2008 BAN Wagon Support Group

Not sure if this is the thread to post this, but I am quite proud of myself and you will all get it!

After being inspired to join the BAN, and then posting goals for the year, I managed to sort out my swap stuff this weekend (how I did it with all going on and being sick I don't know). Then I got crazy today (got out of work early for NYE) and pulled out the pictures from the April 07 trip which were already sorted by park, etc and I started pulling swap stuff to go with the pictures and bagged those up for the whole trip.

THEN, if you can even imagine that in a short period of time (we are talking maybe 3 hours to sort the swap stuff over the weekend, and an hour and a half or so to match up all the pictures tonight), I sat down and did 10 pages:banana: Amazing how much easier the pages go when all the stuff is together!!!

So first I am patting myself on the back:thumbsup2 and then I am saying that if I can work that into the crazy life I've had this past week and the nasty cold and lack of sleep, then anyone can do it!!!

Plus, all this without spending a dime! :woohoo:

DS has encouraged the use of smilies! Just to splain why there are a few in this post:dance3:

Ooh - and since there is a smilie for it, I even managed to do a load of :laundy: which I NEVER do as DH does it!

Happy New Year!!!
Great job Maria!!!

I'm working on our Family Christmas Album through the years that high lights each year..but some photos I want to add into each of my kids' individual albums....and of course the scanner won't work...so guess DH has a chore to do tomorrow...

Anyway, congrats on the 10 new pages complete!!! :)
THEN, if you can even imagine that in a short period of time (we are talking maybe 3 hours to sort the swap stuff over the weekend, and an hour and a half or so to match up all the pictures tonight), I sat down and did 10 pages:banana: Amazing how much easier the pages go when all the stuff is together!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Great Job Maria- my stuff goes so much faster with swaps also. That is why I won't limit myself on them although I do need to choose only those for things I haven't already scrapped or will not scrap but I love being able to knoxk out pages quickly with swap items.

Great Job ddavis and AWM! Good for the 2 of you for keeping with it. And Maria WOW! how great is that to get pages done while not feeling good. I was not feeling good yesterday and I could barely manage to get through the day. My hope is that I actually complete a page today. What I really should do is get my cards together and see what pics I need to print. I have not printed ANY since my little man graduated from pre-school last june! :scared1: i can't imaging how much this will cost me!
-day one- printing pics - spent the entire scrap budget for the year!!!!!!;)
Add me to the list!

my days are

Jan 26 (WDW DTD day and looking in parks, but already saved my $$$ for it!)
Valentines Bought PaperDolls on Sale!!
Mommy day
Sept 7 my b-day

DH gave me a Mikes GC for x-mas, so will get stocked up with that!

other purchases that will be necessary:

Cricut mats/blades bought 4 mats and 2 blades 1/12
card stock
2 cricut carts (sales only) not sure which one's yet bought Doodlecharms 1/12 on sale $54.99 Bought PaperDolls 2/14 on Sale

thanks for the support!
I'm back from my annual January 1 shopping trip, which is on my list of scrap shopping days posted earlier in this thread:). I stuck to my list 100% and feel confident that I can make it to my next scrap shopping day (Mother's Day) without falling off the wagon:).
:bday: Hey we share a birthday.

Add me to the list!

my days are

Jan 26 (WDW DTD day and looking in parks, but already saved my $$$ for it!)
Mommy day
Sept 7 my b-day

DH gave me a Mikes GC for x-mas, so will get stocked up with that!

other purchases that will be necessary:

Cricut mats/blades
card stock
2 cricut carts (sales only) not sure which one's yet

thanks for the support!
Great job Ann, Debbie, and Maria. Way to save! Group pat-on-the-back.:grouphug:

I hope I'm not enabling here, but since many of us listed photo developing as necessary, Walgreens has .10 prints (others may have a sale this time of year with so many people getting Christmas pics). It may be a good idea to get that done now instead of later when the price is up.
Hmmmmmm, I posted earlier, and it's a no show....

Anyway, I was going to Mike's today to get the MM carousel...and

I just got this carousel. But I had a birthday GC and a 50% off coupon so I did pretty well.
Hi :)

I would like to join in on this, and I hope to get to know each of you better!!! I just recently redid my entire scrapping room. I seriously thought I was the only one who bought and bought and bought, and then never did anything with it. So, while moving my stuff back into the room, I saw how much I really had. It is mind blowing. But my husband never complains and he usually goes to ACM with me. He was my partner in crime the other day when I finally got the Cuttlebug. I had two Joann coupons, so I used one to get the machine, and he used one to get me an alphabet. (they were for 40% off, but the girl gave each of us 50% off!!) I need to stop buying. Seriously. I don't know if I can do set days or not, but I would like to just try to not shop as much. I am going to try to do as good as possible. My nearest ACM is about 40 mins away, I only have one LSS and I never go there, she doesn't have much good stuff so I have no desire to go. We have a Joann in town but it is teeny tiny and they only have one tiny aisle of scrap stuff.
Well since today is the 1st I can say that I haven't bought anything this year, so I am off to a good start :)
I am going to try to keep receipts this year and track how much I really spend.
I need to get some pages done.
I also make a lot of cards and I am going to try to sell them this year. So we shall see what the year brings.

