Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

I am back again today, hopefully after the kids go to bed I can catch up with everyone here!!!!

Steve did another hour of weight lifting today

I went to the gym with my mom (she got her first membership today, I am so happy for her!!!!) and did 30 mins on a machine that is like a cross between an elliptical and a cross country ski machine (anyone know what that might have been?????????). I only went a mile on it and it totally kicked my butt!!!!

We are going to Epcot for a homeschool lesson tomorrow (Braden is doing a lesson on Italy), so I can not promise any official numbers from us--but we will be doing TONS of walking for sure!!!!

Thanks for being so understanding!! This is why I wanted this challenge so much, to make myself do it even when it feels like life is in the way!!!
I am leaving work early. :sick:
I won't be able to get in my training of a "5k race" today.
I am going to bed and hope to be up & at it tomorrow!
I got out again yesterday......the weather was beautiful! I got two runs in outside this weekend and very happy about it! It changes my mood totally!

Time: 1:20
Miles: 7

So Beth, I had you down for 1 hour and 5 miles yesterday. Is this in addition to that or am I completely messed up now??? :confused3
Lisa: The 5 miles was on Friday and Sat.....Friday was 5 miles in 65 min and Saturday was 5 miles in 60 minutes. My 7 miler was on Sunday. Sorry for the confusion.....maybe I should just post once a week!

Nope Beth, just me being a little scattered this weekend. I have some updates to complete to the spreadsheet tonight so if anyone else who has corrections that have not already been posted could get them in today, that would be great. I have some serious catching up to do but have a little break tonight to get it done.
Aaaah, my mind is clearer now. Amazing how a little sunlight and fresh air will change your world around. Of course, it is going to snow tomorrow afternoon/evening and again on Saturday but as for today....:goodvibes

I started running my normal route (yes with hills all you Great Bayers) and I got to the ending part of my loop that I pass and it looked like I could go along the side of the road on the crusty part okay so I made up my mind to run the loop and not just stop at 50 minutes today. You know, cuz it was nice and cuz it has been FOREVER since I have been able to run outside. So I run down my first hill and head across the flat to my next uphill which is, yes, completely ice and I struggled my way up, losing time. Then I got to the end of my road where there were snomobilers who had lost the trail so I stopped to redirect them, losing more time. Off on my merry way again, I ran around to the cut off dirt road back to my road which has no crusty side for me to run on, that was just a mirage I was seeing on the way down, it is a muddy sloppy mess with slush on the side disguised as crusty ice in order to trick me, so I walked gingerly along the side next to the snowbank, losing more time. My entire run tanked but it still being a nice day, I finished off my last mile in style arriving home shortly before the bus in order to make it up the driveway so DD13's friends do not see mom in her running gear and hat (so not a hat person). But, still I feel better. :beach: Okay maybe not quite that good.

5.36 miles in 67:25. Overall 12:35 with the directions, walking, etcetera so I cannot complain!! :thumbsup2

Hoping everyone had a productive and awesome day and that Kristi feels better soon!!!:flower3:
Just checking in. Yesterday (2/24) I had 75 minutes of yoga and elliptical and today (2/25) had 45 minutes of stretch/weights. And, of course, tonight we get snow. And for all you in my old neck of the woods (New England), every time I speak with my mother she will say "Well, we always get your weather one day later". This time, she's probably right. So look forward to more snow! But I have decided--when March comes, no more snow.

Vacation week for us- what a joy! It will be a little sketchy for me but i will try to keep things updated! Guess what- more snow predicted for today!
Vacation week here too (for the kids anyways)

1 mile/16 mins
3 hours at the pool, actual swim time, maybe half that? Played a bunch of water games with the girls, it was fun!

1.5 miles/24 mins

1 mile/16 mins

More snow today...just when I thought I'd be able to get back outside...guess I need running BOOTS!

Kristi, hope you are feeling better, I think you need to drink more juice!
Good morning Super Goofs! Hope everyone is hanging in there......waiting anxiously for Spring! :worship:

Got to the gym yesterday

Time 1:15 min (60min Pilates, 15 min bike)

Miles: 5 on the recumbent bike

Today will hopefully be some TM miles......since it's raining here today!

OOPS - this is Kristi!!!! I am not used to having two of us logged onto the DIS!

Still all sinus-y. :sick: I stayed home from work today and got about 12 hours sleep. Still really stuffy / eyes watery. I hope to be back at it tomorrow.
I don't want to leave anyone out in my thank you so thought I would come here to personally thank anyone who joined in with contributions in my name. WISH Team is the best!

Good morning Goofs, I have a new member for your team. ArelysAdriana is a cute princess so I figured she had to go here. This is where the cute princesses go right?:flower3: (This is the crafty little Panda sucking up).

Kinder Gentler Panda:hippie:
Hi Everyone!

I am so sorry. My miles are going to stink this week. Total LTO. Today we even have snow flurries in Georgia. This is ridiculous. How do you stand it?

Lisa, I read about your run and I had to laugh. You must have been desperate to be outside!
Kristi - I hope you feeel better soon. Drink LOTS of fluids.
Maura and Beth - you two are so steady with your exercise! You are a very good influence on me. I am going to be more consistant in March, I promise!

I am hoping to get to the gym and hit the treadmills this morning. If the phone would ever stop ringing it would help....
Just updating...

Monday...treadmill-30 mins/1.32 miles

Tuesday...outside walking-153 mins/9 miles
and treadmill-20 mins/1.02 miles

Hope everyone is having a great week!
Good morning Goofs and a big welcome to ArelysAdriana. Come on in and give us a little bio on yourself. We don't bite like some rabid pandas....:lmao:

Cecilia: You have no idea how desperate I was to run outside. Still desperate but it took the edge off a little. Snow, how's another foot overnight and more on for Saturday????? We are absolutely buried.

Kristi: :wizard: I hope you are feeling better today!!

I agree with the consistency of some of our teammates. It makes me jealous and/or mad at myself for not being more so. I have been trying to follow MFM for run a half marathon but I always seem to get off track somehow. Kidlets, work, life, etcetera. I read an article in this month's Runners World on Running with Lydiard and it looks like SOOOOOO many miles but I would like to get to a point where if someone says "hey want to run a half this weekend?" I can say sure no problem, I have 13 scheduled anyway. :upsidedow Okay so now that just sounds sick and wrong, I know but I think it reverts back to how desperate I am to run outside...:rolleyes1


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