Organize Your Space Challenge - Week 4 Remaining Embellishments, Tools, Albums

:woohoo: Way to go Buffy! :banana: You are even a day ahead!

Who makes your new spinny thing?

And a possible storage enabler. I went to my Tuesday Morning yesterday and they had a bunch of Cropper Hopper Paper Holders for 8x8 paper for $5. When I saw them, I thought, "Oooh, I should get some." But I remembered my spending ban, and I couldn't come up with a use for them, so I left them. Then I was looking at the picture in my first post, and saw the stack of 8x8 Bazzill that I had forgotten I owned. Those paper packs have been a thorn in my organizing ever since I bought them. Drawers were always too big, and I didn't know what else to stick in a drawer with them. So they got shoved under the small table. So I went back over today and picked up 2.

oh and yes, the 8x8 pages are nightmares!!!
I wonder if it is part of the Jetmax stuff then. I know they had a spinny thingy. I bought 2 Jetmax cubes during the Thanksgiving sale. I love them, I'd get more, but then I think about all the other storage stuff I have, like the Sterelite drawers and photo boxes, and I would feel guilty about buying more. So that is part of why I am doing this challenge. By completely going through everything, and finding a good, and useful home, by the end I should see what I need to still find a "pretty" or more functional storage solution for, and I can determine which pieces I need to buy when they go on sale again.
Question for everyone. What do you think your biggest problem areas are? I'm guessing paper for just about everyone, stickers are bad for me. I want to see if we will need to break up some things into even smaller chunks (I am thinking of breaking up the other embellishments into even smaller chunks), or add additional catchup days into the schedule. I'm trying to work ahead so I can get everything photographed, and ideas for my posts...I worked on eyelets & brads last night and those took most of an evening because I completely reorganized.

Since I bought my paper racks I have been very good about solid paper. I break up all the packs I buy and put it on the shelves for each color. I had my patterned paper organzied on the shelves until I moved and then it all just got stuck in there. At the same time i know it is just a matter of sorting it out again and putting it in some kind of order and it will be under control.

My actually messiest thing are emebllishments I don't put away when I finish working for a time period and my stickers. I haven't found a good way to sort and store them where they are convient to use and still put away.I am still finding places for some things so those are the ones I have the hardest time with. I also think that durring all this I want to make a list of stamps, dies, and embossing folders, stencils, ect that i have so I can reference them when I am looking for something. My craftrobo files are in great categories and easy to look for on the computer and if I do the same with those I know I would look at the database.

I organized my stamps and I made a list of them while I was organizing. I was shocked at how many stamps I had.

Rebecca, it looks like you forgot to close your image tags. After the link for the banner for the organizational challenge put a [/img]

Before your other clippie put a

I'm a pretty organized person - I abhor disorganization - and so didn't think I would "officially" join this challenge, but have still enjoyed reading the thread. Well, you all have given me inspiration - this morning I spent a few hours reorganizing things and making sure that nothing was misplaced. So I am here now, and will be checking in everyday. :)

For Day 1 - I already had all my Stickles in small trays, which hold 18 bottles each. I need to buy another tray (when they are 99 cents again at J's) for the sets of Distress and Glitz Stickles I recently bought. But I went through and reorganized to make sure they are in color-spectrum order again. (Can you say OCD?!?)

For Day 2 - When my mom was last visiting, she didn't like my organization of stacking the Cricut boxes on the floor in front of the machine. So she bought me a big Rubbermade under bed storage container which fits the boxes perfectly. So I have been using that - although Santa brought me 6 new carts, which don't fit in the container now. So maybe next time mom comes for a visit and sees the new boxes on the floor, she will take organization-pity on me and get me another container. :)

For Day 3 - I have two boxes which contain my stamps - one for acrylics and one for wood-mounted ones. I just don't have a place for all my ink pads yet. Right now, they are piled (neatly) in front of the stamp boxes.

