DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge WEEK 2!! 4/23-4/29

Gytchy, great layout -- we go every year and see this gingerbread house at the GF -- it just smells awesome!! They had a similar smaller version on the cruise this year..

I will pm you your alpha link! Thanks for playing!
Great layouts everyone!

Here's mine- I'm not thrilled with it... but oh well- it's done! The brush is the little black stars on top and bottom & around the circle picture. The hidden Mickey is pretty obvious, but it was made from three 'brads'.....


Credits- Scrapgirls, DoodleDandy Primary Kit
Brush- PSE 5 built in
Here is my entry!! Its a bit of a stretch in that its not food centered. But this is one of my favorite food-related Disney pics that I have. My brother being a nut.

Mmm . . . soup bowls. I have two Hidden Mickeys. Not very hidden! And I almost forgot about the brackets, so I had to add those and I'm glad I did!! I really like how they came out!!

Click image for credits, as always! :teeth:
Its 1:30 am here, but I couldn't sleep so here is my contribution for this week.


Papers and alpha from Britt-ish Designs Tell No Tales and Shiver Me Timbers
Template: Andrea Gold’s Room for Journaling
Stitching: DSP October 2006 issue of Club Digital
Tag: Traveling Kit by Lauren Bavin
Brush & hidden mickey: Mickey Head that I made (thanks to you ladies here!)
Tinker -- great layout, those Mickey bars rock -- believe it or not though, my lil' girl doesn't care for them!! However I love 'em!! :)

Britt -- that lo is too funny, Men can be such goofs.. LOL Love the colors you used!!

BriarRose -- ahhhhh.. the pirate buffet!! I didn't get to see much of this on our cruise, b/c the seas were so rough previously, and it was cold and windy, we ended up not feeling well enough to eat, and just went to bed.. :( So, i have hardly no pics of pirate night.. Hoping to make up for that in Sept!! Great layout!!
Wow -- BriarRose! I love how you stitched those papers together. What a great idea! That pirate buffett is making me hungry.

Britt -- I think I found your mickeys, is one the hat someone is wearing? I actually think I found three mickeys, but I'm not sure.

Tinker -- adorable LO! I love the colors. They serve Mickey bars on the cruise, too? Wow, you guys are making it really hard for me not to call and book one RIGHT now!!!
Wow! Everyone's LO look great! They're making me sooo hungry! :banana:

Here mine:


Flowers, Alpha, Bracket & Paper are all from Dreams Come True by Brittney Leavit

Frame is from Leave the World Behind by Brittney Leavit

Blooming Brushes by Michelle Coleman

Mickey Hat by me
Bernie! That page ROCKS! You amaze me! I love how you put your title into one of the burst stripes! So cute!! And that photo is just priceless!!

labdogs - There is one giant mickey blended into the background and a little mickey in the exclamation mark! :)

BriarRose - SO COOL!! I want to go on a Disney Cruise so bad! Glad you found a unique way to use my kit! :)
I love everyone's pages!

Here's mine -

Green paper, sequins, gold glitter sticker, frame - Kitchmas Cheer by Dani Mogstad
Blue paper - Leave the World Behind by Brittish Designs
Yum stamp - Kiddie Gourmet by Heather Roselli
Brackets - A Little Offset by Christy Lyle
Font - Fabulous 50s
Love the pages ladies!
Brittney, how do you get your test to wrap around your picture? I love all the different alphas you used and your subject does seem a bit :crazy:;)
Tinker: I don't want to grow up either! Now that my kids are almost grown and on their own I can revert back to my childhood.
Gytchy: Love the gingerbread LO. We saw it at Christmas and then just had to buy some to eat!
Labdogs42: I wish I could take credit for the stitching, but it was part of the template. I changed the stitching to be a heavier lashing type stitching that might be used on sails. The template came with a thin thread type stitching. I thought the thicker looked better for this LO.
Caitsmama: We loved the Pirates Party onboard. The fireworks were great and having Mickey come to the rescue by flying onto the stage was really fun. Of course, the food was good too!
Bernie-Ann: Loved the LO! Those Mickey bars are dangerous! You can't have just one!
GrumpyMom1: Those desserts look great! I love the way you used the M&M style borders to match your dessert!
Briar Rose - I just made one line of text for each direction and then rotated them. KWIM? One long one down, a short one across, etc.

GrumyMom - Those desserts look YUMMY! LOVE your hidden Mickey!!
Briar Rose - I just made one line of text for each direction and then rotated them. KWIM? One long one down, a short one across, etc.

Thanks. I had seen others do shaped text and wondered if there was some special way to do it. I can handle this one!
I love everyone's pages - I am so thankful to have inspiration everytime I log onto DIS. You are all soooooooooooooo talented!!

Here is my page - my Children and my Best Friend's child survived on Chocolate Milk during our last trip. It was the only thing they wanted drink!!

Grumpymom -- those deserts look amazing!!! Definately adding that to my list! LOL (Which is growing!) Great lo, and thanks for playing!!

Disney Baby - love that lo! Those color swishes are really a nice touch!! Thanks for playing along!
Great new posts everyone! Love them!!!!! And making me hungry for our trip in 4 days! :)

DisneyBaby- do you remember what that font is that you used & where you got it? I love it!


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