The Fridge Swap that will never die thread!!! ;-)

I was done with this nonsense...but I can't let this one go. YOU may not have taken something that belonged to us, but you're keeping it! It's pretty much the same thing.

I've offered to turn my entire swap over to that my swappers will have a fridge after you...or if that's not acceptable, I've asked that you swap the fridge to my next swapper after you so that you have it, but turn it over when you're done...both of these would make me & the majority of my swap happy, and not put anyone in your remaining swap out, but you refuse. Why?

Your name is on the fridge. You have photos of it proving it's yours. Report it stolen. Let the authorities deal with whoever has it... surely they will.
I've been avoiding posting...because this thread has gotten absolutely ridiculous. But yes, I am working with Pennymom, who is a swapper from the other group, and we will get you your fridge back. I did this for a number of reasons, but not because of anything Avonlady has said, but in SPITE of it. I only contacted Pennymom because she had the gall to dare to write something reasonable, rational, and relevant - unlike many here.
The abject nastiness of some of the posts here is terrible. It's amazing how the anonymity of the internet can bring out the worst in people. Christa has taken abuse that is wholly undeserved. She cannot control what her swappers do! In fact, she did the only thing she CAN do to really fix this mess, and that is end her swap.

What Pennymom and I are planning is between us...and I won't communicate it here, but suffice it to say that after her the "un-POP-ular" swap *should* have it's fridge back. (I can't control whether it is actually there or not when I get there.)

So, Please, can we all just agree to:

I personally will never post another message on this thread. And will never participate in another fridge swap either.

Thank you Christa for all your efforts, I am sorry it had to end this way. If I am able to get your original fridge back, I will shoot it full of holes and push it into hourglass lake, where it will be a fitting warning to all those future participants that consider participating in a fridge swap. (I kid - I don't own a gun!)


Just to bring it up for all the posters after this post.

Yep, it looks as tho the other swap IS getting their fridge back so all is well with the world.

Well said!!!

As for Cinrell - I've never claimed to have the fridge, do you have difficulty reading english? :sad2: It's not even my swap. I just wanted use of A FRIDGE during my vacation. Unreal! And really why should you care whats transpiring on this board - you're not even on the swap list! LOL, why not MYOFB!

Let the authorities deal with it? LOL :rotfl:
I'm sure the police want to get involved and spend unnecessary hours tracking down a fridge being swapped for FREE from one Disneyworld fan to another. Get your serial numbers together gang!!! While your at it, get the serial number too of that missing coffee maker - which I'm sure i'll be accused of stealing too!!!


Disneyadore - glad about the knee - sorry about the C .. God Bless! Be well - I totally agree.

Gosh, is my iggy list getting longggggg :dance3:
Just to bring it up for all the posters after this post.

Yep, it looks as tho the other swap IS getting their fridge back so all is well with the world.

My goodness!

If Skier Pete wants people to focus on other "facts" then perhaps he should avoid huge letters ordering people around...distracts from his other message, KWIM? ;)

Not that it matters. I have no idea if Skier Pete and Pennymom are actually working it out or not, but that's irrelevant to my posting. I'm just amazed that people could justify, repeatedly, why they'd keep a fridge that wasn't theirs and then be so OUTRAGED at being called out on it. I mean bizarre is that. And, I wanted to comment on it, so I did. :) It's a discussion board. :thumbsup2

And, since what I saw of the situation, with Avonlady making a huge amount of sense, and "the other side" not (see previous paragraph), the comment by Skier Pete about working it out IN SPITE OF what Avonlady posted, was...well, sort of irksome, as was the DEMAND (geez, there's that demanding again) to stop posting on this thread. It's like an invitation to post. :laughing:

This isn't my issue...I don't "get" swapping as it is, but I don't need to be a part of it to find the whole thing rather interesting, just as I don't have to be personally involved in a ton of other topics IRL I choose to get involved with on the DIS. So, honestly, until I find out how it all ends up, I'm thinking that Skier Pete and parkersmomma DEMANDING that I and others stop posting doesn't figure into my decision to post or not. Sorry! (georgette...Skier Pete and parkersmomma said not to post to this thread anymore. Big letters.)

