DIS Con II: The Online Epic

He told of a story of the thrill ride tour and the people on it. How he was the fearless leader who orchestrated a wonderful tour. Just as he was getting to the part where he is awarded the thrill ride medal of honor, CC........

See Patrick, you are no longer a toad, and you wer never eaten...lol ;)
came sauntering by in an absolutely luscious bathing suit. Tia turned pale, Barry started panting, and.....
...Dan took a photo. Barry sent it to Playboy and CC was accepted as the December 2002 Playmate! She posed under the Tree of Life and announced...
....She announced that Steve and Barry were all banned from The DIS for talking about her this way. ((shame on you!)) That's when we all heard a blood-curdling scream coming from...
Everyone on the DISCON board. They couldn't believe that this thread was being revived again. Meanwhile, Pete announced...
......Nothing! :D j/k I couldn't resist. :rolleyes:

...meanwhile....Pete announced that DIS-Con will be set up in a 'scanvenger hunt' style. You'll have to roam the DIS boards looking for clues as to when and where to register for DIS-Con. :D

Sorry :o I couldn't resist again. :o Okay Okay, I'm ready to play nice....

....Pete announced that since Tia couldn't keep her big trouble mouth shut he'd have to......
Smee! "Tia is my partner for the DC Trivia contest, you can't send her to Idaho 'cuz I'm not going there!!!! Pete liked Smee (she had brought a whole basket of home baked goodies to him) so he said "Okay,....One last chance Tia" Smee grabbed Tia (the troublemaker) by the wrist and quickly pulled her to the side. "hey careful of my pu-pu shells", complained Tia.
Smee smiled and said......
"One day, Ms. Tia, your mouth is going to get you in sooooooo much trouble. But then again, you were always a troublemaker!" Brisully piped in and commented that.......
.....that he had proof of what a BIG mouth troublemaker I was :rolleyes: He hasPictures :earseek: So I told Smee that her pu-pu shell necklace was very pretty and zipped it for a while. ;) That's when Tammy.......
Ran for the hills, because she knew who the real troublemaker was.

Fortunately for her, the real troublemaker stepped forward and declared.....
The REAL Trouble-Maker is BARRY HOM! Apparently he has taken some less-than-flattering video of........
.....of Ray dancing on his balcony in his big dogs...I mean...I mean....(scratch that)...lol...lol...oh, yeah...Barb-for-real causing a log crash on Splash Mountain causing a "back LOG"...lol...and Barry said...
Barry said...."Give us a kiss, John"!!:eek:


John, of course.....
.......couldn't say anything because his mouth was full of whipped cream! :D
Just then.................
.....just then Sue smacked Barry upside the head for flirting with her hubby! ((Tia shouts; "Go Sue!" :D )) This is when Bill decided....
to smack Barry upside the head too, just for the heck of it (go Bill!!)!
While Bill was doing this, he saw that dear Barb had fallen to the ground. Bill said.....
"what the heck are you doing down there? Get up!" Barb said she fell down LOL over Ray's "big dogs"!!!!! Ray turned around and said "no, no, they're not big dogs, they're ............................."

:D :D:D
.......they're 'fruit of the loom' :D And speaking of fruit reminded Smee of......
a Dole whip
so to get back on track everybody heads over to Adventure Land where they encountered...


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