Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

Good morning Goofy's!!!! Nice to see we have a new team member to get to know! Hope she stops by and says "hello"!

I kept the exercise indoors last night......TM time during Biggest Loser!! Time goes pretty fast than. I am still sore from Pilates.....REALLY sore in the core! Wow, I can't kid myself that I am in shape anymore. That class kicked my booty! So, I walked during the show and ran during commericals!

Time: 65 minutes
Miles: 4.5

I will probaby do some strength training tonight and TM time. I have to get up early hopefully I will get to bed early too! (((Here's to hoping!;) )

Bad day today.
Rode for 1.5 hours and I came home to find my elderly diabetic cat unresponsive. Emergency trip to the vet and had him euthanized since there was nothing that could have been done to save him. I got this cat from the shelter before I was married and had children. We guessed his age to be over 16. My heart is broken.
Godspeed my fearless hunter cat, Schrodinger. You will be missed.
Hi all--Just checking in.

Joanne Sorry about your cat. I tear up when I go to the vet and see the people there that are dealing with the same thing. While my dog, Buddy is a royal pain in the a--sometimes, I would feel terrible if anything happened to him.

2/26 Did 3 painful/tired miles yesterday in 29 min. Just felt off. Also did 45 min (at least) of shoveling (Insert Sideshow Bob low growl here!)

2/27 Did 45 minutes in the pool today. That was nice, except for the guy who elbowed me out of the way.

As for being consistent with my exercise, well, I have the luxury of a decent work schedule and only one child left in the house--so I can make it work. Plus, I have suitable near-term motivation. And I haven't hit any rough spots yet.

Hi everyone:wave2:
And thank you for the warm welcome I have already received from some!

I'm really excited to finally be part of a team. It is going to be a good kick in the butt for me to be part of a team on my lazy days.

I was going to go running immediately after work, but it is freeeezing here (currently 53 degrees, but I'm a Floridian so that is like -10 to me) and I did not come prepared. If I had a parka I'd probably run in it :rotfl: I don't know how you folks up north run outside in the winter, but I know I sure could never do it!

Oh, and I checked my bank account payment for the 1/2 next year just cleared! It's officially official now :)
Dear Team-
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I've been crying all day. When Barbaro was put down his owners stated "in grief there is love". We cannot grieve if we did not love and he was loved. He has been sick with diabetes for a long time and old age. I knew he was not going to be around much longer but it does not make his passing any easier. Give all your fuzzy friends a hug, a pat, and an extra can of food tonight.

On a lighter note and on something more up beat- there is a half marathon that my town puts on every year- Applefest half marathon. It is open to relay teams as well. Sign ups started today and it is a blast. We can even have a WISH meet/BBQ for here at my house!
Details at
Fills up fast!
Hope to see you all there!
1.5 miles/22 mins

1.5 miles 23 mins
1 hour or so of shoveling MORE snow...

from the road, my house looks like a snowbank with a roof...

feet are MUCH better, now if I can only get TM times are never as good! Will be working the distance back up, doing a 5K on 3/8...

Applefest looks like a fun one, but I've already got a 10K that day...maybe next year!

Kristi, are you feeling better yet?

Lisa, where did you find injinji socks? Did you get 'em online? I'm trying to find some to try without paying more for shipping than the socks actually cost!

Have a great night all!
Angie - I am getting there - thanks for asking! Glad to hear your feet are healing.
I got those socks at REI in Reading, MA. Are you looking for the toe ones?

Joanne - first lots of :hug:. Secondly, you live in Hollis? I am just down the road a bit in Nashua! Chad has done the Applefest a few times, I'll ask if he wants to do it again. They don't like walkers, so that counts me out. :rolleyes:

Welcome ArelysAdriana! :yay:

And I will be signing us up for Great Bay tomorrow!
So, that's Lisa, Angie, Joanne, me and Chad right now, huh?
Any one else want to join?

I got the the gym tonight for 60 mins. fitness yoga
Joanne: More :hug: coming your way. I cried for 2 days with the loss of my last horse. I think the bigger the animal, the worse I am with it. The Applefest looks interesting. I have my first full 2 weeks later so I am going to ride the fence for awhile. I also have my annual 5K in October that is either the first weekend or the second so I need to wait for more info on that. It is named after my DH's grandmother so it is a must do.

For the Great Bayers: I have checked out the 2 hotels that they listed for Great Bay and I am wondering if it really matters that I stay that close. Can I stay in Portsmouth or Hampton? I could drive down that morning as check in goes until 10:30 and I made Hampton in 2:15 last weekend. Hmmmmm.....

Oh, and we have another field hockey tourney April 13th at UNH. Putting in my lunch ressies earlier this time!!!! Actually the last one we did not get much of a break (1.5 hours) so I may just be able to say hi but that works too!! Maybe a post-Great Bay get together when we are all not tired!!!

Cecilia: How was the snow?? If you really want to shovel you can come right up here.

Kristi: Glad you are feeling better.

Everyone else: I still love you all!! Glad to hear from our newest Goof!!

