Something About Nothing ... #12

Yep, Wednesday again...........

Christmas is so close now!!! I think I`m organized......:rolleyes1

Just have a few things to get for DH......need to set off on my own for an hour or so.....although we are classing our NY trip next year as our Christmas gift this year, we still have to get a few things to open on the day all DS gifts bought and wrapped.

Today is go to wine merchant day.........and few other little bits and pieces.......

Have a great day everyone.........and Lynne.......happy travels!!!!
:dancer:T minus zero, and counting. Need to finish up working, then hoping Older One can take Little One out of school before I come home. DH said to have the car packed to go by the time he comes home. Hopefully I won't hit much lunchtime traffic. He gets to ride a train. Then the road trip to the airport. Here's hoping we're in between the rush hours. Squeal. Tonight, Orlando.

But no less it is Wednesday, and while I enjoyed Schumi's minion Good Morning and the other 2 minions as well, Wednesday means Hump Day. Hello Keisha!


Yes, the camel is in Christmas spirit, so for those keeping track of the week day work week, it's Wednesday, get over the hump of a day, and it's Friday.

So, enjoy shopping Kohlby and Schumi. Wine and errands. Sigh. We had to do some errands last night. Little one drove. Much more crowded Tuesday then usual. Saw some pretty aggressive drivers. Little One called them dumb. Yeah, either way, defensive driving please. I think my gray hair is now while from teaching 2 teens to drive. :car:

:cold: 0 degrees Agave? That is cold. Thankfully, at home, Christmas most likely will be wet, but rain not snow, as the temps are to be too warm for snow.

With that, I need tea. And the hours to fly by. ::yes::

:rockband: :music:
Not a fan of peanut of the club lounge staff gave us desserts early one night as we never make dessert was a chocolate peanut butter thing.........nope, not for us.........

My housemate, who is also from England, hates peanut butter. I know I am basing this on two people, but is it a cultural thing? Is there a big market for peanut butter in England?
Happy Hump Day!!!

@Lynne G YAY! I'd be jealous, but I have too much stuff going on right now to be excited about. My time is coming (again... watch it's a blizzard that cancels my trip this time!) I hope you have a great time and look forward to reading about your vacation! Do you use cream and sugar in your tea? I do and I sometimes get strange looks from people.

@Charade67 Sounds like you're having a nice relaxing time. Congrats on the financing! (Which I can't believe you applied for while on vacation!!! :) )

@kohlby When I lived in California, I had season passes for Disneyland. I did New Year's Eve once.. and that was enough. It was FREEZING (in So Cal, no less) and the crowds were unbearable. The only cool thing is that I have a fastpass for Space Mountain for 1:30 AM somewhere in my mementos. I learned pretty quickly when not to go to Disneyland to avoid crowds. Holidays and Cheerleader days were big time "no visits"!

@agavegirl1 A few years ago I had 4 herniated discs in my lower back.. While they're basically better now, all of this standing for my retail part time job over the past few weeks is taking a toll on this again body :) I have no problems walking, it's more standing around in one spot that kills me. One of the reasons I get express passes to every park I go to. Besides the fact that I am impatient and hate long lines, stand too long waiting aggravates my lower back and kills my day.
My housemate, who is also from England, hates peanut butter. I know I am basing this on two people, but is it a cultural thing? Is there a big market for peanut butter in England?

Not cultural, just one of those things you either like or you don't.

Yep, plenty of folks like it.

  • The atomic number of argon
  • In the periodic table, Group 18, contains the noble gases
  • The Hebrew word for "life" is חי (chai), which has a numerical value of 18. Consequently, the custom has arisen in Jewish circles to give donations and monetary gifts in multiples of 18 as an expression of blessing for long life.
  • Joseph Heller's Catch-22 was originally titled Catch-18 because of the Hebrew meaning of the number 18
  • In most countries, 18 is the age of majority and the minimum age to vote
  • James Joyce's novel. Ulysses, has 18 chapters
  • In Chinese mythos, hell has 18 levels
  • The most common tractor trailers have 18 wheels
  • One of the hottest selling video games this holiday season is FIFA 18
  • There are 18 holes in regulation golf
Which leads back to mini-golf, of which I previously stated, I will be playing at City Walk on my vacation 18 days from now!

