DIS Digi-Scrappers Challenge WEEK 2!! 4/23-4/29

Very nice girls!! I will pm you with the link for the alpha!
Great layouts ladies! Two of you said you "punched" out your brush. How do you do that?
Wonderful layouts, Bookmom and PJ! I can tell now that my list of places to eat is going to be really long by the end of this challenge. Don't know if I can wait 5 more weeks until I get there!

I haven't been to Disney since 2000 and I'm not sure where those pics are (they aren't digital. So I will have to sit this one out. But I will enjoy living vicariously through the rest of you alls.
I love the punched-out Mickeys! Is there a way, now that you made the mickey brush, to share it with others? I have no clue how to MAKE a brush, but I do know how to use one!! (maybe it could be a prize for a future challenge...)
Okay, here is my LO for this challenge. This is the only food related pics we have...the kids gnawing on the extremely frozen Mickey bars! LOL


Credits: Dreams Do Come True, Leave the World Behind, and Her Royal Highness kits from Britt-ish Designs, Template from Andrea Gold, Glitter heart from "Love Actually" by mgl Scraps

Thanks! This was fun!
Bookmompooh! This is cute! Love the color scheme you went with. Mmm . . . Disney dogs and soda. YUM!

pjpoohbear! This is so cute! Love the punches too. That dish looks AMAZING!! WOW!!!

carsmom53! I knew you'd love to play along with us DIS girls. So glad you jumped right in. This is so cute. The title is SOOOO stinkin' clever! mICE CREAM! :lmao:

If you know how to use brushes, it's the same, except you use the delete key instead of clicking it down.

Yes, or you can just use it as an eraser. So instead of the regular circle you'd select the brush you want to use as a "punch".
I have never used brushes before, so I am planning on doing the tutorial posted earlier. The erase thing sounds fairly easy though and I second the motion of sharing the mickey head. Please?!?
Great layout carsmom -- and very clever title!!! ;)
Great layouts ladies! Two of you said you "punched" out your brush. How do you do that?

I figured it out by accident, I was going to erase something and the normal little rubber lets you choose what shape to erase with so I thought I would play, and I used the mickey heard brush as my shape, a punch out woo hoo!

How do I share a brush file? eek!

Carsmom53, I love your page, so cute!

It was so hard picking out which food I wanted to do a layout of since there is so much good food at WDW. I finally decided to go with Nine Dragons. I removed the journaling on the side for privacy reasons, but it explained the dish. What you are looking at below is Honey Sesame Chicken. Very tasty!


-Torn paper at bottom from kit "Asian Dreams" by Raspberry Road. I recolored the paper to fit the color scheme.
-I used a linen texture template from Atomic Cupcake on the background paper.
-I made the stitched Mickey head. I knew Britt had made on in her one kit, but I couldn't find it so I made my own using the Stitch and Gold actions from Atomic Cupcake.
-Actions used: Torn, medium bottom tear, gold, stitching
-Fonts used: Honey Script, Pea Cari, and Day Roman
-Brush from Aethereality.net

This was a fun challenge.
Wow! I can't believe how many of you did lo's on the first day!! LOL Great job!

Melissa, that looks really yummy!!! Great lo! Love that stitched mickey head. I just pm'd you.
BTW-- PJpoohbear, those fried thingies look YYYYUUUMM!! LOL I gotta put those on my must try list!
BTW-- PJpoohbear, those fried thingies look YYYYUUUMM!! LOL I gotta put those on my must try list!

They are at DL in CA, I am having them on my last morning, must have, even though I am having breakfast someplace else, so sad, I have three days at DL and have so much I want to eat, lol.

Wow! I can't believe how many of you did lo's on the first day!! LOL Great job!

Melissa, that looks really yummy!!! Great lo! Love that stitched mickey head. I just pm'd you.
Thank you. The chicken is very yummy! It makes me sad that Nine Dragons is closed right now. :( And I figured if I didn't do it today I wouldn't get a chance since we are leaving on Saturday for our tirp out to CA!!! :)

Melissa, that chicken is so good! And great layout!
Thank you! Every so often my sister and I get a craving for it, but no one around us has anything close. The one Chinese restaurant we go to is good, but it doesn't even compare to the food at Nine Dragons. I could go for some of it right now!!!
Thank you. The chicken is very yummy! It makes me sad that Nine Dragons is closed right now. :( And I figured if I didn't do it today I wouldn't get a chance since we are leaving on Saturday for our tirp out to CA!!! :)

Thank you! Every so often my sister and I get a craving for it, but no one around us has anything close. The one Chinese restaurant we go to is good, but it doesn't even compare to the food at Nine Dragons. I could go for some of it right now!!!

Melissa, that is my favorite thing at Nine Dragons, I can't stand that the casual service does not serve it, that would be perfect.



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