June Challenge ~~ Let's Jump Into June!! Winner is WDWMickey!!!

I did 10 pages today! finished up my pages for Rachal's baby album!!

we are updated!!
Well I got all the cards I needed for JUne, July and AUgust and the 2 page kit swaps done so I was able to get back to scrapping..

I got another 3 pages done today. That brings my total of to 38 now.

thanks for keeping track
Well I got all the cards I needed for JUne, July and AUgust and the 2 page kit swaps done so I was able to get back to scrapping..

I got another 3 pages done today. That brings my total of to 38 now.

thanks for keeping track

great job!

um, do you have a new ticker??? or did I miss it before....anyways CONGRATULATIONS on the new baby!!!!
I need to vent!!!

I went to help my mom with her cruise album and she's making me crazy!!!!!!!! It would have been so much easier for her to give me the pictures and memorabilia and me to put the album together myself--instead I gave her the album and said I would help her get started.

Today all we accomplished was getting everything in order, because apparently I needed to watch her do that :confused3 and stick her daily "princess patters" to pages and she adhered three 8 x 10 photos to pages as well:scared1: At this rate she'll be having me over to "help" once a week for two years :rotfl:

How can I encourage her to do some of the pages without me "watching" which is all I really did today (for 5 hours :headache:).

Thanks I feel better now :)
sorry your mom is very stubborn....
maybe let her try to work on it by herself for a few days, then check on her progress!
or better yet, send Rachel over to help her...sounds like some fun for them to be together! I know rachel has lots going on, but its an option!
I told her she needs to get all of her 8 x 10s onto pages before I go back in 2 weeks (we'll see ;)). Rachel wouldn't go on a bet! She gets frustrated just talking to my mom on the phone :lmao:
I told her she needs to get all of her 8 x 10s onto pages before I go back in 2 weeks (we'll see ;)). Rachel wouldn't go on a bet! She gets frustrated just talking to my mom on the phone :lmao:

good luck! :lmao: about Rachel...I know her pain...I need to be in the right frame of mind to talk to my mom :lmao:
Hang in there, Cheryl! That's too funny that she has "homework"! ;)

I got 4 more done today!
I ended up getting some scrapping done today :banana: finished 10 pages! and I have doubled my goal for the month!!!!

decided I'm going to work on my 2011 photos for awhile, need a break from Disney pages ....going to kit somemore pages and hope to get a bunch done tomorrow too!


just added up all our pages so far.....we have done 411 so far this month :banana: we have beat the goal I set of 350 and we still have 7 more days!!

Great job everyone :worship:
I need to vent!!!

How can I encourage her to do some of the pages without me "watching" which is all I really did today (for 5 hours :headache:).

Thanks I feel better now :)

My mom is a beginner scrapper. Sometimes she comes over so we can scrap together and when she is here I get nothing done on my pages because I'm always helping her. I notice life is easier on me (and her) when I hand her a sketch and tell her to do it.

I do have to help with paper choices and look at what photos she has so I know what sketch to give her. Sometimes I even have to go through the photos to pick out what to use and what not to use (she is still at the I must use every photo stage LOL) BUT after all that she pretty much does it on her own (not like there's much left to do LOL)

Last Sunday she came over and I finished a 3 piece swap kit for 6 while she did 2 double page layouts. It was a very productive day. Sometimes I print out sketches to send home to her and she does them all by her self without any help from me so that helps too.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone :hug: I'm hoping she'll get the hang of it soon :thumbsup2

Please add 12 pages to my total :)
I finished 10 pages so far today....will see if I can sneak in a couple more later today!

yay for getting on board Mazda!!

we have a new leader! Way to go Cheryl :banana:

I got 2 more pages done (surf & tanning)
got to get Zoo pics upload before I can post pics
well our afternoon plans didn't happen, Megan was in a bit of a mood due to last day of school and some of her friends are going to different MS...after we got home from ColdStone and food store for dinner goodies, I was able to keep scapping off and on!!!

did another 8 pages....all pretty simple LO nothing special, so went quick!

Reddy got your's added too!

off to go watch a movie with my grumpy girl....


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