Super Goofs Team 4 Miles Challenge

I got an hour of walking in yesterday, didnt have Garmy with me, so not sure of my distance, but would guess it to be close to 4 miles, I wasn't moving fast, but I was moving (and my feet are getting better!)

Also had to move 126 cases of cookies from house to truck, can I call that cross training?

I have buy in from my family to do the Great Bay, they all said they'd rather me start and maybe not finish than not even try, so I'm thinking I might try it. I have a 5K on 3/8, as long as my feet survive that...

Cecilia, hope you're feeling better!

More snow now, I'm in the 2-4 piece of the map, but suspect I'll end up with more, it's coming down pretty steady already. More shoveling...yay...not!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Angie: I am so glad you are thinking of Great Bay. We would miss you if you were not there with us. You set the pace and I am there with you to the very end. And this time I know you will finish. There is no question in my mind. :goodvibes
I have buy in from my family to do the Great Bay, they all said they'd rather me start and maybe not finish than not even try, so I'm thinking I might try it. I have a 5K on 3/8, as long as my feet survive that...

Looks like I have to revert to a workout DVD today - big snowstorm around here today. Ugh.
I got to the gym and made it 45 minutes on the elliptical before it was really snowing 7.5 miles for today.

Here are the totals right now so you can check my poor math skills.

Stacey-74 miles (this is for the last 2 weeks and her final miles for us:sad1: )
Beth: 6:40/23.5
Cecilia: 4:20/26.54
Susie: ??
Joanne: 8:30/12.00
Laurie: 5:31/6.00
Maura: 4:12/10.00
Kim: ??
Kristi: 2:29/9.00
Laura: 1:15/5.00
Chad: 1:58/4.23
Steve(Susie DH): ??
Angie: 3:53/9.00
Christy and Steve: ??

Today is the end of the week so anything you do today does count. Let me know by tomorrow so I can add it on. If any of the above are not correct, please let me know. I am a great speller but not so good at numbers:teacher: !!

I have 4 miles on tap tomorrow and hoping to get a walk in between games. Does anyone know a good route from Seacoast United Indoor Arena in Hampton??
Hi Goofies, don't throw anything at me I come in peace. I have a new member for you, to replace Stacey. Please welcome SuzanNews. She is a real sweetheart so please welcome her to the team.

Scampering off now Panda:hippie:
Panda: We love you over here. Feel free to drag yourself in and visit anytime and post your miles. We would love you even more then!!! :love1:

SuzanNews: :welcome: to the fray :jumping1: Let us know a little about yourself and, if you have miles/hours for last week, we would gladly count them toward our totals. Just post them here and I will add them to the spreadsheet.

Do I have any volunteers for the co-captain position????:rolleyes1
Panda: We love you over here. Feel free to drag yourself in and visit anytime and post your miles. We would love you even more then!!! :love1:

SuzanNews: :welcome: to the fray :jumping1: Let us know a little about yourself and, if you have miles/hours for last week, we would gladly count them toward our totals. Just post them here and I will add them to the spreadsheet.

Do I have any volunteers for the co-captain position????:rolleyes1

Well since your dress code is more liberal and you do have some of the prettiest princessess over here I suppose I should keep an eye on y'all. Just to keep you our of trouble.

Visiting Panda:flower3:
Yes, I think we indeed are the best looking group! ;)

Off for 60 mins. of yoga. If it's the harder teached who does 75 mins., I will be back to update. Gotta run & get to the gym on time!
First of all....WELCOME!! to suzanNews!!

Lisa--my totals for this week are not right....

6 hours of ice hockey
plus 6 miles of running in 1:01

for a total of 7:01/6 miles

I think I missed posting a hockey workout.
lisa: Totals for yesterday.....Friday

Hours: 125 minutes (2 hours and 5 min)
Miles: 5

I ended up MAKING myself get to working out about 7:30 that point I was taking another day off. But I thought about you all, and couldn't let you down. I was just having a big pitty party for myself anyway......
So, I did weights first and really worked it. I am so lucky my dh bought me a weight set for Christmas ((((years ago, and not used at all for the first 5 years of owning it :confused3 :confused3 ) But, a couple of years ago we hauled it up to my little "work out" room and put the thing together. It wasn't easy, but we got it done. Well, basically just using it here and there. But since I started the challenge, I have used it 3 times a week, and very grateful for it. I can't get to the gym easily most of the time b/c of the kids, but having the weight set is no excuses! Then I made myself get on the TM and it wasn't to bad. I worked hard for my 5 miles, but I wasn't totally bored. Watched the end of Grey's Anatomy, which I haven't seen before. So, THANK YOU Super Goof's, you helped me tremendously! Without you, I would have been a bed potato!:lovestruc :lovestruc

Good Morning Everyone!

