Disboards Crop Feb 4, 2011

Disboard Name: BernardandMissBianca

Prefer to be called(on the boards): Buffy or BAMB

When did you first start scrapping? 2004, although I've had a sticker book since I was a kid

What got you started? Our first trip to Disneyworld

Why do you scrap? Memories, and I love taking pictures

Do you make simple or complex pages? Both, I let the pictures dictate what the page will be like

Do you like your handwriting? Sometimes. My cursive is pretty nice but I'm so slow writing it. I kind of do a 1/2 print, 1/2 cursive thing. Drives everyone nuts! LOL

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Raw Umber

What is your favorite scrap snack? Peanut M&M's or hershey Kisses. SORRY PJLLA!!!!

What place would you like to visit and scrap about? Europe, specifically Ireland, Scotland, UK, and Belgium

Would you rather take pictures or be in them? Take em, but I know how important it is to be in them.

Give one word that best describes you. Oh boy, just one???? Disorganized
What got you started? I was pregnant with my first child and I knew I wanted to make my children scrapbooks after seeing others. I first started with her ultra sound pictures and then I was hooked.

Why do you scrap? Because I love to have my family memories documented and to look through them.

Do you make simple or complex pages? I would like to say complex, but in reality they are probably pretty simples

Do you like your handwriting? Only when I really take my time and put effort into, most of the time I do not like it.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Red-very popular

What is your favorite scrap snack? Hmmmm I guess I don’t have one?? Popcorn?? Something salty?

What place would you like to visit and scrap about? I want to be aboard the Disney Dream traveling to exotic places-LOL

Would you rather take pictures or be in them? Both, I do like to appear in scrapbooks occasionally

Give one word that best describes you- Sarcastic-LOL
thanks everyone....Morgan is the 9 yr old....I will get everything glued down...then onto the new baby Marina who is 2 mos old....

so for today's snack I made chex mix with walnuts!!! yummy!
love the LO but Love seeing pink (why do I have only boys??)
it is bright & happy
Disboard Name: princessnancy96

Prefer to be called(on the boards): Nan or PN96

When did you first start scrapping? 2006 or so

What got you started? My mom... she got started and I followed here but I scrap more then her...

Why do you scrap? To keep memories and preserve special moments

Do you make simple or complex pages? Depends on my mood..

Do you like your handwriting? No, but I will use my handwriting so we have a written stuff by mom in the books.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? PINK

What is your favorite scrap snack? depends on whats around

What place would you like to visit and scrap about? Beach.

Would you rather take pictures or be in them? I take the photos..but I'd give anyone the opportunity to take a photo of me in them.. Hurts my feelings when the kids say "mom you're not in the photos".. Well, it's because no one says "hey mom lets get you in the moment".

Give one word that best describes you. ???
Does anyone else have to have music on to scrap? I usually use my iPod, but since on DS is outside playing and the other one went with DH to a Monster Truck show, I borrowed DS10's ipod dock and put it in the kitchen.

Lots of country playing here this evening!

OK, I'm finally here. I was trying to utilize the last of the sun to break more ice in the driveway.

I'm headed into my room in a bit, but me feet hurt so I'm sitting for a spell.
Ok, I'll be back... I've got to get dinner movin'... DH is on the way home with my photos.. thinking I'll go to the grocery tomorrow.. maybe we can stop and get junk food to snack on on the way up to the tournament tomorrow. I'm in the mood to scrap not shop!
Hi everyone! This is my first crop here...hoping to get some pages done tonight! I am working on a variety of different things...trip to Disney, summer vacation, our wedding, last xmas..I tend to jump around so I don't get bored doing a particular topic. Looking forward to chatting with everyone!

I am going to work on the questions now!
Does anyone else have to have music on to scrap? I usually use my iPod, but since on DS is outside playing and the other one went with DH to a Monster Truck show, I borrowed DS10's ipod dock and put it in the kitchen.

Lots of country playing here this evening!


Gotta love Pandora radio (minus the commercials, but I am too cheap to upgrade! :rotfl:) right now I am listening to 80s pop...too fun! :thumbsup2
Does anyone else have to have music on to scrap? I usually use my iPod, but since on DS is outside playing and the other one went with DH to a Monster Truck show, I borrowed DS10's ipod dock and put it in the kitchen.

Lots of country playing here this evening!


ME!!! DH bought me some speakers for my iPod. Gotta have music!
Disboard Name:

Prefer to be called(on the boards):

When did you first start scrapping?
12 years ago

What got you started?
After my husband passed away, I made scrapbooks for my boys to help them remember him.

Why do you scrap?
Originally to preserve memories but now it's afun, creative hobby.

Do you make simple or complex pages?
Mostly simple. My disney pages are more embellished than regular pages.

Do you like your handwriting?

It's not very neat to be honest, but I try to include it when I can.

If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

blue maybe

What is your favorite scrap snack?

What place would you like to visit and scrap about?

Disneyland Paris!

Would you rather take pictures or be in them?

Take them--though I have learned the importance of being in more photos.

Does anyone else have to have music on to scrap? I usually use my iPod, but since on DS is outside playing and the other one went with DH to a Monster Truck show, I borrowed DS10's ipod dock and put it in the kitchen.

Lots of country playing here this evening!


I've got my iPod in my dock and there's lots of Tim McGraw playing here!
I have a tv in my scrap room so I tend to put on the TV which isn't always good since sometimes it distracts me!
I have music sometimes....but when I'm home alone I kind of like the quiet...because once the girl gets home, not quiet anymore!!! so I have 15 minutes left of quiet before I go to get her...................
I am in the family room when I scrap most of the time so I have the TV on instead of music.



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