Steph's journal (Posters Welcome)

I pretty much maintained this week even though I was completely off the wagon the first part of the week. Now I've definitely got to get back on track with food and exercise so I can continue with losing and get toned up a bit.

Breakfast - cereal 5pts
Lunch - soup and sub 12.5pts
Dinner - shepard's pie 10pts
Snacks - 9pts

Total - 36.5, 4 aps used, 6.5 flex used
Exercise - 3 mile walk, toning pilates

Getting back on plan was a real challenge today. Good thing I earned plenty of aps. Hopefully the rest of the week will be a little easier.
steph, i must congratulate you on maintaining while you took a break from point tracking. that really is a great accomplishment...really lets you know that you're going to be okay once you get to maintaining :bounce:

i totally understand the need for a break from teh points. i've only been doing ww for a couple months, but i too sometimes feel like i focus too much on food and it takes over a bunch more than it should, and that feels wrong. but i too know it works. so i knwo it's good to stick to it, even if you need a little break every once in a while :). glad your week off points went well :hyper:

you have such a great outlook on your work! i'm proud of you for realizing that the extra money by taking a full time position at bath and body wouldn't be worth it. definitely more important to have time to study for the bar, because i knwo that is your ultimate goal. sometimes it's easier to just look short term (better paying job), but you're keeping your eye on the long term, and that is so important ::yes::

hope you have a great day :sunny:
Hi Steph! Wow! You had a week off and maintained!! That is excellent!!!:jumping1: Sounds like this weight is off for good for you Steph!
I also second your decision on the bath & Body promotion. You need to keep your time open for studying. The higher paying jobs will come after you pass that bar! My SIL was a manager with Bath & Body for several years. What awful hours she had to put in. And as you said, it is just part of working retail. No, keep your part-time jobs and do all the studying you can!::yes::
Alright, Get back OP this week and get that exercise in! WDW will be here before you know it, and you'll want to be toned and looking fine when you go down there!!! Here's some :wizard: so it will be a little easier getting back OP!
Have a super day Steph!!
WOW! Great job at maintaining this week! You sound like your on the right track for this week so far. Keep up the good work and have a Happy Monday!
I haven't counted points for lunch today because I went out to one of my fave restaurants Nifty Fifty's and I'm not really sure about the points but since dinner will be soup and salad I think I should be within my points for the day as long as I don't snack tonight.

I'm hoping to get some walking in today but my lower back is killing me again. Hopefully the tylenol I took will help. I think I might need to see someone about it - my neighbor is a chiro so I might have to see how much a visit costs with her. Maybe I'll just walk to the library - I have 2 books to return - it's not too far and I don't think it would make me hurt more than I already do.
Hope you start to feeling better and the soreness goes away! Hopefully that Tylenol will help.

Hope you have a great day today!
I'm feeling a bit better today Desiree. I took some more tylenol before I walked this morning though. Good thing I ended up walking to the library yesterday b/c this snow is just a mess even though we didn't get much of it. I walked 2 miles this morning but I might walk more later today depending on what Dan wants to do for dinner.

Breakfast - cereal 5pts
Lunch - Smart Ones pizza 8pts

Okay - today did not turn out so well. I am so frustrated with my diet. Lately it seems the more I try to stay on track the more I want and need to cheat. So much of this battle is psychological for me and right now I'm losing. I really need to stop thinking about food so much - I'm not happy with myself obsessing over everything I eat. I'm not giving up but I think I need to start eating normally for a little while - not counting points - b/c mentally this is not working for me right now and I don't want to get into a binging cycle again. I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I seriously think I'm going to go back to my plan from summer which was exercising everyday and eating healthy while not on a diet per say. I'm still going to journal what I eat just to see how how I'm doing but I'm not counting points. If I start to gain again I'll know I'll have to either go back or find something else that works. I know that losing weight isn't easy but I shouldn't be unhappy - I haven't been honest in my journal about this b/c I didn't want you all to see how much I'm struggling b/c I don't want to look like I can't do this. I tried to stay strong but if I really want to make this work I can't hide how I really feel and what is really going on from you. I know all of you will be here to support me no matter what and I shouldn't worry about what you'll think if I'm stumbling.

