What are your 2008 creative goals?

Yeah, uh, I'm getting no where..too many kids at home...and the "mom I needs are in full swing".. I hope to make a bigger dent once they all go back to school ALL day!! I have 6+ hours of NO kids!!! :) You'll see mom doing the happy dance when they return to school.. love them...but they are invading my scraproom!!!
Great idea!

1. Finish 2006 Family Album
2. Do 2007 Family Album
3. Finish 9/06 Disney Trip Done!
4. Do 6/07 Disney Trip Done!
5. Do DD and Ds's autograph books from 6/07 trip
6. Do DS's ABC album Done!
7. Do Mother's Day album for my DM
8. Do 12/06 San Francisco Trip Done!
9. and then after all of that...start 2008 album and try not to get too far behind again!

Whew! I am tired already! :rotfl:

I finished my San Francisco trip (#8) tonight! :cool1:
Goals for 2008

We retire March 1st and leave for an extended trip March 3rd. My biggest goal is to create and execute a plan for keeping all our souveniers, photos and trip notes organized. In my wildest dreams, they would actually get into Albums as we go.
Well, they didn't get into albums as we went, but the 40 side album was done within a month after we got home, and the 80 page trip report is now done too!

Write something every day. Now that I am old, and looking down the long past of my life, I see that so many things have changed that my granddaughters, born and honorary, will never know about unless they hear it from me - so many special people who are gone and will be forgotten unless I capture them to paper.
4 essays and the 80 page trip report written. Started a holiday recipe album with stories. Started a list of stories to tell.

Scrap more, shop less.
Scrapped SO much, and got rid of stuff I don't use in yard sale, that it is now becoming imperative that I find a place to shop! 250 pages for GKTW, 2 library pocket photo albums, the 40 side trip album, a 40 side 80th birthday album, and I can't remember what else. Oh, and we renovated the kitchen, too!

DO SOMETHING with the 47 trays of slides that I photographed and put in the computer last year. There are stories to go with them, too, but not til I write them down.
4 stories done and that's a start. Thanks for bumping this back into view - I'd forgotten it, really, and I feel good about my progress so far.
My goals for 2008:

General Scrapbooking:
500 pages (monthly goal 75)this has been done
Use of swap items: 200 pieces used I am well over this goal
Gift Layouts: 100- 78
Use layouts and books from CKC 2007 before CKC 2008- 3 used, a few more planned for useG
o to 1 monthly crop at Michaels (I can generally get about 30-40 pages done so it is worth the $10)didn't ever do this but I moved and don't have one near me. I may try to get to the new scrapbook store near me or to meet up with Diana for cropping
Create 12 new wishblade files (not just words)4
Learn 8 new techniques for embellishing (maybe try paint cans)I learned this many techniquies between my CKC classes and my SDV class. Probably more- I think I learned this many in the tag class at CKC.
Find a better way to organize my things-I have my room organized now- I just have to put it back from SDV

Scrapbooks for others:
Joseph's Birthday PP album - 2/1/08 -finished 1/1/08
Darlene's Baby Album 3/1/08finished
Lisa's Baby Album 4/30/08finished

My Scrapbooking:
Finish Epcot Book: 3/31/08finished
Finish Pirate & Princess layouts 3/31/08finished 1/4/08
Get Picture's for Elizabeths first year album printed and in 4/30/08 (I have to obtain the pictures from someone else for the most part)
Flower & Garden Festival Book 5/31/08finished
Christmas Layout 2007 1/31/08finished
Make 2007 book 6/30/08
Make 2008 Calendar 1/31/07
Together album for DH & I 1/31/07 (almost have all pages decorated need to choose and print pictures)done
Keep Current with 2008 mini calendar/book at school
Work on: MK album, MGM album, AK album, resort album, dinning album, character album, food & wine album, school album, and Christmas at Disney ( as I finish other books I will move these up the priority list)

Christmas Gifts (will be added to throughout year)
Calendar for Grandmom & Sister
Number albums for nieces and newphews

Well I have updated how I am doing with SDV taken into account.

It's funny - I was just thinking about this thread at work today! I wanted to check on my progress.

LindaBabe - I think that it is fantastic that you are doing so much writing. Even though I am much younger than you, I am kind of a fanatic about journalling in my scrapbooks and making sure I put things to paper in general. I think it's because I lost my mother and grandmother at an early and have huge gaps in my family and childhood history. I know your family will appreciate what you are doing so much!!

