Who’s excited about the Barbie movie?

Loved Barbie growing up. GI Joe would hang with Ken and visit the Dream house every now and then. It's a pleasant memory. Hollywood should take note...no need for virtue signaling in every aspect of our lives. It can be quite the turn off...very divisive when overdone. Just my thoughts. :flower3:
Double Feature!

Sometimes I like to let a movie settle in after watching, especially when it's packed with a lot of details. I often like to watch again to see the details that went by too fast. :magnify: And sometimes, I'm still riding on the high of seeing a great action movie.

We are planning on seeing MI first as that will probably be the more exciting movie, then end with saying farewell to the Indy series second. IndianaJones.gif
I'm at AMC to see Barbie in 40 minutes. There was a line to get into the building and the line for concessions was insane. The Stubs line was way longer than the regular line lol can't wait to see it!

SO many people wearing pink. I even saw a couple dressed as Barbie and Ken (with blonde wigs and everything).
I'm at AMC to see Barbie in 40 minutes. There was a line to get into the building and the line for concessions was insane. The Stubs line was way longer than the regular line lol can't wait to see it!

SO many people wearing pink. I even saw a couple dressed as Barbie and Ken (with blonde wigs and everything).
We’ll be waiting for your review!
Was too tired to write this last night but the movie is amazing! I was surprised at how thought provoking the core message of the movie was. It's not just a silly comedy as shown in the trailers. Ryan Gosling as Ken steals the show here IMO. He is hysterical. This entire movie is hilarious. My entire theater was laughing throughout. Set design is also wonderful and there are so many little details that really help make you feel like you're in Barbie's world.

With that said, this is definitely NOT a kid's movie. I wouldn't really recommend taking kids younger than maybe 8 to see this. My theater was mostly adults though there was one family with kids ages 2-3 and they were so bored throughout the entire movie. There is cursing and a decent amount of sexual innuendos/jokes. I also think that little kids wouldn't really understand what this movie is trying to say but that's just my opinion.

I saw this with my dad and he thought it was incredible too. We're not fans of Barbie and we loved it, so you don't need to be a mega fan or have played with the dolls to enjoy this.
#3 is the only reason I am interested in it. Never played with Barbie dolls, preferred stuffed animals to dolls, it's the subversive stuff that interests me. My 2 DDs never had them, they did have a few American Girl dolls. I would not have encouraged Barbie, I would not have wanted them to have such an unrealistic representation of a female form. I have seen the foot clip, and I find it quite funny.

Certainly not rushing out to the theater this weekend to see it.

To some, the only way they wouldn’t deem this movie as “woke” is if Barbie was a stay-at-home wife with homeschooled children. 😄. Glad to see it doing well.
We went this morning. My sister and I grew up playing with Barbies. I used to love going to the Barbie aisle at Toy R Us and getting a new Barbie outfit or item for her house. I’ll admit it. I brought the kids along. DD18, DS8 and DD6 went with my sister and myself. Both DD‘s have played with Barbie’s at some point but never huge fans like I was. DS8 just came bc dad was working, but he loves popcorn so he didn’t mind. I figured the kids were just small enough to have certain things go right over their heads.

We all enjoyed it. Even DS8 didn’t mind it. I thought there was a little too much Ken and Ryan Gosling singing but oh well. DS8 and I both love Matchbox 20/ Rob Thomas so we were happy to hear them in it.

I loved the sets in the beginning and the whole Barbieland vibe. So cute. Also liked the America Ferrera speech to Barbie. It dragged a little at some points but overall I thought it was a cute, fun to see movie.

Poor weird Barbie. I never thought of the consequences of when I chopped Barbies hair off or colored all over her with markers. Sorry weird Barbie.
I had no interest in seeing it.

But then I remembered how much I adored Lady Bird (another Greta Gerwig film) & some of Noah Baumbach's work as well (co-writer, her partner)

I saw it yesterday. For $8! - that is crazy cheap here.😁Well that is besides the point.🤭

Nope. Nothing horrendous about it. But did not grab me at all. And I fell asleep for a wee bit, laughing. Not sure if it my health right now or some boredom. Toss up. I thought both Gosling & Robbie threw themselves into their roles with abandon. And many people in the theatre definitely loved the movie.

But way too much hoopla in my opinion.

I loved Barbie growing up. GI Joe would hang with Ken and visit the Dream house every now and then. It's a pleasant memory. Hollywood should take note...no need for virtue signaling in every aspect of our lives. It can be quite the turn off...very divisive when overdone. Just my thoughts. :flower3:
It was a turn off, for me.
Highlighting you TLSnell only because you and I are often on opposite ends in our perspectives on issues.
And I was 'please make it stop' at times during Barbie.


(I hate the word woke through - It is often thrown around in such an entirely lazy manner, in my opinion. There are many important issues at hand that are just thrown into a big pile.)
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Well I was excited for this movie . . . loved the trailers, but the actual movie was super weird IMO. Not sure what the message was supposed to be, felt like there were a lot of half-baked ideas thrown in there. Funny moments, yes, but it lacked cohesion for me.
I loved it. The messages it conveys, the humor, and the different aspects to appeal to really hit home.

My husband and I agreed that if this had come out in the 80’s it would’ve been a PG rated movie.
I had no interest in seeing it.

But then I remembered how much I adored Lady Bird (another Greta Gerwig film) & some of Noah Baumbach's work as well (co-writer, her partner)

I saw it yesterday. For $8! - that is crazy cheap here.😁Well that is besides the point.🤭

Nope. Nothing horrendous about it. But did not grab me at all. And I fell asleep for a wee bit, laughing. Not sure if it my health right now or some boredom. Toss up. I thought both Gosling & Robbie threw themselves into their roles with abandon. And many people in the theatre seemed to like the movie.