Okay enough of that. Tomorrow is a new day and I'll be starting over again with a new plan and I'm going to do this day by day and not obsess over food, just make good choices.
hey steph, don't feel bad about being honest!! if you are struggling, that's really okay, it's part of life. we don't think any less of you if you struggle, we all do! i know this isn't easy, and how much we concentrate on food and points really can take over. you've got to do what's right for you. as long as you keep up your exercise, and you eat "healthy", i'm sure you will do just fine. don't worry about the points. just do what feels right for you. it's not good for you to be feeling so miserable about your woe, that's definitely a sign that changing it up is a good decision.

aw steph, i'd just like to give you a big :hug: . you are so strong, i'm sure you can make it through this. i hope that changing the way you keep track of your food will help you get over this feeling of stumbling. i hope it becomes a positive experience that will put a smile back on your face :)

have a great day today steph, you deserve it :sunny:
Thanks Marcia - I really needed your support and hug today.

Today has been tough and as a result not a great food choice day but it could have been worse. First off, don't ever break a side mirror on your car b/c they are a pain in the butt to replace - at least on Dan's car. We spent most of the day trying to get it fixed and everyone is out of the mirror and special clip to hold it in place - one dealership even told us they had one in stock yet when I drove there after dropping Dan off at work, they couldn't find it. GRRRR!

Food - small vanilla soft serve (free at DQ today), 2 slices pizza, large root beer (all of out diet soda), tastycake, 3 pb candy pieces, chicken nuggets and fries
Water - 3 mugs, 1 diet tea
Vitamins - taken
Exercise - 2.25 miles and last night I did upper body free weights
Well I looked at the scale this morning and I'm up 4.5lbs but that's okay b/c it's not weigh in day yet and I did not eat great the end of last week/beginning of this week.

I don't know if I'll get in exercise today other than free weights b/c I have a meeting at work and then class tonight.

Food - toast w/pb&j, wonton soup, handful jellybeans, bagel w/cream cheese, grilled cheese and tomato soup
Vitamins - done
Water - 3 mugs
Exercise - none yet
steph, i'm back, and this time, i've got extra :sunny: and :wizard: , supercharged to help you feel better :hug:

i'm so sorry about the mirror on dan's car! how frustrating! you'd think that would be a part that people would actually have, i'd think it would be common that people break those. hmm :scratchin . hope you guys have some luck with that one.

i'm glad to see that you're not letting that number on the scale get to you today. like you said, it's not official weigh in day, and the past few days haven't been the best. i'm sure that you can get that down over the next few as long as you stick to making good food choices ::yes::

i hope that you are feeling better today, but just for good measure, here's another :hug: :)
Steph! I feel terrible that I haven't been around for you this week. Sounds like you've had a real tough one!:hug: :hug: for you Steph!
Yes, you need to be honest here in your journal. It IS your journal. We are just here to read along, cheer for you, support you, what ever you need. So be honest with us and more importantly, be honest with yourself. Are you having a tough time because you have more free time on your hands? I know boredom and eating go hand in hand for me! :rolleyes: Take a look at things to see if that is the case. Maybe go to the library to study. No food there, different surrondings.... I don't know, just a thought.
Don't worry about the points for a few weeks at least. Then. like you said, see what happens and reassess at that point. Just take it one day at a time and do your best to live healthy. Make good food choices and exercise, take care of you! :teeth:
I hope you get to see plenty of :sunny: this weekend Steph! Sounds like you could use it!!
Thanks again for all your support Marcia and Sharon. I'm feeling better about me right now. I'll be walking a couple miles later today after I get some housework in. I've been trying to battle the bored and eating problem by going to workout instead of eating or just reading a few chapters in whatever book I'm reading and waiting to see if I'm still hungry when I'm done. I found out that I'll start back at the orchard next weekend. Sat will be very busy since I'll be working all day at the fishing derby and then til close at the mall. Oh well - hopefully long days like that won't happen too often, it was just short notice from the orchard so I couldn't schedule my mall hours around it.

Food - eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns (brunch), tastycake, burger and fries
Vitamins - done
Water - 4+ mugs
Exercise - 3.5 miles

I really hope that all this walking will do something for my thighs - they certainly hurt enough now that I have upped my walking to more than 1 mile at a time.

