Something About Nothing ... #12

Love mid afternoon at airport. Through in less than 15 minutes. Now long wait, but that is fine. So far in schedule, so hoping for no delays here or there.

Snow flakes. Eek Agave. Stay warm. Sounds like quite the large family over the holidays.
With that schedule, I'm surprised you can get out of bed in the morning!

I don't know how I do it right now... but I know that the 2nd job is paying for my one day ticket to WDW. Which still baffles my mind how expensive it is for one day.
Just looked at today’s newspaper and see it is the 20 th

So far did buy artificial tree that came with white lights on it and have it in our living room
Could decorate it if the cats stop climbing in it

Haven’t send out cards yet or food shopped or set up for the holidays

But am thinking about it, kind of

Have been preoccupied on other things and will try to send out cards in the next few days
Or I could address them and be ready for December 2018
Sounds like a plan for me

No turkey planned for the 25th
Mr Mac not a ham person so not sure what to do

At times like that, we just go out to eat
Bad thing here is only McDonald’s is open Christmas Day
....and we did that the past two years

As long as I have beer in the fridge and chocolate chip cookies with pecans for the Mr, he will be happy

I enjoy a stress free holiday!

Lynne, yes.... once at the airport the rush is over
All you need to do is read and wait to board the plane

Safe travels !

Chuckers, kick the deadbeats and their ornery cat out the door
Give them notice now and let the countdown clock begin for them
Tell them February is moving day

Agave, I feel your pain with that weather
It only gets worse once heading into January
If it were me, I would take up drinking to survive the winter there


Chuckers, kick the deadbeats and their ornery cat out the door
Give them notice now and let the countdown clock begin for them
Tell them February is moving day

Well, I, honestly, think February is too soon for them. I know what they're going through. May is a good date and I can deal with it for 5 months. :)
Chuckers, sorry your room mates aren’t pulling their’s not fair when you work such long hours thatvthey don’t help. They have a lot to be grateful for the way you helped them out. Giving them a leaving date sounds like a plan.

Lynne......lovely pictures..........

Mac, I’ve ended up sending cards after all this year.........we still do the charity thing but do cards as couldn’t not to send to some folks.......I like writing them anyway. Although I am just sending some far behind this year........

Thursday..........shortest day of the year today! Winter Solstice.........

This afternoon is my day to volunteer again for the village Christmas party for nurseries.......two hours of a whole load of 3 and 4 year olds hyper for’s always fun! And noisy!!! Love it friends little granddaughter Elise will be there so I love seeing her......I look after her on occasions and she is a delight! She loves minions.......

Have a great Thursday..........:D

Quiet morning at the airport. Letting the kids sleep some.

Schumi, so nice your volunteering. Littles are fun to watch.

Will be saying hello to Charade later this morning.

Feels slightly cool, shorts it is.
Good morning everyone. Today is our last day at Universal. :worried:

I will be meeting Lynne soon, then some park time, super hero dinner, and Blue Man Group.
Good morning everyone. Today is our last day at Universal. :worried:

I will be meeting Lynne soon, then some park time, super hero dinner, and Blue Man Group.

Sounds like a full last day. Yeah, always bittersweet the last day of vacation. Would like to know how dinner is.
Happy Thursday!!! No more second job until the 27th!! I was an hour late for work today... luckily no one knows if I am here or not unless there's something wrong.. and there wasn't!

@schumigirl Thanks for the sympathy :) It's tough when you're set in your ways and used to living alone to suddenly have roommates who are worse housekeepers than yourself! :) I am, by no means, a neat freak. there are days I can give Oscar Madison a run for his money. (For those of you not old enough to get the reference, he was a slob). But I just have a few rules, the most important is "no leaving food on the counters" and they do that ALL the time. Well, it will only be a few more months.. I can push through it ;)

@Lynne G Beautiful pictures! I am excited for you!

@Charade67 is the Superhero Dinner the new offering we talked about a few weeks ago? If so, you have to let me know how it is! :)

@macraven I was talking with my boss at GameStop last night about my roommates - he knows them as well from work - and he said I was being to generous with a May date as well... But I just can't cut it so close.

