November Scrapbooking Challenge - Now's the Time To Meet Those Goals!

I did another 6 pages this evening. I am out of adhesive- time to make more glue dots. I think I might have some put away somewhere but I am out of my normal stuff and I am not sure when I will get it. I also found out I was closer to being out of paper than I thought.


Make glue dots? How?
Finally, I'm on the board w/ 5 pages. Only 25 more to go. Yippie. I'm 5 behind for the month. GRRR.

OT, I was in the attic & found my Zyron. I knew I had bought one, but could never find it. Did I mention that I bought it about 5 years ago & have never used it (B/C I couldn't find it). I actually thought I was going a little crazy.
3 more for me.

Thanks for the link Rebecca.

Congrats on your find ilovemickeymost!
You've been busy today ladies! Take a look at the first page for our encouraging results. Also, I appreciate all the smiles we've been getting in this thread. I'm glad I've fostered an air of banter this month. :rotfl:
clean :confused3 scrap

clean :confused3 scrap

:idea: I vote for scrap

I vote for scrap too, but my house votes for clean. Between leaving DH and 2 teens home while I went to WDW for a week and then spending another week doing nothing but scrapping......well, I'm sure you get the picture. I'm really afraid to open the doors to the kids rooms to say nothing of their bathroom:eek:
Please add 2 more done today.
Change CRT to Teppan Edo, postal for MAW and Tags and prototypes done for 3 groups and after dinner hopefully will post them online!:yay:
I vote for scrap too, but my house votes for clean. Between leaving DH and 2 teens home while I went to WDW for a week and then spending another week doing nothing but scrapping......well, I'm sure you get the picture. I'm really afraid to open the doors to the kids rooms to say nothing of their bathroom:eek:

sounds like my house.
I lifted my poor head up off the pillow for the first time this week (been really sick with a cold, fever, the whole 9 yards) apparently houses can implode on themselves when mom is sick. No clean dishes, clothes, no food, etc. DH is in Ohio for work so it's all on me. And my mom who is usually my back up was sick too. Not a good combo.
Of course I was just well enough to notice said hasmat disaster area but still to sick to care. So my goal for tomorrow is to clean. :sad:
I did 7 more tonight. I have so many to do to finish up Christmas gifts and catch myself up for the holidays.

Please add 8 more pages for me. Total of 13 this month. I need a little cheering section to keep me going. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: My goal is to get DS #1's 1st year done (he's almost 3 yo) before DS #2 arrives in mid-January. I've completed: finding out I was pregnant, how I told his daddy (scavenger hunt), letters to baby, belly pics & naming him while in Ireland, ultrasound pics, 2 baby showers, his labor/delivery/hospital stay & 1st visitors. Up next, Superbowl when the Steelers won 2006 Yippie, Halloween & his 1st birthday party. Wish me luck. Its actually goig quicker than I thought.
Please add 4 more to my collection!

BAMB you still have an advantage on me today...but tomorrow is an off day so I'm dedicated to my scrap area so I will be ahead by noon tomorrow!!! LOL
Please add 4 more pages for me. Total of 9 this month. 3 pages needed to get me caught up to today (one a day for the month). I need a little cheering section to keep me going. :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: My goal is to get my sons 1st year done before DS #2 arrives in mid-January.

You can do it!!!!!!:banana: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :banana:

Here is a cheering section for you.

You can put me down for 2 more. That puts me at 11 for the month so far. Just finished a disney album for Oct 2003. Time to start another one!!


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