Who's going - CKC Manchester?

Yep never saw that place and it definately saounds better than the floor option. I'm thinking we should try that if it is agreable to the rest of the group.

Actually you were all coming into the floor I was at the end of the second row and saw the shirts. I told mom and my other 2 friends I think that's a dis group. Mom being from Boston loved the shirts. Within in a 1/2 hour of seeing your group Lisa and I started playing phone tag.
that you did. :lmao::lmao:

It must have been the cafe on the park that's the only other thing listed besides JD's on the web site.
That sounds right. I remember that there were a few words in the name on the sign at the entrance.
I Love JD's Tavern food, but I don't have a lot of confidence in their ability to handle a big group. A table for 8 was enough of a challenge for them last year. I'd be surprised if they took reservations (even more surprised if they kept them accurately!)

That Cafe on the Park is only open for breakfast at normal times - during conventions it opens for overflow. It might be a better bet for walkup if reservations aren't taken.
It is between the show floor entrance area and where the classrooms kinda start (farther down towards the lobby than that JDs or whatever that other restaurant is called). It is bordered all around by a half-wall with ferns on top. It was surprisingly quiet (except for us!) - we felt bad for the folks who made do with lunch from the show floor - this was so much nicer for less money. It has lots of tables and we could easily have tables pushed together for a large group, no problem. You probably DID see us last year at lunch - we were all in our Mafia shirts! We had dinner at that JDs Pub (or whatever!) and all really liked that, too.

That sounds like a good option - much less effort than bringing dishes to share. Although last year at Hartford, I mostly ate out of the cooler because there weren't many options.
I'm planning on packing a cooler. Mom and I aren't huge breakfast or dinner people. I put in an email to the Raddisson asking if the Cafe would be open that weekend let's see if I hear from them.;)
Ok - for those who have done this before...

does CKC keep adding to their class lists up until registration?

I don't see Queen and Co listed as an exhibitor OR as teaching any classes for the Manchester CKC. But, they are listed (as both) for Louisville (at the end of February). They were the classes we enjoyed the most last year!

Fingers crossed more things get added for Manchester!!!
Pam I must have looked right before they posted them so I was so surprised to come home to the email for the thread. I know i was in my email till 4. Oh well now I have bed time reading. I almost flipped out the one class I wanted the most is at a totally different day and time, but it's at least there.
Hopefully someone will know the answer to your question.

I'm putting L to bed and probably won't be far behind.

I can't wait now hopefully they don't open registration early that day. and they don't fill up in the 20 mins it takes me to get home.
Anyone care to share tips for that process with me? I've never done that.
Yay! Can't wait to pore over the class list.

Ok - for those who have done this before...

does CKC keep adding to their class lists up until registration?

I don't see Queen and Co listed as an exhibitor OR as teaching any classes for the Manchester CKC. But, they are listed (as both) for Louisville (at the end of February). They were the classes we enjoyed the most last year!

Fingers crossed more things get added for Manchester!!!

The majority of classes are listed now, but be careful - sometimes they switch times and things before registration actually opens. You will almost always see a handful of classes added at a later date - it is worth it to keep checking back. (But I see that Queen and Co is teaching the same class from last year's Manchester at those other CKCs - maybe they didn't come up with a new design this year.:confused3)

I can't wait now hopefully they don't open registration early that day. and they don't fill up in the 20 mins it takes me to get home.
Anyone care to share tips for that process with me? I've never done that.

They won't open it up early - the time is usually accurate. (Although last year they sent out an email allowing past CKC registrants to register a day early). Last year a friend was kind enough to register for me as I was on vacation so I can't comment on last year, but in years past, I do know that some classes go FAST. The Lickety Split Disney class will fill up FAST. (People from this board alone will likely take up a good chunk of the slots.) Fast as in, you should really by by your computer as close to 1 pm as possible. I have gotten shut out of classes in the past while registering within the first hour. But it should be a small number that go that fast - most classes will be fine.
Last year I also got the email and registered a day early and got all of the classes I wanted for myself as well as the two other friends I registered.

And, yes, it does seem like the change things up a bit as well as add stuff as it gets closer.
Thanks for the info on checking back - I'll do that!

Also, who has beans to spill on the Fri night/Sat night CKC crops? Anyone do them? Fun?

We just did the classes and show floor last year and were at an off-site hotel. This year, i'm leaning towards also trying one or both of the crops out, since we're in the Radisson. At least one other Mafia member...ahem...isn't so keen on the crops...and would prefer to spend the evenings knocking back drinkiepoos....:tongue: with her peeps. (Not the underage kid, so don't worry!)
We've never done any of the crops but I'm not sure how I feel about cropping after a day of classes and shopping ... I believe that they put 4 people to a round table so it's a little tight on space.
Thanks, Ryan -

Maybe, as Z2H suggests, we could have a Radisson-Room crop and have our own yummy refreshments on hand, too... We'll see!
Mom and I also wondered about the crops. We had thought about the thurs night one but would be open to a room crop on fri night we are leaving on sat pm so no crop that night for us. Maybe we could link reservations and get rooms next too each other. Pam if you want to i'll pm you the info cause it's under mom's name.

Still looking at classes I'm not happy that the bulk of the ones I want are on sat so I'm trying to figure how to work it so I still see a bunch of you that come up for the day.
Spent an hour or so drooling over classes with two friends today. We're only there for Friday so choices are much more limited. There seems to be less variety this year, and a lot more GIRLY choices.
YAY for me!!! No classes but Disney and that's on Friday so I'm not spending any money. :woohoo::woohoo:

Oh, I think you'll be spending your fair share at the vendor faire! That's why I like the classes - they keep me out of that dangerous room!!

Having said that, I haven't gotten really excited about any of the classes yet. I think my choices will depend more on what others are taking - it's funner when you're not alone. It does seem that I'm more interested in ones on Saturday though. Those that know me will be shocked that I'm probably going to skip the Quick Quotes classes this year - nothing is really calling out to me.

I'm up for anything on Friday night, but a room get-together/crop might be more fun than the organized ones. I know I'm probably not going to want to bring even more "stuff" with me from home to work on pages and it's kind of a steep price to just work on finishing class projects.

I think we should definitely look into linking the rooms to try to be near each other. We did that for CKC Hartford and it worked out well.

Is anyone thinking of doing any of the Thursday daytime activities? Originally I thought I'd be going up Friday morning but it turned out I got my vacation for that week so I may go up Thursday and stay with family (wouldn't be able to do the Thursday crop as I'd need to be visiting.)


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