Walking Place, for Wishers walking their races

I haven't read the entire thread yet, but wanted to say thank you for starting it. I walked the 5K and 1/2 in January and will be back in January 2011. Can't wait.
I was able to maintain 13.5mm going in but the weather and crowds really slowed me down. I finished in the allotted time but not when I wanted.

If this is your first race, don't be discouraged by the crowds. I tried hard to stay out of others way at first, but soon found my pace and learned how to get through the crowd. I never stopped but found that I passed people the entire way.

Thanks for this post! I have been nervous abt the crowds!

I am glad I found this thread:) I have done one 5K local, and signed up for the Inagural Wine and Dine 1/2...I figured I would be down there for F & W, what better motivation for me to do this!!

My 5K was bitter cold...it hurt to breath! lol It was through a golf course...so very hilly but I maintained a 13 mm...now I have been training also for endurance....last week I did 7 miles and maintained abt a 14 mm...
I have abt 6 weeks left!!

I am getting nervous...I am going to try and practice the run/walk...run a few minutes...then walk...and repeat...I have never been a runner tho:(
My goal at this point is to cross that finish line and not be swept!!!

So yesterday was my DS17 bday and took him and GF to our Six Flags....I walked all day...through the park...thought it was good practice...on asphalt...crowds...theme park:laughing: and it was hot and humid...unfortunately did NOT have my pedometer! ugh!
Anyway, thanks for this thread:)
Thanks everyone for having this walking thread. I am proud to be a walker and have no intention of becoming a runner. I've walked 2 marathons and several 1/2 marathons. I'm not super fast but I'm steady. I'm walking my first Disney event in 2 weeks and I'm excited about it.

A lot of good information here!
What does everyone do in the bad weather? It is pouring here today so I did not go out to walk. I don't belong to a gym so I am kind of stuck. Trying to figure out what I am going to do once the cold weather starts.
Hi everyone,
I don't have time to post much, but I do enjoy reading the threads and find this to be a very supportive community!

Earlier in this thread, shoes were mentioned. What type of shoes do you all walk in? I just purchased new Asics Nimbus for walking the Las Vegas Half in December. Then I read that walkers should utilize a shoe with a low heel, and these things are stacked to the max! They are SUPER comfortable, lots of padding (it really is like walking on clouds), but now I think I may have purchased the wrong type of shoe. I mean, you can't damage your feet by walking in running shoes, right?

Do you all prefer a walking-specific shoe? (which I know Asics does make)
Just looking to see what others have experienced on the shoe front. Thanks!
Hi everyone,
I don't have time to post much, but I do enjoy reading the threads and find this to be a very supportive community!

Earlier in this thread, shoes were mentioned. What type of shoes do you all walk in? I just purchased new Asics Nimbus for walking the Las Vegas Half in December. Then I read that walkers should utilize a shoe with a low heel, and these things are stacked to the max! They are SUPER comfortable, lots of padding (it really is like walking on clouds), but now I think I may have purchased the wrong type of shoe. I mean, you can't damage your feet by walking in running shoes, right?

Do you all prefer a walking-specific shoe? (which I know Asics does make)
Just looking to see what others have experienced on the shoe front. Thanks!

You will be fine with those right now. You will find later as you get faster that a lower heel is more efficient but right now the extra cushion is super.

I use basic Reebok cross trainers. I tried more expensive shoes and they just didn't work for me.

Thursday I walked for 45 minutes at work and then another 30 at the soccer field. Both times I received comments about how fast I was walking. :cool1:
Finished walking my fifth Half Marathon, the USAF Half in Dayton, Ohio. Had my PB time of 3 hours and 20 minutes. It was so hot that didn't need to use the Porta potty at all since I sweated so much. That certainly shaves off a few minutes! Am trying to work in some running into my training. When race day comes, I go back to my tried and true walking. So far, it seems to be working. (Although I do admit, I run in the last little bit in front of the crowds) Next race is the inaugural Cincinnati Half Marathon in a month. Wonder how hot that will be....
Congratulation Queen mimi. I did the USAF 10K last year. I'm walk/running the Columbus Half on Oct 17th. I'm guessing the weather by the end of October will be cooler. It may end up being cold.
I'm doing the inaugural Cincinnati Half Marathon at the end of October. Like you, I hope it's cooler. But, in Ohio, you never know what the fall weather will be like! Good luck in Columbus.