But way too much hoopla in my opinion.

It was a turn off, for me.
Highlighting you TLSnell only because you and I are often on opposite ends in our perspectives on issues.
And I was 'please make it stop' at times during Barbie.


(I hate the word woke through - It is often thrown around in such an entirely lazy manner, in my opinion. There are many important issues at hand that are just thrown into a big pile.)
Im not sure we are always on opposite ends. I think things often come across more black and white on a message board. I have no problem with different issues being the focal point in films etc. My beef is when EVERYTHING has to advocate for a social issue…particularly when it goes overboard and to the extreme. I believe many folks shut down at that point. Besides sometimes being lighthearted is what we need. Laughter is good for the soul!
Just got home a bit ago and I’m still smiling from the movie. Greta Gerwig really pulled it off.

She put just as much heart into the attention to detail in Barbieland as she did to the underlying message. I can’t wait to stream it at home so I can pause it several places in Barbieland and take it all in. There is just so much going on with the sets. It’s a perfectly executed homage to the dream world I played in every day as a kid.

Obviously it has a very powerful message but there is no finger wagging. I don’t know what some people are so upset about. It’s so tastefully done.

It’s also chock full of laughs. I snorted out loud (way too loud) during the battle of the Kens when they teleported from the beach to the dressed-in-black dance scene. I know Ryan Gosling is getting all the attention but Simu Liu was my favorite Ken. And Michael Cera as Alan was perfection.

The montage at the end when Barbie and Ruth are holding hands was everything. Womanhood, generational connections, humanity… it made tears run down to my pink Barbie shirt.
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My sister & I loved it - as we were watching it, we were both thinking, “I can’t wait until I can watch this again!”

I’ve read the criticisms about it being too ”woke”, &, while the movie does make a statement - actually lots of statements, neither she nor I really saw what the critics are claiming - and, just to be honest, this is coming from someone who leans conservative.

There is much in the movie about the patriarchy & the matriarchy - but there are observations & commentary on both sides, & it’s done in a gentle, humorous way. The juxtaposition of womanhood in Barbieland & womanhood in the real world was so well-done - ”Barbie has a great day every day, but Ken only has a great day if Barbie looks at him.”

(I do wish the different sides had come together just a little bit more/better in the end.)

Is it a movie for little girls? Probably not, because, while they’d love all the pink & all the wonderful Barbie sets, I don’t think they’d get any of the nuances & the very layered meanings.

And, for what it’s worth, I don’t think the movie was made for little girls - it’s not a kids’ movie. Kids can watch it, but I don’t think most of them are going to “get” the movie.

There are some totally ridiculous parts, & I thought some of the Will Ferrell parts went too long &, in the overall plot of the movie, didn’t always make a lot of sense.

Ken & all the other Kens were awesome.

Ryan Gosling was perfection. And Margo Robbie was exquisite.

We laughed during so many different parts, & we also got teary in a few places as well.

A little bit of a spoiler - When Stereotypical Barbie realizes she had gone to the real world, not for the daughter, but for the mother, I cried.

I mean, I think the movie was really made for our generation of women. We played w/ Barbies more than our daughters ended up playing w/ Barbies… our daughters are the ones who were first told that Barbie was maybe problematic & grew up not seeing Barbie the same we did.

W/ my own daughter, she’s more interested in the Oppenheimer movie than the Barbie movie.

But our generation grew up w/ Barbie telling us we could be whoever we wanted to be - Astronaut Barbie, President Barbie, Doctor Barbie, Adventure Barbie, Teacher Barbie… and we played w/ our Barbies in lovely pink plastic dreamworlds, & we usually all played w/ lots of different Barbies & just a couple of Kens. Like the movie, Kens were secondary in our imaginative Barbie worlds. And then grew up & realized Barbie Dreamland wasn’t anywhere near reality.

“It is the best day ever. So was yesterday, & so is tomorrow, & every day from now until forever…”.

Until we grow up & realize it’s not.

And now we have our own daughters w/ whom we sometimes struggle in our relationships - us understanding our daughters & who they’re growing up to be & our daughters understanding us & who we were, are, & have become.

Just like the ghost of the Barbie creator said, “We stand still so our daughters can look back to see how far we’ve come.”

And, when the ghost of the Barbie creator took the hands of Stereotypical Barbie to show her “real life“ - all the messy, gorgeous, broken, happy, sad, triumph, tragedy, & exhilaration of real life - I cried. And one woman in our theatre openly sobbed.

“That’s life. It’s all change.”

”It’s terrifying.”

Oh, & America Ferrara’s monologue to stereotypical Barbie got a standing ovation in our theatre!

And, once we realize how things are - once we see the truth, we can’t be put back in our boxes. Loved that!

“It’s literally impossible to be a woman.”

In addition to the patriarchy/matriarchy themes, there was also a theme of discovering who you are - for both Barbie AND Ken… and not Barbie & Ken together but Barbie & Ken separately. We are enough.

“The world isn’t what I thought it was.”

“It never is.”

Soooo many different layers to the movie - even the sly asides from Helen Mirren as the narrator were perfect!

And, beyond all that, the movie is just FUN.

So much pink in our packed theatre - and so many women were dressed up in all kinds of Barbie-wear. Opening night was an event.

And, next time I see it, I’m dressing up as Weird Barbie!
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