2008 BAN Wagon Support Group

B&MB, thanks for the extra leap year day reminder.

Q: I went to the ticker factory this morning to change that and added my Jan. 1 saved day. Do I have to do that each morning in order to keep my ticker up to date, or will it start doing that automatically now?

:thumbsup2 Way to create in 2008. Kim! It almost kills me when I cut something wrong. I'm glad you were able to make a positive out of that situation.

you'll have to change the saving one manually. I haven't been able to find one that will add up automatically unless you pick a travel one or something and then set the date of event to today. Then it should automatically add an "x days since ......" in the tag line.
Did that make sense?
here you can do this, I picked the event choice, made the ticker then set the event date to yesterday.


this one is even better
Okay, I have to confess that yesterday I did go out shopping but I only bought a system for storing my paper so i could see it, that way I would have to buy more when i wanted a certain color. Rebecca

I don't think would have counted anyway. That isn't a consumable. I think anything that helps you scrap better is a good thing.
I will need to pick up new tweezers soon. Mine are all scraped up on the outside edges and make it hard to let the paper go. It gets kinda hung up. I don't need a whole new kit, so I'll have to look around to find just the tweezers. And with all the paper piecings I signed up to do, I don't want to sit there and get frustrated when a new pair of tweezers will remedy that.
Sanity-saving is essential! (Especially if I'm going to get one of those babies :lmao: )
I like this- we can justify anything!!! :lmao:

I went to Target yesterday and found nothing to buy in the scrap aisle.
Ok, I'm so in. I have been thinking about this all week and I agree, I have spent so much money in the last two years on scrapbooking. I'm going to go with a reward system type thing. I'm going to give myself $20 for every 20 pages I scrap.
I have gift cards from christmas for Hobby Lobby and Michaels, so I will spend them first on what I need to buy. I'm also going to limit my swapping to once a month. I have to look at the calendar and check out what is out there coming up.

S :)
Great job Ann, Debbie, and Maria. Way to save! Group pat-on-the-back.:grouphug:

I hope I'm not enabling here, but since many of us listed photo developing as necessary, Walgreens has .10 prints (others may have a sale this time of year with so many people getting Christmas pics). It may be a good idea to get that done now instead of later when the price is up.

Well, here's hoping their quality is good. I just ordered 100 photos. Christmas/Museum Trip/Visiting Grandparents/Halo Stats (SIOH know this one)
I was good today!!! I went to Staples because DS11 needed a new binder and we were out of paper clips so of course I was in the paper clip aisle and they had such cute paper clips and colored staples. The went into the buggy but I took them back out and decided that if I need them on my free shopping day, then I will still get them.

Now, do organization things count??? I did buy a 5x8 index card box and dividers for m scraps. They are out of hand! But if it's for the good of the scrap, then it's ok right? I will use more scrap pieces.
Oh, goody, if organizational things don't count. I've been waiting a ribbon organizer for awhile. My little basket with the ribbon wrapped around square boards isn't working any more.
Well I made it two days, that has to count for something right??

I also, made a couple cards, took their pictures and posted my first items on Etsy!

So at least I used some of my stuff I already had, and if I can sell some, then woo hoo

Then I could use that for more scrapping....or Disney trips?
I would say organization doesn't count, AS LONG AS YOU USE THEM! No buying and then sticking it under a table or in the closet or "maybe, someday I will have a use for this..." Organization helps you be more creative and use your stash because you can find things. Plus, it tends to make DH's happier because places don't look like a bomb went off. Happy DHs are a good thing, especially if things our DH's buy don't count. :rotfl2:
Well, here's hoping their quality is good. I just ordered 100 photos. Christmas/Museum Trip/Visiting Grandparents/Halo Stats (SIOH know this one)

Yep, I so know this one!! I just ordered a bunch the other day from the night we took "Rock Band" over to KAMommy's and we all played! :rotfl2:
Slowly getting caught up. DH took me on a surprise getaway trip for NYE so I'm way behind. Plus, I rely heavily on my DIS emails and they aren't working. :guilty:

Way to go Nancy!!!!! Good for you!

