~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~~~~

-"The “battle flag” experiment. This met with a lot more resistance than I had originally anticipated. Apparently, tying a flag with a fire breathing dragon & the name “Mills” written in old world script to our stroller and the antenna of our car every day wasn’t what she considered to be part of the vacation “experience”."

Oh my god I almost died laughing this and then I came to......

-"The “all beer for a day” diet. Being adventurous, I thought it might be fun to try to go an entire day with nothing but beer for my diet. For breakfast, I was thinking a nice Pilsner since they are light. For lunch, maybe a three or four Heffeveizens (German wheat beer) and then for dinner and dessert, I was thinking maybe a sixer of Bud with a couple of Crown Royal shots. This idea didn’t go over well as I was denied before having time to explain myself."

Then I actually did hurl over with laughter. Here I am picturing a mixture of you meets Homer Simpson. Too funny!!!

And I'm with Goofster, I want the tutorial CD also!
I’m all about trying something new. Absentminded, confused, extremist, foolish, idiotic… these are all words that describe Buzilla the Hun to a “tee”. :banana:

These are all words that describe most men :lmao:

Montana Disney Fan said:
However, my partner (& wife) isn’t exactly what you’d call… “foolhardy”. Being a mom, things are expected of you. One of the things expected of you is to keep your significant other in “check”. Pooh-head does a good job of this. ::yes::

Yes and you make her work extra hard :teeth:

A big :thumbsup2 for Linnie

Montana Disney Fan said:
-The “one outfit” experiment. I thought it would be fun to just pack one pair of shorts, shirt, socks and underwear then wear the exact same outfit every single day for a week on vacation. Sure, pictures would be “blah” but think of all the extra suitcase room!


Silly man, we need the extra suitcase room from our shopping expeditions! :sad2:

Montana Disney Fan said:
To understand a Mills Trip Report better, you must first become familiar with Mills Lingo.

You are a riot Buzz! Anxious to read what you have prepared for us today.
blue said:
These are all words that describe most men

Hey!!! Those aren't my words LOL :rotfl:

serendipity said:
Here I am picturing a mixture of you meets Homer Simpson

LOL, ya I guess that is VERY Homer-Like. Scary!

Goof said:
Is there a Tutorial CD we can purchase to further or education, maybe available on a late night infomercial?

I can see it now sitting in front of my computer learning “Mills Lingo” while preparing my Bagel Dogs by chopping them into bite size pieces in my newly obtained “Chop Wizard”

I'm never going to live those Bagel Dogs down am I :banana:

csuzannet said:
It seems to me that if the parks are crowded enough, a battle flag would a handy way to mark your rental car in the parking lot.

I always seem to get a silver rental car that looks just like EVERY other car in the lot and NOTHING like mine at home. So even when I faithfully right down my section and row, I'm never sure which particular silver rental car is mine!

The battle flag would be handy to mark the rental car but I wanted to take it off once we got to the parks so we could put it on the stroller. Both were denied.

It's funny walking thru the parking lots as almost every car is either a Pontiac G6 or a Mini-Van. Ours is a bright red G6 thinking it would be distinctive but there are a couple thousand of them at every single parking lot. oh well :confused3
Well I happened to mosey on over to this report and am signing right up!!! So far it lives up to my high standards. :rotfl2: I can't wait for more!
I was trying to avoid using the itty bitty lap top but I have to share my experience with my DD. The week before we left, Buzz was trying to get us all on board with his experiments that got nixed, yes by me, the sensible one. Loud Girl was the only one who was excited about the war cry. Just to be ornery, I refused to even say the word. So here we were in the very crowded grocery store and she rips off a very loud UNGOWA!!!! She nearly caused a riot. I shop at the same time every week so I have become friendly with the others who shop at that time as well. Needless to say, I may have to change my shopping day when we get home.

The other nixed experiments were all met with a truckload of resistance from me as well. Here it is our last day and I just realized Buzz did wear the same stretchy shorts all week. I should’ve been more observant-he got that experiment half way complete. :rolleyes:

There was no way that chop wizard was going to Disney World with us. I love to cook but not on vacation. I haven’t had the chance to use that contraption yet, but it did get a good review in Reader’s Digest. Buzz kept harping on me at home to send away for one b/c I completely fall apart when I cut onions with tears running down my face and eyes burning. I hope it works. I kept putting off sending away for it b/c I hate to pay shipping and I knew it would be in the store soon and sure enough, Buzz found it, bought it, then wanted to bring it on vacation. He’s always thinking of me. :headache:

We’ve had some great meals on this trip, but due to my extremely sensitive G.I. system, I was down for the count today. The crew played at the pool while I tried to get myself healed up. I need to be more careful about what I eat from now on. Either that or I caught one heck of a stomach bug. Buzz got me some meds and I’m doing better now, but wow. I was a sick pup today.:sick: If I remember right, I was sick on our last vacation too. What is up with that!!

