We're here! Bit of a live TR!

Hi guys :goodvibes

Still not much to report! Another lazy day yesterday and a meal at Millers which was fine but not outstanding. I really must get into this lark of taking phots as I only remember when we have already tucked in :rotfl2:

Shan't bother to do the girls meals as if you've seen one plate of chicken tenders, you've seen them all!

At Millers we shared a combo starter, nice enough and I had chicken fajitas and DH had a burger.

Then today another lazy day :cool2: pool time and then a meal at the new Texas Roadhouse. Wow, best meal yet! So nice that I forgot to take pics of starters, DH had 'tater skins with cheese and bacon and I had shrimp skewer, both gorgeous, girls happy to tuck into the basket of bread with what I think was cinnamon butter. Lovely.

Then both DH and I ordered filet medallions, served on rice with two sides being buttered corn and green beans. The steak was beautiful.

I think this was our most expensive meal yet at $72 but worth every penny. Like Logan's this restaurant had a 'peanut theme' with a warning on the front door about peanuts and peanut dust. Both our DD's have a mild allergy. The server put us in a booth away from any customers who were partaking of the peanuts and dropping the shells on the floor. She assured us that the food served is peanut free.

A huge storm rolled in whilst we were dining, fabulous lightening so we took our time with the meal :thumbsup2

As I say, best meal yet :thumbsup2

We then took a drive to Posner Park to Dicks sporting goods store but didn't see anything that took our fancy.

Back at villa now, girls playing, DH on Xbox, so all is well in the world!

Ali :goodvibes
Yup Texas Roadhouse is deffo on our list -loving your live TR so far - nice and relaxing... my kinda trip!
Oh dear, I can feel ANOTHER lazy day coming on! It will be a mad rush to fit all the parks in the last week at this rate! At least we have done some bits of shopping..... anybody ventured to the Altamonte Mall? Is it pretty similar to the more local ones?

There are quite a few new restaurants springing up at 'our end' of the 192, close to the junction with E Orange Lake Blvd. This is great news for us as we don't have to venture out too far as we stay on Formosa Gardens. There is also a new 'Joes Crabshack' on the same stretch but this is not our cup of tea! There is also another building going up at the mo but no clues as to what it might be yet....

Will keep you posted :goodvibes

Ali :goodvibes
I would love to try an off-site restaurant, the food looks great and there's always fab reviews on the DIS. I suppose we could get a taxi but it might cost a bit!
Gotta say I am NOT a fan of Altamonte Mall - the shops just didn't do it for me, sales staff weren't as attentive... just not my sort of mall BUT I know that a lot of Brits love it for Hollister is it?
Nothing wrong with a chilled out holiday - we used to go to florida to mainly shop (and eat!) before we had DD.
Hi guys :goodvibes

A quick update but no pics I'm afraid! Completely forgot!

Yesterday we eventually decided to take a drive to the Altamonte Mall, we found it to be pretty similar to the more local malls but with one exception....

There was a store selling puppies! We could bearly tear the girls away! 'Can we buy one Mum?!'...... Had a bit of a wander around but didn't buy anything, especially not a puppy!!

Dined at Panda Express close to the Mall and then Wild Buffalo Wings back on the 192 later. Both meals ok but a bit too 'deep fried' for my liking!

Today we had a lot of work emails to catch up on so didn't leave the villa til late. The girls had a relaxing morning. We went to Applebees for our one meal of the day, DH had orange chicken, I had chicken breast with roast veg, broccoli and spuds, really enjoyed mine. Oh and DH and I shared a pud and the girls had an Oreo sundae :)

We then headed for IOA. I love this park :-)

We stopped off at Pointe Orlando Mall on international drive and DH bought an ice watch at tharoo jewellers.

We didn't arrive at IOA until 7pm so just did Cat in Hat (15 mins wait) and Harry Potter (15 mins wait). Youngest DD wanted to go on Hipogriff but wait was 45 mins so we'll pop back later in the hol for that, I also wanted to do Spiderman but again too busy.

Dived in Winn Dixie on way home, now ready for my bed!


Ali :goodvibes
Hi again guys :goodvibes

Just a quick update....

Lazy day again, emails followed by pool time...

Went to the longhorn steakhouse for our main meal, beautiful as always but quite expensive.

