Online Crop Friday 9/30/11- open

Fabulous pages!

The stories have been great.

When I was about 6 years old we went to MK- my mom and aunt were taking myself, some siblings, and cousins. It was probably Christmas time but the lines were very long. I guess my aunt was scared of riding most anything and so they convinced us what we should ride is this nice little railroad ride. We all got in line and started waiting- it wasn't till we were down to the platform loading area about 30 minutes later that they realized it was a rollar coaster - Yes they had decided to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad as our nice little ride- my mom turned to my aunt and said they would have to take us since we were all excited and had waited so long. I think my aunt screamed in terror for the entire ride while the rest of us had great fun. After that they checked with CMs before getting in line to make sure the ride was what they were expecting.

cute pages!

the astro orbitor in DL is on the ground....have never ridden it at WDW!
never watched the Indy show, sounds like you had fun!

Jim never questioned when I brought new stuff home, knew it made me happy! of course he never knew how much the carts, etc cost :lmao:
Cute pages!!!

My DH brought me home a Michael's gift card tonight :)

nice....another enabler in our midst :goodvibes

It is a tool thing. To him they are tools and equipment. He loves to collect tools. LOL If anyone needs any woodworking or car repairs, I bet we have the right tool. :rotfl2:

Jim had soooooo many car, misc tools....have 6-7 friends come take things and then my brother took the rest from the garage, plus had all the landscaping tools too.

My E2 didn't come with the stylus. :headache:

was it supposed too?

Here's an MK story--on our last trip the girls and I were getting out picture taken in front of the castle and I wanted a picture of us looking at the castle, so the photographer was behind us and he told us to "say cheese" and we did and we started laughing, 'cause of course you couldn't see our faces in the picture. The photopass photographer was laughin hysterically when we turned around!

that is a great idea for a photo, may have to try it when we are there!

Fabulous pages!

The stories have been great.

When I was about 6 years old we went to MK- my mom and aunt were taking myself, some siblings, and cousins. It was probably Christmas time but the lines were very long. I guess my aunt was scared of riding most anything and so they convinced us what we should ride is this nice little railroad ride. We all got in line and started waiting- it wasn't till we were down to the platform loading area about 30 minutes later that they realized it was a rollar coaster - Yes they had decided to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad as our nice little ride- my mom turned to my aunt and said they would have to take us since we were all excited and had waited so long. I think my aunt screamed in terror for the entire ride while the rest of us had great fun. After that they checked with CMs before getting in line to make sure the ride was what they were expecting.


lesson learned for your aunt....that's what happens when you don't plan :lmao:
My E2 didn't come with the stylus. :headache:

Jen, sorry for your frustration. It really steams me when all the pieces aren't included.

So my funny disney memory happens every trip with DH. I am the planner in the family so I have a pretty good idea of where things are in the parks. On our second trip DH and I were having a discussion about where a particular attraction was. He kept insisting it was in MK and I was very insistent that it was in HS. We must have gone on for about 15 minutes when the kids finally piped up with "Dad, you know mom is always right, just let it go." DH and I cracked up.

Just last night I was looking for pics from Epcot, I picked up a stack and said no these are AK. He asked from what trip, I told him from our trip from April. He then proceeded to ask if we went to AK in April, I said yes, he then asked if he had gone with me. I pulled out a few photos of him in the park and told him that I must of went with my other husband.:rotfl:

He is so forgetful about most things, but ask him about cars, woodworking, or tools and he can gab your ear off.

Okay... I'm going to try to remember how to post pics here!

What I've done so far today...


My favorite memory isn't necessarily the funniest, but it makes me smile :)

We're early birds, we tend to take the 6:00 am flight from Boston and get to Florida around 9:30. We're at our resort or a park by noon. Our last trip in November 2008, we did our usual thing and had tickets to the Christmas Party the first night. Morgan was beyond exhausted by the time we got there (as were DH and I), and rather moody about waiting in line to see the fairies. She kept saying things like, "I know Silvermist isn't going to be there, this is a waste of time." (Silvermist is her favorite). We finally got to the front of the line and who was there, Silvermist! She was so tongue-tied and excited. Silvermist asked what her favorite thing about her was and all she could say was "your bubbles." Whenever we talk about that trip, we talk about the Silvermist and her bubbles. ;)
Jen, sorry for your frustration. It really steams me when all the pieces aren't included.

So my funny disney memory happens every trip with DH. I am the planner in the family so I have a pretty good idea of where things are in the parks. On our second trip DH and I were having a discussion about where a particular attraction was. He kept insisting it was in MK and I was very insistent that it was in HS. We must have gone on for about 15 minutes when the kids finally piped up with "Dad, you know mom is always right, just let it go." DH and I cracked up.

Just last night I was looking for pics from Epcot, I picked up a stack and said no these are AK. He asked from what trip, I told him from our trip from April. He then proceeded to ask if we went to AK in April, I said yes, he then asked if he had gone with me. I pulled out a few photos of him in the park and told him that I must of went with my other husband.:rotfl:

He is so forgetful about most things, but ask him about cars, woodworking, or tools and he can gab your ear off.



Okay... I'm going to try to remember how to post pics here!

What I've done so far today...



very cute!

My favorite memory isn't necessarily the funniest, but it makes me smile :)

We're early birds, we tend to take the 6:00 am flight from Boston and get to Florida around 9:30. We're at our resort or a park by noon. Our last trip in November 2008, we did our usual thing and had tickets to the Christmas Party the first night. Morgan was beyond exhausted by the time we got there (as were DH and I), and rather moody about waiting in line to see the fairies. She kept saying things like, "I know Silvermist isn't going to be there, this is a waste of time." (Silvermist is her favorite). We finally got to the front of the line and who was there, Silvermist! She was so tongue-tied and excited. Silvermist asked what her favorite thing about her was and all she could say was "your bubbles." Whenever we talk about that trip, we talk about the Silvermist and her bubbles. ;)

sweet :)
I like all the layouts. It has been so long since I've stuck with it and went through page by page of a crop night.

Bubbles. Although in NJ, the accent could turn that into bubbies. :lmao:
I can't wait to tell her about this trip. She's going to flip out :)

One of her spelling words this week was conspire. I always try to use Disney sentences...This week was "My mom and dad conspired to take me to Disney." Wait until she finds out we really did! :lmao:
I like all the layouts. It has been so long since I've stuck with it and went through page by page of a crop night.

Bubbles. Although in NJ, the accent could turn that into bubbies. :lmao:

We're not from NJ :) It's more like a slow..."bubblesssss..." She could barely speak!
I can't wait to tell her about this trip. She's going to flip out :)

One of her spelling words this week was conspire. I always try to use Disney sentences...This week was "My mom and dad conspired to take me to Disney." Wait until she finds out we really did! :lmao:

Hello, I'm here - just walked in the door. It's 7 here so I still have plenty of evening ahead of me, but right now I am just decompressing...I stopped at Archivers and got everything I needed for my swap pages and that will be what I will be working on tonight!

I'm going to get caught up with what everyone else had to say so far!
Great stories! Great layouts too! This one I am working on isn't coming along as well! My first mistake was trying to use stickers:scared1: I forgot how to use them! Trying to use up my stash!
Here is my submission for the first challenge, I think it qualifies. If not that's okay. My memory to go with this page is: We were walking into Figment and the CM stopped us, asked me when my birthday was. It was actually that day so she started singing Happy Birthday. She has the prettiest voice and I was really tickled that she would sing. It made my day.


Jen, love the sentences!!! She will be so thrilled when she finds out.



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