I am feeling better thanks everyone!

I ran with DH today. 7.5 miles in 1:10

I would have liked to have run farther, but DH is trying to follow his training plan. It is so rare that we get to go out and run together that I just ran his distance. It was nice, especially since he was out of town all week.

Steve and I are here and we are VERY SORRY we have let you guys down the last 2 weeks. Both boys ended up with the flu, it looks like Brennen will have surgery next month, Steve was working 3 jobs this week and I was just plain tired from dealing with all of that!!

But, to get this week off on a better note, I got up in the rain and did a 5K this morning. Steve did do some weight training and one day of running last week, and I PMed those numbers in. If it ever stops pouring, Steve wants to get out and run tonight.

We will be back this week and will greatly improve our numbers, we both feel really bad that we have let our team down:hug: :hug: :hug:
Got in my first 5-miler today (run/walk) including some baby hills--they hurt! Total time 50 minutes. As winter days go, this one is kinda nice. Sun, no wind, temp in the 20's. I'll take it--for another few weeks, then I expect SPRING!

Welcome suzanNews!

And Christy--taking care of family trumps ALL. No worries on training or miles or anything like that. We'll send some pixie dust your way if you send a little warmth ours!

It was great to get outside today instead of going to the gym. This run felt really good. When I finished I felt like I probably could of done more.

7 miles / 1:08:26

I'm sorry I haven't posted Steve's and my hours for last week. Here they are:

Steve: 6 hours/ 11 miles
Me: 1.5 hours/ 3 miles (darn work!)

Again, these are for last week (ending Friday).

I'll post next Friday for this weeks hours.

Hope everyone has a great week!
HI everyone! :wave2:

I'm Suzanne, I work at the Wilderness Lodge. I lost my Mom on 12/14/07 and started walking as a stress releaver and get out my frustrations. Doing the 1/2 marathon is on my life list so I decided this is the year to do it! I also signed up for Minnie's 15K in May. I usually walk 30-45 minutes a night on the treadmill and walk on a walking trail every Tuesday. This past Tuesday, I walked 8 miles with a friend from work.

I will have to start keeping track of my time and distance now. I will try and figure out last weeks totals and post them.

I've lost 10 1/2 lbs just by watching what I eat, no more junk, and walking. If nothing else, I'm going to have great looking legs and a smaller behind by the time I run the 1/2!!

Thanks for welcoming me to your team!
Suzanne: Welcome again and if you cannot figure out last weeks miles, it is no big. We will just start fresh from here. Our week runs Saturday to Friday and I try to post on Saturday morning. You can either post your miles/hours all at once or throughout the week, which ever works to motivate you more. I am so happy that you have found a good place in your life. My dad has been gone 5 years this month and I still miss him. When I run a race, right before the finish line, I thank him for scaring me enough to get off my butt and start exercising again. We are glad you are here!!!

Cecilia: Yay for feeling better!!! I am so happy that it was not that yuck that I ended up having (and everyone else too).

Christy: Family trumps all. Kidlets are far more important than exercise and facing surgery on your child is stressing for sure. Try and use your exercise time as a release and we will wait for you. Get your home issues resolved and then jump back in. We certainly miss chatting with you!!!

Susie: Thank you for volunteering as co-captain. I will try to keep my absences to a minimum. Posting once a week is perfectly acceptable, just glad that you are still with us!!!

Chad: Glad you had a great run. Outside...sooooooo jealous. ::yes::

Beth: Good for you with the weights. I have found it has helped my speed and muscle recovery a lot in the last year. You have certainly embraced this challenge and are using it to your advantage.

Kristi: I am so happy you have kept up the yoga. I love the way I feel afterward. Following each run I do some yoga stretches and I think that has been helpful in my PF recovery.

Anyone I missed, sorry, I am trying to keep up but my randomness takes over occasionally. :upsidedow I will update the spreadsheet tomorrow evening as I am tied up the rest of the day. I got in 4 miles in 48:06 yesterday on the TM....again...:crazy2:

I posted this quote on the Lean Mean thread but I wanted to post it here also: "Never fear moving forward slowly, fear standing still". To quote a silly invading Panda, relentless forward motion all, at any speed!! :thumbsup2
I got outside yesterday!!!! I got off the TM finally.....yippee!!!:cool1: :cool1: Makes it so much better, and faster!


Hours: 60 min
Miles: 5



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