Also, I completed my mission of getting my mom some Mickey crocs. I was going to surprise her, but ended up having to check on her size and color preference and called her, tipping her off. I also got her a Mickey and Minnie decoration for each one. She was excited but I think she’s more excited that we’re coming home. I’m ready to go home too. Vacation was fun though. I wish we could do this more often. Three weeks a year isn’t enough! ;)
HAve never read one of your reports before but I am loving this:thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear the complete trip review when you get home. My husband thinks I am the only Disney nut out there, now I can show him that I am not:banana:
Buzz and Linnie with a surprise TR!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: This made my day! How can you have been here over a week without me seeing it!?! Have a safe trip home tomorrow and hurry up and start posting about the trip!!!!!!:cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Linnie~ True story ~My laptop died last week and I had to get a new one. I got a small one because I love how compact it is. DH said that's an awefully small keyboard. I told him it's ok I don't have man hands like Linnie the Pooh!:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: He just looked at me like I'm crazy!
I haven't checked trip reports in a while and was happy to see a report from you! I enjoyed your last one. Makes me excited for our May trip. Can't wait for the next installment!
It took your wife's post to make me remember you guys. Your last trip report was hilarious! Love your writing style. Looking forward to more.
This TR is hilarious! You have a great writing style...I cannot wait to read more!! :wizard:
Wow I hadn't read any of your other TR's...but this is a crack up:rotfl:

You know with your experiments, I really do think the "wear the same clothes all week" could have been sucessful in more than one way. Save suitcase room..Yep, but it would also provide for great crowd control by about day 3. There would be no invasion of your personal space. You would not have to perfrom the GAT manuver, people would give you your own wide path. Battle cry in the morning...no need people would stay a good 10 feet downwind and be sure to go the opposite direction from you and your family. I really think you were onto something with this one!!!:thumbsup2
Just walked in the door. Got Pooh-Head unpacking :cool1:

Anyway, had a HORRIFIC day of travel but had time to kick out our first REAL trip report post. I have to transfer it from the laptop and will do that a little later.

For any that might be interested, here is the link to our report from October.


pixie said:
He just looked at me like I'm crazy!
jcc0621 said:
now I can show him that I am not
Yup, we're all lunatics here at the DIS. At least as far as the mouse in concerned. :upsidedow

kathy said:
Okay, its Saturday! You promised....
Patience young lady. Patience :)

wiggles said:
Makes me excited for our May trip
We already started planning and talking about our October trip. We're sicko's who really need help. No, really! :eek:

lodge said:
Your last trip report was hilarious! Love your writing style
bean said:
I cannot wait to read more!!
Thanks you two. I appreciate it.

medic said:
Battle cry in the morning...no need people would stay a good 10 feet downwind and be sure to go the opposite direction from you and your family. I really think you were onto something with this one
LOL!! :rotfl2: Ya, but you're forgetting one thing... I liked hollering the war cry every morning. I also yelled it on roller coasters and sometimes during lunch. :banana:
So here we were in the very crowded grocery store and she rips off a very loud UNGOWA!!!! She nearly caused a riot. I shop at the same time every week so I have become friendly with the others who shop at that time as well. Needless to say, I may have to change my shopping day when we get home.

:rotfl2: I would have turned 3 shades of RED!

Linnie The Pooh said:
The other nixed experiments were all met with a truckload of resistance from me as well. Here it is our last day and I just realized Buzz did wear the same stretchy shorts all week. I should’ve been more observant-he got that experiment half way complete. :rolleyes:


Linnie The Pooh said:
We’ve had some great meals on this trip, but due to my extremely sensitive G.I. system, I was down for the count today. The crew played at the pool while I tried to get myself healed up. I need to be more careful about what I eat from now on. Either that or I caught one heck of a stomach bug. Buzz got me some meds and I’m doing better now, but wow. I was a sick pup today.:sick: If I remember right, I was sick on our last vacation too. What is up with that!!

Sorry to hear that Linnie. At least it was only for one day! :grouphug:

Linnie The Pooh said:
Also, I completed my mission of getting my mom some Mickey crocs. I was going to surprise her, but ended up having to check on her size and color preference and called her, tipping her off. I also got her a Mickey and Minnie decoration for each one. She was excited but I think she’s more excited that we’re coming home. I’m ready to go home too. Vacation was fun though. I wish we could do this more often. Three weeks a year isn’t enough! ;)

That's mothers for ya :goodvibes

You're very fortunate to be able to go three weeks a year - every year :dance3:
I'm soooooo jealous but happy for you at the same time. :yay:
Just walked in the door. Got Pooh-Head unpacking :cool1:

Anyway, had a HORRIFIC day of travel but had time to kick out our first REAL trip report post. I have to transfer it from the laptop and will do that a little later.


Now for the really GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD stuff

~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~ 2007 ~~~~~~~~ We Annoy People

There were 500,000 delayed flights in 2006 and the travel experts are predicting a 10% increase in 2007 so the odds are pretty good you’re going to have a delay of some kind while traveling.

