Inconsiderate Cruisers

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I also would like to say that as a parent, sometimes I feel like you can't win. If you don't reprimand your children, you're a lazy parent who's raising entitled brats who are obnoxious and don't behave. If you do discipline them in public, you're an awful parent who is mean and can't even let them enjoy this wonderful vacation.

I was recently asked if there were instructions on how to raise a child, and I about fell down laughing.
The only inconsiderate behavior that bugs me when on a ship (or in a hotel) is having my sleep interrupted by people not using their inside voices/feet in the hallways. I have tried earplugs and they just do not do the trick in drowning out all the hallway noise. But mostly, I am just so excited to be on holiday that I am willing to put up with other folk's inconsiderate behavior. Sadly, most of the time, folks are inconsiderate simply because they are unaware of how their behavior is affecting others. When you bring it to their attention, they do try to modify their behavior.
I also hate this, have you ever tried using a sound machine? there is a free app for your phone- it has made a life changing difference for me for while i travel (even helped me get some sleep while next to my son's hospital bed). Alas, I have also been on the reverse side of this too. While on vacation at a "family" resort my 2 year old twins were running through the hall, i was after them shushing (it was 10 am) and this man came out of his room and screamed at us to be quiet- his exact words i can't post, but something along the lines of can't you keep those -ing kids quiet, I'm trying to sleep, and said he didn't understand why people bring kids on vacation....well dude if you want a quiet, kid free vacation- go to an adults only resort. I would have apologized to him if he wouldn't have said we should leave our kids at home, like i said it was a family resort marketed to families with young children. anyway the app is called white noise- i even use it with headphones sometimes...
The only inconsiderate behavior that bugs me when on a ship (or in a hotel) is having my sleep interrupted by people not using their inside voices/feet in the hallways. I have tried earplugs and they just do not do the trick in drowning out all the hallway noise. But mostly, I am just so excited to be on holiday that I am willing to put up with other folk's inconsiderate behavior. Sadly, most of the time, folks are inconsiderate simply because they are unaware of how their behavior is affecting others. When you bring it to their attention, they do try to modify their behavior.

True- and it is also noisy when the hotel room doors / aka heavy fire doors are closed by even quiet people. Hard to close them quietly even when you try!

Due to a particular noise issue near our last house (that we had no control over), I ended up getting custom earplugs made at the audiologist. We've moved, but I take them on vacation in case I need the super duper earplugs. White noise apps are also popular with a lot of people, but they generally keep me awake, unfortunately.
We have a tendency to leave the bridge cam on on the television. Nice classical Disney music to soothe us while sleeping, and it's dark at night so the TV light doesn't bother us. As the sun comes up we can see it from the bridge.

Ohhh, I really like this idea! Thanks.
In all fairness, you have no idea what sort of stunts that child has been pulling all day, or how patient the parent might have been up until the point where they lost it. I say this from experience. I love my oldest son more than life itself, but he can be a very challenging child. At his best he's sunny and helpful and enthusiastic, but at his out. Our first Disney cruise, when he was six (almost seven), he spent the first two days in such a snit that we couldn't do anything with him. We tried all the "good parent" tricks you can think of. We tried to jolly him out of it, we tried ignoring his behavior, we tried talking seriously to him, reasoning with him, etc. Didn't matter. He was in a bad mood and determined to make everyone else just as miserable as he was. Finally on the second night, he flat-out refused to get dressed to go see "Aladdin." My DH had had enough, and frankly so had I. He said "You can't make me go." DH said "Actually, yes I can" and dressed him like he was a two-year-old. DH then proceeded to take him by the hand and literally drag him to the elevators, then dragged him all the way down the ship to the Walt Disney Theater. He didn't yank him or hurt him, he just kept walking straight ahead with a tight grip on our son's hand. It was actually pretty funny. My son got tired of being dragged while lying like a rag doll and instead stood up and literally dug in his heels. So DH dragged him that way, with his heels skating along the marble floors. And when we got to the theater DH picked him up and sat his bottom in a seat and said "You will sit here and watch the show quietly OR ELSE." Or else what, I don't even know, but my boys generally don't try to find out. And after that we didn't have a single issue with him for the rest of the trip.

My point is that I'll bet there are a lot of people who watched this spectacle and were appalled. They probably thought, "Is that really necessary? You're on vacation! Just have fun, talk to the kid, why drag him and make him do something he doesn't want to do? And who drags their kid around like that, anyway?" But we had had 48 hours of this child thinking he was running the show and being a pill just for the sake of being a pill, and we were done. And you know what? That was the end of it for him, he was a doll after that for the rest of the trip.

I also would like to say that as a parent, sometimes I feel like you can't win. If you don't reprimand your children, you're a lazy parent who's raising entitled brats who are obnoxious and don't behave. If you do discipline them in public, you're an awful parent who is mean and can't even let them enjoy this wonderful vacation.
Ha, it. I recall taking my "spirited" ;) daughter to school twice...still in her pj's when she refused to get dressed in time! I packed her school clothes in her backpack and walked...maybe pulled...her into the school office and explained. That was in third grade. The principal was totally onboard and my daughter, sulking, quietly changed in the restroom. We did this twice and are very proud of our prompt daughter several years later.
When we go to Wdw I hsve to take a large dose of patience. Things that drive me crazy are-

Pool towels abandoned on lounges. It's hard enough finding empty lounges, and as mentioned, you practically have to fall over a bin on your way out of the pool area. How hard is it to drop your towel in it?

