The Fridge Swap that will never die thread!!! ;-)

Avon lady--
Well, Lets go tit for tat. You seem to enjoy it?
Mean where: Well, you called people theives and liers. You said that our swapper did not contact yours and we said they did, are following me now?

You claim Christa cant hack it? She also has been running hers for 2 YEARS not 8 months.

Oh and you claimed I am unmoral- Well I have not used the fridge in over a year, so check facts before you try to tear someone down.

I am wondering were you also using someone elses fridge as well, seeing as how you had one, while we "may" have had yours? It was ok then though, because you had a fridge?????? With someone elses name on it as well, no doubt. Pot calling kettle black much?

Quoting Avonlady" "I have invested a LOT of time & energy (and money) into this swap since I started it. Unless you've led a swap from the ground up, you can't really understand the emotions behind it. It is not an easy job organizing & keeping a swap going."
So did Christa who you called a hack..... Hence the mean comment, and saying she bailed!

Quoting Avon Lady: "I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point."
Exactly. Our swappers want a fridge too. Anyway possible is fine, just like you said!

Quoting Avon Lady from HER thread: Their swap leader quit & it's been taken over by another leader. She is aware it's ours & doesn't seem to care. It's personal now...
ITS PERSONAL NOW-- Wow sounds like a threat. Classy, really classy!

As for your anger being unfounded, true maybe, but still there are bigger things in life right? Disboards should just end all of these swaps. This right here is why.
Avon lady--
Well, Lets go tit for tat. You seem to enjoy it?
Mean where: Well, you called people theives and liers. You said that our swapper did not contact yours and we said they did, are following me now?

You claim Christa cant hack it? She also has been running hers for 2 YEARS not 8 months.

Oh and you claimed I am unmoral- Well I have not used the fridge in over a year, so check facts before you try to tear someone down.

I am wondering were you also using someone elses fridge as well, seeing as how you had one, while we "may" have had yours? It was ok then though, because you had a fridge?????? With someone elses name on it as well, no doubt. Pot calling kettle black much?

Quoting Avonlady" "I have invested a LOT of time & energy (and money) into this swap since I started it. Unless you've led a swap from the ground up, you can't really understand the emotions behind it. It is not an easy job organizing & keeping a swap going." So did Christa who called you a hack..... Hence the mean comment, and saying she bailed!

I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point.

As for your anger being unfounded, true maybe, but still there are bigger things in life right? Disboards should just end all of these swaps. This right here is why.

Look, I have PM's from Christa stating she couldn't get in contact with her swapper down there at the time. If he wasn't responding to her, he sure as hell wasn't responding to my guy...and PM's from mine stating he left several messages for this guy w/ no response. Her word against mine...but I have proof. That really isn't the issue. That's in the past...the swap didn't happen. End of story. Doesn't matter whose fault it is...but it stands to reason that just because that one didn't happen doesn't mean you keep the fridge forever. You try again to give it back...why is that not happening???

The fridge we were using had NO name on it when got has disappeared.

There is no you "may" have ours...your swapper who is there right now confirmed that you do. The fridge we had may have been yours...but it had no name, as is gone now, so we'll never know.

It really doesn't matter. None of this does...all that matters is that your swappers have been using a fridge that you KNOW isn't yours, and you know who it belongs to. That should be enough for you to turn it over...but no. You are ok w/ using someone else's's not as though you can't find the rightful owner...I'M RIGHT HERE!!

I could care less about the name calling...I don't believe I said you were theives...I said you were using a stolen fridge. I never said you were liars...just that it didn't happen that way. Semantics, maybe. But I didn't call names...I'm not a kindergartener.

The bottom line is this: Your swap is ending after Georgette...why won't she agree to give it back after she uses it? What's going to happen to it? She and you'd rather it rot in luggage services than give it back because you don't like that I've had to resort to these measures? I've tried to play nice...and I have the PM's to prove it. All the communication between Christa & me are very nice, on both ends...until Georgette took over and I found out you still had it. I thought it had disappeared again when I stopped hearing back from Christa. I never imagined you'd all keep swapping it.

I can't understand why all this anger is directed at me?? How would you all feel if you knew another swap had your fridge, leaving all your swappers in a lurch, and wouldn't give it back? Bet you wouldn't like it either...and you'd want your swap leader to do all it took to get it back. That's all I'm doing.