Let it go? I'm not holding on to anything. :) Just following the story. :confused3 (Panties aren't in a wad either. ;))
HAHAHA :) okay okay - Maybe I didn't see it, it wasn't big enough .. I will have to refrain from posting :)
My goodness!

If Skier Pete wants people to focus on other "facts" then perhaps he should avoid huge letters ordering people around...distracts from his other message, KWIM? ;)

Not that it matters. I have no idea if Skier Pete and Pennymom are actually working it out or not, but that's irrelevant to my posting. I'm just amazed that people could justify, repeatedly, why they'd keep a fridge that wasn't theirs and then be so OUTRAGED at being called out on it. I mean bizarre is that. And, I wanted to comment on it, so I did. :) It's a discussion board. :thumbsup2

And, since what I saw of the situation, with Avonlady making a huge amount of sense, and "the other side" not (see previous paragraph), the comment by Skier Pete about working it out IN SPITE OF what Avonlady posted, was...well, sort of irksome, as was the DEMAND (geez, there's that demanding again) to stop posting on this thread. It's like an invitation to post. :laughing:

This isn't my issue...I don't "get" swapping as it is, but I don't need to be a part of it to find the whole thing rather interesting, just as I don't have to be personally involved in a ton of other topics IRL I choose to get involved with on the DIS. So, honestly, until I find out how it all ends up, I'm thinking that Skier Pete and parkersmomma DEMANDING that I and others stop posting doesn't figure into my decision to post or not. Sorry! (georgette...Skier Pete and parkersmomma said not to post to this thread anymore. Big letters.)

Let it go? I'm not holding on to anything. :) Just following the story. :confused3 (Panties aren't in a wad either. ;))

You aren't obeying their orders very well.:lmao: Maybe if they made the font bigger you would do what you are told, young lady.;)
And I agree, this thread is nothing if not entertaining.popcorn::
georgette and christa you should be ASHAMED!!! You keep saying it's over it's done drop it... because YOU have the fridge.

A fridge clearly ID'd as not yours.

So... you have a 94 mustang with 20,000 miles on it.. never saw salt.. top of the line with your name embroidered on the matts. Someone else parks their 94 mustang, 100,000 miles on it, rusty in spots and a strange smell coming from the upholstry. The valet guy accidentally takes YOUR car and gives it to the other person.

But heck. It's still a mustang. Same year. YOU GOT A CAR!! so drop it!!!

Seriously?? SERIOUSLY!??!?!?!?!??!?

And in the process you they lost the motorcycle your mustang was trailing (coffee maker).

You people are awful for thinking this is ok and for whining "but *I* want a friiiidge on my triiiiip"

Well I want a ride in your mustang that my friend took. Maybe I'll drive it through a nice salty snow stormy road while I have it. What does it matter? I have it now.. you already HAVE another mustang. What's the difference!?

Yeah 2 fridges but not necessarily the same.

Well., what I want to know is, what happened to the fridge from this swap? If someone from the other swap lost it, who would be responsible for replacing it?

I think they should totally get rid of swaps. I feel bad for the CM's at POP who have to deal with this. I hope the swappers tip them nicely.
Not that it matters. I have no idea if Skier Pete and Pennymom are actually working it out or not, but that's irrelevant to my posting. I'm just amazed that people could justify, repeatedly, why they'd keep a fridge that wasn't theirs and then be so OUTRAGED at being called out on it. I mean bizarre is that. And, I wanted to comment on it, so I did. :) It's a discussion board. :thumbsup2

And, since what I saw of the situation, with Avonlady making a huge amount of sense, and "the other side" not (see previous paragraph), the comment by Skier Pete about working it out IN SPITE OF what Avonlady posted, was...well, sort of irksome, as was the DEMAND (geez, there's that demanding again) to stop posting on this thread. It's like an invitation to post. :laughing:

The translation the order to stop posting is please let this thread die a quick quiet death so no-one else notices what a sleazy thing we are doing

So, honestly, until I find out how it all ends up, I'm thinking that Skier Pete and parkersmomma DEMANDING that I and others stop posting doesn't figure into my decision to post or not. Sorry! (georgette...Skier Pete and parkersmomma said not to post to this thread anymore. Big letters.)