I am cleaning out my stash, I tore out all the layouts I want in the 50 magazines I had (I think there were more than 50 but I lost count) I filled 3 paper bags of magazine bits I didn't need. I have all of my 1994 pics sorted in chronological order and I have the first go round of one of our WDW trips, honestly can't remember which one. :rolleyes: So next I need to sort the pics into pages, find layouts, and get paper and embellies out.

I did however take stock of my adhesive. I have 2 rolls left so I know I will need more on the 12th.

Are we supposed to tally our spending totals? good and bad?

Way to go on starting the sorting. Figuring out what you have makes such a huge difference.

I'm not sure about tallying the spending totals. I do it because I like to know how much I'm spending. :scared1: I'm not sure it's for everyone, though I wouldn't have a problem if everyone wanted to do it.

Okay, I've thought about this and I am having a hard time coming up with days and stuff. I think the way I am going to go about this is that I am making myself commit to scrap before I can buy something. So my plan is for every 10 pages (that's huge for me), I can spend $20.00. That way I am sure to at least get my scrapping done.

I :love: the reward idea. I wish I had thought of it before I limited myself. Do you think anyone would notice if I went back and edited the first post to include that? :rolleyes1

I purposely do NOT keep my scrap receipts because if I were to total it up, it would seriously freak me out.

I'm beginning to wonder why I do it. It certainly didn't make me feel good! :eek:

It was really hard to pass by the ribbon, felt pieces, and fiber offerings. But I did it! :woohoo:

Good for you for resisting the urge!!


I still have 6 pages to go to get caught up. Y'all are chatty!!! :flower3:
which one was it???? i love the cuttlebug embossing folders!!!!!
oh boy, see i already thinkin' i might need that!!!!!!!;)
what's it been 1 day and i'm already thinkin' about falling off the wagon!!!!!:laughing:

Sit yourself down and repeat after me. I don't need it, I don't need it, I don't need it. I may want it but that doesn't matter because I don't need it!

- Not buy any paper just because it is "pretty" I have to have a need or use for it at the time of purchase.

This is SOOOOO me! I :love: :lovestruc :love: paper and it is totally why I scrap. I am forever buying paper because it is pretty or cute. We'll support each other, 'K? :thumbsup2

I have to say that already you have all inspired me. I have had a crazy week.

So now I have a question - I have a ton ton ton of pictures so I need to put a few on each page or my book will be the size of the encyclopedia britannica (remember those sets?). With all of these lovely items to embellish the page, any tips for how to make a nice page with all the embellys and still get lots of pics? I already crop down the pics.

Thanks to all for the inspiration!!!!

Sorry your week was rough. I use www.pagemaps.com when I am looking for layouts for specific numbers of pics. They break it down for you.

So, shoppers who cannot shop...where can I get a year's supply of black and red 12x12 cardstock, on sale of course, before the year's end?

www.madaboutscrapbooks.com has great deals on bulk Bazzill. The more you buy, the less it costs.

I'm in! I love to buy stuff that is pretty and cute and that I will probably someday use. I

This is SO ME!!! My only problem is that I never use it. :confused:

I made it without buying amything. I am proud of myself.

I just got in from shopping and I didn't buy one thing for me... nothing...

I too had a successful AC Moore trip today. Nothing. Granted I didn't even go down those aisles, but I figure that's progress, right? :)

GREAT job, y'all! Especially good plan, Mickster. Out of sight, out of mind!

I know I didn't have this on my list, but I'm thinking it's an acceptable exempt item...While working on a project this afternoon, I discovered that my all three black micron pens are out of ink. That's a pretty cheap supply to replace, right? And there are still two more days in 2007.

Totally necessary!

BTW- am I allowed to buy extra pages for scrapbooks?. With all the materials I have to use, I'll need more pages.

More pages are a totally necessary expense. Good job on turning off those Joann's ads. I need to do that also.
Why did I need to replace them? Because my cat threw them away!

