Inconsiderate Cruisers

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0400? That's usually about the time I'm headed to my stateroom to go to bed.

LOL.....touche!............but I am early to bed early to rise. I have been known to take that pretty girl in the avi, and be out fishing or anchoring with a thermos of coffee reading the paper at sunrise! Tonka likes to be moving early as well!
On DCL, that's tough with nothing going on. On other lines (meaning: ca$ino), very possible.

It's quite easy. Shut down the late bar, grab a last drink as they close. Take a stogie and a book to Meridian. 4 o'clock rolls around pretty easily then. I've also been known to spend those late hours walking the boat with a camera, taking pictures that you just can't get with people all around because they clutter up the shot.
It's quite easy. Shut down the late bar, grab a last drink as they close. Take a stogie and a book to Meridian. 4 o'clock rolls around pretty easily then. I've also been known to spend those late hours walking the boat with a camera, taking pictures that you just can't get with people all around because they clutter up the shot.

Makes me wish I was there right now!!
Makes me wish I was there right now!!

My calendar on my computer literally reminded me 10 minutes ago that we were supposed to leave on the Wonder tomorrow for our Key West/Nassau/CC cruise, but we rescheduled the cruise and went to Key West for a week instead last week. The entire time we were in Key West (we've been going for 20 years) we kept saying, "You know, for as much as we're spending this week, we could be on the Fantasy right now..." pirate:
My daughter(8) really wanted to see villains tonight from the front row..
I told her we would have to wait outside until the door to the theater opened.. We went straight after dinner and waited.. My youngest had to run to bathroom and upon my return There was now a huge crowd outside the theater and had to stand 2-3 people behind my oldest..

The CM was starting to remove the rope in the front and these teenage girls pushed my daughter a kept pushing her. Even She was yelling "stop your hurting me" the CM was doing nothing!
I look right at the CM and told her move so I could get to my daughter..
I'm sorry if I was rude but the CM was just standing there watching has they were hurting her!

The worst part was a father who watched the whole all came to me to tell me how rude I was!
By the time my husband arrived from putting our stuff in the cabin I was almost in tears..
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Ughhh, this is our #1 pet peeve EVERYWHERE, not just on the DCL but I agree the cruises are terrible with it. I am always amazed at how DCL and WDW cast members move so quickly to clean it up! My husband and I were the ones under the table when the kids would make messes while we were out and we were ALWAYS thanked quickly and told we didn't have to do that. MY kids made the mess, I will clean it up. Now that they are old enough, they check their area before we get up to leave. Same at stadiums, theaters and firework shows!
I love getting up at 0400 or 0500 and going up on deck and look around. There is usually a number of others there, after a day or 2, we end up with a group, talking about the next port, or the vessel, sea time experiences....answering questions.


That would be DH. He's up super early every day at home. He loves his early morning.

Not me. I love my bed in the mornings.
Read a little further, my question was answered. Carry on. :)
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I haven't been on a cruise in 3 years. But even when I stay in a hotel I empty all the trash. The only thing they have to do is clean the normal things. I was always taught to pick up.
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