  • 17 is the sum of the first 4 prime numbers
  • 17 is the atomic number of chlorine
  • Group 17 of the periodic table are the halogens
  • In the UK, 17 is the minimum age for taking driving lessons and to drive a van or car.
  • In the US and Canada, 17 is the minimum age for renting/buying M rated video games. (I have to ask a lot of people for ID at GameStop)
  • In the US, it's also the age to rent/watch R rated movies without parental consent
  • In most of the US, the UK, and Canada, 17 is the minimum age when you can donate blood without parental consent
  • MIT considers 17 to be the least random number because of several studies where people were asked to give a number between 1 and 20 and 17 was the most common answer
  • There are 17 syllables in a haiku
  • Certain species of cicadas have a life cycle of 17 years
  • In France, 17 is the number to call the police
  • Achieved by the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1993, 17 is the longest winning streak in NHL history
  • In the Harry Potter universe, 17 is the coming of ages for wizards

Harry Potter... I can't WAIT to experience Gringotts in Universal Studios in 17 days!!!!!!

On my out for errands, last minute small things to round out gift bags to extended family. So glad it's mild & dry here!

Have fun @ the meet up guys! Pictures are always appreciated.

Mac - everyone celebrates the holidays differently, no right or wrong. Make yourself some new traditions & run with it...even if it's Mickey D's and a red & green Jell-O shot

I don't know how I do it right now... but I know that the 2nd job is paying for my one day ticket to WDW. Which still baffles my mind how expensive it is for one day.

Seriously, their tix prices are insane. U is a close 2nd lately. I got up early this am to shoot & score a freebie MK tix for my middle son today - DVC member event there. Will get him in from 6 pm - 12 am & he can gorge himself on free ice cream &. Whatever else they dole (whips? Ha-not) out.

Nice perk I admit. Happy to again get a free SW tix for him too & their AP discount on Discovery Cove I'll be using this year there. Almost takes the sting out of paying for all the APs lol. I've taken to staggering renewal times, eliminating the mr's SW AP entirely (will rely on AP perk of half price tix)...Even started a fund the last few years as the costs of tix has absolutely skyrocketed.:sad2:Not sure if I'm going to renew both U APs or not. Still have a week tix stockpiled, may just utilize it.

PS since the roomies have stayed past the house-guest phase. Since they are acting like oblivious children, time to treat them thusly. Make a chore list & post it.
I haven't done their mini golf yet, this is my first real trip to UO, but I have heard good things. I am going when crowds are predicted to be very low during the week! With a slight spike on the weekends. With express pass, I shouldn't have to worry about weekends!

You've been here for a while so I forgot that you weren't a regular Universal visitor. How exciting!!
Managed to get in and out of Target in fairly good time this morning. Local kids have their last day of school before break today so my plan of beating the rush worked. Our Target is a poorly designed plaza for traffic flow - there's too much in there. I don't like going into that area on a regular weekend, forget about four days before Christmas. If anyone is looking for summer clothes, I did notice that Target still has bathing suits. So if you're stuck without enough summer clothes on vacation, check out Target. Walmart is all cold weather clothes for some reason. I'll never understand why most stores stop selling warm weather clothes in FL in the winter.

Tomorrow will be a quick trip to Universal to get a few last minute gifts. Not sure if we will do many rides - crowds will likely be an issue. Probably will be able to do single rider MIB at the very least. Then a party at a friend's house for me tomorrow night. Teen hosts D&D tomorrow night at our house so my timing of an escape worked well. Pre-teen daughter even found a friend's house to escape to.
Seriously, their tix prices are insane. U is a close 2nd lately. I got up early this am to shoot & score a freebie MK tix for my middle son today - DVC member event there. Will get him in from 6 pm - 12 am & he can gorge himself on free ice cream &. Whatever else they dole (whips? Ha-not) out.

