Adult only restaurants...dare I suggest it?!

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3DisneyNUTS said:
But you are exposed to the environment everyday. Since I am not working in food service I only see it from a customer POV. I was speaking from that. I did not say it never happens just that it isn't a regular occurance. I think to use it in an arguement to promote an adult only restaurant is unfair since that doesn't happen commonly.

My point is that in WDW a place for everyone I don't see Disney making a restaurant that cuts out the family aspect of the World.

Childless couples are families, too. They don't always want to be in restaurants with other peoples' littles.

Parents with adult or older teen kids are families, too. They also don't always want to be in restaurants with other peoples' littles.

There are a lot more types of "family" than just Dad (32), Mom (30), DS (5) and DD (3).
NewYawker, we know what you meant, we know you don't hate kids, we know that it was just a topic for suggestion. Apparently not everyone else does. Hey folks lighten up, "NewYawker" does not hate your kids!!!
NewJerseyDVCMembers said:
NewYawker, we know what you meant, we know you don't hate kids, we know that it was just a topic for suggestion. Apparently not everyone else does. Hey folks lighten up, "NewYawker" does not hate your kids!!!

How do you know? :confused3
NewJerseyDVCMembers said:
Because we can read! Try it... go back and read the original post.

I read it again twice just now and it does not say anywhere in the post that the OP likes children or doesn't like children.

I have been to dinner many times over the years and I can say with all honesty I have NEVER had a dinner ruined by a family sitting next to me. Maybe I've been lucky and the OP is unlucky that way- not sure. Based on what I know, I think the way you precieve things determines what kind of experience you will have.

If you walk into a restruant and are placed next to a family with young children and you already have it in your mind that every little thing the children do durning dinner is going to bother you it probably will.

I'd be curious to see if newyarker has a lot of bad dinning experiences frequently.

I always try to smile and be positive and things work out great. Amazing what a smile can do versus a glare.

I've said it before..........WDW can't be magical unless you want it to be.
CStraub, there is no reason to get all defensive now. Your obviously a parent who can't take the thought that someone else may not enjoy children as much as you. By the looks of your signature, your daughter is a beautiful little girl and we're sure she is an angel. But NewYawker posted a topic about a restaurant for adults only, it doesn't seem, even remotely, that he/she doesn't like kids.

If Newyawker were to post such an idea it would sound more like...

"WDW should have adults only restaurants without those little bas@#$*'s running about screwing up the whole damn evening. I can't take those whinning little @$#%@'s and there non-stop crying and overall @$#%@ attitudes!"


But NewYawker didn't. He/she should have however posted about restaurants for Adults only, excluding "Buckeyes" and their ilk. :rotfl:
(That was funny sarcasm, let's end this posting debate here!)
I'm confused on why some people don't think that disney would not create adult only restaurants since it's a family destination. I said this before the Disney cruise is a family cruise and they have an adult only restaurant and there are only three other regular dining rooms! I don't think Walt would have a problem with adult only restaurants. I can't figure out why people are getting so mad that their children would not be able to go to eat in one restaurant out of many, strange!
Hi cstraub,
I do NOT dislike children, if I or anyone else who posts here did, WDW would be like going to Alaska if you don't like the cold! I'll say it again for those of you at home keeping score...I merely suggested a restuarant or 2 where people could be assured of a 2 hour dining experience that would be free of interruption from children. That's not to say that YOUR children or anyone else here has kids that are unruly. But it happens, you cannot deny that. And yes, a very special birthday dinner was ruined at Palios in the Swan a number of years back, I mentioned that in one of my posts in this thread. When I researched where to have a romantic dinner where my wife and I could dress up a bit, have some wine and enjoy a well prepared meal, Palios looked like a good choice (we were staying at the Dolphin). Without going into great detail, we couldn't enjoy a thing because of the disruptive atmosphere caused by children in the restaurant under the age of 10 or so. Nobody will convince me that some situations are just not appropriate for children but I can see that some parents feel it is their right to take their kids wherever THEY go. If we, and that includes you and any other adults, had the option of a restaurant that catered to adults it would ensure that EVERY "Family" could have the experience of their choice. Families with children could still experience "fine" dining at many other signature restaurants. Could you explain to me why designating ONE restaurant as such is so wrong?
Thanks for backing me up, NewJerseyDVCMembers. GREAT photo, by the way! (who's the guy in the middle?!!)
What's the big deal?? :confused3 There are soooo many restaurants in WDW. Why not one, or dare I say more, for adults only? I have two kids. They are even well behaved in restaurants, but I can totally understand why some people don't want to be around kids for just a little while. Even if they are vacationing at WDW. It can be overwhelming. And one might not feel like "hiding" away in his/her hotel room to get away from the hubub. A decent, calm dinner is not too much to ask IMHO.
NewYawker said:
Thanks for backing me up, NewJerseyDVCMembers. GREAT photo, by the way! (who's the guy in the middle?!!)

