Universal Studios Chat: Volume 5

I've posted on the renamed one. Hopefully, more people will like to play now.....if you are happy with what I said?:wave:
yep. No problem Selina. :) That's what I was trying to say anyway!!

Anyway, there is an actual chance I may get to go to Universal on October 11!!!! I'm wanting to meet Sea Hag and her hubby...but...my dad has been comlaining that we have "no more money" for these trips (I think we're skipping Christmas this year...:p), so my mom had said "no" about October 11 when I asked her yesterday. :( :(

BUT...today, I was talking to my mom about Homecoming. We were talking about how I might go...but how it will be expensive...$150 for a dress....$50 for makeup...$50 for shoes...$10 for the ticket...etc etc.

She asked when the dance was and I said, "October 11...but I don't have to go....in one condition....*insert evil grin here*" My mom smiles back at this comment and seems somewhat relieved now (guess she likes the idea of going to Universal again better than spending nearly $300 for a dance!! LOL). So, she tells me I have to see how Dad reacts...see if he'll let us go, knowing we'll be saving him quite a bit of dinero.

So, it's not positive, but thanks to the Homecoming dance, I may get to go a week from tomorrow after all!! That would be great!! :tongue:
Good morning fly fly.......hope you managed to get a few hours sleep:hyper: ........have a lovely day, hope the weather is sunny this time and you get to see all the GB shows!!! Give my bw to SPH and wife too.:wave:
Thanks Selina!
Well, this trip was PERFECT. Absolutely made up for last weekend. Blue skies with quite a few clouds to keep it from being too sunny out. Still really hot and humid though. No rain at all!

Well, I did MIB a couple times and I am now being recognized over there too!!! lol. One employee said I looked familiar and there is this other guy in the loading area that I have seen quite a few times...and I always go on MIB first thing in the morning for a few rides. I'm always there with my neon yellow seat cushion and camera bag. He recognized me too and after my 4th ride this morning he asked, "Is this your favorite ride??"

Isn't it obvious? :teeth:

I rode 5 times this morning (record amount in one day...for recent trips...used to go on many times more) and was teased by another employee. It was great.

Then went over towards IOA to get the mug for Kirstin's Mommy and the lines were so backed up, it was insane. I was getting bored and my mom offered to get the mug for me and I could go back to Universal (So, SpideyHulk...I came SO close to going to IOA...I haven't been there since...August...9 I think???).

Before the first GB Show, an employee walks up to me and shakes my hand. It was Notatourist!!! (Nice meeting you!!!)

Saw 2 Ghostbuster Shows then ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe. My mom and I then came back and met SpideyHulk and his wife at the stage of the Ghostbusters Show. They are really nice!!! :) I got a couple pictures with them (but, decided I won't post them....sorry!!!!!) and they stayed to watch the show with us. LOL SpideyHulk's wife liked the guys...I asked her if she wanted a picture with them and she said, "Oh yeah!!" :p :p I think I found my new best friend! LOL!!!

Anyway, cc1954 said "hi" to us as well! That was really neat! Didn't get to talk long though.

I am definitely getting recognized by the Ghostbusters. I make sure to say "Hi" to one guy I see every trip (usually plays Guy in Cowboy hat, but today was fill in for guy in green...a total shocker, but he was VERY good at the part!!!) and the guy in red complimented me on my website; he had seen it!!! I didn't tell him about it either, so SOMEBODY is talking. :) :)

The guy in red's comment was the last thing I heard before we left the Studios to visit family in Lakeland on the way home. What a way to end the day! ;)

The guy in orange wasn't Selina's favorite but it was the adorable guy who looks really young...looks like 18 or 19. Didn't recognize the guy in the cowboy hat. My mom thought he was pretty nice-looking but he needed to ease into the part a bit more...doesn't look very comfortable up there yet, whereas the guy in orange has REALLY improved since I saw him a couple weeks ago.

That's all for now. :)
Glad you had the "perfect" trip this time Clare! I'm glad you got to meet up with Spidey and his wife, thats great! I hope they are having a wonderful time.:)
I met Notatourist back in March, loved her personality! :jester:
You had lots of meets today, good deal!::yes::

When do you go back? :crazy: ;)
I didn't get to talk to Notatourist long because she had to work, but it was really nice to meet her. :)

Anyway, I'm still working on next Saturday. I'm going crazy because I think my mom is changing her mind again! :rolleyes: So I wouldn't get to go to Homecoming nor Universal, and then right when she considers Homecoming I explain I don't want to go to Homecoming and want to go to Universal and she says she can't afford it and I tell her Homecoming is more expensive anyway...it's a never ending cycle, I swear! :p :p BUT, if it doesn't work out this Saturday, I'm definitely going back for October 17!!!!

And I want to go to HHN (I want to see the Bill and Ted Show and ride the rides at night. Forget the haunted houses...lol). I'd go on October 19 and go to the meet up but it's a Sunday night!!! :( Is anyone going on a different date???
Okay well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for next week! But at least you have the week after and your B-Day after that! Not too shabby!! :)
Hey FF, if you want to go to HHN, how about we do it on the 17th? It'll be a busy night, but it can be done. You got to do at least one haunted house! :)
Hello Fly fly....I am so glad you had such a lovely day yesterday and you enjoyed meeting Spidey and others. I understand that you want to keep pics private with you and Spidey and his wife - sometimes things are too special!