Nice perk I admit. Happy to again get a free SW tix for him too & their AP discount on Discovery Cove I'll be using this year there. Almost takes the sting out of paying for all the APs lol. I've taken to staggering renewal times, eliminating the mr's SW AP entirely (will rely on AP perk of half price tix)...Even started a fund the last few years as the costs of tix has absolutely skyrocketed.:sad2:Not sure if I'm going to renew both U APs or not. Still have a week tix stockpiled, may just utilize it.

PS since the roomies have stayed past the house-guest phase. Since they are acting like oblivious children, time to treat them thusly. Make a chore list & post it.

Free Dole-whips? I am so there! I love those things! A pineapple vanilla swirl is so refreshing.. it's the only time I really like plain vanilla ice cream. It helps mute some of the sweetness of the pineapple.

Yes, single and two day ticket prices are insane. Disney really wants you to do a 4-5 day trip. I really don't know how a family can afford a vacation there.
As for the roomies, I'm happy they're finally paying some rent on a regular basis. I am going to sit them down after the new year and my vacation and have a little talk with them. I don't need the stress right now. I want to just coast into my vacation and get away. When I come back, I'll probably be in a better frame of mind.

You've been here for a while so I forgot that you weren't a regular Universal visitor. How exciting!!

Yeah, I've been annoying everyone with my count downs for months now.. especially since my first vacation got canceled and I started the counts all over again :) I am very excited because it's a totally new experience for me. I've done Disney so much that while I am excited to go there, it's old hat now. In July, I am going to be seeing my 'brother from another mother' down in Virginia and we're going to do Busch Gardens, VA and King's Dominion. So that's another new experience for me :)
I used to go to KD and Busch quite often when I was younger...since I lived about 2 hours from Williamsburg it was an easy drive. KD used to have some killer rides but lots of them are gone now...same with BG. Drachen Fire and Big Bad Wolf were both awesome...but sadly gone now.
I used to go to KD and Busch quite often when I was younger...since I lived about 2 hours from Williamsburg it was an easy drive. KD used to have some killer rides but lots of them are gone now...same with BG. Drachen Fire and Big Bad Wolf were both awesome...but sadly gone now.

I really want to ride Volcano at KD.. that looks cool. I remember Loch Ness at Busch was good, but they don't run two trains at once anymore :( All I know is there will be coasters I have never written, so I'm happy :)
:wave2: Mac, Chuckers, Kohlby and Keisha. Yeah, after a very nice meet with Charade and her family, Older one was not feeling well. Did you bring your allergy medicine? No, of course not. Run to Target before checking in with the mouse. At least he is feeling better.

Here is his car he thought little one should have:


Hot today. Loving the warm weather.
On my out for errands, last minute small things to round out gift bags to extended family. So glad it's mild & dry here!

Have fun @ the meet up guys! Pictures are always appreciated.

Mac - everyone celebrates the holidays differently, no right or wrong. Make yourself some new traditions & run with it...even if it's Mickey D's and a red & green Jell-O shot

Seriously, their tix prices are insane. U is a close 2nd lately. I got up early this am to shoot & score a freebie MK tix for my middle son today - DVC member event there. Will get him in from 6 pm - 12 am & he can gorge himself on free ice cream &. Whatever else they dole (whips? Ha-not) out.

Nice perk I admit. Happy to again get a free SW tix for him too & their AP discount on Discovery Cove I'll be using this year there. Almost takes the sting out of paying for all the APs lol. I've taken to staggering renewal times, eliminating the mr's SW AP entirely (will rely on AP perk of half price tix)...Even started a fund the last few years as the costs of tix has absolutely skyrocketed.:sad2:Not sure if I'm going to renew both U APs or not. Still have a week tix stockpiled, may just utilize it.

PS since the roomies have stayed past the house-guest phase. Since they are acting like oblivious children, time to treat them thusly. Make a chore list & post it.

Yep, everyone does there own Christmas their way..........we have one friend who spends the day in bed with her husband.........take out food and movies........not for me, but they work incredibly long hours and just want to relax in bed.......needless to say folks don’t really drop in on them on Christmas Day!

A dole whip may one day tempt me back to wdw............


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