My goals:

- Album for DsD's graduation in June DONE
- My parents' wedding album DONE
- Finish chronological albums for 2006 and 2007 DONE
- Work on travel albums for 2005-2007
NH 05 and 06 done, Disney 1/05, 12/06 done, DC 05 and 06 done. Disney 10/05 and 10/06 70% done, Left to do: Disney 10/07.
- ABC album of my cat (his baby album, so to speak)
In progress. Maybe 40% done?
-Start non-trip specific Disney park albums (one per park, using swap stash)
Started to print pictures for this.
- Decide what I want to do with my childhood photos - scrap or put in photo albums - and work on scanning them in to the computer
I bought a better scanner, and I am sloooowly working on scanning in slides and negatives. This, I think, will be my biggest goal for 2009 since I am close to getting caught up on scrapping everything since 2000.

- Create a stash of homemade cards to have on hand so I am not always making (or buying) one at the last minute
Still not yet, and I have a bunch of fall birthdays to make, so I need to do that soon.
- Start making Christmas cards in October! (I say this every year, let's see how I do)
Starting to think about a design.
- Finish the decor projects I want for my scrap room walls (I have a box full of half-finished projects)
Still nothing yet
-Get (and STAY!) organized! (This is probably the most unrealistic goal)
Getting better
-Deal with box of unfinished CKC projects before this year's CKC in May Made a lot of progress. Not done yet. I'm giving myself a new goal of dealing with it before the year's second CKC in October.

Other added goals:
2008 album up to date - Still have to catch this one up - but I know all the pages I want to do.
Just one month left in the year! How did everyone end up with their goals? I know a few of mine are going to carry over into 2009, but overall I'm happy with my progress.

- Album for DsD's graduation in June DONE
- My parents' wedding album DONE
- Finish chronological albums for 2006 and 2007 DONE
- Work on travel albums for 2005-2007
NH 05 and 06 done, Disney 1/05, 12/06 done, DC 05 and 06 done. Disney 10/05 and 10/06 70% done, Left to do: Disney 10/07.Stalled on this since the last update. I'd like to finish 10/05 and 10/06 trips before the end of the year - I think it's within reach.
- ABC album of my cat (his baby album, so to speak)
Steady progress. Don't know if I'll finish this month, but I should be able to be close.
-Start non-trip specific Disney park albums (one per park, using swap stash)
Started - made a big dent in my Epcot swap stash.
- Decide what I want to do with my childhood photos - scrap or put in photo albums - and work on scanning them in to the computer
I bought a better scanner, and I am sloooowly working on scanning in slides and negatives. This, I think, will be my biggest goal for 2009 since I am close to getting caught up on scrapping everything since 2000. Still scanning. Although I really want to start working on at least some of these.

- Create a stash of homemade cards to have on hand so I am not always making (or buying) one at the last minute
Yeah, this is just not happening. I did make a few ahead of time, but I am still mostly scrambling. But at least I have not given Hallmark any money this year - no store bought at all.
- Start making Christmas cards in October! (I say this every year, let's see how I do)
I did it! I didn't start until November, but I was done before Thanksgiving! What a relief!
- Finish the decor projects I want for my scrap room walls (I have a box full of half-finished projects)
Still nothing yet. Sigh.
-Get (and STAY!) organized! (This is probably the most unrealistic goal)
I've given up - the boxes on the floor are killing me. I need to deal with them.
-Deal with box of unfinished CKC projects before this year's CKC in May Yeah, this box is my nemesis. I really want to deal with it, but I just never seem to get around to it. It has to be #1 on my list for next year.

Other added goals:
2008 album up to date - Up to to date through September. I plan to print all pictures from the last part of the year after Christmas.
hey how come I didn't get any felted clogs for xmas??? LOL

My goals:

- finish chronological pages from 1994 to at least 2000 if not more.
- Work on Disney albums and finish at least 2 or 3.
- Start kids school albums.
- Update 9 heritage albums, we've had 1 birth and 3 weddings since they were debuted.

-Scan and CD all of dad's slides and mom's albums.
- organize all the pics on the hard drives to one hard drive and burn them to CDs.
- Create a stash of homemade cards.
- Start making Christmas cards in May!! I may actually finish them before xmas.
- Get organized! (Yeah right!)