I love that Skier Pete is so bent over Avonlady suggesting that he not be able to have this fridge to use on his vacation - but he is going to take the high road and return it...after he is done with it - he has PLANNED to have one afterall :rotfl2:

I still just can't over the outrage over someone wanting their possessions back :lmao:
The entertainment value here is priceless :laughing:

I hope ge0rgette2 doesn't tell me to MYOFB now :sad1:
For cripes sake! All this over a fridge?

You all are acting like children! No what this swap did was not right but coming in here and making a big stink over it is immature. Take it to PM's and deal with it like adults. Sheesh!
My goodness!

If Skier Pete wants people to focus on other "facts" then perhaps he should avoid huge letters ordering people around...distracts from his other message, KWIM? ;)

Not that it matters. I have no idea if Skier Pete and Pennymom are actually working it out or not, but that's irrelevant to my posting. I'm just amazed that people could justify, repeatedly, why they'd keep a fridge that wasn't theirs and then be so OUTRAGED at being called out on it. I mean bizarre is that. And, I wanted to comment on it, so I did. :) It's a discussion board. :thumbsup2

And, since what I saw of the situation, with Avonlady making a huge amount of sense, and "the other side" not (see previous paragraph), the comment by Skier Pete about working it out IN SPITE OF what Avonlady posted, was...well, sort of irksome, as was the DEMAND (geez, there's that demanding again) to stop posting on this thread. It's like an invitation to post. :laughing:

This isn't my issue...I don't "get" swapping as it is, but I don't need to be a part of it to find the whole thing rather interesting, just as I don't have to be personally involved in a ton of other topics IRL I choose to get involved with on the DIS. So, honestly, until I find out how it all ends up, I'm thinking that Skier Pete and parkersmomma DEMANDING that I and others stop posting doesn't figure into my decision to post or not. Sorry! (georgette...Skier Pete and parkersmomma said not to post to this thread anymore. Big letters.)

Let it go? I'm not holding on to anything. :) Just following the story. :confused3 (Panties aren't in a wad either. ;))

Demanding.....Geeez and I even said please. :) Demanding that someone quit posting.....nope, just to let it go even with a please. I just thought it was important that all the posters after Skier Pete notice he/she said they were working with the swapper from the other swap to hand over the kidnapped fridge without a ransom. Actually, I thought it was BIG of those two to just go about their business and do what they felt was matter what EITHER swap leader thinks. The he said/she said isn't important as long as Skier Pete and Pennymom are content with the what they are planning. All will be well at that point.

Seriously, there has been talk of the law getting involved, kidnapping the fridge from POP LS, mud slinging, accusations, name calling, etc...over a fridge??? Personally, I think it is big of two mere swappers to take matters into their own hands...forget BOTH leaders and future leaders...and do what is right. The swap leader of this swap stated she has basically washed her hands of this swap and Skeir Pete could have just used the fridge and let it set in the room for mousekeeping to dispose of when he/she left. But she/he chose to do what is right and he/she didn't even blow her/his own horn. It was first told by someone else.

I guess I think credit should be given where it is due and that is with the two swappers who are swapping out of the goodness of their hearts. Being the bigger person in all of this mess.

Though I'll admit, I LOVED the idea of shooting holes in it and dropping it into Hourglass lake. That was FUNNY!
With the amount of threads on this board asking if this or that is ethical, yet people think that keeping something that does not belong to them is OK?

A fridge clearly ID'd as not yours.

You one but POP actually has a fridge (unless someone is actually there right now). And even if skier and penny get together and get the fridge back with the right people, there's NO saying that POP will give it to the right people again.

I don't really think people are being fair to swap participants who actually do not have possession of anything, and obviously the leaders have no control over the participants (big ol' thing of "this dude said" and "that dude said" with the bit about getting the fridge "back" to the right swap).

I'm really sorry to add to the thread, but that's been bothering me.
I hope ge0rgette2 doesn't tell me to MYOFB now :sad1:

Nah!!! I won't do that - you weren't attacking me or my character over an appliance! :banana:

I don't really think people are being fair to swap participants who actually do not have possession of anything, and obviously the leaders have no control over the participants (big ol' thing of "this dude said" and "that dude said" with the bit about getting the fridge "back" to the right swap).

