March 2012 Scrapbook Page Challenge!! Spring into Scrapping!

Way to go, everyone!!

We're updated to here, including my 6 tonight! Let's keep knocking it out this month!!
please add 4 pages for today....used swap pieces, posted over there!
18 for me this weekend.

I had been doing some cleaning in my room a few weeks ago and ran across an entire Iris box full of page kits, some completed, most just in pieces. I was determined to make these go away one way or another. This weekend I decided that since my scrapping time was so short, I was going to match up kits and pictures and see how far I got. I'm happy to say that I used up quite a number of layouts in the box, and then weeded through some other shelves (that I thought only had patterned paper, mini-album and card kits) and I found a bunch more! At least they are all in one place. And I used one page from the page swap I participated in last fall. Yay!

I scrapped pictures from 1986, a bunch from 1988 & 1993, some from 1991 and a few from 2001.

There won't be a lot more production this month, I'm going to focus on getting my sketches re-organized and getting the giant pile of layouts in albums for the rest of my scrapping time. I am really happy with my accomplishments here, can you tell?:banana:

Edited to add: the page kits were from my LSS, who in 2007 had one kit a week available, with a subscription service so you could sign up for XX amount of weeks at a time. Don't think I got all 52 layouts, but darn close!
Another 8 pages complered this weekend, brings my total to 18. Time for me to finishing packing for my WDW Girls trip tomorrow - yea!

I hope to complete a few more pages this afternoon - I'm really loving week four of my newly retired life :lovestruc

Hope everyone has a Magical day!

Updated to here!! Including 4 for me tonight!

Lynner--it sounds like you are making amazing progress!

Poppins--have an awesome trip!!
I got 2 done today

do we count the ones for a swap?? I was wondering that since I got one of those sets done - working on another (cricut is cutting Mickey confetti at this moment)

Need to work on horse riding pictures
You can count the ones for a swap one of 2 ways..

You can count them as you do them... or you can wait and count them after you receive them and complete them but you can't count them both ways... :)

Make sense???
You can count the ones for a swap one of 2 ways..

You can count them as you do them... or you can wait and count them after you receive them and complete them but you can't count them both ways... :)

Make sense???

yeah, I wont use them until next year & my sister may use them instead of me. Since I usually pre-scrap & count as I go I better go ahead & count them.

so add 8 more to my count
OK I just finished up my Dallas Zoo pics - did them really simply, didn't even mat the photos so I got 12 pages done up pretty quickly

cricut is still cutting Mickey confetti next page will be bigger Mickey Heads then only half pages of Blue, Red Yellow & Green - Then I'll just need the black to get to work on the swap pages
I am on the board with 12

I think I do my pages a bit different than everyone else. I do the basic layout for several pages, then another day I do all the titles, and another day I do all the journaling. I have a few more pages that are mostly done but still need their finishing touches, that I hope to get completely finished this week. And then I can start another batch of pages.
I am finally on the board with 7 tonight. Tomorrow I plan to put my MIL's album together and I will see if I missed making any pages. Then it will be time to start on the album for a friend's wedding from Dec. and then I can get back to my own album from DH's graduation.
please add 8 pages for last night and today!

just two more sets of photos to scrap and Dec DLR will be done!
8 more for me today. And my stack of mostly complete layouts is down to 2 sets that only need titles. Hope to get those taken care of tomorrow.


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