CKC-Hartford CLASSES ARE UP master list post 1

Did you all get the room change notice for some of the classes? I was not even aware that rooms numbers had been given out, never mind the changes. It says our tickets would reflect the new room numbers. This makes it seem even closer now. :cool1:
I got one, but I didn't know what the original room numbers were, so it didn't mean much. They must have had to kick them up to bigger rooms because the classes were so popular. The disney board book class was one of them.

PS. We may have nice cropping tables in the hotel rooms - The photo on the website looks like they have the two layer desks - the bottom layer is a table that rolls out from underneath the desk - big enough for two to crop or 4 or more to eat.
sending it along Buffy - might be that yu are not taking one of the classes whose room was changed.
Here is what they said:
Hi Students!

Thank you so much for choosing to spend your weekend with us at CKC-Hartford!

We had some room changes in our class schedule, and we wanted to make you aware of it. Your tickets will be printed with the correct room number, but it is always nice to receive notice of such changes in advance. Please note the following changes as you are scheduled for one of more classes listed below:

“Christmas Acrylic Album” on Friday @ 1:50 PM is now in room 17.
“Holidays with Scenic Route” on Saturday @ 12:30 PM is now in room 12.
“Lickety Split 8x8 Disney Board Book” on Friday @ 12:30 PM is now in room 17.
“Who Says Easy Needs to Look Easy” on Friday @ 12:30 PM is now in room 16.
“Who Says Easy Needs to Look Easy” on Saturday @ 12:30 PM is now in room 14.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Again, thank you for participation at CKC, and I hope you have a wonderful time in Phoenix!


Note the closing- hope you have a great time in Phoenix!!! Didn't know
I was going there!!!:lmao:
are we going to have a mini crop or no?

Are you guys going to bring any albums to look at?

I wonder if we can get a break out room at the convention center to sit and eat at or if we need to hang in the rooms. I'm game for either.

Lisa do you think we should bring in a folding table to put between the beds to eat on? I can bring some camping chairs back Friday night if the rooms are big. I hope to check them out before I have to head home for the afternoon.
are we going to have a mini crop or no?

Are you guys going to bring any albums to look at?

I wonder if we can get a break out room at the convention center to sit and eat at or if we need to hang in the rooms. I'm game for either.

Lisa do you think we should bring in a folding table to put between the beds to eat on? I can bring some camping chairs back Friday night if the rooms are big. I hope to check them out before I have to head home for the afternoon.

I can bring my 6' folding table if you want, I also have a bridge table. I think in our rooms would be better. We'll have our stuff there, and the privacy to act silly. Who really wants to schlep everything to our room, then schlep it to another room? :sad2: Not me.
I have a 6 foot table too, that I'll toss in the van, just in case. In the connecting rooms if they do, indeed, have the two layer desks, there will be two of the rolling tables. I wonder if they'll roll through the door?

Who's bringing what for our "picnic"? I know someone volunteered to pick up the grinder fixings. Since I'm arriving so early, my assignment had better be something non-perishable, like chips, nuts, canned sodas or paper goods.
Okay I'm getting really excited now!

You can assign calanniebu and I to bring whatever as far as food goes - we'll be driving down Friday and can stop along the way to get anything. Connecticut is chock full of Stop and Shops.

Since Linda is getting there a day early, maybe she could call one of us (or will you have internet access?) after she sees the room and let us know what would be easy/helpful to bring for extra chairs/tables, etc. I have a few little TV tray type tables if needed.

I would love to look at other people's albums! That would definitely be a fun thing.
Okay I'm getting really excited now!

You can assign calanniebu and I to bring whatever as far as food goes - we'll be driving down Friday and can stop along the way to get anything. Connecticut is chock full of Stop and Shops.

Since Linda is getting there a day early, maybe she could call one of us (or will you have internet access?) after she sees the room and let us know what would be easy/helpful to bring for extra chairs/tables, etc. I have a few little TV tray type tables if needed.

I would love to look at other people's albums! That would definitely be a fun thing.

Brilliant - someone pm me your phone number! (I duno if I want to pay 10$ a day for internet access - this place sounds like Disney - charge for this - charge for that!)

What do you want for Albums? Disney, CJ's, or our recent 6 week tour of the east coast?
If everyone wants to exchange phone numbers, you can PM me and I'll compile a master list and send it back to everyone if you want to save with the back and forth.

Personally, I'd love to see your book for the driving tour of the East, because that kind of road trip is a "someday" goal of mine. But anything is good!

My albums tend to require fork lifts to lift. I'll have to figure out what is easily transportable. ;)
If everyone wants to exchange phone numbers, you can PM me and I'll compile a master list and send it back to everyone if you want to save with the back and forth.

Personally, I'd love to see your book for the driving tour of the East, because that kind of road trip is a "someday" goal of mine. But anything is good!

My albums tend to require fork lifts to lift. I'll have to figure out what is easily transportable. ;)

you have my cell number right? PMing you anyway.

We have the list for who is eating with us, we can add what you want to bring to that. so tell me what you want for food.
Yes, we need to decide on what to eat. I suggested grinders, LTM suggested getting wings delivered. Both work for me, don't mind. If we order the wings they will be brought to us. That is appealing.

I'll go with the majority.
Yes, we need to decide on what to eat. I suggested grinders, LTM suggested getting wings delivered. Both work for me, don't mind. If we order the wings they will be brought to us. That is appealing.

I'll go with the majority.

LindaBabe, I work in the next town over from Hartford, should you want a visitor when you first arrive. I could come over for lunch or something.:hug:

Actually, this got me thinking, maybe next to our names of who is attending, we put when we are arriving to try to hook up with one another. I will be there Thursday night, still not sure about when arriving Friday. Most likely noonish, and staying the night.
Arriving Wednesday night, before dark, to keep from having to get up at
0'dark:30 to make the 9 am start of the album class. Staying at Marriott through Sunday morning.

I don't know if we get a lunch break, Thursday, but love to have you come over any time you're ready to brave the traffic.

My preference of the two is Grinders first and wings 2nd, just because the latter are messy, but I too, will go with the group. I"m bringing a cooler, paper goods and snacks. Can't WAIT to meet y'all!
We can do wings and grinders. Subway??

So we need:

liquor :p
chips or Potato salad or green salad
wet wipes of we do wings


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