The odds go up as you add “segments” to your trip. Living in Montana, we have to fly to Denver first before we go to Orlando, thus 2 segments each direction.

Now, throw in the fact that it’s spring break for much of the country and snow storms in the Northeast and you’ve got a recipe for mass chaos. :crazy2:

Being mild mannered and the relaxed-type, I’m very easy to travel with. ;)

Since December, I’ve been on over 50 flights with probably 1/3 of them delayed for a variety of reasons. Recently, I was stuck in the Washington D.C. airport (Reagan) for 9 hours because of storms in Chicago. A delayed flight out of Dallas caused me to miss a flight from Denver to home due to a late arriving flight crew.

It’s always something and it’s best to just plan for it. If you expect for it to happen, and it doesn’t, well that’s just a treat that you can savor.

The best part about airline travel is the safety record. You have a 1 in 25 million chance of dying while in an airplane. Believe it or not, you have a 1 in 2 million chance of dying by falling out of bed which just seems ridiculous to me. Oh, and for those wondering, you have a 1 in 5,000 chance of dying while riding in an automobile.

But I digress.

My warriors and I were up and at ‘em early the morning of our departure but our flight didn’t leave until 10:30 a.m. so we really didn’t have to hurry. Not having to hurry though is inconsequential as everything in my life is an emergency and needs immediate attention (once again, it's an issue). I jump up out of bed and sound off the war cry trying stir up the troops. I’m cracking the whip on this trip right from the start. Best to let ‘em know who’s in charge early on. :darth:

The long-term parking lot at Billings Logan International Airport (I’m serious… that’s the name!) was full due to spring break so I parked in short term. What the heck, it’s only $7 per day instead of $5. Remember, this is Montana were talking about.

I know everyone at the airport so we’re upgraded by one of the gate agents I know and passed thru security quickly as I know all of them also. Our first segment to Denver went off without a hitch.

We arrive at DIA as scheduled and check the Departure board for our next flight. On time. Great. Traveling with a little boy with disabilities is tough. It’s even tougher when he has to wait around for long extended periods of time.

We hit McDucks then head to the Red Carpet room to relax and wait. Since I’m Obsessive / Compulsive, I check the board again and again and find that our flight is all of a sudden delayed for an hour. Lin begins to get nervous as she expects Moan Boy to start turning on us like a diseased badger. He began to “bug” a little as our one hour delay turned into an hour and half and beyond.

To ease mom’s pain, I went & purchased us each a glass of Cabernet wine (yes, it's afternoon now). She had hers all of two seconds before she dumped half of it on her white Disneyland shirt. She looked and smelled like an out-of-work Turkish hooker. :love2:

Now, here is the really strange part. Here she is with wine dumped all over her white shirt, waiting on our plane to arrive so we can board, and she looks in her backpack and pulls out a bottle of “Wine Away”. Have you heard of this stuff? I’m not sure what it’s made of but it smells of citrus. Anyway, it went thru security in Billings because they barely even checked us since they all know me. Why she had it with her is a mystery to me but that woman is prepared for EVERYTHING. That’s why I keep her around. :love:

So now she heads to the bathroom with her “Wine Away” to try and remove the multiple stains that are setting in. Loud Girl decides to go and help her. :rolleyes: About this time, Moan Boy is writhing around on the ground in ADD agony wanting to get on a plane, any plane, so that he’s not just sitting around with nothing to do. Well, he’s over near the window and cuts a big hunk of skin off his middle finger from the metal frame around the outside. :sad2:

By the time mom gets back, Moan Boy is bleeding & wailing like a stuck pig and the mostly business travelers in the private club are looking at us with annoyance and a little curiosity. This is a show they don’t get to witness too often.

Now mom is off to the Red Carpet room’s front desk to see if they have Band Aids (I guess she’s not prepared for EVERYTHING after all). Moan boy goes with her to get patched up while Loud Girl stays behind to tell me all about her bathroom experience with mom. Her story is littered with the words “poop” and “stinky” and soon many of the suit-clad business travelers are moving away from our section. Apparently, they’d had enough. I’d have left also but I’m sure Loud Girl would have just followed me.

After many finger kisses and cuddling, Moan Boy recovers from the tragedy as our airplane arrives and is ready for boarding. Unfortunately, our seats are unexpectedly not “together”. Coupled with the recent injury, this could send Moan Boy over the edge… :confused:
oh boy, i hate airport delays. i'm a normal ( i use that word relatively loosely) 22 yr. old and i can't stand them, i get whinny and irritable. i'm glad to see that you guys made it there and back in one piece. can't wait to hear the rest of this report!!
Wait.... wait.... OK, got it! :thumbsup2:

A perfect mental picture of the Red Carpet Room shenanigans. :rotfl2:

I do think Linnie, your pre-trip illnesses are quite suspicious. :scratchin Could it be your psyche? Are you mentallly preparing for UNGOWA!! and smelly stretch shorts? :rotfl:

I love reading your TR's. You and Linnie have perfect comedic timing!


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