2008 BAN Wagon Support Group

I agree, organizational stuffs and items needed to scrap swaps and pages don't count towards the ban. Consumables needed to have a nice page, or $$ spent on printing pics should be exempt.

For me it's the browsing through the scrappy isles in the store checking out the "pretty new papers" or the "I can use that for ____ stickers" or the "hey cool, a new tool" spending that I'm banning on myself.

I was told over the holidays by more than 1 person that I do everything "over the top." Got me thinking...that is not something that I want to change. I like "over the top". So, for me, the ban is on the aimless spending, along with not signing up for every swap that is offered. AND hopefully getting my time organized better so I can send priority, and not overnight anything ($$$ not so well spent :sad2:)

I have been re-purposing a few things, and that has been fun. DH came in and thought the prima bottles were cute, and I used some old spice bottles and ball jars for some things, so I'm feeling pretty good. My challenge today will be to go to Joann's and only buy what I need for a sewing project, and not any scrappy stuff :rotfl:
Okay ladies who have kids, we say this with our kids every October during red ribbon week..."Just Say No!" So Debbie, repeat after me, "Just Say No to the scrapbooking aisle!":thumbsup2
Okay ladies who have kids, we say this with our kids every October during red ribbon week..."Just Say No!" So Debbie, repeat after me, "Just Say No to the scrapbooking aisle!":thumbsup2


OK, I'll try it....

"nnnnn....." Hmmm...

"NNNNN...." It's harder than I thought...

Had to go to Mikes yesterday (DD had a bead kit to exchange) I needed to get cardstock for my Character Swap for Cogsworth, can you believe it, I had NO brown paper, nothing, nada.

So I only spent $3.10 cash (was 30% off) does this count against me since its for a swap? if so, BAD Lisa :guilty: did look around, I have a GC from x-mas, but I didn't see anything that I REALLY needed or wanted!

I told DH I was doing this and he said "great, but I don't mind you spending $$ on your passion" am I lucky or what :lovestruc but I told him I really was going to curb my spending, use up my stash and save my $$ for a girls weekend with my friend in Sept to celebrate our b-days!
I agree, organizational stuffs and items needed to scrap swaps and pages don't count towards the ban. Consumables needed to have a nice page, or $$ spent on printing pics should be exempt.

For me it's the browsing through the scrappy isles in the store checking out the "pretty new papers" or the "I can use that for ____ stickers" or the "hey cool, a new tool" spending that I'm banning on myself.

I was told over the holidays by more than 1 person that I do everything "over the top." Got me thinking...that is not something that I want to change. I like "over the top". So, for me, the ban is on the aimless spending, along with not signing up for every swap that is offered. AND hopefully getting my time organized better so I can send priority, and not overnight anything ($$$ not so well spent :sad2:)

I have been re-purposing a few things, and that has been fun. DH came in and thought the prima bottles were cute, and I used some old spice bottles and ball jars for some things, so I'm feeling pretty good. My challenge today will be to go to Joann's and only buy what I need for a sewing project, and not any scrappy stuff :rotfl:

I tend to go all out too, but that is just me. My friends call me Martha all the time. Especially when I wrap gifts.

Just remember Quality not Quantity!
List of BAN Wagon members
party of 3
New England Eeyore

Can I play too?:flower3:
you'll have to change the saving one manually. I haven't been able to find one that will add up automatically unless you pick a travel one or something and then set the date of event to today. Then it should automatically add an "x days since ......" in the tag line.
Did that make sense?

Makes perfect sense. Thanks. I'm going there now to trade-in my old ticker.

And congratulations on the Mod job!
Paper you have to buy for a swap because you underestimated (or made the wrong colors like I did) or messed up cutting doesn't count towards the ban. Honest mistakes happen and the work you accomplished with the BAN shouldn't be penalized for that.

Thanks for exempting me! I was hoping it wouldn't count, especially since I was laser-focused with my shopping and didn't get anything else.

I was told over the holidays by more than 1 person that I do everything "over the top." Got me thinking...that is not something that I want to change. I like "over the top".

I have been re-purposing a few things, and that has been fun. DH came in and thought the prima bottles were cute, and I used some old spice bottles and ball jars for some things, so I'm feeling pretty good. My challenge today will be to go to Joann's and only buy what I need for a sewing project, and not any scrappy stuff :rotfl:

I hear this all the time. I made wine jelly for gifts for all of my co-workers this year and everyone called me Martha. I love to make things look nice and I don't want to change that about myself. I'm a total perfectionist and I'm OK with that.