Not using your inside voices in halls or rooms. You're at a hotel, not home. This goes for adults too!

Using stroller or scooter as battering ram.

Parents see you with food tray heading to a table and they send their children running to beat you to it.

Adults cutting thru ride lines with a fake excuse of "I'm trying to join my family". Honest, I actually overheard a woman talking to her husband who was taking their child to TSMM, she says she wanted to go onToT while they were in TSMM queue and she told him-no problem, when I get to ToT I'll work my way up the queue telling people I'm just trying to join my family. Then come back and do the same here.

Or just blatantly jump the queue!

A group just stopping in the middle of a path blocking it.

Yup, be sure to pack lots of patience!
Inconsiderate cruisers - ignoring the rules and taking kids into the Cove Cafe.. (And taking advantage of the meek staff members who dont chase them out quick)...

Some people don't think rules apply to them, I guess.

Or the staff members who smile and make the kids a quick, complimentary drink while making up Mom's order, even though they aren't supposed to be in there in the first place. (Maybe Mom was a celebrity, but I didn't recognize her as such)
When we were at Palo the other night the couple behind us were raising quite a loud stink, in that they didn't realize there was an additional charge. When the server came to their table and spoke about the wine pairings and that there was an additional charge for the pairings above the initial charge they loudly complained:

"$30 for this?.. Each?"
"Why would we want to pay to come here?".
"Then you need to charge us $59 more for wine?"

The poor Palo server dealt with it very professionally and said in his 10 years at Palo that has never happened to him.
When we were at Palo the other night the couple behind us were raising quite a loud stink, in that they didn't realize there was an additional charge. When the server came to their table and spoke about the wine pairings and that there was an additional charge for the pairings above the initial charge they loudly complained:

"$30 for this?.. Each?"
"Why would we want to pay to come here?".
"Then you need to charge us $59 more for wine?"

The poor Palo server dealt with it very professionally and said in his 10 years at Palo that has never happened to him.

Oh my word.....
Did they walk out or stay?
They left.

I don't get it, am I missing something, isn't it clearly spelled out everywhere that Palo is an additional cost? LOL
Maybe they thought if they made a stink they would get a free meal.
I would be mortified to act that way then possibly have to see the people that saw this the rest of the week while walking around the ship.
I don't get it, am I missing something, isn't it clearly spelled out everywhere that Palo is an additional cost? LOL
Maybe they thought if they made a stink they would get a free meal.
I would be mortified to act that way then possibly have to see the people that saw this the rest of the week while walking around the ship.

Exactly. If you are that clueless about what your trip includes and does not include, then maybe you shouldn't be traveling as you will always be disappointed since you apparently did zero research!
I love getting up at 0400 or 0500 and going up on deck and look around. There is usually a number of others there, after a day or 2, we end up with a group, talking about the next port, or the vessel, sea time experiences....answering questions.

Another early riser! I spent almost 40 years getting up between 0400 and 0500, and the habit dies hard. Sleeping in for me means getting up about 0600.

I enjoy the solitude of the early morning on our cruises. Most days I'm up early as usual, walk 3+ miles on the promenade deck, and then hit Cabanas for some tea and a small snack on the aft deck to tide me over until DW gets up (about 0800 typically). I return to the room to read on the veranda, but return to the drink station as she begins to surface and get us both more tea while we're getting ready for the day.
Exactly. If you are that clueless about what your trip includes and does not include, then maybe you shouldn't be traveling as you will always be disappointed since you apparently did zero research!

THIS. I have been reading reviews of Atlantis (we're staying there next week) and of course they're all about how expensive the food is, and how they weren't expecting a resort fee, etc. etc. Since when do resorts not have resort fees? And since when is there not an upcharge for the uncrowed, better than average food service places like Palo?

Oh, and the others complaints are about all the cruisers on day-passes coming to ruin their day. . . I'll be glaring at all you DCL day-trippers ruining my vacation next week :)
We just got off the Dream and had 3 8.5 x 11" magnets stolen from our door. :( This was our 5th cruise and we've never had anything stolen before, so I was pretty disappointed. They were all personalized, so not like someone else was going to use them.
THIS. I have been reading reviews of Atlantis (we're staying there next week) and of course they're all about how expensive the food is, and how they weren't expecting a resort fee, etc. etc. Since when do resorts not have resort fees? And since when is there not an upcharge for the uncrowed, better than average food service places like Palo?

Oh, and the others complaints are about all the cruisers on day-passes coming to ruin their day. . . I'll be glaring at all you DCL day-trippers ruining my vacation next week :)

Based on 90% of these message boards a "resort fee" of $15 is the final straw in their decision to never stay in Disney World. LOL
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