Any DIS Scrappers in NE MA or SNH?

Anyone interested in cropping next Friday, the 14th?

I might be able to make it from 4:00 on, if we're a go. Z2H or TB won't be joining us, but maybe our other Mafia bud from CKC could come... We have stuff to pass off to Michellepooh and NEE, so it *would* be handy — :rolleyes1 — and fun to see y'all...!
DH's plans changed for the 14th, so now I can go cropping!! Yay!! Have you called to sign up yet?

Laurie is expecting me, Suzanne, and Jenn at this point. You might want to give her a buzz just to make sure she remembers!
Hope you do decide to come, PBF! I feel like it's been a long time since I've seen you!

Thanks! I'll call Laurie on Tuesday to reserve my spot - looks like I can come! Really looking forward to catching up with you - it HAS been awhile!!!!
Sorry - I would have loved to have come but my sister is here with her family from Canada...They haven't been here in 5 years - I am so excited to see my neices.

I do have a bunch of projects that I am saving for some future crops. I feel as soon as school starts I'll be able to regain some of my lost scrappin' mojo;) Hope you guys have fun.

PBF - you have to convince CD to go with you!
I'm going to a crop Friday night and Saturday, too bad, I would have loved to come! Have fun, one of these days I'll get to meet you all :)
PBF - you have to convince CD to go with you!

I did! So, both of us will be there on Friday - can't wait to see everyone!

(i'll be the one loaded down like a pack mule with completed swaps to pass off to folks! :lmao:)
I'm working in Burlington, but will pass through so I can stop and say "Hi" on my way home. It will be nice to meet some more of you in person.

I'm working in Burlington, but will pass through so I can stop and say "Hi" on my way home. It will be nice to meet some more of you in person.


It will be nice to see you again! We'll pump you for info about the *new* Disney store in the mall...:rolleyes1
Plans have changed. I got called out of work, so we are now going Back to School shopping in NH. So I will not be swinging by The Dream tonight. Sorry I won't be meeting everyone in person.

The good news is that I won't regularly be working on Fridays so I will eventually be able to get to another Friday night crop.

Hope to meet everyone soon.

hey ladies ... sorry I missed you on Friday. I was hoping a nap after work would help but not so much! :-) Hopefully I'll see y'all again soon. Any decisions on the Sept NY trip?
I don't think NY was talked about, unless I missed it. I know personally I'm not going to be able to do it. 4 trips planned in 3 months means my weekends are pretty much booked up through the middle of December. My cropping is likely going to be limited to Friday nights for awhile.
Ackkkkk! We'd love to come crop, but it is DD11's birthday (soon to be DD12!) that day, so Z2H and I are busy. Catch you another night... Will spread the word to other Mafia members, though - maybe they'll be able to turn out -

Didn't get a chance to talk about NYC - but we're booked on Megabus for 9/20 and 10/24 and...other dates I can't remember now. We would love company, if any other DISsers want to come along for the adventure!
Hi, I will be scrambling trying to pack up the RV for a 7 day trip to Canada...Hopefully once the kids are in school - things will smooth over (oh yeah - surgery on the 4th - oh well) I do have tons of projects that I have been saving for crops - Hey PBF! I will call you today:goodvibes
Ackkkkk! We'd love to come crop, but it is DD11's birthday (soon to be DD12!) that day, so Z2H and I are busy. Catch you another night... Will spread the word to other Mafia members, though - maybe they'll be able to turn out -

I knew there was a reason I couldn't go, but I couldn't think of it. Whoops! :rolleyes1
Time to go get a gift.......


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