I'll be taking it up with Pop Century from here on out...which may or may not get anywhere...but it's worth a shot. Unless, of course, Georgette agrees to swap it back.

Georgette...please PM me for the info of our swapper after you if you decide to swap it back after your trip...or let me know & I'll transfer all my swappers to you for 2010 & you can take over both swaps. All I want is for my swappers to be able to use the fridge we paid for...I don't care who is leading the swap.
Aww why not quote this part as well?

Quoting Avon Lady: "I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point."
Exactly. Our swappers want a fridge too. Anyway possible is fine, just like you said!

Quoting Avon Lady from HER thread: Their swap leader quit & it's been taken over by another leader. She is aware it's ours & doesn't seem to care. It's personal now...
ITS PERSONAL NOW-- Wow sounds like a threat. Classy, really classy.... ( but remember you are not a kindergartener??)
Aww why not quote this part as well?

Quoting Avon Lady: "I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point."
Exactly. Our swappers want a fridge too. Anyway possible is fine, just like you said!

Quoting Avon Lady from HER thread: Their swap leader quit & it's been taken over by another leader. She is aware it's ours & doesn't seem to care. It's personal now...
ITS PERSONAL NOW-- Wow sounds like a threat. Classy, really classy.... ( but remember you are not a kindergartener??)

Any way possible does NOT include taking someone elses or screwing over Disers...

Why are you even commenting? You are not on the list of swappers left on this thread?? No one is threatening to take anything from you. Your swappers have a fridge, even if it is ours. I'm proposing to get it back after Georgette uses it. That still makes me a bad person, doesn't it? That's after your swap is have no swappers listed after why not give it back after? Then every one of your swappers has used it, and we get it back. I'm unclear why this is an unacceptable plan? It should make everyone happy (except my December swappers, that is) why isn't it?

And everything I posted is true...Georgette does know & she doesn't care. I'm not making up stories or posting untruths.

And yes, it is personal. Sorry, but it is. There's nothing kindergarten about it.
I am one of the next swappers in the Under-Pop-ulated swap and chipped in to buy the fridge when the swap started. This is my first time ever participating in a swap, and I can't say I'm very impressed with anything that has been going on.

If ANY of our children lost something in school with their name on it (let's say a book for example), and it was found to be in the possession of someone else, the teacher and children would be expected to rectify the situation immediately. Even if the child with someone else's book had lost their own, he/she would of course be expected to give it back immediately to the correct owner. Is there anyone reading this who disagrees that this is what would happen at any school? Wouldn't the teacher make the child be honest, admit what had been done, and give it back? Why should it be any different with a fridge?

I truly do not understand how adults who are living and working in the real world are arguing over "It's mine!" "No, it's mine, I had it first!" "She called me a name!" "Did not!" "Did, too!" like a bunch of children!

Just as in school, everyone should return anything that has someone else's name on it. I am really sorry that anyone's fridge was lost, but let's act like adults and not like children. No name-calling necessary on either side.

Originally, I thought swaps were a great idea and assumed everyone would play fair, but I think this is the first and last swap I ever want to have anything to do with.
Aww why not quote this part as well?

Quoting Avon Lady: "I just want my swappers to have their fridge...any way that is possible is fine with me at this point."
Exactly. Our swappers want a fridge too. Anyway possible is fine, just like you said!

Quoting Avon Lady from HER thread: Their swap leader quit & it's been taken over by another leader. She is aware it's ours & doesn't seem to care. It's personal now...
ITS PERSONAL NOW-- Wow sounds like a threat. Classy, really classy.... ( but remember you are not a kindergartener??)

Sounds like you need to grow up!
Hmmph- Who needs to grow up? Certaintly not me? I stopped posting. Why don't you stay on your own thread??? Also, it Says this thread and swap is DEAD so no need to post. IT ENDS HERE. THE NAME CALLING AND HARRASMENT. IT IS OVER- USE your own thread to be nasty, we don't want it here. Thank you--- and have magical day.

Yours Truly,
Hmmph- Who needs to grow up? Certaintly not me? I stopped posting. Why don't you stay on your own thread??? Also, it Says this thread and swap is DEAD so no need to post. IT ENDS HERE. THE NAME CALLING AND HARRASMENT. IT IS OVER- USE your own thread to be nasty, we don't want it here. Thank you--- and have magical day.