I shoveled for an hour yesterday and managed 2 miles chasing kids around and playing softball in the snow. Yes, we have to adapt to the weather. At least we were outside!!! I get really antsy this time of year. I want to be outside but the only outdoor activity that is safe is skiing and the trails have not been good lately.
Dang it, I forgot Angie...I got the Injinji socks from with the WISH discount (wishd) and saved a little $$. They have a couple different kinds but I use the tetrasok. It has padding around the top which is where my Saucony's rub on the back of my Achilles.

BTW, I currently have a pair of Saucony Trigon 4 Guide sneaks and I love them for the arch support (I have massively high arches) but I have developed a second toenail that is lifting, not turning black, just lifting. I cannot find anything on this on any site so I thought I would pose it on the boards. Has anyone else had this? It started with high miles but has persisted. I don't want to give up the Saucony's because they are the first sneaks that fit my arches without foot pain after a LR.
Princessrunner and Kristi-
Why don't you two run as a relay team. Six miles each! Team Wish or Team Super Goofs.
Kristi: What do you think?? The first leg says it is 6.4 miles downhill and the second has "famed" hills. I'll do the hills for ya!!! ;)
Yeah ! I finally get to post some miles this week!

5.5 miles in 56:14

Nice and easy prerace run right? no major hills, no speed work. So why did I develop pain in my left knee? I am hoping it is just one of those little twingey pains that will go away in a few hours.

So what do you guys think? should I do a short 2 or 3 mile run on Saturday to check the knee out or just go to the race on Sunday and hope I am ok?

Lisa- we had Georgia snow - light fluffy flurries that melt immediately upon touching the ground. No shovel required. I am just sick of running in the cold. I am ready for some of those beautiful spring runs. I won't even complain about my clothes being covered in yellow pollen.

Cecilia: I lived in Hinesville for 2 years. We had snow one year and I built a snowman in my front yard. You should have seen the people slow down and stare at me like I was a freak!! :lmao:

I think you pain is one of those prerace phantom twinges that we all get. Mine are either in my knee or my feet, wherever I feel vulnerable. I don't think a short run will hurt you on Saturday as long as you keep it at pace so you can truly test the knee. I find that slower or faster will cause more twinges. If I stay on pace with the "test run" it gives me a better sense of what is going on. Good luck and don't be like me and just ignore it!!! :rolleyes:
Joanne & Lisa - let me think about this relay thing for Hollis...

Angie - do you want my toe socks? I have a black pair and have only worn them twice. I don't have blister problems, but thought they make help my toes feel less sore after a LR. They didn't help, so I don't wear them. I'd be happy to pop them in the mail to you if you'd like.

I printed the Great Bay applications and they are going in the mail tomorrow morning. Nothing like waiting 'til the last day before the fee goes up, huh? ;)
Kristi: Let me know. I think it was then end of May before the fee went up. I checked in my journal and I have 5 miles that day but 6.7 won't kill me...13.1 might but not 6.7. I don't want to overdo as this is my first and possibly only full. The other nice thing is that it is a Saturday race. I work on Sunday a.m. so I have to take all this time off when I do Sunday races. Give it some least wait until after the Great Bay hills!!

Well, here goes another run outside for everyone's enjoyment....My DH is having his log truck worked on about 3.5 miles away and had to take his pickup there this morning. He got his truck fixed and was trying to figure out how to get his pickup home so he could go to work. Being the supremely awesome spouse that I am ;) I go :idea: hey, I'll run there and that will get me outside and these are so few and far between, I have to take the opportunity. So, I strike out across the dirt road, yes the same dirt road at which point my :idea: does not seem like it was so good anymore. Wet shoe, wet sock, cold big toe and we are all of a mile into the run. About mile 2, I get a horrid stitch in my right side, like so bad I am about ready to call for help when I tell myself to get over it, it is going to snow tomorrow and just get going. So, walking and all, dodging slush and puddles and mud, I ended up with:

3.67 miles in 43:25. Not a stonker by any means but not the pure enjoyment I was hoping for either. Oh, and I nearly got DH's truck stuck too. Forgot about the RWD thing!

Now the plug, tomorrow is the LAST day of the first month of the challenge. I will post everyone's monthly totals. I am so impressed with everyone and their getting out there and pushing through. One more day to get those miles/hours in. GO SUPER GOOFS!!!:dance3:
Hi Goofs, how you are? (My best Cajun accent)

Has everyone had a good month? Your friendly Panda is doing better and can start contributing miles to his team now. I know that y'all have been concerned that I had to much time on my hands.

Starting next month, which is in a few days we are going to have a new thread about either adding something or subtracting something form our lifestyle plan. Everyone can post from all the teams and maybe each of us can get ideas of what we could change ourselves. It will also give us a group thread to keep up with the fact that we are all part of the same larger team.

Walking Panda:hippie:
just when you thought I had falled off the treadmill......Here I am to check in!

Friday I did 30 minutes at Curves.

Saturday - 2 hours for a 5 mile hike at the Okenfenokee Swamp (ok that just can't be spelled correctly) and then another 1.5 hours of canoing which my arms tells me HAS to coult!

Sunday - 5 miles...1.5 hours walking

Monday - 30 minutes Curves

Tuesday....nada - poof...not even sure why :confused3

Wednesday - 30 minutes Curves

Today - again with the nada....gotta get moving here but my desk is a disaster!!!

Hope everyone is doing well.




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