May Monthly Challenge: rlovew is the winner!

I am finally on the board this month with 21 pages. Did a small 8 1/2 X 8 1/2 album for my youngest DS
I got 4 pages done yesterday for me. I pre-made a 7x7 album for my mom for our trip in Oct. for Mother's Day and made some cards too, which is why my day's worth of scrapping was so low on the productivity level. Oh Well.:confused3
4 for me yesterday - doing Dh's relatives is slooooooow!
I finished 11 tonight, which means that I should be at 35 for the month. Definitely won't finish this trip before we leave, but that's ok. I'm still going to plug away tomorrow if I can, otherwise this will be it for the month for me. :earsgirl: :mickeybar

I got the list updated. Sorry that I am so pokey about it this month, but I've been running around like a crazy woman the past couple of weeks. Hopefully next week will calm down.

Yesterday was my first free day in a while so I was able to get 21 pages completed. Yay!

Let me know if I need to correct any totals.

:cheer2: You are all doing a great job! :cheer2:
I can't believe it took this long, but I finally did some scrapping this month. A grand total of 2 pages, haha.
2 more digital ones for me. I'm hoping to find time to work on some paper layouts this weekend.
16 finished from the last several days. And... :woohoo: I completed the Disney album from our 2007 trip!(which BTW had a grand total of 80, yes 80, pages!!)
was able to find a bit of time here and there this week and I made my goal of 10 pages for the month :woohoo: but that will be all, things are going to be extremely busy for the rest of the month :eek:


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