I hope I didn't sound ignorant... :)

Of course you didn't sound ignorant!!! :hug:

It was a reasonable question.......I knew what you meant, some things are very different between our countries.......I see pumpkin pie and yams as very American based food......not so much over here.......mores the em :D
Good morning. Didn’t make early entry today. We stayed out too late last night. Not sure what we will do today. I know we have to go back to HP. B decided to buy an interactive wand the other night.

Schumi - we ended up back at Jake’s again last night. Dh and B hadn’t eaten at the water park, so they were starving. They split a pizza and said it was excellent. Blizzards?? Dh says he would like to go to England one year for his birthday. I’m not so sure about that. His birthday is December 24. I think I’d rather visit sometime when it’s warmer.

Kohlby - they both loved Volcano Bay. Dh wasn’t certain at first, but once he got there he really enjoyed it.

Lynne - Safe travels.

Chuckers - I know it’s a little weird to apply for financing while on vacation, but we wanted to make sure to have it done so we could go car shopping when we got back. We didn’t do it before we left because we were waiting for our credit card payment to clear first.

Okay, time to get ready to face the parks again.
ONE WEEK! least 12 hours have passed since my last "Reservations Edit"! I can't believe how discombobulated I've become. Trip is still not 100% guaranteed to launch, but rooms are booked, (changed, rebooked, etc.), flight ressies made...(ditto with the changes...), and even snagged a few FPs and TS spots. :snooty: I'd say 90 Percentile.
Grabbed a few days at Hard Rock at AP Rate yesterday after trying a billion times. (USO website really stinkx!)
For my Orlando pre-game warmup of dealing with madness, I'm headed down to South TX tomorrow to do some "Minor Repairs" at the Parental Unit's Homestead. That'll be fun. :rolleyes2
Who else will be there after Christmas?
LG...? Leaving TONIGHT! Are y'all gonna pull one of those "Schumi G Trips....stay a month-or-three?
Chuckster...Sounds like you'll be wheels down about the time we're cleared for takeoff!

A 100 Gottas...Gotta finish some jobs here. Gotta get security system fixed. Again. Gotta go visit with the nice folks with "construction company". (HaHa...What a joke.) THEN...Gotta go pack...err..throw stuff in the truck. :car: (I want a truck animated thingamajig)

Chuckers, usually drink my tea and coffee with nothing added to it. Sometimes I put sugar in both, and cream in my coffee when it's not very good coffee. Only put cream in my tea when was in England and once at a local tea shop. Not my favorite way to drink tea.

Buckeev, nope, not quite as long as Schumi. 11 days, so we will be there after Christmas. We like to end the year with Harry and enjoy RPR after visiting the mouse for Christmas. Hope your pre-game warmup has quick repairs. Truck toys. We've seen minions, antlers, Christmas balls, tinsel, and greens on cars and trucks.

Thanks for all the safe travel thoughts.

Charade, yep after a late night, late morning is always appreciated. Little one got an interactive wave a couple of years ago when they were last there. I don't know if she will bring it or not. We're happy to get to meet you and B tomorrow. We will try to meet up earlier in the morning. Warned the kids we are getting up early, as we arrive at the airport right after dinner. I'll get in touch with you tonight.

4 entries on my list crossed out. HeHe, Older one just called. His bathing suit smells like a pool, and well, some other stuff needs washing. Told him he'd better get to the washer fast. And, he forgot that his luggage was locked, and luckily I had another key for it, since he didn't know where his key was. I didn't get a call back, so I assume he found my key, and is packing what isn't in the wash.

T minus 6 hours. Keep good luck coming.

Hey, where's the sun? Shoo clouds.
Lynne - Happy travels!!

Chuckers - How do you like their minigolf? That's another thing we have yet to do. As for crowds, I was in Universal on December 30th last year and it was beyond what I'd call bad crowds. I couldn't even walk. It was a shuffle even far outside the HP areas. I learned my lesson and figure it can't be nearly that bad when I stop in tomorrow of Friday to pick up some things. I've done the week between Christmas and New Year's three times in Universal/Disney - but that was '98, '99, and '00 so those crazy crowds were quite different than crazy crowds now. My best Universal Day ever was New Year's Eve 1999.