Great job on the re-purposing. At Joann's, just tell yourself, "I don't need it and I'll feel better about myself if I don't get it." The feeling of accomplishment of NOT buying it makes it all worth while.

So I only spent $3.10 cash (was 30% off) does this count against me since its for a swap? if so, BAD Lisa :guilty: did look around, I have a GC from x-mas, but I didn't see anything that I REALLY needed or wanted!

I told DH I was doing this and he said "great, but I don't mind you spending $$ on your passion" am I lucky or what :lovestruc but I told him I really was going to curb my spending, use up my stash and save my $$ for a girls weekend with my friend in Sept to celebrate our b-days!

If one of your goals was not to restrict swaps, then you have to spend $$ to pay for said swaps. The important thing is that you didn't use the need to buy some brown paper as license to go crazy with spending.

My DH doesn't really mind my scrap spending. He was just very matter of fact that we could do other really awesome things if I cut back some. A guaranteed Disney vacay every couple of years via DVC is worth cutting back.

Can I play too?:flower3:

I'm SO SORRY! I thought I had added you to the list a while back! I updated the first post. Welcome to the Wagon Train!!!
I'm checking in to report a "Yay me!" moment. I had to go to Walmart today for some household items. I didn't go anywhere near the craft area, and I even skipped the office supply area. I made a "scrapping notebook" for myself yesterday with items I found around the house, and I was tempted to look for prettier stuff at Walmart.........but I resisted temptation:).
Can I play also?
S :)

Sorry! I meant to type in your name as the last one on the list and added Mickster's again. So I guess now would be a bad time to admit that I always get y'all's screennames confused even though I know who each of you are? :o

Welcome aboard!!!

I'm checking in to report a "Yay me!" moment. I had to go to Walmart today for some household items. I didn't go anywhere near the craft area, and I even skipped the office supply area. I made a "scrapping notebook" for myself yesterday with items I found around the house, and I was tempted to look for prettier stuff at Walmart.........but I resisted temptation:).

Good job!
I'm giving myself a pat on the back, because I went to Panera, Best Buy and Target today. Guess what is right smack in the middle of those 3 stores? ACM! Normally I would at least walk through and browse, but I was good!
I'm giving myself a pat on the back, because I went to Panera, Best Buy and Target today. Guess what is right smack in the middle of those 3 stores? ACM! Normally I would at least walk through and browse, but I was good!

Any Asiago bagels left?

:cheer2: For staying strong.
I'm giving myself a pat on the back, because I went to Panera, Best Buy and Target today. Guess what is right smack in the middle of those 3 stores? ACM! Normally I would at least walk through and browse, but I was good!

YUMMMM... Panera sounds sooooo good!!
Pink ribbon bagels!!!!! YUM!!!! And broccoli cheddar soup and 1/2 of a chipotle chicken sandwich. Double YUM!!!

See I can't go to Panera, it's next door to Michael's and I always have lunch there after a day of power shopping!
While we're on Panera, BBQ Chicken Flatbread Pizza!!! YUMMY!! Maybe if I do good on the BAN this month, I'll treat myself to one! :thumbsup2
I hear ya on the Broccoli cheddar soup.... ok now I am just starving.
Glad to see I'm not the only Panera nut! Chicken Caesar Sandwich on sourdough is my own personal preference, along with a loaf of sourdough to bring home (justifying it being an errand, instead of 'going out to eat.' ;)
Okay, I feel like I did pretty good today, but still there's that hint of guilt for spending anything. I went to Hobby Lobby today. I had to exchange some duplicate Cuttlebug stuff from Christmas.

I brought along patterned paper swatches to match cardstock for a project that I started but had to stop due to lack of a cardstock match. So that was project-specific cardstock (on sale), which is on my list of exemptions and the project is for my birthday book on my goals list.

Picked up adhesive (necessary).

I also bought a Staz-On black stamp ink pad (on sale) for a set of tumbled tile coasters I want to make for my dad's birthday (in 9 days). That project is also on my goals list. I resisted buying any stamps and have arranged to borrow a set from a friend.

So I got out of there for about $7, and two goals will soon be checked off.


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