That is the best excuse for shopping that I've ever heard! Methinks I have some kitty training to do. :lmao:

They also have their paper, stickers, inks, markers, Spare Parts, and ribbon, all 50%. I was sooo proud of myself. I picked up a couple of Karen Foster's Stickers and then put them back.

I walked out with only what I went in for. Spent $10. :woohoo: Course this is still 2007, so it doesn't count against me. ;)

The first part of your post is definitely an enabler alert but that is OK since it was pre-2008. The second part of your post is just fabulous. $10 with a sale like that is incredible. Good job!!! :thumbsup2

Anyway, I was going to Mike's today to get the MM carousel...and DUH...lightbulb moment :idea: I have an old lazy susan. Now going to find some disney mugs to stick on there...

Spending for today... $0.00
Repurposing something old into something new...priceless :teeth:

Re-purposing is the best!!! :goodvibes

My free Days:

April 3rd- My birthday

Hey! :bday: to you. We share a b-day!!

THEN, if you can even imagine that in a short period of time (we are talking maybe 3 hours to sort the swap stuff over the weekend, and an hour and a half or so to match up all the pictures tonight), I sat down and did 10 pages:banana: Amazing how much easier the pages go when all the stuff is together!!!

That is totally inspiring, Maria. I hope I can do something like that!

I'm back from my annual January 1 shopping trip, which is on my list of scrap shopping days posted earlier in this thread:). I stuck to my list 100% and feel confident that I can make it to my next scrap shopping day (Mother's Day) without falling off the wagon:).

Great job on sticking to your list!

I hope I'm not enabling here, but since many of us listed photo developing as necessary, Walgreens has .10 prints (others may have a sale this time of year with so many people getting Christmas pics). It may be a good idea to get that done now instead of later when the price is up.

Photo developing pricing shouldn't qualify as an enabler because it is a tool. We can't exactly scrap without pictures, now can we?
I went to Target yesterday and found nothing to buy in the scrap aisle.

Now THIS is an accomplishment!

I was so good yesterday!!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP!!

Good job on resisting. I get so caught up in the excitement of the sign-ups and then I have swappers remorse when I realize how much I'm going to have to spend to complete my spots.

I was good today!!! I went to Staples because DS11 needed a new binder and we were out of paper clips so of course I was in the paper clip aisle and they had such cute paper clips and colored staples. The went into the buggy but I took them back out and decided that if I need them on my free shopping day, then I will still get them.

Now, do organization things count??? I did buy a 5x8 index card box and dividers for m scraps. They are out of hand! But if it's for the good of the scrap, then it's ok right? I will use more scrap pieces.

Good job on resisting! No, I don't think organization items count because they allow us to use our stash more effectively.
Alrighty! I'm all caught up so I'd like to give a great big welcome to our new members:

party of 3
New England Eeyore

Welcome to you all. I'm so excited to see that so many are willing and excited to embark on this journey. I will do my best to support you and appreciate all you can do in return.


Tonight I spent $1.91 on cardstock for a swap I signed up for last year. I underbought on the original purchase so had to get more. I don't think this should count for my BAN as it was a commitment from my pre-BAN days but I'll leave the determination up to y'all. Either way, I've added it to my 2008 Scrap Expense file for now. I am at least proud to say that I went into the store, picked up the 3 sheets of paper that I needed, paid cash and left. I didn't even browse the 50% off table full of goodies leftover from their New Year's Day sale.

I'm pretty proud of me even though I spent $$.
Tonight I spent $1.91 on cardstock for a swap I signed up for last year. I underbought on the original purchase so had to get more. I don't think this should count for my BAN as it was a commitment from my pre-BAN days but I'll leave the determination up to y'all. Either way, I've added it to my 2008 Scrap Expense file for now. I am at least proud to say that I went into the store, picked up the 3 sheets of paper that I needed, paid cash and left. I didn't even browse the 50% off table full of goodies leftover from their New Year's Day sale.

I'm pretty proud of me even though I spent $$.

Paper you have to buy for a swap because you underestimated (or made the wrong colors like I did) or messed up cutting doesn't count towards the ban. Honest mistakes happen and the work you accomplished with the BAN shouldn't be penalized for that.


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