~ The Man Report ~~~~~~~~~ Bonus Material Included ~~~~~~

However, getting her to hang our Battle Flag on the stroller every morning upon entering the parks and on the antenna of the rental car at the end of the day could prove to be difficult. I shall have to use my ultimate authority as the Force Commander to get her to submit. Once again, I shall demand it.

What do you guys think? Will Pooh-head buy it?

Do the colors go with the stroller and rental car? These things are important! :hippie:

MDF, I think the REAL general in your army is going to overrule the flag. SHe looks like a tough cookie. I bet she's not only tough, but nice enough to let you think you are in charge.;)

How is the weather, and the crowd levels so far? I was in WDW the last weekend in March last year, and the crowds were lower than i expected, and the weather was great- no humidity, no rain, and tolerable temperatures.
MDF, I think the REAL general in your army is going to overrule the flag. SHe looks like a tough cookie. I bet she's not only tough, but nice enough to let you think you are in charge.;)

How is the weather, and the crowd levels so far? I was in WDW the last weekend in March last year, and the crowds were lower than i expected, and the weather was great- no humidity, no rain, and tolerable temperatures.

Just by looking at my wife you've nailed her! How funny :rotfl2:

The weather can be described with one word: Pefect. 80 degrees during the day with sunny skies and a couple of clouds and slight breeze. Evenings are 65 with stars in the sky and no breeze. The best weather I've seen since coming down here.

Crowd levels are not bad. Yesterday (Sun, Mar 11) we went to Epcot and it felt the same or a little more crowded than when we go in October.

Today was Epcot again (our favorite park) and it WAS crowded!!

I don't want to spoil the trip report but I've got to let everyone know that we SLEPT IN this morning for the first time in ALL our vacations down here. It was awesome. We didn't arrive at Epcot until 10:45. It felt soooooo good. I've got some good stories about what happend next.

mmeb144 said:
Do the colors go with the stroller and rental car? These things are important!

LOL :lmao: Good point! More to this coming up in the next installment.

b_river said:
So you changed your mind already?

No, the meat of the report will start this Saturday when we get home. However, I will be posting a couple of times this week on a few minor issues. I just can't help myself. I have to let people know how crazy we are. Why do we put ourselves thru this? Why can't I evern go to SeaWorld or Universal? What is wrong with us? All Very Good Question! :banana:

blue-meister said:
A "Lean-To" that only costs $275 a night? Hrm...I seem to remember you complaining about that offsite place you stayed at on your last trip - it was mansion compared to ASMo

Wait until you see the pictures of this place! The funny thing is that right now, we kind of like it. I've got a picture of the 40 year old hair dryer hanging on the wall in the bathroom. I can't believe the thing even works!

Disneyland_Mama said:
I can't wait to read all about the Adventures of MDF, Linny the Pooh, Moan Boy and Loud Girl.

Thanks. I think I purposely seek out problem areas in the parks just so something happens to us and I can report about it. Uff da, I DO need help! :confused3

Pooh-head says "Hi". This hotel has no Internet so I'm at one of two Internet Cafe's on the property. This place is HUGE! Anyway, Pooh is at the room giving the kids a much needed bath. Apparently, the pool water didn't get all the grime off them.
Seriously.......can you just move into the Cinderella suite so I can read this every afternoon?

.......anxiously awaiting more :goodvibes
Nature demands that I attack projects with a vengeance. I am “man” after all.

You're not the real BUZZ! You're - you're just an action figure :rotfl2:

Montana Disney Fan said:
My men are well trained; the most senior of my fighting force having been to WDW 8 times before. The other two have a combined 10 visits. Hopefully our experience will help us overcome our lack of preparation.

:thumbsup2 to the Troop

Montana Disney Fan said:
Lack of preparation coupled with extreme crowd conditions could equate to mission failure.

Crowds? You can blink em' to death :rolleyes1

Montana Disney Fan said:
All we need is a War Cry & a Battle Flag. Both will be a tough sell to my second in command, but I shall demand it. pirate:

Years of Academy training wasted :sad2:

Montana Disney Fan said:
What do you guys think? Will Pooh-head buy it?

