who is doing a Pro Internship in 09?

I was looking to apply for a PI but I can't seem to find any for Guest Relations, Entertainment, or Human Resources. I was really interested in College Recruiting =(.

I was really interested in College Recruiting too (or even something similar under Human Resources) but was bummed to see that they don't have those opportunities available this time around.
I was really interested in College Recruiting too (or even something similar under Human Resources) but was bummed to see that they don't have those opportunities available this time around.

ya the whoas of making it and not finding th best or what you wish for...

i wanted something in guest relations as well as the graphics design that I was happy to get the chance to apply now im hoping and praying.
Several of my friends participated in PIs last semester and applied for ones this semester. They went through the entire screening/application process both times.

what categories/majors did your friends re-apply for??
what categories/majors did your friends re-apply for??

All of them had graduated last May and participated in a Fall PI. They applied for Spring PIs with the following departments Management Ops, Guest Relations, Media Relations, Disney Institute, and College Recruiting.
I know it was really fast I had my interview last Friday and was worried I didn't do well. Then yesterday, I got the call! My major is early childhood/ elementary education and I'm a college program alumni. I can't wait to move back down!
I know it was really fast I had my interview last Friday and was worried I didn't do well. Then yesterday, I got the call! My major is early childhood/ elementary education and I'm a college program alumni. I can't wait to move back down!

When they offered you the internship, was it specifically the Education Presenter Internship? I know with Animal Programs that there are a lot of different ones under Conservation Education. I have my interview on Thursday...
When they offered you the internship, was it specifically the Education Presenter Internship? I know with Animal Programs that there are a lot of different ones under Conservation Education. I have my interview on Thursday...

Which one did you apply for?
Hey guys :wave2: I'm new here and had a few questions and didn't think it deserved a new thread. Anywho I applied for 3 PI's and was wondering how hard it is to actually get accepted. The three I applied for are directly related to my major so I'm hoping that I'll atleast be considered, although I'm sure there are more people more qualified, than I, that have applied for the same position.

I also haven't done the CP so I was wondering if that might hurt me any, even though it wasn't required for the positions I applied for. Also, how long does it take to actually hear something back, whether it be by email or phone and what are the deadlines? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Does anyone know how many interns they hire for the veterinary hospital and animal behavior internships at DAK? or have any info about the animal programs in general?

Sorry if theres a thread for the Animal Internships! I looked and couldn't find one so if there is just point me in the direction!


Does anyone know how many interns they hire for the veterinary hospital and animal behavior internships at DAK? or have any info about the animal programs in general?

Sorry if theres a thread for the Animal Internships! I looked and couldn't find one so if there is just point me in the direction!



There are usually:
-2 behavior interns
-20 education presenter interns
-3 con ed interns
and I think one 1 or 2 for vet
I went through orinetation with the AP interns... there were 50 of us total, so that leave 48 AP ones. I'm not sure how they break down based on role however.
Hey guys :wave2: I'm new here and had a few questions and didn't think it deserved a new thread. Anywho I applied for 3 PI's and was wondering how hard it is to actually get accepted. The three I applied for are directly related to my major so I'm hoping that I'll atleast be considered, although I'm sure there are more people more qualified, than I, that have applied for the same position.

I also haven't done the CP so I was wondering if that might hurt me any, even though it wasn't required for the positions I applied for. Also, how long does it take to actually hear something back, whether it be by email or phone and what are the deadlines? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Those are great questions, some of which are a mystery! ;) First, yes, absolutely, you bet, PIs are very difficult to get and are very competitive. As far as the process, it depends on the PI. Animal Programs are handled very differently from, say, management PIs. I applied for some AP/PIs and mine was all handled through email. It stated that if they needed more information, they'd call, otherwise I'd know via email by May 1st.