For those wanting a "WISH racing team" Headsweats brand Visor and/or Hat by the January Marathon Weekend, please hurry and place your order over on the thread. I need to get the minimums before the end of the month so the order can be placed and I can get them mailed out to people.

Find the link below in my signature for the Hat/Visor order (not the special order Visor)

Hi everyone!
Am enjoying all the info in this thread. Just did my first Half Marathon relay this weekend in Hershey. What a blast! I had previously done 2 5K's, and have a goal of doing the WDW Half Marathon in January 2012. When the opportunity arose to do a "half" Half, I jumped at the chance. Was really pleased with my results, too. Didn't quite know what to expect, as I had never done that distance before. My son has been trying to give me advice, but he's a runner, and sometimes the "rules" are different for walkers and runners. It's great to have a resource that is focused on walking. So I'm sure I'll be sending lots of questions your way as my training continues!
Mindy, did you get lots of chocolate at the end? :teeth: Congratulations!!!

Dave - :bday: Hope it was a good one! :goodvibes
Actually, there was chocolate involved!!:thumbsup2 Snack size Hershey bars during the race, plus a new chocolate energy drink (ReGen, I think was the name) made by a Hershey subsidiary. Not to mention the delish oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, large Hershey bar, and Pay Day bar in the goodie bags they gave out! :banana:
I might have to sign up for that race! Just a little over a week until my next Half - the inaugural Cincinnati Half Marathon. On Friday, I will do my 10 mile walk. I've been averaging just about 15 minutes per mile. I do my long walks in a beautiful but very hilly huge historic cemetery. Gives me lots of things to look at while I'm walking (with a little bit of jogging). Nobody there seems to mind an out of shape, unathletic old lady walking down the road. If they mind, they keep it to themselves!
Actually, there was chocolate involved!!:thumbsup2 Snack size Hershey bars during the race, plus a new chocolate energy drink (ReGen, I think was the name) made by a Hershey subsidiary. Not to mention the delish oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, large Hershey bar, and Pay Day bar in the goodie bags they gave out! :banana:

This goody bag, I mean race sounds awesome!:thumbsup2
It was pretty awesome. This was the inaugural, and they must have had some pretty good sponsors. My DS has been to several other races, and he says this was one of the best goodie bags he's ever gotten (of course, that cookie was pretty darn good, so that might have influenced his opinion!!) :lmao: Nice shirts, a towel, some of the usual little sample stuff, all in a nice laminated reusable shopping tote. Plus the Hershey Kiss medal was really cute! :thumbsup2 We definitely plan to do this race again next year.
I might have to sign up for that race! Just a little over a week until my next Half - the inaugural Cincinnati Half Marathon. On Friday, I will do my 10 mile walk. I've been averaging just about 15 minutes per mile. I do my long walks in a beautiful but very hilly huge historic cemetery. Gives me lots of things to look at while I'm walking (with a little bit of jogging). Nobody there seems to mind an out of shape, unathletic old lady walking down the road. If they mind, they keep it to themselves!

:rotfl: Good luck with your race! Your long walks sound great. I do most of my training indoors on a treadmill, due to allergies and lack of a good place to walk nearby. Can get a little boring sometimes, but I try to spice it up by varying speeds and inclines. Plus a good playlist to keep me motivated. And I highly recommend the Hershey race. :thumbsup2
Did my 10 miles at the cemetery today. Weather was good but hills were big!! My pace at the end of the walk was much faster than at the beginning. Even put a few short runs in there. now comes my favorite time of training --tapering! I do my best work then.
I am going to start posting my walks here also.

For clarification, right now, most days I don't know my mileage only time. I walk the halls after work and then around the soccer field while DD has practice.

Monday - 40 minutes of zumba
Tuesday - 35 minutes (work) and 30 minutes (soccer field)
Thursday - 48 minutes (work) and 45 minutes (soccer field)
Friday - 1.25 miles at track at 14 minute mile. DD was with me, couldn't keep up and got bored so I had to bring her home.


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