Good luck everyone
Hi :)

I would like to join in on this, and I hope to get to know each of you better!!! I just recently redid my entire scrapping room. I seriously thought I was the only one who bought and bought and bought, and then never did anything with it. So, while moving my stuff back into the room, I saw how much I really had. It is mind blowing. But my husband never complains and he usually goes to ACM with me. He was my partner in crime the other day when I finally got the Cuttlebug. I had two Joann coupons, so I used one to get the machine, and he used one to get me an alphabet. (they were for 40% off, but the girl gave each of us 50% off!!) I need to stop buying. Seriously. I don't know if I can do set days or not, but I would like to just try to not shop as much. I am going to try to do as good as possible. My nearest ACM is about 40 mins away, I only have one LSS and I never go there, she doesn't have much good stuff so I have no desire to go. We have a Joann in town but it is teeny tiny and they only have one tiny aisle of scrap stuff.
Well since today is the 1st I can say that I haven't bought anything this year, so I am off to a good start :)
I am going to try to keep receipts this year and track how much I really spend.
I need to get some pages done.
I also make a lot of cards and I am going to try to sell them this year. So we shall see what the year brings.

Good luck everyone

Welcome!!!! Yeah, I too have a shopping problem. I knew it was bad when I started sorting embellishments into binders and I had 7 Snow Whites. LOL I knew I had them but couldn't find them so I just bought more.

My stores are 30-45 minutes away but all the stores are including Target and the Mall, and the bank and the chiropractor, so I'm down that way almost every day. I just need to avoid ACMoore. ;)
Welcome aboard, pongoperdigirl!

The more I think about this "ban", which is really another challenge of sorts, the happier I am about it. Besides the obvious financial benefits, there are creative benefits, too. I think that not being able to just go out and buy something will force me to be more creative.

As an example, I was working on a Christmas layout last night and I used my last piece of a certain shade of pink paper. Well, I cut it at the wrong size and none of the other pinks I had were quite right. So, after going through my solid paper a billion times, hoping another piece of that color would magically appear:), I realized I had to come up with another idea. It took a little while, but I came up with a Plan B....and I like it even more than the original idea!
Great job Ann, Debbie, and Maria. Way to save! Group pat-on-the-back.:grouphug:

I hope I'm not enabling here, but since many of us listed photo developing as necessary, Walgreens has .10 prints (others may have a sale this time of year with so many people getting Christmas pics). It may be a good idea to get that done now instead of later when the price is up.

thanks happycampers. i think i will check that out today!
As an example, I was working on a Christmas layout last night and I used my last piece of a certain shade of pink paper. Well, I cut it at the wrong size and none of the other pinks I had were quite right. So, after going through my solid paper a billion times, hoping another piece of that color would magically appear:), I realized I had to come up with another idea. It took a little while, but I came up with a Plan B....and I like it even more than the original idea!

Good Job Kim- and yes that is exactly what this challenge entails.

Okay, I have to confess that yesterday I did go out shopping but I only bought a system for storing my paper so i could see it, that way I would have to buy more when i wanted a certain color. DH and I have had it on our long term save and then buy list and yesterday we had decided to buy a number of things off the list since we are getting ready to fill out a FASFA and we don't want them to expect us to use the saving we had for other things so we bought a laptop, a scanner, and a larger (32 inch) television set.

So I haven't been on much over the holidays and this thread is alreayd long.
But count me in. I've alreayd cut down on my swaps and have them all organized now but with the baby coming and a month without pay I need to cut back on my shopping. Since I'm not sure when I will be out shopping I'm not picking days but I do vow to limit what I buy to what I have a use for. I will go through my stash and try to use up what I have. Being a SU demo I have to meet my minimums but thats pretty easy just buying the necessities that I need from them and then getting my couple of friends orders. I haven't bought much little boy stuff yet so I do reserve the right to do a majoy shopping for that stuff once he's here. LOL
B&MB, thanks for the extra leap year day reminder.

Q: I went to the ticker factory this morning to change that and added my Jan. 1 saved day. Do I have to do that each morning in order to keep my ticker up to date, or will it start doing that automatically now?

:thumbsup2 Way to create in 2008. Kim! It almost kills me when I cut something wrong. I'm glad you were able to make a positive out of that situation.
I was so good yesterday!!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP!!

:cheer2: :yay: GO ME!! :yay: :cheer2:

I organized my ribbons, and brads from swaps, and am 1/2 finished organizing my primas from swaps. Wow, they look sooooo pretty!!

Another non spending day...2 down :rotfl:


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