What are your 2008 creative goals?

I love this thread. I quit making New Year's Resolutions long ago since I never stuck to them. But goals are different; you don't feel like a failure if you don't accomplish them since you're always working toward them. In that light, here are my 2008 goals (at least the ones I can think of right now) ...

  • Finish DS's 1st WDW Trip album - he was 10 months old at the time, now he's 3 years old
  • Finish DH's 1st Father's Day album - DS was 6 months old back then
  • Do a 1st WDW Trip album for DD - she was 5 months old, now 7 months old
  • Finish Colors album for DS (or maybe DD at this point) - I origianally started it for DNiece when she was 1 1/2 years old, now she's 5
  • Start DSister's wedding album I promised her back in 1999 when she got married
  • Make a couple of pages for wall hangings of parents - at DSister's request
Other Crafty Goals
  • Paint DD's room - I have the paint just need to find the time
  • Clear out clutter and excess supplies in craft room
  • Put together some kind of digital album for DS's class at the end of the school year
Great idea!!

I need to:

finish up 2005/2006 in my family album

Finish the last three pages of the album I made for my mom for Christmas 2005 (I gave it to her, but need to finish the pages I left for that Christmas, lol)

Finish our WDW album from May 2007

And before I can start any of that, I need to gather up all of my scrap stuff and haul it back upstairs to my bedroom! I've had it down here while I was working on DH' grandma's pages for her Christmas gift, and it's not working.

I don't even know where to begin with my goals!

I have about 4 different albums that need to be finished. (put in page protectors, put in album, 3 or 4 more pages to do in each, etc.)

I need to finish my March 2007 WDW/DCL trip.

I need to do my huge September 2007 WDW/DCL trip (2 weeks, including DS birthday!) :scared:

I need to do 2007 family album.

I need to do Christmas 2007 for Christmas album.

I need to do my November 2007 Disneyland album.

I need to clean out my scrap room. The piles are taking over!!!

Unlike a lot of you, I need to continue doing swaps because they really help me to get my pages done!

I hope I can do it! 2007 was supposed to be my year to get caught up. I did pretty good, but as you can see, I still have a ways to go! :sad2: Not to mention, Disney trips coming up in January and March!
My one and only goal this year, because I have to be realistic here, is to finally put some of my own photos to papers. I want to complete one album. The 2006 trip to Disney. I still need to print the photos for that. I have my Sis's photos, but need my own too.
If I can get that done before our next trip in August, I will proud of myself.
Hmmm... I need to spend some time really thinking about this. I am so far behind in everything, it is completely overwhelming. I think that is why I have been swapping so much.

My short term goal: finish 2006 album. I think I have about 10 layouts left. The photos have been printed and I even have the pages sketched. I want to finish this by the end of January.

Year goals:
Disney Trip 2007
Disney Trips 2006
Family 2007 album

Card Making:
Create birthday invitations for all 3 kids' parties
Halloween cards for the kids in my life: either make them myself, or assist DD7 in this project
Christmas cards

Major Goal:
Get organized. I have the plans for that -- new cabinet, scraprack etc. I just need to put the plans in action.
-- do album of 2005 Disney trip that DH and I took my parents on
-- scan childhood photos into computer and scrap them
-- make at least one calendar

Other crafts:
-- learn to sew
-- learn to knit DONE
-- continue improving my jewelry making skills
Love this idea!

Scrapbooking goals:
--finish WDW book from '07 (before I go in Jan of '08)
--work on '07 family album
--get caught up and stay current
--start a sports scrapbook for DH
I have to add one more to my list. I'd like to make a shadow box display of my Disney pins. I don't trade, but I do collect a couple on each trip. They're on a lanyard on my bedpost right now, so DH and I are the only ones who see them:). I'd like to make this after our '08 trip, so I'll buy the materials on one of my pre-determined days from the ban wagon:).
I love this idea! You are all inspiring me!

1. Clean out and organize my crap room (was a paint room now half paint/half scrap - all crap!)
2. Finish April & Nov 2007 disney albums (Q1 goal)
3. Organize pages done willy nilly during the year into Son's book
4. Get son's book past his third birthday (he's almost 7)
5. Spend less - do more!!!
I don't have a ton of goals but here are a few

Keep my kids books up-to-date. DD graduates is 2009 so I want to have all her stuff ready to go.

