~~~Regional Cookbook sent/received thread~~~COMPLETED!!

My package left today :teeth:

and it arrived today! That was really a quick trip!

I got 2 really different and unique books this time!

Texas Morning Glory which has breakfast recipes from different Texas Bed and Breakfast places and I also got The Pepper Springs Cookbook. What really makes these special and unique is that they are smaller in the shape of recipe cards and you can easily prop them up so you can read them as you make the recipes! How handy is that!!!!

She also included a recipe for impossible cheeseburger pie. I use to make impossible dessert type pies and I was so glad to get this recipe because its one that we enjoy, but I never remember to add to my dinner rotation. We have been in a dinner rut lately so this is just what I needed to give me a quick meal!

Thanks again, I can't wait to sit down and really read my books. My DH teases me because I read cookbooks just like you read novels!
So glad they arrived today, and yes I love that unique feature. So much easier to prop up while cooking.
Mine arrived on Monday from Rae Jean (Powelljr)! It was a cool one called Indiana Cooks with recipes from restaurants in Indiana. So many of the recipes have mutiple parts (sauces, toppings, salad dressings) that can be used with the recipe and with other recipes. She also included a Paula Deen Recipe magazine that has lots of scrumptious recipes...none low calorie, I don't think.;) But lots that sound delicious. I love that Paula Deen!


PS: My two exchanges will be going out today.
:yay: for some arrivals :)

We sould hear of some more in a couple of days....a bit of a gap between mailings now.
I got my book today and I am going to package the things up and hopefully get them out in the mail tomorrow! I am excited that my book arrived sooner than I thought it would! I had to order it because it wasn't available in my bookstore and I wanted that particular book since I have it already myself and love it!

I will post again when it is actually in the mail. :cutie:
Mine arrived on Monday from Rae Jean (Powelljr)! It was a cool one called Indiana Cooks with recipes from restaurants in Indiana. So many of the recipes have mutiple parts (sauces, toppings, salad dressings) that can be used with the recipe and with other recipes. She also included a Paula Deen Recipe magazine that has lots of scrumptious recipes...none low calorie, I don't think.;) But lots that sound delicious. I love that Paula Deen!


PS: My two exchanges will be going out today.

I'm glad it arrived! I hope you enjoy the book! It was something different from what I usually send, so I hope that you can use it.
How are we doing on shopping an mailing?
Friday is mail by day and still a LOT of people to get theirs out.

Hope we hear of some more arrivals soon. I love hearing the books people get.
I shopped and packed today... it's scheduled for pick up tomorrow!
Mine's going out west. I hope she likes it!
It arrived today. Thank you so much for the great package. We used to live in Mississippi and this was a real treat. I got:

Best of the best from Mississippi cookbook
Silly Snacks, Classroom treats, & Cookie Dough fun
Kitchen towel, pot holders in spring colors
Mickey Stickers & pen

Thank you again so much for the great stuff.

My package went out today priority mail. Maybe "someone" will have something different for dinner over the weekend. Of course, there's always "red beans and rice" for Monday.
I have finished getting my package together, and it will be heading to it's new home tomorrow!

And when I got home from shopping today, I had a package from clhcpaca! :Pinkbounc When I opened it, I found a pretty blue dish towel wrapped around a bunch of goodies. Cindy sent me the Gilroy Goes Gourmet Cookbook which is put together by the American Association of University Women and includes recipes from Cindy herself! She also sent a silicone spatula (can NEVER have too many of these!), some recipe cards, a Mickey post-it pad, a heart-shaped candle (thankfully it is still temperate here or that could have made a mess! :teeth: ), a package of Folgers Vanilla Biscotti Gourmet coffee (sounds yummy!), an apple pie recipe that includes its own spice pack and a package of Watkins granulated black pepper.

Thanks Cindy! I cannot wait to try some of my new recipes!!!
Hi Meriweather

I guess that I don't need to tell you that I mailed my packages on Sunday. Tax season Is finally ovddf:dance3: Just got to catch up on all the other things :rolleyes1

I have finished getting my package together, and it will be heading to it's new home tomorrow!

And when I got home from shopping today, I had a package from clhcpaca! :Pinkbounc When I opened it, I found a pretty blue dish towel wrapped around a bunch of goodies. Cindy sent me the Gilroy Goes Gourmet Cookbook which is put together by the American Association of University Women and includes recipes from Cindy herself! She also sent a silicone spatula (can NEVER have too many of these!), some recipe cards, a Mickey post-it pad, a heart-shaped candle (thankfully it is still temperate here or that could have made a mess! :teeth: ), a package of Folgers Vanilla Biscotti Gourmet coffee (sounds yummy!), an apple pie recipe that includes its own spice pack and a package of Watkins granulated black pepper.

Thanks Cindy! I cannot wait to try some of my new recipes!!!

Didn't think about the heat and the candle. I have been sent chocolate before and had to put it in the refrigerator before I could open the candy. It was totally liquid.:yay: :yay:

Hi Meriweather

I guess that I don't need to tell you that I mailed my packages on Sunday. Tax season Is finally ovddf:dance3: Just got to catch up on all the other things :rolleyes1


I noticed that you mailed, Cindy ;)
:yay: for tax season being over.
It arrived today. Thank you so much for the great package. We used to live in Mississippi and this was a real treat. I got:

Best of the best from Mississippi cookbook
Silly Snacks, Classroom treats, & Cookie Dough fun
Kitchen towel, pot holders in spring colors
Mickey Stickers & pen

Thank you again so much for the great stuff.

Wow! That got to you fast! I didn't know you lived here before. It's a small world! I'm glad you liked everything.

I haven't forgotten!!:goodvibes

I have everything but a box to mail it in! I thought I had one, til I tried to fit it in last night. Just a minor delay--it will go out sometime today. I'll post again when it does.
I got a package from Barnes and Noble today! It was a Mystic Seafood cookbook! Thanks to Jen! There are some great looking recipes in it!:goodvibes

My package went postal today!:)


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