Something About Nothing ... #12

Pattyw, did you trap all 3 together at the same time or get the momma 1st & then kittens?

The one kitten was friendly(Oliver) and we picked him up. We trapped Momma and the other kitten together. The kitten followed Momma into the trap. We bought a large trap that fit both of them.

Here's a picture of Momma (Ginger) now sitting with Milo- her best friend!
Patty, sweet looking cats. So nice of you to take in 3 cats.

Well, another gray start. Only thing I have to say, is that it felt almost cool at 78 degrees. Maybe because of the breeze, not making the pre-dawn rain feel damp. No sunglasses needed for days. Weather reporter today: Today and tomorrow, chances of rounds of thunderstorms to be repeated tomorrow, then for the next 4 days, the chance of thunderstorms become more random. Yeah, a period of gray in the summer, makes you smile when the sunshine returns. Tropical weather system set up just offshore, and decided to stay for awhile. Shooo, hello high weather system - bully that tropical low outta here pronto. Blue skies, you are missed.

Oh, and did some homie say
That's right girls and boys, it's upload_2018-7-24_6-53-54.jpeg. Oh yeah. upload_2018-7-24_6-55-19.jpeg. Maybe. Steak ones for us. As I have some steaks that need to be grilled.

With that upload_2018-7-24_6-57-10.jpeg. Have a terrific Tuesday homies.

Next week, is fast pass hunt time. That means, other T countdown is nearing 60. :dancer:
Happy Tuesday everyone!!

Gray day here too, Lynne!! and rain for the next few days!! Makes going to work a little easier!

Robo- I just love all the minion memes!! you have an endless supply!:)

Had tacos yesterday- maybe pasta Wednesday??

Good Morning!

I admit Im a little jealous of all you retirees - I think I would be pretty good at being retired- but Im not sure Ill ever get there!

Im in the office today- Im grateful that its a relatively quiet day here.

All the cute animal and minion pics posted here make me smile!

Have a great day everyone!
Me too Ck, with the second to go to college in the fall next year, I'm trying a 10 year countdown, before I can even try to be a lady of leisure.

I need more tea.

Oh, and Good Morning, Patty, Robo, Mac and CK.

Tree is doing a jazz routine. Round 3 of rain to come.
Good afternoon Sans family:wave:.... Wow I go away for a couple of days and so much excitement. I missed the daily scoop!

Sorry I haven't been able to jump on. I am sooo much busier in the summer. I would have thought the teens would want more time away but nope they like to me to do things with them. Trying to do that and clean the house oy! Also having some friends with health issues so I have been trying to support them and help with what they need. It feels good to know I can do something. I hate the helpless feeling.

Update: Charlie is still at my house everyday, which is great! They really need each other. I have confidence they will work it all out!:thumbsup2
I usually take them to 6 flags one day a week but this week might not work. We are going to get rain almost every day on and off. Our temps have dropped too. Will make the best of it but I am a hot weather girl:laughing:.

Tonight is catching up on TV shows and the teens want Chinese.

Pattyw- so glad you got your son and the fur babies down to Florida safely. I totally understand about being in a car and driving all that time. We had one day we felt like that. I love the pics of the kitties. We also have trapped and kept 4 kittens that are now big! We did release the moms back but my neighbor takes care of them on her porch. It has been a win win. I love to hear rescue stories.:hug:

Robo56- thank you for your awesome animal and minion pics. It is such a nice way to start the day!

Schumigirl- nice to see you drive by and stop in. Glad to hear your trip is a good one.

Macraven- I never thought of using the thread for a daily calendar. That is a great idea.:scratchin I am going to have to get use to all the storms down south when I move.

Keishhshadow- Hope your little one is feeling better. Nothing like being sick in the summer.

Tgrgrl- How awesome to have kittens. We got on in November and she is growing so fast. She loves to jump on the older ones. Boy has she gotten a few whacks!

Monykalyn- I need something like that for one of mine. He is the sneakiest cat ever. He watches us and waits for us to leave then sneaks in the room, opens the baby proof cabinets and pulls stuff out. His favorite is my oven mitts and hair ties.

Aggavegirl- Sending good thoughts for leading up to your surgery and a quick recovery.:goodvibes

Tink1957- Glad that you will be able to have your son close as he starts his new endeavor. I am listening to everyone talk about their kids moving out and going to college and it is hitting me how close it is.o_O

Ckmiles- That is great you can work from home. Brian is hoping when we move he will be able to do some of that. He does get an opportunity once in awhile.