We started with the basket of bread, scrummy!

DD's had grilled chicken tenders. The chicken looked beautiful.

Both DH and I opted for Flo's Filet, we both ordered 'well done'.... I ordered broccoli and asparagus with mine, DH ordered baked potato and broccoli.... We also ordered sides of mushrooms and onions...

My steak was cooked perfectly for me but unfortunately DH's was way too pink for him and definitely not well done. Rather disappointing as you would expect them to have it down to a fine art :confused3

Regardless, DH's was taken away and returned to him perfectly cooked with fresh sides and accompaniments. They were very apologetic, DH was happy, we were not charged for any of the extra sides we ordered. We were happy with that as the meal was delicious.

Took a drive along the 192, popped into a couple of gift shops/stores but just bought myself a Nike top that I had my eye on....

Then took a drive along sandlake road as there was a watch shop we wanted to check out....had a look around but they did not have the exact ones we were after....

Thinking of going to KSC tomorrow so will see what time we surface :thumbsup2

Ali :goodvibes
Sounds cool. Quite like having lazy days on holiday! And some of those gift shops are quite fun to look through...
Well I'm afraid it's another boring report from me! Didn't make it to KSC. I just couldn't sleep at all last night, grabbed a few hours between 2am/5am and 7am/9am so didn't feel much like venturing out. Hoping to go tomorrow instead :thumbsup2

So pool day today followed by a meal at Chillis on the 192. This is the first meal I have been disappointed with :sad2: the rest of my crew were happy, but not me. We really enjoyed Chillis last time so I guess it was just an 'off' meal.

Us girls had corn on the cob to start, very tasty.

DH had potato skins.

All good up to this point.

Girls ordered hamburger in a brown bun with rice.

DH had some type of chipotle Chicken crispers meal, came with corn and fries. His tasted good but was not that hot.

My chicken fajita was tasteless and pretty cold. Looking at it I knew it wouldn't taste much better if it was hot! So after complaining last night at the longhourn I decided against complaining tonight.

As it happens when we had finished our meal the manager was doing the rounds to talk to everyone and asked how our meal was. DH is not the bashful type and so told him that his meal was just about warm enough but mine had been cold. He asked if I would like another meal, I declined, so he deducted my fajitas from the bill. We won't let it put us off and will try Chillis again as we really enjoyed it last time......

We popped back to sandlake road to buy a watch for DH and then dived into super target for some bits n bobs.

DH and DD's had some fun in the sunglasses dept, can't take them anywhere!!

Bye for now!

Sounds like a fun day
Love the photo of your DH and the girls in their sunglasses :cool2:
We finally made it to KSC today :)

As we didn't get there til lunchtime we decided to go for AP's and then we can re-visit at Easter and next August.....

We firstly watched one of the IMax 3D films, the one about the space station narrated by Tom Cruise. DH and I enjoyed it but DD's were not overly impressed! We decided to get some lunch, blimey it's expensive! Adult burger and chicken tenders, kids pizza and chicken tenders, 4 drinks, $42 :scared1: Luckily we got a discount due to having the AP's but it was still over $30.....

We then took cover as a heavy rain shower started. It lasted quite a while so we donned our ponchos and ventured over to the space shuttle experience. Whilst in the queue I have to admit to getting quite nervous. My worst ride experience ever was mission space at Epcot, I hated every minute of it (the way your tummy feels and claustrophobic) and was worred this might have a similar effect but it was fine. Phew!!

We had another wander around but decided to leave the rest of the attractions for another time. We really wanted to go on the coach to see the launch pad but will do that next time. Also looking forward to seeing Atlantis in 2013. Doesn't sound like we did much today but we had a great time :thumbsup2

A couple of pics.

Called in at Bob Evans for a quick tea, no pic as we all just had 'breakfasts', good food as always.

Thinking of doing Legoland tomorrow as one of the busy day guides recommends going on a Friday :confused3


great report!! We love going to KSC we planned to go last year but never got there.. this year we have no chance as we haven't got a lot of time in Orlando. enjoy your day today whatever you end up doing! :thumbsup2
Really impressed at how chilled you are, you seem to be having a great time. We fly out on Sunday - am I right in thinking it's typical August weather at the moment? :goodvibes


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