I'm really sorry to add to the thread, but that's been bothering me.

:thumbsup2 SO very well said!!!!:yay:
You one but POP actually has a fridge (unless someone is actually there right now). And even if skier and penny get together and get the fridge back with the right people, there's NO saying that POP will give it to the right people again.

It looks like the true owners of the fridge who paid for it have someone signed up who is there right now that is supposed to have it
I am sure she planned to have a fridge too, and it has impacted her to not have one. Ironically though it appears to be sitting in LS waiting for Skier Pete who will *still* not give it to the people who should have it, he will wait until his vacation is over to hand off.

Again, if Skier Pete had any morals, he would get there, pick up the fridge and immediately give it to the correct swapper, and try to find his swaps fridge through LS. Whether he is successful or not is moot - and not the other swaps problem

It doesn't matter what LS did in the past, or may or may not do in the future, it has been clearly proven that the people that own this do not have possession, and the people that do, refuse to return it ASAP.

It's just not right. :sad2:
It looks like the true owners of the fridge who paid for it have someone signed up who is there right now that is supposed to have it
I am sure she planned to have a fridge too, and it has impacted her to not have one. Ironically though it appears to be sitting in LS waiting for Skier Pete who will *still* not give it to the people who should have it, he will wait until his vacation is over to hand off.

Again, if Skier Pete had any morals, he would get there, pick up the fridge and immediately give it to the correct swapper, and try to find his swaps fridge through LS. Whether he is successful or not is moot - and not the other swaps problem

It doesn't matter what LS did in the past, or may or may not do in the future, it has been clearly proven that the people that own this do not have possession, and the people that do, refuse to return it ASAP.

It's just not right. :sad2:

Sorry but this thread isn't as entertaining as the pot stirrers seem to think it is. It's annoying that it keeps popping to the top and as impossible to look away from as a train wreck!

So now inquiring minds want to know.......

What about this swaps fridge? The other swap lost that one. So where is the replacement for it? The holding it hostage thing is a bit much for a simple dorm fridge but seriously, where is the accountability for this swap's fridge? If one swap lost their fridge then figured they just go get 'their' original fridge back, well that's not on the up and up at all. Just replace the lost fridge and keep the 'hostage' fridge as a back up.

And if that fridge is in LS right this second then the swapper at POP right this second could take themselves down to LS and get that fridge. Seriously people it's not that hard or complicated. Walk to luggage services, ask for the fridge, tell them what the box looks like, take the fridge and go to your room. Voila! Unbelievable fridge drama solved. :rolleyes:
The translation the order to stop posting is please let this thread die a quick quiet death so no-one else notices what a sleazy thing we are doing

I love that Skier Pete is so bent over Avonlady suggesting that he not be able to have this fridge to use on his vacation - but he is going to take the high road and return it...after he is done with it - he has PLANNED to have one afterall :rotfl2:

I still just can't over the outrage over someone wanting their possessions back :lmao:
The entertainment value here is priceless :laughing:

I hope ge0rgette2 doesn't tell me to MYOFB now :sad1:

You know what...when you know nothing you should shut your yap.

I am giving Pennymom the fridge back - and I am not getting one unless we manage to find ours. I didn't say this because I was didn't want to come across like I thought I was some kind of martyr....but this really pisses me off. I am doing the *right* thing, according to what everyone is saying, yet I am still getting persecuted. I reached out to Pennymom, and said I was willing to give her the fridge back...if she would help me look for my fridge. At first, I was concerned only for the swapper after me...not myself. Once Georgette dropped out, I immediately told Pennymom she could have her fridge back. I've got no guarantees I'm getting a fridge at all, and I am wasting precious time responding to the bulls**t on this thread.

I am tempering the language I want to use in this thread, but I want to cuss up and down 7 ways to Sunday, because I can't beleive your people's attitude. I had NO control over what happened before me, just like I had NO control over Avonlady losing her fridge. And it sure as hell is none of your business what I do when you weren't even involved.

