Something About Nothing ... #12

Is anyone having problems multi quoting or is it just me?

Well the nursery kids party went were so well behaved for the most part, all 50 of them.......did have a war when two little 3 year olds both insisted they had won pass the parcel.........but, they all loved it and had a super time........hard work for the afternoon so a large glass of white wine was waiting for me when I got home!

My niece today sent us a personalised Christmas card with pictures of all of us from last Christmas and my 50th birthday was beautiful and actually made me almost cry........8 different pictures and all lovely.........nicest card ever!

Watched Christmas Vacation that movie!

Not long till bedtime..........
Yep, everyone does there own Christmas their way..........we have one friend who spends the day in bed with her husband.........take out food and movies........not for me, but they work incredibly long hours and just want to relax in bed.......needless to say folks don’t really drop in on them on Christmas Day!

A dole whip may one day tempt me back to wdw............

At epcot you can get a shot of rum in it :)
Okay.. so it seems I am not having luck with vacations.. I am supposed to drive to NY tomorrow and we're being hit with a winter travel advisory warning. From 7am Friday to NOON on Saturday... wheeee... meanwhile, NY is supposed to be in the 40's. I"m not leaving work until 1pm.
Okay.. so it seems I am not having luck with vacations.. I am supposed to drive to NY tomorrow and we're being hit with a winter travel advisory warning. From 7am Friday to NOON on Saturday... wheeee... meanwhile, NY is supposed to be in the 40's. I"m not leaving work until 1pm.

Weather always screws up the best made plans
Don’t know what to tell you but hope you can celebrate Christmas with your sister

Is it possible to greyhound it?

When we lived up North, we never made travel plans from November thru March as weather too unpredictable

Rare occasions I have made travel plains during that time period but always worried about the road travel

Sending you :hug:
Thanks @macraven If I have to leave on Saturday afternoon, I will just wait it out at home. I'm thinking that I'll just have snow to drive through.. the weather supposed to get bad while I am actually in NY. And it should be fine by the time I have to drive home. This is the 3rd year I've driven down.. the first year was a heavy snow storm. I would rather not go, but Christmas is important to her, so I am going.
You can’t disappoint your Sissy
Leave when the streets have been plowed and take it slow

You’ll have a nice time spending Christmas with her!
I really need to get to sleep so just a quick "hi":wave2:. Think a few have trips coming up?. Just finished shopping (thank goodness for fpdirect ship and online ordering). Officially 4 more days of work before NYE in Epcot. Still haven't decided where to stay 1/2-1/4, Coronado opened up for those day with CM discount, but thinking a condo would be easier - DD will need to move stuff out of housing and pack into car, full fridge, laundry..she's worked 48 hour weeks lately (except graduation/celebration week), doing 48 this week and next week and then she's done! How did this "semester" go by so fast?

Will attempt to actually catch up Saturday in car on way to St. Louis. If I'm not sleeping lol!
Oh BTW we decided not to go to Chicago for Christmas. After we go home from Universal last week with me being so sick for so long we decided it would be better to just relax. So we're staying home with no tree, no decorations or anything. But that's okay, a long weekend will be nice.
Seems like a month ago your daughter started the Disney program
Safe travels to Orlando !

Squirlz travel to Chicago during winter is always unpredictable
Staying home and relaxing is not a bad thing

When we lived in Chicago and later moved to two miles south of Wisconsin border, we never made plans to travel during the winter

Only exception I made was flying to Orlando day after New Years
Snow storm came after my flight left
I was lucky
Good morning everyone. I have to get ready to leave today (boo!), but I wanted to give a quick report for Chuckers. The Marvel Superhero dinner - well, unfortunately the food is what is described by my husband as “theme park average”. It wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t really great either. I thought the food at Hollywood and Vine was better.
The service was excellent. They had plenty of staff who were quick to clear trays, get refills, take photos, etc.
The character interaction was also excellent, especially with the small children. You could tell the actors were having just as much fun as the guests.
I hope this helps with your decision. I have to finish packing now.
Chuckers, sorry to hear weather may effect your drive. Yeah, we have been delayed getting home due to weather. 2 days later has been my max thankfully. Blizzard at home day before we ended our cruise.

Cool morning but 80 by afternoon. Overcast at times, but when the sun is out, almost steamy. Shorts and a hat today, as kids are calling me red nose.