I think your ranger sense is a little wacky :rotfl:

Montana Disney Fan said:

Beautiful Family :)

I loved this piece! Hope you have some more coming before the trip report starts to tide us over :3dglasses
Wait until you see the pictures of this place! The funny thing is that right now, we kind of like it. I've got a picture of the 40 year old hair dryer hanging on the wall in the bathroom. I can't believe the thing even works!

Do tell, how is the outhouse? Does it have indoor plumbing or do you have to carry your own water?
Do tell, how is the outhouse? Does it have indoor plumbing or do you have to carry your own water?

LOL :lmao: It's not THAT bad, but seriously, it needs help. Like I said though, we really like it. It's got a lot of convenient things about it. I'll do a whole post on just the accomodations.

blue_river said:
Beautiful Family

Thank you :)

serendipity said:
Seriously.......can you just move into the Cinderella suite so I can read this every afternoon?

My wife keeps asking me "I wonder how we can get chosen to stay in Cinderella's castle"? We've seen pictures of it... It's WAY cool!!

goofster said:
Buzz, Looking forward to another great ride.

Thanks Goof, good to see you back. Will be posting an installment tomorrow.

Hi everyone. Once again, I am typing on this tiny little laptop of Buzz's with my giant man hands. We finally figured out that we DO have internet service in our room but this dainty little computer is tough for me to use so I’ll have to wait til we’re home before I do my official posts. BTW, I do not like being called Linnie the Pooh head, Buzz. That’s not my name.

Hi Blue! We mailed the postcards today. I did the messages for both so hopefully they’re not too lame. I hope they make it to you!

My personal mission for this trip? Buy a pair of Mickey crocs for my mom. She loves Mickey and she loves Crocs so they’re a perfect combination for her. I will be happy if Buzzo the Clown lets me do a little shopping on our night out and I fulfill this mission. It may take some serious finagling. He hates to shop-I love it. I need to shop….

Our hotel room isn’t that bad, but the hair dryer is hilarious. I never thought it’d actually dry my hair, but it did. I’ve never seen a contraption like this before.

More to come… Linnie the “not” Pooh-head :)
Hi everyone. Once again, I am typing on this tiny little laptop of Buzz's with my giant man hands. We finally figured out that we DO have internet service in our room but this dainty little computer is tough for me to use so I’ll have to wait til we’re home before I do my official posts. BTW, I do not like being called Linnie the Pooh head, Buzz. That’s not my name.

Tell Buzz to get a bigger laptop! I don't think you're going to change him Linnie :sad2:

Linnie The Pooh said:
Hi Blue! We mailed the postcards today. I did the messages for both so hopefully they’re not too lame. I hope they make it to you!

:woohoo: The girls are going to be surprised :)

Linnie's-on-a-Mission said:
My personal mission for this trip? Buy a pair of Mickey crocs for my mom. She loves Mickey and she loves Crocs so they’re a perfect combination for her. I will be happy if Buzzo the Clown lets me do a little shopping on our night out and I fulfill this mission. It may take some serious finagling. He hates to shop-I love it. I need to shop….

I hear ya about the shopping! Good luck with the Crocs.

Linnie The Pooh said:
Our hotel room isn’t that bad, but the hair dryer is hilarious. I never thought it’d actually dry my hair, but it did. I’ve never seen a contraption like this before.

Can't wait till you get back so we can see some pics!! :3dglasses

At least tell us what restaurants you've eaten at and save the details for when you get back.

Hope you're having FUN :cheer2:
Shopping, Shopping, Shopping…

No wonder men lose their hair :confused3
It seems to me that if the parks are crowded enough, a battle flag would a handy way to mark your rental car in the parking lot.

I always seem to get a silver rental car that looks just like EVERY other car in the lot and NOTHING like mine at home. So even when I faithfully right down my section and row, I'm never sure which particular silver rental car is mine!