Schumi - I don't understand Pumpkin everything. Are you saying you don't have lots of pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice everything over there? I am not a fan of pumpkin.

Charade - With express, we found we made the early hour less and less. It was a good time to use the interactive wand though.
Chuckers - How do you like their minigolf? That's another thing we have yet to do. As for crowds, I was in Universal on December 30th last year and it was beyond what I'd call bad crowds. I couldn't even walk. It was a shuffle even far outside the HP areas. I learned my lesson and figure it can't be nearly that bad when I stop in tomorrow of Friday to pick up some things. I've done the week between Christmas and New Year's three times in Universal/Disney - but that was '98, '99, and '00 so those crazy crowds were quite different than crazy crowds now. My best Universal Day ever was New Year's Eve 1999.

I haven't done their mini golf yet, this is my first real trip to UO, but I have heard good things. I am going when crowds are predicted to be very low during the week! With a slight spike on the weekends. With express pass, I shouldn't have to worry about weekends!
Charade......glad you enjoyed Jake`s......a real favourite of ours.......not sure what weather is on the way right now, but today has been mild and around 52f.....our winters can be a real mix and no way of predicting......

Buckeev.....lovely to see you.......hope trip goes ahead and as planned!!!!

Lynne.......cream in tea?????? Never.....nope, not with tea!!!! Coffee yes, hot chocolate definitely.........and no sugar in either.....although that's just a preference from me, don't think I know anyone who takes sugar in tea or coffee now..........maybe one friend in coffee......we do have sugar in the house. pumpkin isn't common over here as in pies and things......but I love it.

All presents wrapped and put away now........all while watching Indiana Jones movie......

Going out for a very quick early dinner with friend tonight then maybe watch Die Hard.......still have a few Christmas movies to watch, Scrooged, Home Alone 2, Christmas Vacation and Alasdair Sim`s version of a Christmas Carol.....that's probably my favourite version........and Christmas Eve afternoon after all shopping and everything has been organized we watch White Christmas......we are creatures of habit. Already watched Love Actually, Home Alone, The Grinch and Muppet Christmas Carol.......

Off for a cuppa..........
Another go-round for poor mom right after. I posted here arrrgh. Tucked back into her bed shortly after midnight phew.

Teeth cleaned, guess I'm ready to smooze with my ex-in laws on Xmas eve. Maybe a freak snowstorm will save me from that root canal lol. I tell my DS every year, I'm not coming back the next, but hard to say no to my spawn.

Going to now attack Mount Present & try to polish it off. Sick of seeing it piled up in DR! Surprised the pooch hasn't decided to investigate & go the chew toy route. Knock on wood.

I thot uber/lynx pretty much have cut into the taxi cab business in MCO. Did see the Minnie cars bustling around WDW last trip. Greedy mouse wants all the on-property cheese haha

Hey Kfish.........:wave2: Hope you and the little fishes are all ok........

Janet, I adore octopus, calamari and all that if done correctly......Tom claims not to like calamari after trying some that wasn't cooked correctly, ala rubber band......but gnocci is the food of the devil along with trifles of trifles of course before I get admonished!!! leave tomorrow?? We weren't keen on Toothsome either........although it may have been what we ordered.......may give it a try another visit......

Today has been almost tropical here today........almost 50F.......sun is shining and feels very pleasant........

Had a productive morning, delivered all presents to friends and posted some others, and my friends little granddaughter was over the moon to see all the presents Father Christmas had arranged for us to take to her..........I did give her 2 packs of Minion Band Aids that we brought back for her.......her mother said she`d have been happy with those instead of presents as she adores she`ll be happy with her Christmas when she opens them........

Did get some more lights for outside the house......all Ice White LED`S and replaced some of the older ones........DH was thrilled when I told him that........ job he loves Christmas as much as I do.

Will make a nice treat when he`s done.......has a guy helping him too so shouldn't take too long........

Hope all are good on this lovely Tuesday before Christmas...........