LynneG- sorry for the loss on the game. OMG I have so many cups from stuff I need a cabinet just for that. I told the family when we are cleaning up to move they have to go. They were okay with it. I love to hear weather forecasts. I am on the weather channel multiple times daily updating the weather to people. I hate the on and off stuff with rain. However, I will take rain over snow any day.8-)
Me too, Bobbie, though gray days are depressing even if it is warm.

Just older one and be for dinner, so steaks for us. Picked up some broccoli, and either mac and cheese or rice.
Hi everybody :wave2:

I spent the afternoon helping Trey shop for his new place..we ordered his bed and a quilt set...guess this is really happening.

Ck...wish I could retire soon but I'll probably have to work till I die what with my expensive travel habits.

We had Chinese buffet too yesterday Bobbie. .I was so full I took a 2 hour nap afterwards which I never do. I woke up hungry again though :laughing:

Thanks for making me smile Robo and the minions and taco Tuesday I want a taco.

Have a wonderful night :goodvibes
Dropping in for a quick moment to say to Wednesday aka agavegirl1 aka Wendy, that I hope your surgery was successful and you heal completely and totally

Prays for youse

I marked my calendar weeks ago for this date
But wanted to wait until this evening to post to you as I knew you would be nervous if I mentioned it earlier

Very very gentle hugs to you
And a speedy recovery
cat2.JPG I can even grow a cat! (neighbors cat apparently likes my front plants)

Takeout Rotisserie chicken and Caesar salad (home made dressing and croutons) for dinner. It's what happens when the hubs was supposed to do the shopping yesterday, then didn't get to it til 5 oclock today. He had to get a jetski from his mom that she bought. Why WE have it I don't know yet. He took my (very literal) son with him to get the ski and shopping. So...not all my items are exactly what I wanted (when I said I wanted the large pork tenderloin they got the tender loin not the large pork LOIN because it wasn't the tenderloin on the label:sad2:). and 5 texts about what kind of fish. Next time I will just do the online shop and he can pick sipping a soda and vodka right now to get aggravation level back to normal. At least I have groceries to cook with now. And the salad was delicious. And I know I won't get salmonella from my eggs in the dressing...

Need some more minion memes stat!

Hope agave girl is recovering nicely now.
Glad the kids are working it out bobbie.

wish I could retire soon but I'll probably have to work till I die what with my expensive travel habits.
ummm me too! Although I did break down and buy a lottery ticket today :rolleyes1

Think I need a session with cuddle chicken.

And session making slime with the boy. That's what he wanted the borax for...
Tell the husband he can be replaced

I tell Mr Mac that when he buys the wrong bread for me

(He tends to buy the first loaf of bread that is eye level on the rack)

Im so far behind and don’t know if I can ketchup with all that posted

I don’t like to not list or mention everyone that has posted as don’t want any of the homies to feel slighted by me not saying something to them

You don’t know how many times I have to correct myself when I list Monyk’s name

Ever since Janet wrote monky I reread before I post

MonyK Monyk Monyk......
Well back to monky, sounds like you are due for another vacation
You work hard and need to plan that trip you talked about earlier this week

If I lived closer I would watch your boy
I have raised 4 boys and did get pretty good at it
None of mine have landed in jail so I think I did an okay job being a mom

Tink, your boy will live near you and you can always find an excuse to stop by and see him
I’m sure he will stop in and see you often
Tell him to come for dinner and bring the girlfriend
You can check her out and see if she is good enough for him

Yea, moms of boys are always interested in the sons finding a sweet girl they can fall in love with

To all the cat peeps
I will find a way to post pictures of my cats to share with youse

Before the cat people started posting here, I held back on talking about mine as a few commented there aren’t cat peeps
I joined about 2 fb groups recently
That live and breathe their cats

So Many of
Them are so special and sweet looking

Think we have the numbers up higher with more cat moms here now

No one would dare insult anyone’s Pets since it more than just me having fur babies

To all the homies that share here you know you are helping others when you talk about yourself your kids and husbands
You all become my pretend family and I like that
Once Schumi returns home I plan to start something about nothing #14
Would not be nice to make a new thread until all the homies are around