~ The Man Report ~~~~~~ 2007 ~~~~~~~ Nix’d Experiments ~~~~~~~

I’m all about trying something new. Adventurous, courageous, experimental, foolhardy, idiotic… these are all words that describe Buzzila the Hun to a “tee”. :banana:

However, my partner (& wife) isn’t exactly what you’d call… “foolhardy”. Being a mom, things are expected of you. One of the things expected of you is to keep your significant other in “check”. Pooh-head does a good job of this. ::yes::

Here are a few of the experiments I volunteered to usher into our “vacation” lives that were shot down quicker than a lost duck in Montana during hunting season:

-The “one outfit” experiment. I thought it would be fun to just pack one pair of shorts, shirt, socks and underwear then wear the exact same outfit every single day for a week on vacation. Sure, pictures would be “blah” but think of all the extra suitcase room!

-The “battle flag” experiment. This met with a lot more resistance than I had originally anticipated. Apparently, tying a flag with a fire breathing dragon & the name “Mills” written in old world script to our stroller and the antenna of our car every day wasn’t what she considered to be part of the vacation “experience”. :confused3

-The “Chop Wizard” experiment. In one of my many nights in hotel rooms over the past 4 months, I watched an info-mercial for the Vadallia Chop Wizard. It was AWESOME. It’s a slice-and-dicer machine that is compact and cuts potatoes, veggies, cheese or fingers in seconds flat… so, I bought it. I thought it would be a good idea to pack it, take it on vacation, and have the wife cook us up a nice stir-fry while we’re down there. Apparently, I thought wrong.

-The “all beer for a day” diet. Being adventurous, I thought it might be fun to try to go an entire day with nothing but beer for my diet. :drinking1 For breakfast, I was thinking a nice Pilsner since they are light. For lunch, maybe a three or four Heffeveizens (German wheat beer) and then for dinner and dessert, I was thinking maybe a sixer of Bud with a couple of Crown Royal shots. This idea didn’t go over well as I was denied before having time to explain myself.

The other experiments I decided to keep to myself since they were mostly just being shot down or simply ignored anyway. Stay tuned for the results…

To understand a Mills Trip Report better, you must first become familiar with Mills Lingo. Here we go:

GAT – Gauntlet Avoidance Tactic. At WDW, there are many times when you come across a large group of meandering vacationers who are in your way. When this happens, Buzz kicks in the GAT and we are able to bypass the throng with as few casualties as possible.

AU – A reference to my son’s handicap without tipping him off that we’re talking about him.

Egg-Timers – Annoying People. Anyone moving slowly in front of me in the park is immediately dubbed an Egg-Timer. Generally, the GAT is soon to follow.

Lurpin’- Any food or drink that is REALLY good is “Lurpin”. For instance, that half-cooked turkey leg the theme parks sell that looks like it came off a dinosaur is "Lurpin". :thumbsup2

Ungowa!!!!! – The War Cry pirate: that Loud Girl & I ultimately came up with. Our back up is Kowabunga.

Buggin’ or “Bug”- When anyone loses their cool, they’re “Buggin”. The boy in particular. Loud Girl will even come and tell me… “Dad, Trey is buggin”.

For Example: Loud Girl cries “Ungowa” in Epcot for no apparent reason (like she usually does), causing the Egg-Timers in front of us to stop short (probably in terror). Performing my GAT to get around them without losing stride causes Moan Boy to drop his Lurpin’ chicken strip which then kicks off an episode of AU where he starts to “Bug”.

You get the picture. Now we can proceed.
For Example:[/b] Loud Girl cries “Ungowa” in Epcot for no apparent reason (like she usually does), causing the Egg-Timers in front of us to stop short (probably in terror). Performing my GAT to get around them without losing stride causes Moan Boy to drop his Lurpin’ chicken strip which then kicks off an episode of AU where he starts to “Bug”.

You get the picture. Now we can proceed.

:lmao: :lmao:
I am ready, bring on the trippie with all the Millsisms
i need to learn to not have anything in my mouth as i read this! i just spit water all over my laptop!! too funny!!:lmao:
To understand a Mills Trip Report better, you must first become familiar with Mills Lingo.

Is there a Tutorial CD we can purchase to further or education, maybe available on a late night infomercial?

I can see it now sitting in front of my computer learning “Mills Lingo” while preparing my Bagel Dogs by chopping them into bite size pieces in my newly obtained “Chop Wizard”


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