June 2012 Challenge: Let the summer bring many completed pages!! - total 818

making 3 sets should up my numbers if I would quit making new files;)
anyways I got 6 done
I'm updated to here!!!

:welcome: everyone and it looks like we are off to a great start!!! I need to edit recent photos and then I hope to start on a few pages....
Good morning!
6 to start the day off, please.
If, and thats a big IF, I am able to do 5 per day I will be done before the Fantasy cruise.
Kitting does make things go faster.
Setting my goal for 45 for this month. This is a total stretch goal for me!

Congrats, Nan! And good to all of you who are working towards your goals!
My morning 5please, Thank you.
The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. 12 more to go and a bunch to count also.
Got 10 pages done for my MIL's album. It MUST be completed by August 5, so I will be plugging along on that most of the summer..............P
6for this morning and we are almost through that tunnel!
I think I see a cruise on my horizone!:goodvibes
I finished up 22 pages in the last couple of days getting the wedding album done.

I saw what I had left and I went back and did them.
Please add 2 more!
I can now go to the Caribbean!:cool1:
(I have some pages that are memoribilia that I can knock out in a day or two and not so worried about those!)
So far so good. I have completed 2012 all the way through memorial day! :woohoo: I hope to get memorial weekend and dh's family reunion from last weekend done this weekend. Then on to 2011! :laughing:
We are home! We got home today from our trip! I have to edit pics and get everything ordered. . .that's SO much more fun than the laundry I also need to do! ;)

I am in for this month! I am hoping for 60 pages (2 per day). Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
Hi Everyone,

I am new to this thread. It seems like a fun place to be! :)
So much enthusiasm for getting pages done.

Please put me down for 20 pages.

I'm finishing the last day of a short Mom/DS trip (Saratoga Springs) we took
in November 2011. Boy that was fun! :) Love to relive it through the


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