Once a homie here, you are always family to me

Everyone is so nice and it’s a lot more fun cause everything just wants to help others and share like a normal
Family does

Now I forgot what I originally was gonna say here

Damn that knob creek !
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Knob creek must be some good shizzz....I loved reading your thoughttrain, Macraven!! I don’t have much extended family left either, just my mom & brother, my husband only has his mom and a sister & brother, no aunts/uncles left, cousins are practically strangers. It makes me worry sometimes because my kids are little ( 10 & 7 ) and if something should happen to me & my husband the next 10 years, there is NO ONE to take care & raise our kids. Both of my husband and my siblings have “issues” that make me hesitant to assign them as guardians and both of our moms are too old. I am glad I had my 20’s & 30’s to enjoy being single & then DINKS, but starting a family in your 40’s kinda sucks as far as the “what if “ Guardian situation goes!!

I’m sorry if I pushed the cat lover number over the edge!!! LOL I have also have a sweet Australian Shepherd named Lucy if that helps!!

And, on a lighter note.....yes, we should plan a meet up sometime in Orlando!!!
What was that? It's 3:30am, fierce wind whipping around the house, then loud rain, and oh some lightning too. Back to sleep. Eh, wonder if had set the alarm. 2 minutes later, the alarm goes off. Woot! Not a rainy commute, only, dude, no one is coming the other way, like no one, turn left already, new dude in front of me, no reason to apply your brakes when nearing a clearly green light, and thank you bus ahead of me, for getting out of the way just in time.

Weather guy on radio: Wet today, and wet for at least 5 more days. And once again, oppressive humidity, as we inch toward 90 degrees. Yep, August is almost here. Our hottest and steamy last breath of summer.

Sending lots of well wishes to Agavegirl. I hope you are not in pain, and had a perfect operation. Resting comfortably later today.

MonyK, sounds like a good meal, even if your shopper didn't quite pick the right items. Yeah, I've learned, DH thinks I said this, but I said that. I just do most of the shopping, easier for me.

Tink, at least Trey's not far from home. I've always told my kids I don't care what they do, they have to be self-sufficient, upstanding members of society. So far, I'm batting zero, on the first part. LOL Hugs to you too, Hard when the house gets a little quieter.

Tgrgrl, like your breed of dog. I'm a dog lover, and cat lover, too.

Mac, hope Knob Creek gives you some much more happier memories. Hugs, memories from the heart are always sweet. Lost my dad in August, so while its a very happy month with lots of family birthdays, it's bittersweet for one of those days.

With that, tea is needed,
, and,
, though
, that's right,upload_2018-7-25_7-18-43.jpeg :thumbsup2

::yes::, to all the homies near and far:

Not a cat or dog picture post. :rotfl:

:coffee: :woohoo:


  • upload_2018-7-25_7-15-54.jpeg
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Okay, I give up, edited the above post more than once, and can't seem to delete the attached file at the end, ignore it. Apparently, I'm not good at editing, sometimes.

Back to routine, to round this thread up, and setting it up to end.
We also have trapped and kept 4 kittens that are now big! We did release the moms back but my neighbor takes care of them on her porch. It has been a win win. I love to hear rescue stories.:hug:

That's wonderful!:cat:

I spent the afternoon helping Trey shop for his new place..we ordered his bed and a quilt set...guess this is really happening.

He's close by and they'll always need us! I get texts and calls about advice!

Dropping in for a quick moment to say to Wednesday aka agavegirl1 aka Wendy, that I hope your surgery was successful and you heal completely and totally

Prays for youse

I marked my calendar weeks ago for this date
But wanted to wait until this evening to post to you as I knew you would be nervous if I mentioned it earlier

Very very gentle hugs to you
And a speedy recovery

:grouphug: and prayers Agavegirl!! :flower3:
I can even grow a cat! (neighbors cat apparently likes my front plants)

You have the fun house!! Everyone wants in!!

To all the cat peeps
I will find a way to post pictures of my cats to share with youse


Before the cat people started posting here, I held back on talking about mine as a few commented there aren’t cat peeps
I joined about 2 fb groups recently
That live and breathe their cats

I'd love to join that group!!

You all have a large family to enjoy
Wish I had one also

We're your extended family!:)

Not a cat or dog picture post. :rotfl:

It's hump day!! Need some camel pictures!

But here's a cat one!


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