I just started reading the Da Vinci Code tonight. I'm only a couple chapters into and it seems to be really good. I hope that it is as good as all the hype I've heard about it.
:sunny: Good morning, Steph! I'm here with :hug: and more :wizard: to add to your collection. :D Happy Spring!:Pinkbounc

Steph, your journal is your place to lay it all out there. The good, the bad, the ugly, the low, the high, the victorious. You always have to be true to yourself in it, so it's good that you've detailed your struggles. Knowing what you're going through, we can all lend a hand. If we don't know, you're going it alone, and what's the point of that, right?

You have accomplished so much--take a moment and celebrate that. :goodvibes Just feel all that success! You can do this, Steph. You can WANT to make the right choices again because you know how good that it feels. Some people slip up and go right back to their old ways, but you're not. You're searching for what's right for you, and you'll find it, I know. You're going through a lot of change and "stuff" right now--job transitions, darn car mirror problems, struggling with food choices, but you know that you'll find your way. The road to healthy living is there, you just have to find your right path. You'll find what works best for you--just keep on keeping on the best that you can.

:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: for your day,

Thanks for your kind words Erin and your support. You're right - if I'm not honest with myself and honest here all of you won't know what I'm going through and won't be able to help me out.

Last night we went out for drinks and dessert with some friends. I haven't been out for drinks in such a long time! I only had two though and split a dessert with Dan. Not a great end to the day but at least I didn't go nuts. Now I'm feeling a bit bloated from the alcohol but I'm getting right to drinking my water so that should help.

We are having steak and mac and cheese for dinner (Dan makes a great cheese sauce) so I need to try and eat a healthy lunch before I go to work this afternoon. I've got some italian wedding soup which isn't too bad so maybe I'll have that. I would have a salad with it but I'm out of veggies and I don't have time to hit the store this morning. I'll come up with something good for me to finish off the lunch.

I'm going to hit some journals quickly and then go and walk and read for about an hour.

Food - cereal w/milk, italian wedding soup
Vitamins - done
Water - 3 mugs
Exercise - 3 miles
Hey Steph, I'm sorry you're going through a rough time right now. You're right to post your difficulties in your journal, it can't all be about sunshine all the time because that's not reality. We all go through our ups and downs. Of course we'll be here to support you no matter what, just as you've been there for us. Take whatever time you need to reevaluate your situation and then decide what you want to do. This is your journey. It's not always an easy one, but at least you're hanging in there and not giving up. Hugs to you Steph.:hug:
Good for you for heading straight to that water. That should definatly help with the bloating. We all have ups and downs I guess that's why we're human!

Keep your chin up. Look at all that you've accomplished so far!!!!

Hope you have great day today!
Hi Lisa and Desiree. Thanks for being there for me right now. I really appreciate it.

Yesterday at work one of manangers asked me if I was proud of what I had accomplished weight wise. She's seen me lose close to 30lbs since I started working there. I told her of course I was proud. But then I got to thinking about it, sometimes I don't feel proud of how far I've come b/c I still see how far I need to go. I need to stop thinking like that and focus on what I've done so far. I definitely should feel proud. I'm so much healthier and smaller than I was last year. My journey isn't over but I have come so far. I should tell myself that everyday.

And on to the scale - I'm up 4.5lbs this week. No big deal. I know I'm gaining more muscle - my legs are definitely starting to look more defined. I've got to measure again to see if I'm getting smaller that way. I know I'm not going to give up b/c of a gain.

I've gotten in my vitamins, 3 mugs of water and 2 miles on the treadmill. I also finished the Da Vinci Code. Very very good, and I just heard that Ron Howard is going to direct it as a movie. Now I have to find something else good to read.
hey steph, i just wanted to come by to lend my support. you look like you're doing well, making good food choices, and getting in that exercise. i'm sure you definitely are building muscle, and that will surely show on the scale. i'm just coming to grips with this myself. it's hard, i know.

and i know you're having a hard time being proud of what you've accomplished because you are looking at the long road ahead. but you just have to take it one day at a time, focus on little victories. easier said than done, i know, but it will hopefully help you realize that you are having little victories every day and that in the end, they will all add up to your ultimate goal.

hope that you're having a good day today :hug:
Steph - give yourself credit for how far you've come! No, your not at your final destination, but you HAVE come so far. You are so much more healthy than a year ago - you eat well, you exercise, you think before you put something in your mouth...... It all adds up to a huge accomplishment!! Just keep taking it one day at a time. And take those measurements!!! I think you might really like the numbers you see!;)
I hope you are having a good day Steph! Heres a :hug: for you - hang in there!


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