyMem#3= Where am I?!
FamilyMem#1= GREAT!! The time just went out!! You couldn't just tell me could you!!?
FamilyMem#3= Will someone please tell me if I am in the right room!?
FamilyMem#2= OKAY! where are you!!?
FamilyMem#3= Nevermind, the time went out!

ROFL!! :rotfl2: Thank you for the laugh! I needed it this morning! That sounds EXACTLY like our house yesterday!! LOL! Though you have to throw my 16 DS in there who doesn't play VMK walking around the house saying things like, "you all are retarded, you know!!" :rotfl2:
Im not saying that is indeed what his intention was. For all we know it was meant to be 200,000 and someone mis-typed in the html. I am not a spokesman for Yavn, only met him twice as a matter of fact and didnt spend all that long talking with him, so do not take what I said as truth. It was just something that I thought could be the reason why it was changed. Does everyone honestly think he would make a game that is totally 100% unattainable? what would be the purpose? I bet in a few days the amount will go down and everyone can stop complaining. Honestly, how many hours has everyone spent playing a game that they come here and complain about? Why put yourselves through the aggravation?

I personally think the quests rock. I also think its good for the kids. You would be surprised at what some of them can do when they put their minds to it. And there is no time limit on attaining the goal of the games. Kids are NOT supposed to get everything they want, so why should the game be any different? Why should some kids practice to get good at a game and win a nice prize, while someone who doesn't practice gets the same thing? Its a reward thing. And its the way life works.
Ok, Loves Disney!! Very funny!!! :rotfl2: Since I happen to be one of those "Family members", I had to laugh to consider how stupid we all sounded while you sat quietly by your own computer - it's always the quiet ones that you have to watch you know!!!

Anyway, thanks for illustrating how ridiculous we all sounded - which one was I, by the way? I'm sure I was the most composed of the three of us (not!!)

Changing these quest requirements mid-stream is completing wrong and just reinforces (ok, forces) me to quit these quests and return to the pirates' lobby!!! Yo, ho, ho, see you there!!! pirate:
threeboysmom said:
ROFL!! :rotfl2: Thank you for the laugh! I needed it this morning! That sounds EXACTLY like our house yesterday!! LOL! Though you have to throw my 16 DS in there who doesn't play VMK walking around the house saying things like, "you all are retarded, you know!!" :rotfl2:

Hey Girly,

EXACTLY the same in my house. So funny! And I also have a 16 DS who does not play and said almost the same thing, put on his iPod earpods and sang to his own tune!
What happens now that we can't finish the quest? Can you move on to the next quest without finishing all of this one? Where do you go to sign up for the nest quest, or have they ruined that too?

Btw, to whoever said it was lazy of them to use the same questions over and over, at first I thought that was a bug, especially when the first thing it said on levels 2 & 3 (which I can't finish because I can't find the atom btw) was that I failed the first step of the quest when I went to the shipwreck. At least today it let me do it over, unlike yesterday. Now that they have made the numbers impossible they are letting us do the quest, bleh.
hey, dont take this quest stuff so hard, i mean really, you could still be on the first quest unable to get into a pirates game because it kicks you back to lobby each and every time....therefore not being able to even have a car of ANY COLOR....i am ready to stand in front of one or just virtually car jack somebody or hot wire one..(J/K)
aprncess said:
hey, dont take this quest stuff so hard, i mean really, you could still be on the first quest unable to get into a pirates game because it kicks you back to lobby each and every time....therefore not being able to even have a car of ANY COLOR....i am ready to stand in front of one or just virtually car jack somebody or hot wire one..(J/K)
OMG! :rotfl2: :rotfl:

That's just too funny!
I would give you one of mine if I could (Have 2 and working on 3rd). :)
VirtuallyMe said:
- but for my dd she would do the animation and mickey one herself...

What is the animation quest, please? I somehow have missed this one? Thanks!
Well I had almost got my Dh playing VMK again. I told him about the quest and how we could do it together. He likes quests. Well the first night it was too slow to do anything and he gave up. And for the last few days all he has hear is AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH not again. Come on move gee move AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOt Again come on ahhhhhhhhhhhhh almost like a mantra in itself.

DH "What is happening in there"
Me "I can not do ghosts and it just freezes"
Me playing away "Not again"
DH "what'?
Me:I crashed again
DH "You are taking quite well.
Me well there is nothing I can do about it.

Minutes later

DH hears bang bang
ME "My hand is reacting out of frustration banging my mouse saying "move darn you move".
Me. oh know what will I do if I break my mouse. (saying it inside my head)

Me out Loud " I GIVE UP"
DH from his room now you know why I do not play VMK :)

And there you have it folks.
FYI, my green auto pin quest was up to the "score 300k in fireworks", when it just disappeared off my active quest window.

Perhaps they have edited the quest (thereby cancelling people currently active in the quest), and have changed some requirements?

Just speculating.


Edited to add: nevermind, popped up again at 300k.
Here I go adding my 2 cents. Ok smart programmers for VMK - why didn't you limit the number of quests to be completed in a 24 hr period. Gee there are any number of virables they could of done to manage the time and quests if that what they are after. They tried to take the easiest way out and now they deserve the rants from unhappy players.

The quests are great and I have really enjoyed the adventure. Changing the requirements in mid game is not Disney Like or very magical. I thought VMK had a real winner here but no, it was to good to be true. They finally had an event the everyone liked and they just had to mess with it.

The problem is we have out smarted the brain trust at every level. Disney has dumped
lots of money into this game with one purpose, to get their numbers up at the parks and to sell, sell, sell merchandize. They are in business to make money. They never expected the outcry from upset players. Keep sending in those letters to the black hole and tell the Hosts in a polite way what you think. I'm betting things will change again which way is the question.
I have not had time to read this whole thread but if you have been reading the boards today I think you all know how I feel about this spoiled child action that was taken with this quest.

Like Twirler said this had the potential to be an outstanding event and what fun! even with helps and guides it would have been great.

Bugs withstanding ( and I had a ton) the quests were still eventually obtainable.

Not so anymore!

Shame on you VMK!

:Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: There were already bugs and other issues that made the quests near impossible. The solution was not to go all the way and make it completely impossible. Ok, if anybody give up on vmk's quests you can come and try the one i made. It is possible and fun.
hey LadyBella I have played pirates with you and I did not know you were DIS how did I miss that! ;)

will come check out your quest

CoolDisGirl said:
I personally think the quests rock. I also think its good for the kids. You would be surprised at what some of them can do when they put their minds to it. And there is no time limit on attaining the goal of the games. Kids are NOT supposed to get everything they want, so why should the game be any different? Why should some kids practice to get good at a game and win a nice prize, while someone who doesn't practice gets the same thing? Its a reward thing. And its the way life works.

On this I have to agree. I absolutely do not find the quests to be too hard(minus the green car, which is completely impossible). The only thing that makes the quests hard is the fact that they are currently very buggy and Tomorrowland is insanely slow. (hey, kinda reminds me of the parks on a summer day!) When/if they get that sorted out everything should be fine. Other than that, I see kids as being completely capable of figuring out the puzzles if they really put their minds to it and don't go rushing for the quick answers at the first sign of trouble.

Now about the 85 ghosts/300K online game programmer is upset that the answers to the quests are posted on the internet....well GEE who woulda thought anyone would ever do THAT? :rolleyes: Seriously, I hope this isn't his little way of throwing a tantrum because it's totally uncalled for. If you're going to have something that really IS impossible to obtain, you shouldn't have it there at all.

My $.02
I am in with Host_Hula right now. I am going to ask about this increase to such an unattainable level. I will post response.


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