I do have a question about how everyone stores their paper scraps. My mother bought my one of those 12x12 3-drawer containers for my scraps, and it looks neat, but even with 3-drawers, I can't seem to make it useful - too much paper. So if you can add a day on storing paper scraps, that would be great - I don't think I saw it on your list.

Paper scraps are currently Day 34, although if I add more things it may slide down further. I wanted to stick it near the end, because I see it as being one of those places where people just throw up their hands, and then since they missed a day of the challenge, then throw in the towel altogether. At the end, everyone will be "so close" to finishing, they will have to tackle those scraps.

For my scraps, I bought a big box of page protectors, and then I have a page protector for each color or patterned paper. If the Patterned paper is from a line, instead of just a random sheet, I keep multiple patterns in the same page page protector. I started out putting the pages in binders, but I quickly ran out of binder space, so I also have two old Priority Mail boxes full of page protectors.

My scraps are another reason I need to stop swapping, and start scrapping. Each swap group seems to generate 2-3 page protectors of scraps. And because of making mats, I can't complete a swap just with scraps. But making pages I can see many uses for my scraps, and so I need to thin the scraps out. I used all scraps for when I made my Grandma's cards and it felt great!
I'm working the weekend so I'll have to play catch up on Tuesday. I have all my stamps in rubbermaid shoebox type containers in the closet, but I'd like to weed them out and get rid of the ones I don't want anymore. That is true in general - my LSS is having a yard sale at the end of the month and I want to unload a ton of stuff.

As far as what will be my biggest challenge beside paper? Brads, eyelets, buttons and other small embellishements. They are put away right now, but they are not organized. Sitting down and making some kind of order will definitely take more than a day. That is always the thing that I put off until last when I do organize my room because it's so daunting so it never gets done. That and the 2 or 3 boxes of "stuff" that has no other home and stumps me every time.
Stamps! Done! ;)
I actually found some I bought, that now are I'm giving them to the kids I watch for them to use... Then I made sure my drawer was labelled w/ what I have in that drawer... I've got about 3 "thanks" stamps so if anyone needs one..let me know...
Day 4 is already done.. don't have much of it..but what I do have is all in cases & in a nice little stack! :) Woo hoo!!! I think I'll collect all my paper because I have about 3 stacks going!!!! :)
Stamps are almost done. We had company today so I didnt get it all done.
However my CM consultant is having a scrapping swap meet and I am getting rid of alot of stamps. I just dont use them. So there's no point in keeping them.
Ive saved a few sets that I do use.

I have an odd question and dont know where else to post this.
When I start a swap or a section of a trip, say DHS and dinner at CRT, I gather everything up that I will be working with and then when Im finished I still keep all of the "leftovers" in the same bag. Does anyone else do this?
I think this may be a form of "Kitting"? But maybe not. I have found that I have gone back to that particular bag when Ive needed something.
I have alot of bags and was also wondering what would be the best way to store them. I was thinking of just getting one of those Rubbermaid tubs but would something else work better?
Thank you. BTW, thanks for posting pics. Getting some good ideas.
I am behind and hung up on what to do with my cricut. I am still in search of a cart or something to keep it mobile. In the meantime my stamps were well used during the holidays and are all mixed up. I will try to catch up tomorrow! I can't wait to have a fully organized space back together again. (My stickles and things, however, are finished)
Day 4: Chalks, Inks & Embossing Powders/Supplies

Today was pretty much the same as yesterday for me. I had most of my inks in an 8x11 drawer, shared with glue dots. But day after Thanksgiving Archiver's had packages of 2 inks for $2, so I outgrew the space. I moved the inks to the drawer above my stamps. Inside the drawer, are two small tins. I repurposed these from my DH's game collection as well. Inside them, are my small inks, the ones that are about 1"x1". After, I took the picture, I found my single thing of chalks, and put them in the same drawer.