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Yep, I think that about covers it! LOL
My goals for 2008:

General Scrapbooking:
500 pages (monthly goal 75)well done- I am at 901 so far
Use of swap items: 200 pieces used I don't have a count but over 200 pages I have done have used swap items- many more than 1
Gift Layouts: 100- over 200
Use layouts and books from CKC 2007 before CKC 2008- I only have 6 left from both year combined
Go to 1 monthly crop at Michaels (I can generally get about 30-40 pages done so it is worth the $10)only SDV as far as cropping this year but very successful with 150 pages
Create 12 new wishblade files (not just words)at least 25
Learn 8 new techniques for embellishing (maybe try paint cans)I learned: embossing paste, stitching, ribbon flowers, paper slider, velum poem boxes, use of distress inks, using patterned paper
Find a better way to organize my things-started by organizing paper, organized embellishments by color, still need to work on putting things away but I am getting better, swap items are organized for easier use

Scrapbooks for others:
Joseph's Birthday PP album - 2/1/08 -finished 1/1/08
Darlene's Baby Album 3/1/08done
Lisa's Baby Album 4/30/08done along with 2 more and a baby rolodex

My Scrapbooking:
Finish Epcot Book: 3/31/08finished
Finish Pirate & Princess layouts 3/31/08finished 1/4/08
Get Picture's for Elizabeths first year album printed and in 4/30/08 (I have to obtain the pictures from someone else for the most part)hopefully work on this at Christmas
Flower & Garden Festival Book 5/31/08finished all but 1 layout- need to put in a book
Christmas Layout 2007 1/31/08finished
Make 2007 book 6/30/08never started
Make 2008 Calendar 1/31/07never done
Together album for DH & I 1/31/07 (almost have all pages decorated need to choose and print pictures)done
Keep Current with 2008 mini calendar/book at schoolonly through May
Work on: MK album, MGM album, AK album, resort album, dinning album, character album, food & wine album, school album, and Christmas at Disney ( as I finish other books I will move these up the priority list)AK album close to finished with layouts, MGM album in kits, MK album still half done, other have swap items sorted for them

Christmas Gifts (will be added to throughout year)
Calendar for Grandmom & Sisterdecided not to do
Number albums for nieces and newphewsfile made and books bought but I haven't put anything on paper

Overall I haven't done poorly this year on reaching my goals- I need to work on getting my completed pages in albums. I have the albums I just haven't decided how to organize them.

Mine is pretty easy and yet will take me all year.

I need to finish 2006 (I do chronological and I am to mid December so only 10 or so more pages).

Start and finish 2007 (I have about 2/3 of the April Disney trip and that is it for the year!:scared:) So I have to get working.

Start 2008 and keep it up to date! Oh and I have to break a bit of a DIS BAN rule. I forget I needed a book for 2008, so i will have to go buy one soon. But I actually need it, since I used my last extra for a gift book. But I will be able to use a coupon!

I would love start to stockpile cards, but I know that will fall to the back burner, so I am not officially including it.

Ok, well I seem to have FAILED with every goal! :rotfl:

Tonight I hope to get my wedding pages scrapped, so, if so, I will be up to September 25, 2008. Then i have to start on my mini-moon and the 1000 pics I took during that. BUUUUUTT I *should* be able to check keeping the 2008 book up to date off the list if all goes according to plan these next few weeks. When do things ever go according to plan???

As for 2006- yup never touched it all year. I hope once I get into Christmas scrap mode, I will be able to finally finish that darn book.

2007- not too bad. I completed all of the "little" pages (topics/layouts that have less then 4 pages) all the way to December. I skipped 3 big events since they will probably require 10 pages each. Those events go in line after the 2008 book. Again i hope to be christmasey and scrap the 30-50 pages of 2007 holiday, but realism has to come into play here at some point.

All three of these, plus a "keep 2009 book up-to-date" will be on the 2009 list, just because it works that way. :rotfl2:

Oh and that card thing....yeah, saw that as un-accomplish-able last year. Good call me! :thumbsup2 ;)
Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Yep, I think that about covers it! LOL

That's where I am too.

My goals:

*Do my trans-Atlantic cruise album
*Finish my WDW/cruise vacation album from 1995 (WDW part is done, need to do the cruise pics)
*And keeping with the theme, print and scrap 2003 WDW/Disney cruise pics.

And if I get that done

*Get my National Parks scrapbook up to date
*Edit and organize WDW pics from all the other trips to get ready to print.

I did absolutely none of that. I fretted over my T-A cruise album. The pictures I got from Snapfish, disappointed me, but I spent $100! on them, and I didn't want to throw them away. But then I started printing from Shutterfly, and those pics came out much better. I had 30 free prints from Snapfish, so I did a test...Definitely prefer Shutterfly. So now I have to get some of my prints reprinted, I won't do all of them though.

But, with the new laptop, I did a bunch of photo editing and got most of my non-Disney pictures from 2008 printed. And I developed a plan of attack for how to manage the 20,000 Disney prints that need to be edited and printed.

I also figured out that it works beST for me to layout and edit photos at the same time. I can figure out what pics I want as 4x6, 5x7, 3x4s etc. And I make a sketch of the layout. Then when I get the pics I already know what the page is going to basically look like, so I don't have to waste time shuffling the pics around.