Looks like Roy E. Disney :) Very nice pic!
This subject was discussed on the Restaurant board a few months ago (couldn't find the post, though). Basically, the response was the same, with some thinking it's a great idea, some not.

I'm a parent to an 8yo and 3yo. We dine out a lot, and we dine in casual to moderate restaurants with our kids, upscale and pricey without them. My kids are pretty well behaved and have never screamed at the table, ran around or thrown food. Wait, I take that back. I think maybe two or three times over the last 8 years, one of my kids has done the "I don't like this" and thrown the half a sandwich back down onto her plate. If someone else is bothered by this, I'd suggest that person turn his attention back to his own tablemates, as it would not have been noticable by anyone not watching my table, and why on earth would anyone be doing that? :confused3

Like others, I have never witnessed a child actually "throw" food or otherwise do anything so disruptive that it could possibly ruin my dining experience. I'm not saying it never happens, and for those who have had special dinners ruined by unruly kids (or adults, or rude waitstaff...), I'm sorry that it happened to you. What I'm saying is it's the exception, rather than the rule, and I just don't understand how certain people seem to have so many meals ruined by other people's kids.

But with that said, the point is that it's not up to me to understand what other people are or are not bothered by. I know that I'm pretty good at tuning out the sights/sounds I don't want to see or hear, others may not be able to do so as easily. If people want an adults-only restaurant at WDW, IMO they should have one. I personally probably wouldn't dine there, but again, that doesn't mean others shouldn't have the option if they want it. With so many restaurants at WDW, it's no skin off my nose if a few of them won't let me bring my kids in with me.

But it's purely business as far as WDW is concerned. If they thought it'd be profitable, they'd probably do it. For those of you who really want it, write to WDW and let them know. I hope they open one up for you. :goodvibes
NewYawker said:
Thanks for backing me up, NewJerseyDVCMembers. GREAT photo, by the way! (who's the guy in the middle?!!)

Did you even read my posts? No where did I say you did not like children.

What's to back up? :confused3

I have never once said I was for or against an adult only restaurant.
They are mad because they have children and they see the interest in an adults only restaurant as taking an anti-child stance.

I don't consider my own interest as being bothered by the presence of the children, just that it is a different atmosphere that might be welcomed for a change. I enjoyed the adults only restaurant on the Magic. What's wrong with that?

Is it possible to have interest in an adult dining experience without inherently criticizing children (or their parents)? Or is the resistance only because we are speaking of Walt Disney World, which is seen by many as some kind of mecca for children?
Kirsten77 said:
I'm confused on why some people don't think that disney would not create adult only restaurants since it's a family destination. I said this before the Disney cruise is a family cruise and they have an adult only restaurant and there are only three other regular dining rooms! I don't think Walt would have a problem with adult only restaurants. I can't figure out why people are getting so mad that their children would not be able to go to eat in one restaurant out of many, strange!
The reason Disney Cruise has adults only sections is because you are on a ship and you can just jump overboard to get away from children. Disney World is completely different. If you want an adult only experience international drive is a few minutes away with plenty of restaurants.
Eh, I have two young daughters and I do like the idea of an adults only place. However, I do find some are highly unrealistic if they get perturbed by kids at Disney.

Now, Before some of you get snippy, I say we should vote yes on this. Whenever my wife and I get a night out alone, we end up sitting next to a table with some kids who have never been taught the basics of good manners. It never fails. LOL

To be honest though, I get more annoyed by teenagers and college frat boy types than toddlers. A toddler is just learning how to behave. 18-22 year old are mastering the art of being pains in the butt. LOL
Yes you can go to your room on the disney cruise if you wanted to get away from children. They didn't need to have an adult only restaurant on the cruise. Are the restaurants on international drive child free? Please explain to me why Disney nut you seem so against this?
(OP was discussing Walt's idea of family being together)

3DisneyNUTS said:
EXACTLY so the entire notion of an adult only restaurant is completely opposite to this.

Respectfully, I don't see this as being opposite.

My husband and I are still a "family" and we should have a place to be together and enjoy each other's company.

Believe me, I love children, but there are different types of families and there should be something to meet all needs, even if the need for our family is a quiet evening. Just as we won't be utilizing other services such as stroller rentals, childcare, etc.
On family "togetherness"... There are lots of places in WDW that families with small children cannot be together: rides with height restrictions, "scary" rides, clubs in PI, golf courses... Are those all in violation of Walt's original vision, too?

Another thought I had... I don't think I've ever heard of a restaurant (not bar or club) that did not allow children in it, other than on cruise ships. Yes, many restaurants are certainly not kid-friendly based on menu and price, but I don't know of a single one that disallows children from entering. Of course, away from a vacation spot, you probably see less kids in more upscale establishments anyway, but I wonder why this doesn't seem to have been done anywhere else. Is there is some sort of age-discrimination legality behind it?
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