I also Googled dried out ink pads, and found out that Ranger makes something called "Perfect Ink Refresher" that will bring dried out ink pads back to life. I might have to check that out, since I have a couple that seem to be on their last legs.

Ideas for swaps and embellishments organising wouldbe good - especially if they can be done without buying something to store them in :blush:
And storing plastic bags swaps come out of - I hate to thrwo them when they are pristine, but they can get a bit messy
I have an odd question and dont know where else to post this.
When I start a swap or a section of a trip, say DHS and dinner at CRT, I gather everything up that I will be working with and then when Im finished I still keep all of the "leftovers" in the same bag. Does anyone else do this?
I think this may be a form of "Kitting"? But maybe not. I have found that I have gone back to that particular bag when Ive needed something.
I have alot of bags and was also wondering what would be the best way to store them. I was thinking of just getting one of those Rubbermaid tubs but would something else work better?
Thank you. BTW, thanks for posting pics. Getting some good ideas.

AR, I do the same thing when I am finished with a swap. All of the scraps end up in a 2 gallon baggie. I have been using the scraps when I keep them this way! Mine are all in a file folder box until I can find something better.
Day 1:
Stickles and glitter


after: my new spinny thing



I see that you have those Studio G glitter glues - how do those compare to Stickles? I was looking at a couple of bottles yesterday and thought a few looked cool. But didn't buy them because worried they might not be good.

Paper scraps are currently Day 34, although if I add more things it may slide down further.

For my scraps, I bought a big box of page protectors, and then I have a page protector for each color or patterned paper. If the Patterned paper is from a line, instead of just a random sheet, I keep multiple patterns in the same page page protector. I started out putting the pages in binders, but I quickly ran out of binder space, so I also have two old Priority Mail boxes full of page protectors.

My scraps are another reason I need to stop swapping, and start scrapping. Each swap group seems to generate 2-3 page protectors of scraps. And because of making mats, I can't complete a swap just with scraps. But making pages I can see many uses for my scraps, and so I need to thin the scraps out. I used all scraps for when I made my Grandma's cards and it felt great!

Thanks! I guess I didn't look all the way down. If you have your scraps in a binder or a box, do you actually remember what you have? Because you can't see them outright - like if you use the Cropper Hopper for your paper. That's my concern - that I don't know what scraps I have unless I go get them out. And then, why bother? It's just easier to get fresh paper.

Many of us must have scrap paper from these swaps that are not getting used. Maybe we can increase the number of swaps that use scraps - like just general Surprise Swaps - not just Disney ones - that way we can use all our scraps. I have LOTS of paper that isn't really Disney-ish enough for a swap, so I just store it for now.

:rotfl2: I sent all my scraps to Mickster. :rotfl2:

:lmao: :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Hhhhmmm... who can I send my scraps to?

Ideas for swaps and embellishments organising wouldbe good - especially if they can be done without buying something to store them in :blush:
And storing plastic bags swaps come out of - I hate to thrwo them when they are pristine, but they can get a bit messy

Swaps should be stored in your scrapbook silly! :rotfl2: Nah, just kidding, I store mine in protective sleeves in binders - which I am running out of shelf space with all the binders, so I still have some in the boxes they were sent in. So I hear yah!

When I have moved the swaps from the bags to the protective sleeves in the binders, I organized the bags into the various sizes and then put them neatly all into one of the flat rate mailing boxes. I have the box on the shelf with my binders. And I'm really good about reusing the bags. I haven't had to buy more bags for all the swaps I've been in lately because I reuse what I have. That's a good reason to continue in swaps - so I can use what bags I have and get more back!!! :lmao:
Day 4: Done. :thumbsup2 I have my chalks in the box with my wood stamps. I just don't have a nice place for my ink pads yet. But they are together and neatly stacked. No embossing powders for me. :sad1:
I've already shown my embossing stuff. It's all put away.

I also put all my pages that I've been making and stacking away in their appropriate albums. :woohoo:


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