.....and what a scoop with the ghostbusters! I think it's brilliant that they are recognising your devotion fly fly. Looking forward to seeing some of your new pics.

...so you "nearly" made it to IOA....when I come over I hope you will come round IOA with me as it is my favourite park ;) - though my fave ride is MIB like you and inbetween we'll watch all the GB shows!! Hope to talk again later.....:wave:
Hey Barry! My mom had asked my dad about going to HHN on the 17th and so they are considering that (big shocker...they hate Halloween, but know I want to see the Bill & Ted show......lol)! And do a haunted house?? Hmmm...how about I watch you try Infestation? ;)

Selina - thanks! I'm so embarrassed how they are all recognizing me! lol! I think I need to work more on my website :p :p I need to fix some links that are now broken, and add lots more pictures! GUYS! I am going to have over 150 photos for the Ghostbusters Show!!!!!

Now I should probably add more of the parks themselves, right? Might not be a bad idea...

And guess what! I was talking to my dad this morning and was telling him how bummed I was about next Saturday with no way to make any money for another trip. See, my dad is the main one my mom and I were worried about when it came to Universal trips. We thought he'd get upset and tell us "no" but when I was talking to him he said, "We'll see what we can figure out...we'll talk more about it with Mom." So, it's still not for sure, but maybe....but then watch, my MOM is going to be the party pooper this time!! :p :p

good meeting you. Had an interesting day myself, so seeing you in the beginning of it was really a treat. Hope the shows went well...
Hope the shows went well...

The fact they "went" at all was enough to make up for last Saturday. :) But they were great. Sometimes I wonder if the guys occassionally change ONE thing in the show every once in a while to throw the regulars off. This one girl I have seen a few times before was there and a couple things happened we had to laugh because they never did it before...but of course the other people in the audience wouldn't know...
Having a break.........!! ;) It's great that they do!! You never know fly fly........!;) I think your mon and dad are wonderful - really I think on the whole they are very supportive - you are so lucky to have that. anyway...guess i'm going backk to the game now hee hee.........
Yep :) The RPG is hysterical so far...OMG! I hope more people join in because it's just too funny!!! :p

Anyway, I'm trying to figure out what I'll say to the guys if I ever get the chance. Right now it takes me guts to just wave "hi" to them. Isn't that messed up?? I still get nervous that I become a pest....I don't know why, because they always smiles when they see me and/or wave...but still........
Believe me fly fly...I'm sure they'll be feeling really honoured. You have "advertised" that show for them!! Lots of people may have side stepped the show for a few more rides etc., but now I should think most "disers" will go to at least one!!!:D Even Spidey went.... and left IOA!!!! :p
LOL true, Selina!! :p

But, there is at least one girl the Ghostbusters think is a HUGE pest...employees have said that whenever they see her, they (at least want to) run the opposite direction...

Also, there was this lady at Universal and OMG she got on my nerves...she was so grumpy! She had a son with her who was maybe 8 or 9 years old and they got to the Ghostbusters Show about 30 minutes early and sat right next to my things. I walked over and she asked if I wanted her to save my spot. I told her not to worry about it because I was staying.

Two girls come over and ask me to save them a spot. The lady leans over to her son and says (what sounded like) "I'm not letting them move us over!!!!" Of course I wasn't going to make her move! She was there first!!

Well, the two girls said they were going to hook the one girl's sister up with a hot guy, etc. Then they left. Trying to make conversation, I ask the lady if she had seen the show before. She replied, "Yeah, like everyone else. It's just a bunch of gay guys dancing. A bunch of GAY GUYS." Her tone was extremely rude and unpleasant. She then continued to say how girls (like the two girls that just left) annoy her and how she dislikes them. This lady looked like she was easily in her 30s. She talked to her son and on her cell phone and was very negative with every conversation...she sounded like being at Universal AGAIN was torture. Her son didn't have the slightest smile on his face...of course, how could he enjoy a trip when his mother is being so negative?? She didn't once look like she was enjoying the show.

Funny thing is, she was talking to one of the guys after the show. Obviously she didn't go up to him and say "The show sucks and you are all gay" because the guy was smiling when she talked to him. ***??? And what bugged me about the whole "gay" thing was she was saying that someone told her they were all gay (don't know who...didn't hear...I think she was talking to her son at that point). So, not only does she "assume" they are all gay...she KNOWS.

And believe me, they are NOT all gay...a couple are, but not all of them. :rolleyes:

Of course, I didn't say anything to her but the lady needs to grow up...

Oh and another thing, I noticed her glaring at me at one point from the corner of her eye...lol it was creepy...
Jealous!!! That's what she was.....poor kid too.

As far as they gay thing goes........hey, if they are gay...isn't it fun trying to change their mind??!!!!! puckerup: ;)


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