Hey, and it is Friday! That means shooting in a video game, riding with Aerosmith, and watching some snips of Star Wars with small fireworks.

Have an awesome Friday homies. Be good, Santa is coming.
I really want to ride Volcano at KD.. that looks cool. I remember Loch Ness at Busch was good, but they don't run two trains at once anymore :( All I know is there will be coasters I have never written, so I'm happy :)
Volcano is cool...we waited in line something like 3-4 hours when it first opened. The launch into the volcano will take your breath away. I really miss Twilight Zone Flight of Fear. That coaster was beyond awesome...BUT...the headrests were terrible and gave lots of people headaches after riding. Don't forget the Hurler...that's a great coaster. I can't remember the last time I went but it's got to be 20 years or so...I've been in Orlando for 14 years this February. Hope you have a great time!
Happy Friday, All!!!

Good morning everyone. I have to get ready to leave today (boo!), but I wanted to give a quick report for Chuckers. The Marvel Superhero dinner - well, unfortunately the food is what is described by my husband as “theme park average”. It wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t really great either. I thought the food at Hollywood and Vine was better.
The service was excellent. They had plenty of staff who were quick to clear trays, get refills, take photos, etc.
The character interaction was also excellent, especially with the small children. You could tell the actors were having just as much fun as the guests.
I hope this helps with your decision. I have to finish packing now.

It does... I can deal with average theme park food... I think the interactions would be great! Thanks Charade! :)

Volcano is cool...we waited in line something like 3-4 hours when it first opened. The launch into the volcano will take your breath away. I really miss Twilight Zone Flight of Fear. That coaster was beyond awesome...BUT...the headrests were terrible and gave lots of people headaches after riding. Don't forget the Hurler...that's a great coaster. I can't remember the last time I went but it's got to be 20 years or so...I've been in Orlando for 14 years this February. Hope you have a great time!

I believe Flight of Fear is also at King's Island in Cinci and I've done that several times! Such an awesome coaster.. halfway through it you don't know which way is up. It's like one big knot of track. My buddy is retired will have military discount passes and will get any FOTL that either Busch or KD have for sale because I hate waiting.

@Lynne G Thanks.. I actually think I'll be fine. They're saying the worst will be later this afternoon and I should be out of the state by then :)

@Squirlz Sometimes a nice quiet holiday is better than the stress of family and friends. I wish I was staying home, but as @macraven said, you can't disappoint sissy :) And If I stayed home, I'd have to deal with the housemates... so there's a plus to actually going away ;)

Hi @Monykalyn !!

  • The atomic number of sulfur.. that stinks!
  • 16 is the minimum age one can leave school in most US states
  • 16 is the legal drinking age in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, and Portugal
  • 16 is the age of majority in Cuba
  • There are 16 pawns in a chess set and each side starts with 16 pieces on the board
  • There are 16 different personality types in the Myers-Briggs classification system
  • In both the NBA and NHL, 16 teams qualify for the respective league playoffs; it is also the number of games (four rounds, best four of seven games) needed to win the title.
  • There are 16 games in the regular season of the NFL
  • 16 is the minimum age to obtain a passport in the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia

I'm glad I don't need a passport to visit the Islands of Adventure in 16 days!!!


On a side note, I am sure many of you will be thankful, but I will probably not be posting count downs until I get home next Wednesday.. so you have relief for days 15, 14, 13, & 12. :)
I did not sleep well last night so have been up for many hours

Thought of shopping for Christmas but decided stores would be packed

Googled Culver’s and started driving
In Nashville now and In Culver’s parking lot

Culver’s opens at 10:30

My watch states it’s 10:50 but the place is not open

I live in est
Nashville is cst

Still worth the wait for a butter burger

When I moved from South Florida to the Chicago area, my trip made me cross the time zone 3 times. I called my sister and said 'I'm an hour younger!!' I crossed it again, called her and said 'Damn, I'm hour older now.' When I crossed it the third time, I called her and stated 'Yay! I'm an hour younger again'. She hung up and wouldn't answer my calls for the rest of the day. I wonder why?
Thanks for the dinner report Charade. Safe travels and was very nice to say hello to you all.

Mac, hope you get a much better sleep tonight.

Schumi, wine and movie. Great combo.

And the crowds are building. We are zagging.


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