Steph's journal (Posters Welcome)

:hug: and :sunny: for your Tuesday, Steph. I like what Marcia said--"focus on little victories." Look for successes in TODAY.

Take care,
Hey Steph! How are you doing? Just want you to know you are in my thoughts. I hope all is well with you!
Take good care of you!:smooth:
Just poppin' over to give you a :hug: . Take care, Steph.

hi steph! i haven't been by in a while and i just wanted to pop in and check in on you. looks like we havne't heard from you in a bit too...i hope everything is going well for you! if you're reading this and just don't feel like posting, don't worry about it. i just wanted to let you know that i'm thinking about you :goodvibes
Steph, I just got caught up on your journal. I'm sorry I've been gone so long! I'm sending a :hug: and some :wizard: and some bright :sunny: :sunny: your way!!

I noticed that you've been re-evaluating the food thing - to count or not to count WW points, etc. But what I REALLY noticed was that through all of the food choices - both good and bad - you've been drinking your water and exercising! You are still on the healthy living road, doing things that will keep your body in good shape, and you should be very proud of that!

You're not alone. We're all here, gathered around you. :grouphug: We'll be here, no matter what - during the times when the healthy walk is easy and during the times when it isn't. Don't be afraid to post here when the going gets rough, OK???

Hi everyone! I'm back, finally. Things have been crazy lately. I started getting hours at the orchard and we were redecorating two rooms in the house so I didn't have much time on the internet. Then I burnt my hand and couldn't type for a few days. The good news is I am still at 182 - where I was the last time I checked in with all of you - so I haven't gained even though I haven't been sticking to WW. The bad news is that I haven't been exercising. I've been feeling so run down with work, school and housework then I got injured. I'm going to get back to exercising starting today.

I ordered a new tankini since the one I bought last summer was way too big. It looks pretty good on me if I must say so myself and I know it will look great on me at WDW. My size 12 shorts I bought for vacation are a bit tight still but I definitely have time to get them to fit better.

I'll try to get around to journals in the next few days - I've got a lot to catch up on.

Thanks everyone for still supporting me through all this. You gals are great! :grouphug:
hi steph!!! :bounce: it's so nice to see you :Pinkbounc

oh my goodness, i can see why you haven't had a chance to stop by in a while! your schedule sounds nuts! i wouldn't worry too much about missing out on exercise, doesn't sound like you had much time to get it in anyway. but good for you for getting right back at it when you have the chance ::yes::

new tankini! wooo! sounds very nice, they seem to be the bathing suit of choice around these parts :smooth: . and you've got some time...i'm sure those size 12 shorts will fit better by then! not to worry! :hyper:

hope you're having a great day :sunny:
Thanks for stopping by Marcia! It's great to be back among my friends.

And I feel so much better now that I have gotten back to exercising. I walked 1.5 miles yesterday and today I did my Walk and Jog WATP tape and that is the equiv of 2.5 miles.

I also will get in my water today - only 1 more mug to go.
Stephanie, glad to see you!! :wave2:

Even though you SAY you haven't been exercising, it sounds like your exercise has been LIFE! Redecorating and running around through a crazy schedule - girl, you've GOTTA be burning some calories! ::yes::

You've maintained your weight and you've got a new bathing suit!! :Pinkbounc It sounds like you're doing very well!

Hope your Wednesday is a great one!! :sunny:
Welcome back Steph! I was gone a few days too, busy week. I see you're back into the swing of things. Hey, anytime you don't gain it's a good thing. I'm sure those size 12s will fit comfortably in no time. Have a good weekend!:D
Okay - I've been gone a few more days for Easter but I'm back again. Here's the catchup. Wed and Fri I did stock at work so I didn't do any extra exercise. Thurs I walked to the library. No exercise over the weekend. Mon I walked about a mile total. My car is giving me some problems so I had to take the train in to class and it's a bit of a walk from the station to the building for class and also from where the station to where I had to park my car so I'm sure I got in about a mile. Today I walked 1.5 miles on WATP.

I didn't get to weigh in this week but I don't think I gained.
All those extra steps count as exercise!! You're doing great! I am sorry to hear about the car problems but if it's encouraging you to walk more, then it's not totally a bad thing, right?

Keep it up, Steph!! :sunny:
Just dropping in to say hi Steph! You are doing a great job of fitting exercise into your schedule and sticking with it. WTG! I agree with Doe, steps are steps, they count as exercise!!
Hope your having a great day today!:sunny:
P.S. How's that kitty doing?
Doreen - you're right, it definitely is a postivie that my car trouble is getting me to walk more. thankfully the car isn't totally out of commission but it doesn't like highway driving anymore, I think it might be the transmission but what do I know about cars, so I use it to go to work but school is a half hour away on 95.

Sharon - little Roo is doing well. His cold is all cleared up and his paws are healing nicely from the declawing.

I have been good and bad - the good is that I exercised again today walking 2 miles - the bad is that since last night I have eaten almost a pint of ben and jerry's. OH well, at least the craving is out of my system.
I did the WATP morning mile this morning and I'll get in another mile or so walking to class tonight.
:wave: Hi, Stephanie. Just stopped by to say hi. I hope you enjoyed our beautiful weather this weekend.

:wave2: Hi Stephanie! Just thought I'd pop in and send some good wishes your way for the kitty, the car, and life in general. Glad to see you're still exercising! ::yes::
Okay here's the latest update on exercise. I didn't go to class last thursday so I only got in the one mile. Friday I did shipment at work. Sat I walked to the library. Sunday I didn't do anything - just enjoyed the nice weather. Monday I walked about a mile getting to and from class. Today I did WATP muscle mile in the afternoon and the evening mile tonite.

Since I'm only about a month away from my disney trip and I haven't been losing lately I really think I need to kick up the exercise from now until vacation so that I can get into those new shorts. My goal is to walk at least 1 mile every day from now until May 22. I know that is very ambitious but I figure if I set my sights high I should have some great results even if I don't completely meet the goal. Plus all that walking will get me in good condition for walking in WDW.
You can walk 6.2 miles in Doylestown PA on May 8th with us!! I put a thread on the main WISH board about a walk that Erin (Lulu201) and I are doing, and we'd love to have you join us if you're available!


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