So for 2009, I am READY!
Love this..

My goals:
Scrap 6-8 pages a week.. (I can do this while the kids are in school) Pretty much done this
Finish a calendar and grandchild album for FIL.. He asked today for a calendar that listed all the special events for the family.. He decided against this!
Finish the 2007 family album
Keep current the 2008 family album by scrapping in it every 2 weeks (designated every other weekend to this)
Finish DD's baby scrapbook Next year
Finish both DSs' baby books Next year
Complete 3 Valentine's Envelope books for the kids to keep their childhood school valentines in.. have everything ready for 1 and just need to cut and finish the last 2. DONE!!!!
Start and bring current all 5 kids' sports albums Started doing DS8's.... have been working on other pages as I get time for the other 4 kids... Will do alot more now that I'm getting Sports Mania for Christmas.

It sounds like a lot..but it really is manageable... Maybe I can finish these and update to a new list!!!

Have completed and kept current DS8's school book. Have a few layouts almost ready to go.

Have DS8's 4-H book current and to date
Also completed our Tree book, dedicated to a photo of our tree every year!

MUST do before year end

4- 8x8 albums for kids & DH (hope to be done by 12/20)
Finish bringing DS12's 4-H book current (about 3 LOs to go)
Finish bringing DS15's 4-H book current (all photos printed/everything ready.. just need the time)
My one and only goal this year, because I have to be realistic here, is to finally put some of my own photos to papers. I want to complete one album. The 2006 trip to Disney. I still need to print the photos for that. I have my Sis's photos, but need my own too.
If I can get that done before our next trip in August, I will proud of myself.

:rolleyes1 Well, my 2006 Disney photos are still in the box they were mailed in.
I did make some of my own pages with my own photos. :thumbsup2
Keeping track in the siggie is a great idea!!

My Goals:

Scrap more (not swap so much) this year...
Cruise Album from 2006
2008 Year album using calendar swap items (did you see how cool they were?)
Sort and organize photos from Mom (when she passed I got custody)
Organize photos out of mailer packs and into photo safe boxes. Dh is so organized, but the bags aren't photo safe ya know?

Thanks NEE for starting this thread. :teeth:

I guess I'll just make this my 2009 list, as I did NOTHING!!! :lmao:
Deb, mine will have to be my 2009 list, too!! :thumbsup2 I'm SO behind!!

Hmmm. . .can I count SIOLB as achieving my creative goal for 2008?? :rotfl2:
I hate goal setting! :) But I found the only year I actually did a lot of scrapping I was when I set goals on here!
So here goes!
Get my kids school, scout and sports book up to date. I would love to scrap 300 pages this year.

ok so lets see how I did......I finished DS school book, both kids scout book and finished DD dive book. I still need to finish her last year's school pages.... Not sure how many pages I scrapped but I know I am not near 300.....
I love this thread. I quit making New Year's Resolutions long ago since I never stuck to them. But goals are different; you don't feel like a failure if you don't accomplish them since you're always working toward them. In that light, here are my 2008 goals (at least the ones I can think of right now) ...

  • Finish DS's 1st WDW Trip album - he was 10 months old at the time, now he's 3 years old
  • Finish DH's 1st Father's Day album - DS was 6 months old back then
  • Do a 1st WDW Trip album for DD - she was 5 months old, now 7 months old
  • Finish Colors album for DS (or maybe DD at this point) - I origianally started it for DNiece when she was 1 1/2 years old, now she's 5
  • Start DSister's wedding album I promised her back in 1999 when she got married
  • Make a couple of pages for wall hangings of parents - at DSister's request
Other Crafty Goals
  • Paint DD's room - I have the paint just need to find the time
  • Clear out clutter and excess supplies in craft room
  • Put together some kind of digital album for DS's class at the end of the school year
Hmmm, I didn't really accomplish much of anything on my list this year. I've started the album from DD's first WDW trip. I'm plowing through it with the weekly Digi Scrapping Challenges. And I started painting her room back in February, started being the operative word. :rolleyes: Other than that NOTHING ELSE ON MY LIST HAS BEEN WORKED ON. Oh well, I guess I'll carry all this over to next year.
Great idea! :thumbsup2

I would like to:
make a few photo books, maybe one for each of 05,06,07

finish my disney 05 trip (07 is already in a photo album)

ebay a ton of unused scrap stuff

do a 2 page spread per month of highlights of '08. Last year, I bought the Karen Foster calendar
creations paper for each month, and it's been untouched.

make some cards to avoid the $3-5 each time I need one!

um, yeah..... NOT SO MUCH! :sad2:


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