Yours Truly,

I think I can voice my opinion on any thread I want too.
I'm glad to hear this thread is dead.from what I read it needs to be.
and from what I have read it seems that you have been doing most of the harassing and name calling!
And as far as having a magical day thank you I am.
You do the same.
Wow! I was accused of being not a good DIS'er but it seems that there are a lot of others out there. There are a select few that don't know what had transpired and reading the posts does not shed light on the real story and are acting childish.

Things can clearly be taken out of context when we read them in print. We are supposed to be grown adults - some are not acting it.

Just my 2 cents...
:confused3 . . . . Seriously. . . . Let it go.

I think I can voice my opinion on any thread I want too.
I'm glad to hear this thread is dead.from what I read it needs to be.
and from what I have read it seems that you have been doing most of the harassing and name calling!
And as far as having a magical day thank you I am.
You do the same.
:confused3 . . . . Seriously. . . . Let it go.

Hey I'm just saying I can voice my opinion on any thread I want too. Just like everyone else!
she has no right to treat Avonlady1001 that way or anyone else. she was just trying to get back what belongs to her!
so don't tell me to let it go I really don't give a s*** !!!
Wow! I was accused of being not a good DIS'er but it seems that there are a lot of others out there. There are a select few that don't know what had transpired and reading the posts does not shed light on the real story and are acting childish.

Things can clearly be taken out of context when we read them in print. We are supposed to be grown adults - some are not acting it.

Just my 2 cents...
well maybe someone will take something that belongs to you one day. then maybe you will see what it feels like.
and now you have my 2 cents.
I never took anything that belonged to you. I put my name on a fridge swap - end of story. If you have a beef with someone taking your fridge, give a call to Luggage Services or call Disney and complain.

You must have nothing else better to do but to start throwing accusations around in forums.. I feel sorry for you. Must be a really horrible to be miserable.

well maybe someone will take something that belongs to you one day. then maybe you will see what it feels like.
and now you have my 2 cents.
I never took anything that belonged to you. I put my name on a fridge swap - end of story. If you have a beef with someone taking your fridge, give a call to Luggage Services or call Disney and complain.

You must have nothing else better to do but to start throwing accusations around in forums.. I feel sorry for you. Must be a really horrible to be miserable.

Hey I never said you took anything from me!
And im far from miserable.
well maybe someone will take something that belongs to you one day. then maybe you will see what it feels like.
and now you have my 2 cents.

Hmm - you quoted what I said, so you implied that I took something belonging to you.. I'm glad you aren't miserable - it's not the way to go thru life.

I'm so glad that they have ignore functions in here ;)
I never took anything that belonged to you. I put my name on a fridge swap - end of story. If you have a beef with someone taking your fridge, give a call to Luggage Services or call Disney and complain.

You must have nothing else better to do but to start throwing accusations around in forums.. I feel sorry for you. Must be a really horrible to be miserable.

I was done with this nonsense...but I can't let this one go. YOU may not have taken something that belonged to us, but you're keeping it! It's pretty much the same thing.

I've offered to turn my entire swap over to that my swappers will have a fridge after you...or if that's not acceptable, I've asked that you swap the fridge to my next swapper after you so that you have it, but turn it over when you're done...both of these would make me & the majority of my swap happy, and not put anyone in your remaining swap out, but you refuse. Why?
Hmm - you quoted what I said, so you implied that I took something belonging to you.. I'm glad you aren't miserable - it's not the way to go thru life.

I'm so glad that they have ignore functions in here ;)

Before I go..... you didnt take it from me personally.
You took it from the other swap.... and I'm sorry but I feel sorry for all of them!
When You have something that you know don't belong to you and refuse to return it that my friend is stealing!
And hey thanks for the heads up on the ignore function :rotfl:
Well, All I did is sign up - I don't have the fridge in my possession - never did and never will - I could see if I had it in my hands and still kept passing it on... so go and bark up someone else's tree... :lmao:

Before I go..... you didnt take it from me personally.
You took it from the other swap.... and I'm sorry but I feel sorry for all of them!
When You have something that you know don't belong to you and refuse to return it that my friend is stealing!
And hey thanks for the heads up on the ignore function :rotfl:


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