What are your 2008 creative goals?

Mine is pretty easy and yet will take me all year.

I need to finish 2006 (I do chronological and I am to mid December so only 10 or so more pages).

Start and finish 2007 (I have about 2/3 of the April Disney trip and that is it for the year!:scared:) So I have to get working.

Start 2008 and keep it up to date! Oh and I have to break a bit of a DIS BAN rule. I forget I needed a book for 2008, so i will have to go buy one soon. But I actually need it, since I used my last extra for a gift book. But I will be able to use a coupon!

I would love start to stockpile cards, but I know that will fall to the back burner, so I am not officially including it.
Yeah I finished Dis 07 trip over the weekend. :banana: Just another 100 more pages to get the 2007 book done!:headache:
Great idea!

1. Finish 2006 Family Album
2. Do 2007 Family Album
3. Finish 9/06 Disney Trip Done!
4. Do 6/07 Disney Trip
5. Do DD and Ds's autograph books from 6/07 trip
6. Do DS's ABC album Done!
7. Do Mother's Day album for my DM
8. Do 12/06 San Francisco Trip
9. and then after all of that...start 2008 album and try not to get too far behind again!

Whew! I am tired already! :rotfl:

Finished another goal! :cheer2: I am now working on my 2007 Disney trip while I am on a Disney roll...
And it is mid month so you are doing really well! Half the tasks sot go and half the month to go
Hmmm, creative goals. Where to start? There are so many!

Scrapbooking Goals
Finish 2006 Life album - 1/31/08 DONE
Finish 2006 DL trip
Finish 2005 WDW trip
Finish (and start) 2007 Life album
Get Junior Girl Scout album up to date
Start 2008 Life album
Purchase negative scanner and scan in all wedding and engagement photos
Finish developing all rolls of film (don't ask :rolleyes: )

General Crafty Goals
Create labels for my homemade foods line
Perfect Wine Jelly recipe
Perfect Salsa recipe
Perfect BBQ Sauce recipe
Can 8 dozen jars of Wine Jelly, Salsa and BBQ Sauce to sell at craft booth and give as X-mas gifts.
Can a year's supply of tomatoes (about 3 dozen jars)
Make new curtains for the house (DR, LR, both bedrooms)
Finish dolphin cross-stitch for bathroom.
Make a new autumn wreath for the front door (my old one finally fell apart after 7 years).

I am DELIGHTED to share that I have completed my 2006 Life album! It is the first album of my very own that I have ever finished and I am so excited that I made my goal of completing it by the end of January.

I'm now going to spend some time on my 2006 DL trip and start on my 2007 Life album.

Gotta love goals!!! :thumbsup2
I am DELIGHTED to share that I have completed my 2006 Life album! It is the first album of my very own that I have ever finished and I am so excited that I made my goal of completing it by the end of January.

I'm now going to spend some time on my 2006 DL trip and start on my 2007 Life album.

Gotta love goals!!! :thumbsup2

Great job!

I feel like I am staying on task since I have written my goals down and shared them with all of you. I feel somewhat accountable now. Not like the lot of you are going to come pounding on my door Jan 1, 2009 if I have completed my list though! :rotfl:
Shauna, what was in your life album? Think it will be the same for 2008?
My 2006 Life album contained a birthday trip to LA plus a bunch of random layouts. There was a trip to the zoo with friends and their little girl, a trip to Lake Tahoe, a football game, some holiday layouts and some other random stuff.

My 2007 Life album will have a friend's wedding, a Halloween party, a trip to go apple picking on the first day of Fall, a barbecue, a baby shower and a couple of other things - about 10 2-page layouts.

My 2008 Life album will be pretty similar to 2007. The Halloween party is a yearly deal and the other stuff will happen as it happens. I don't scrap a layout each month and I segregate my albums big time so my Life albums aren't very extensive yet. 2006 was the exception because I put the whole LA trip in there. I put Disney trips in their own albums and I have separate Girl Scout albums that are chronological as well.
My 2006 Life album contained a birthday trip to LA plus a bunch of random layouts. There was a trip to the zoo with friends and their little girl, a trip to Lake Tahoe, a football game, some holiday layouts and some other random stuff.

My 2007 Life album will have a friend's wedding, a Halloween party, a trip to go apple picking on the first day of Fall, a barbecue, a baby shower and a couple of other things - about 10 2-page layouts.

My 2008 Life album will be pretty similar to 2007. The Halloween party is a yearly deal and the other stuff will happen as it happens. I don't scrap a layout each month and I segregate my albums big time so my Life albums aren't very extensive yet. 2006 was the exception because I put the whole LA trip in there. I put Disney trips in their own albums and I have separate Girl Scout albums that are chronological as well.

Very cool!
Since I've been doing such a good job at my organizing goal, I'm adding yet another goal for myself. Deal with the box of half-finished CKC projects BEFORE the next CKC in May. The class list was just announced, and I'm starting to think about what classes I want, yet that box is there in the corner taunting me of all the projects I haven't finished yet. There's 2 years of stuff in there - time to finish them or strip them for parts. (And choose this year's classes wisely!)
Here's mine:

Scrap every Thursday with my scrap buddy!
Get albums from 2003 DONE 1/4
2004 DONE 1/4
2005 DONE 1/4
2006 and DONE 1/4 !:woohoo:
finished (just a few odds and ends) and finally get them all put in albums.DONE 1/5
Start/finish 2007 album. Finished 2/15!

Then I can do our upcoming WDW album, "I Hereby promise not to start Disney until old stuff is DONE!" I'm not even going to print my pics until then to stop the temptation. bringing photo in 2/16 for development

Use up old scrap stuff! making a dent in it today

Make christmas and b-day cards.

Stay organized!!

Good luck everyone!

I did it! my 2007 album is finished!!! get to develope my WDW pics now! but probably won't get to work on them for a week or so, DH has 2 bids to work on next week and we HAVE to get all of our tax stuff together for accountant.
I hate goal setting! :) But I found the only year I actually did a lot of scrapping I was when I set goals on here!
So here goes!
Get my kids school, scout and sports book up to date. I would love to scrap 300 pages this year.
I did it! my 2007 album is finished!!! get to develope my WDW pics now! but probably won't get to work on them for a week or so, DH has 2 bids to work on next week and we HAVE to get all of our tax stuff together for accountant.

:woohoo: Congratulations! :woohoo:
Way to go, mommy2mrb!! :woohoo:

I've been steadily working on things, but I need to get back to my specific goals. I think I'm going to knock out my parents wedding album next since that shouldn't take too long. I also need to stop signing up for swaps! It's so hard to find the balance between swapping and scrapping.
Congrats, Lisa! Great accomplishment!

Good for you for setting goals, Spinning. I have found them helpful so far. Hopefully you will also.
I have a list of goals that I set for every month.

I would like to:
- Catch up on DD's yearly book
- Catch up portrait album
- Organize pictures
- Get WDW trips scrapbooked

Currently, the portrait album is caught up, till DD's bday
pictures are organized
working on yearly book, hope to have it done by DD's bday, I've got till May
Scrapping WDW oct 06

I have an all day crop coming up on Saturday and I hope to get that WDW trip done or at least very close to it.


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