Keep plugging away at my mom's books. I would like to get into the year 2000 this year. (I think I am in 1992)

Make a bunch of cards to have on hand. Mostly birthday, thinking of you, thank you, and sympathy.

Make tags for Christmas with my scraps

Organize my scrap room and get it all cleaned up

Spend less money, but I already did that in 2007.
Great idea!

1. Finish 2006 Family Album
2. Do 2007 Family Album
3. Finish 9/06 Disney Trip
4. Do 6/07 Disney Trip
5. Do DD and Ds's autograph books from 6/07 trip
6. Do DS's ABC album
7. Do Mother's Day album for my DM
8. and then after all of that...start 2008 album and try not to get too far behind again!

Whew! I am tired already! :rotfl:

I am quoting myself here... but just wanted to say that I was inspired by this thread to get moving, so I have already completed #6 from my to do list! To quote London Tipton :"Yay Me!" His ABC album is a 7x7, and I had a CM kit for it, so it didn't take too too long. Organizing the pictures for it took a while though!
I am quoting myself here... but just wanted to say that I was inspired by this thread to get moving, so I have already completed #6 from my to do list! To quote London Tipton :"Yay Me!" His ABC album is a 7x7, and I had a CM kit for it, so it didn't take too too long. Organizing the pictures for it took a while though!

Fantastic Job!!!! You are ready to get off to a flying start!!!:tink: :cheer2:

Here's mine:

Scrap every Thursday with my scrap buddy!
Get albums from 2003 DONE 1/4
2004 DONE 1/4
2005 DONE 1/4
2006 and DONE 1/4 !:woohoo:
finished (just a few odds and ends) and finally get them all put in albums.DONE 1/5
Start/finish 2007 album. Finished 2/15!

Then I can do our upcoming WDW album, "I Hereby promise not to start Disney until old stuff is DONE!" I'm not even going to print my pics until then to stop the temptation. bringing photo in 2/16 for development

Use up old scrap stuff! making a dent in it today

Make christmas and b-day cards.

Stay organized!!

Good luck everyone!
Ok, here goes. Last year I set little goals for myself as I went and it worked pretty well.

This year I would like to:
-finish Christmas 2006
-start the family 2007 book
-finish WDW book from 2006 (I got completely burned out on it)
-maybe start DS's baby book (hey, he'll be 3 in April...oops)
-start DH's law school book
Get current. I'm working on DSs album and I still have some from his birthday 6 months ago.

Scrap more "everyday" photos and events. I always do the holidays, vacations but I see some great examples of the everyday.

I think I want to aim for 10/month=120 for the year. I definitely think it is doable.
I'm sure I will be constantly changing my list, since it's only January 2, and I'm already adding a couple things to my list.

I want to do a very simple scrapbook for my parents' wedding pictures. Their proofs were all in magnetic albums and their professional album cover fell off so I need to fix that. Luckily I've already scanned all those in, so I don't have to worry about that step.

My oldest DsD is graduating high school this year, so I'd like to make her an album before June. The trick to that one is, I want DH to help. I'm not going to have him cutting paper or anything, but I want him to help me choose which pictures to use, and what stories to tell. She was 11 when I met her, so I need him to fill in those early years anyway. The hard part for that is the sheer volume of pictures I have to work from those next 8 years - it will be hard to narrow down, which is why I want the extra set of eyes to help me stop obsessing.
I am adding to my list: start DD's Brownie album. Totally forgot about that one.
Here is my list, some are carried over from 2007 (and 2006, 2005, 2004 :rotfl2: )

- Go to my CM consultant's crops every month
- Get current/finish 2007 album
- Finish 2006 first anniversary cruise album
- Finish 2007 Las Vegas album
- Make a memorial album for my mom (I am finally emotionally ready I think)
- Catch up my nieces and nephew's albums (They are 20, 10, and 8 years old now and I left them at 10, 4, and 1 in their albums!)

In 2007 I finally finished our wedding albums at SDV in Disney - the formal one and the fun Disney one - and I sort of stopped scrapping after that! Need to get with it this year :goodvibes


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