Last semester, for the management internship, there was a screening interview, then a first interview where my application was then forwarded to the specific departments, then I had a second interview (all over the phone) with the merchandise management folks. I had not done a CP, but from the way things went down, I'm pretty sure I would have had an offer had the economy not tanked and the internships cancelled. :sad1: Communication was non-existent after the 2nd interview until the sad email about the positions being cancelled. From what I saw, they called with an offer, emailed a rejection.

I've applied for 2 non-Animal Program PIs this semester and have heard nada, nothing, zip. Not even an initial interview, which surprises/confuses me. I'm currently on a CP, so I don't know if I'm not being considered at all, or if they already have enough info from last semester's interviews to move things along. I may be calling the PI recruitment office this week, just to see what's up.
Those are great questions, some of which are a mystery! ;) First, yes, absolutely, you bet, PIs are very difficult to get and are very competitive. As far as the process, it depends on the PI. Animal Programs are handled very differently from, say, management PIs. I applied for some AP/PIs and mine was all handled through email. It stated that if they needed more information, they'd call, otherwise I'd know via email by May 1st.

Last semester, for the management internship, there was a screening interview, then a first interview where my application was then forwarded to the specific departments, then I had a second interview (all over the phone) with the merchandise management folks. I had not done a CP, but from the way things went down, I'm pretty sure I would have had an offer had the economy not tanked and the internships cancelled. :sad1: Communication was non-existent after the 2nd interview until the sad email about the positions being cancelled. From what I saw, they called with an offer, emailed a rejection.

I've applied for 2 non-Animal Program PIs this semester and have heard nada, nothing, zip. Not even an initial interview, which surprises/confuses me. I'm currently on a CP, so I don't know if I'm not being considered at all, or if they already have enough info from last semester's interviews to move things along. I may be calling the PI recruitment office this week, just to see what's up.

I have applied for Conservation of Education PI as well at animal kingdom, and received the same email you did. I completed my CP program in January hoping it would make me a better candidate. I'm a little confused I applied for same PI last year for animal science and received a conference interview, this year I did not received an interview, do you think it is because I am cast member or do they still have files from last year???? Im very worried, I also applied for Epcot Plant science
Those are great questions, some of which are a mystery! ;) First, yes, absolutely, you bet, PIs are very difficult to get and are very competitive. As far as the process, it depends on the PI. Animal Programs are handled very differently from, say, management PIs. I applied for some AP/PIs and mine was all handled through email. It stated that if they needed more information, they'd call, otherwise I'd know via email by May 1st.

Last semester, for the management internship, there was a screening interview, then a first interview where my application was then forwarded to the specific departments, then I had a second interview (all over the phone) with the merchandise management folks. I had not done a CP, but from the way things went down, I'm pretty sure I would have had an offer had the economy not tanked and the internships cancelled. :sad1: Communication was non-existent after the 2nd interview until the sad email about the positions being cancelled. From what I saw, they called with an offer, emailed a rejection.

I've applied for 2 non-Animal Program PIs this semester and have heard nada, nothing, zip. Not even an initial interview, which surprises/confuses me. I'm currently on a CP, so I don't know if I'm not being considered at all, or if they already have enough info from last semester's interviews to move things along. I may be calling the PI recruitment office this week, just to see what's up.

Wow, thank you so much graygables for all the info! I'm new to the PI stuff and anything I can learn about the initial process, helps me feel alittle bit better :)

Since my major is Fashion Merchandising I applied for Costuming Buyer Intern, Costuming Workroom Intern, Costuming Design Intern, etc. I would love any of these! The experience I could add to my resume and to actually work at Disney would just be a dream come true. And I have a feeling that's about as much of a chance I actually have of actually getting it haha... a dream!

There's no doubt in my mind that there are more qualified people ahead of me for the positions but I'm gonna keep trying anyway. I guess I'm more curious about the timeline and wondering when people start getting accepted or declined and like you said I'm sure it differs with each PI. Thanks again graygables :wave2:
I applied for the sports management PI but never heard anything. I went ahead and accepted for the CP, figured it gave me a stronger shot next year.


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