That's why I had the gall to suggest everyone give it a rest. In two days, they'll have their fridge back. So how about about giving it all a rest. Because now that you are all done proving your can't have much left to say.
You know what...when you know nothing you should shut your yap.

bulls**t on this thread.

I am tempering the language I want to use in this thread,

Because now that you are all done proving your can't have much left to say.
Well, between the orders to stop posting on this thread, the personal attacks, and so obviously attempting to bypass the filter (not doing such a great job of tempering the language ;)), you keep giving people more to say. So much for other people'signorance.
This is my second and last post on this thread. I find it horrifying to see all of the nastiness that is coming out in people over a refrigerator. I signed up for a fridge swap and though it was a wonderful way for complete strangers to work together, help each other and save a few dollars to put towards something else during their vacation. Had I known it would ever come to this, I never would have chosen to participate in something that lowers anyone to this level. I avoided it in high school and will continue to do so.

Kudos to skier_pete who did the right thing. He contacted me days ago to offer the fridge, and we will also try to find the missing one...together. And then we will be done with all of this high-school drama. Kudos also to everyone who has been reading all these posts and keeping their opinions to themselves.

A refrigerator really isn't worth the cruel words, horrible attitudes and mean-spirited comments that have been flying hard and fast around here. Come on, people, there are major issues and problems in the world and people dying in wars right now. Before you post anything else on this thread, take a minute to think about if this is really worth continuing. Why don't you try taking all the time and energy you'd use getting angry over a fridge and writing nasty comments and spend some time finding something GOOD to do with it instead.

Happy holidays to all of you.
This is my second and last post on this thread. I find it horrifying to see all of the nastiness that is coming out in people over a refrigerator. I signed up for a fridge swap and though it was a wonderful way for complete strangers to work together, help each other and save a few dollars to put towards something else during their vacation. Had I known it would ever come to this, I never would have chosen to participate in something that lowers anyone to this level. I avoided it in high school and will continue to do so.

Kudos to skier_pete who did the right thing. He contacted me days ago to offer the fridge, and we will also try to find the missing one...together. And then we will be done with all of this high-school drama. Kudos also to everyone who has been reading all these posts and keeping their opinions to themselves.

A refrigerator really isn't worth the cruel words, horrible attitudes and mean-spirited comments that have been flying hard and fast around here. Come on, people, there are major issues and problems in the world and people dying in wars right now. Before you post anything else on this thread, take a minute to think about if this is really worth continuing. Why don't you try taking all the time and energy you'd use getting angry over a fridge and writing nasty comments and spend some time finding something GOOD to do with it instead.

Happy holidays to all of you.
I couldn't agree with you more about the nastiness. The "MODS--Close this thread" drew me in and the nastiness towards Avonlady was the trainwreck that kept me checking back.

*I* was never angry over a fridge. As I and others have posted, it's an entertaining thread, in a "you've got to be kidding me" kind of way.

However, *I* and others also saw a person...Avonlady...being attacked over her attempts to get her swap back on track after another group had taken over the fridge, and then said other group got indignant at her attempts. :confused3

One of my personal favorite types of posts on the DIS over the years has been the calls to close the thread right after that person has had his/her say. Or, as seen on this thread...Here's my you let it go. Or "before you post anything else on this thread take a minute to think about if this is really worth continuing" translate, "what I say is worth it (since you just posted), but what you say isn't." And "kudos also to everyone who has been reading these posts and kept their opinions to themselves"...which you chose not to do. :confused3

People are dying in only post about things as "important" as that? :confused3 What, anywhere on the DIS, is as important as people dying in wars? get your anger out (on your LAST post on this thread) with an admonishment of others' anger. :confused3 In all of the posts I read, from the point where it became about this issue, IMHO some of the worst of it has come from Skier Pete. I'd hardly hold him up as a mediation role model with what he spewed on this thread, whether or not the result is the return of the fridge to its rightful "owners".

Is this my last post on this thread? Eh. :confused3 :laughing: DH gets home from his business trip tomorrow night, so maybe I'll have some other entertainment. :)

You have yourself a nice holiday too, k? :) G'nite. :wave:


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