Considering taking a trifle on Xmas eve :). Looks easy. Strawberry canned pie mix, white chocolate mousee & crushed sugar cookies topped with whipped cream.

Chocolate/peanut butter poke cake in the running too

Never fond of being the designated dessert person. Would make cheesecake but majority of those cretins don't like it.


  • Is the atomic number of potassium
  • In Stephen King's 8 novel saga, The Dark Tower Series, the number 19 is prominent through out the story and become a very important and powerful key
  • The Bahai calendar is structured such that a year contains 19 months of 19 days each, as well as a 19-year cycle and a 361-year (19x19) supercycle
  • 19 is the name of Adele's debut album in 2008 because she was 19 at the time
  • The game of Go is played on a grid of 19x19 lines
  • 19 is the minimum age to marry in Nebraska
  • The 19th hole in golf is considered to be the clubhouse. In miniature golf, it's often a hole were the golfer could win a prize for a hole in one.

I will be trying the mini-golf courses at Citiwalk during my trip to Universal Orlando in 19 days!!


Dark Tower Shout out! :)

Yep, we leave tomorrow Schumi. Cannot believe it's here so soon. So cute the little grand one likes the minions so much. Kind to give her 2 boxes. Older one is playing Father Christmas for me, as he can drive, so he's making the present deliveries for me.

And oh yes, Schumi and Metro. Hot, Hot, Hot, Lizard weather is just fine with me. Shorts and short sleeve shirts packed.

Ah, the sun is trying so hard to peak out of the clouds. Come on sun, I want to wear my sunglasses and bask in the almost Spring like temps.

Lizard weather has quite the ring to it lol. Safe trip!
Stay Safe Lynn and enjoy your first evening!

Charade, with the internet and all our technology, I sold a vacation in another country from my house in WI. It can be done, if you have international fax capability. I did at the time. Happy car shopping!

Chuckers, thanks for the countdown entertainment once again. I'm guessing you are busier during the holidays? I don't know what it is about standing still that gets me but I do some pretty weird stretching contortions when waiting in lines.

I still have to wrap the last of the things I picked up today for "actual Christmas" and the Christmas Eve make-your-own pizza extravaganza at my brother's house. My big celebration is the first Sunday after New Year's Day every year. I have four kids, six grandkids, 3 sons-in-law and a son's girlfriend who are not helpful and will end up getting various gift cards at this rate.

ETA: Just looked out the window and it is snowing big flakes.
Chuckers, thanks for the countdown entertainment once again. I'm guessing you are busier during the holidays? I don't know what it is about standing still that gets me but I do some pretty weird stretching contortions when waiting in lines.

You're quite welcome, but I am sure many posters are thinking 'Just let him go on the darn vacation already!' and they're just too polite to say it ;)

In July, I am going to take a week and go do Busch Gardens Virginia and King's Dominion. I'll start that count down when I get back from Universal. (JUST KIDDING!)

My second job is at GameStop, so yeah, we're much busier right now. Luckily, tonight is my last night until after Christmas. These days are just so long. I get up at 6 for work and go straight through until 10:30/11 pm. My housemates aren't doing any of the simple things around the place, so when I get home I have to take out the garbage that they can see is over flowing, cut up the recyclables (that they fill up), vacuum, take care of the cats, etc. After the new year starts, I am giving them a move out date. They have to find their own place by the end of May. That gives them 5 months to save up and look.
You're quite welcome, but I am sure many posters are thinking 'Just let him go on the darn vacation already!' and they're just too polite to say it ;)

In July, I am going to take a week and go do Busch Gardens Virginia and King's Dominion. I'll start that count down when I get back from Universal. (JUST KIDDING!)

My second job is at GameStop, so yeah, we're much busier right now. Luckily, tonight is my last night until after Christmas. These days are just so long. I get up at 6 for work and go straight through until 10:30/11 pm. My housemates aren't doing any of the simple things around the place, so when I get home I have to take out the garbage that they can see is over flowing, cut up the recyclables (that they fill up), vacuum, take care of the cats, etc. After the new year starts, I am giving them a move out date. They have to find their own place by the end of May. That gives them 5 months to save up and look.

With that schedule, I'm surprised you can get out of bed in the morning!


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