Sleep Apnea

I have this Fisher-Paykel machine.

I don't think it allows me to adjust the settings. I can call the doc on Monday.

I think the 45 minutes you have sounds good for me too. I can't remember if she told me she set mine at 20 or 25 minutes, but it's not enough. I end up just starting to fall asleep and try to yawn when it's at it's max...and that is just too hard!!

I think I'll have DH read the manual again! :rotfl:
My DH has had and used a CPAP for 6 years now. It has made such a difference to his ability to function, it's unreal. Of course his machine is about 6 years old now, has a humidifier and no heater and is pretty loud and bulky. I wonder how often they can/need to be replaced.

We have traveled a lot over these years and my DH used to crazily check the CPAP in his luggage. It took two times of it being delayed before I said " have to carry that thing on - we need you awake!" And now he always does - packs it in a small rolling suitcase that fits in the overhead on most planes, gate checked for the tiny planes, or under the seat. When he started with the CPAP, he had a mustache, though, and had a hard time getting a good seal with his nose mask because of it. It took us a while to catch on to that, though.

Oh, one more question - my DH hasn't had a sleep study or follow up with the sleep doctor since the initial study was done. We get new hoses and masks and filters and humidifiers periodically, but I wonder if it is odd that there is just zero follow-up with the doctors.

So glad that you all are finding the CPAP to be so helpful as well.
I have C-PAP machine. When I received it about 4yrs ago they gave me a case for it. I always take with me when I travel and hand carry it. It fits in the overhead storage with no problem. It does not count a personal carryon as it is medical equipment. It easily can go the the security machine and face no sideeffects.
corinnak said:
My DH has had and used a CPAP for 6 years now. It has made such a difference to his ability to function, it's unreal. Of course his machine is about 6 years old now, has a humidifier and no heater and is pretty loud and bulky. I wonder how often they can/need to be replaced.

Oh, one more question - my DH hasn't had a sleep study or follow up with the sleep doctor since the initial study was done. We get new hoses and masks and filters and humidifiers periodically, but I wonder if it is odd that there is just zero follow-up with the doctors.

So glad that you all are finding the CPAP to be so helpful as well.

If I remember correctly, most insurance companies will allow a replacement CPAP after 5 years. You'd have to check with your insurance company to find out their policy though. The same goes with follow-up sleep studies. There can be earlier follow-ups, of course, should the doctor feel that it's necessary based on new problems / symptoms that the user is experiencing. The other side of the coin is that if the doctor feels that everything has been going well, he / she might not feel that a repeat study is warranted - LOL!

You'd be surprised at how small and quiet CPAP machines have become! Here's one: If you click on the "View the M Series Features" link to the right of the CPAP machine, it will open a second page. There, you will see 5 icons to the right of the machine - they will explain the various features.
corinnak said:
My DH has had and used a CPAP for 6 years now. It has made such a difference to his ability to function, it's unreal. Of course his machine is about 6 years old now, has a humidifier and no heater and is pretty loud and bulky. I wonder how often they can/need to be replaced.

We have traveled a lot over these years and my DH used to crazily check the CPAP in his luggage. It took two times of it being delayed before I said " have to carry that thing on - we need you awake!" And now he always does - packs it in a small rolling suitcase that fits in the overhead on most planes, gate checked for the tiny planes, or under the seat. When he started with the CPAP, he had a mustache, though, and had a hard time getting a good seal with his nose mask because of it. It took us a while to catch on to that, though.

Oh, one more question - my DH hasn't had a sleep study or follow up with the sleep doctor since the initial study was done. We get new hoses and masks and filters and humidifiers periodically, but I wonder if it is odd that there is just zero follow-up with the doctors.

So glad that you all are finding the CPAP to be so helpful as well.

Hi Corinna!!!

Thanks so much for joining us!!

Personally, I'm still waiting for that "ability to function" to return! ;) But I'm definitely looking forward to it (it's only been 3 days).

My CPAP machine came in a cute little travel bag! I was grateful for that because when we do travel, it will make it VERY easy for security to check it!

I also concur what GDUL said...they told me my machine could be replaced every 5 years. And I would definitely see if your DH can get a new one! Especially if it is loud. My DH usually asks me a couple of times if mine is even on! He can't hear it at all (and really, neither can I!).

My doc also said that most likely, unless I was having problems, there wouldn't be any further sleep studies. I thought that was weird too, but I guess once you have this problem, the machine isn't really a cure, it's a treatment. (I think of it like diabetes or thyroid issues). The only way some folks might get off the machine is if they are very overweight and lose weight and the problem is minimized enough to not need the machine, but that wouldn't necessarily apply to everyone.

Let us know what you find out about a new machine!!!
Grandmax3 said:
I have C-PAP machine. When I received it about 4yrs ago they gave me a case for it. I always take with me when I travel and hand carry it. It fits in the overhead storage with no problem. It does not count a personal carryon as it is medical equipment. It easily can go the the security machine and face no sideeffects.

Hi Grandmax3!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this info!! I didn't know that medical equipment didn't count as a personal carryon!!!

That's great...although I might not tell DH as this is one way I could get him to carry all the carry-on stuff, while I have my CPAP!!! :rotfl:
I just noticed this thread and am so excited to see so many of you newbie c-pap users. Don't give up - even if it gets discouraging or frustrating some nights.

I have had my machine for over 10 years. (Same machine!) I only had a follow up sleep study this year, because I figured my machine was certainly going to die soon, and knew that I needed a presciption for a new one. Well, my level hadn't changed, and my machine is working fine.

So many of your questions and concerns are familiar, and I can tell you that if you stick with it, you will notice a difference, and your life will change. It will never be 'perfect', but it will provide a dramatic change.

As far as traveling, I would never leave home with out it. My machine has been all over the country, and is ALWAYS with me as carry on luggage. I don't care what anyone says, the machine has never left my side! I've traveled with people who thought it was silly or ridiculous, but it's worth it to me to have it there. Yeah, that means there are places (such as camping) that is not going to be convienent to sleep - but it can be done if the people around you are willing to work with you.

I love naps, and I would never think of laying on the couch for a quick snooze. If I want to sleep for even 5 minutes, I lay down on my bed and quickly put it on. In the beginning, it's frustrating putting it on, but trust me, it will become as easy as putting on your slippers. You'll do it without even thinking.

When I first got my machine, I was 25 and a mom of a four year old. I realized that in the middle of the night I would take it off without realizing it, but once I started working outside the home, I became much more attached to it. And for the past 7 or 8 years, never have taken it off.

There are soooo many people out there with sleep apnea that have no idea that they have it. My uncle died of a heart attack when he was just 53 - had only had the cpap for a year before he died. Sleep apnea, when not treated with a mask, is very dangerous and harmful to your heart. Don't worry what your spouse will think about what you look like. If they truly love you - they will want you to wear it, because you need it. They wouldn't question you for taking a certain medication if needed it would they?

Before I got my machine, I couldn't stay awake driving even for 10 minutes in the car sometimes. In fact, my apnea was so bad that the morning after my first test, when the doctor go to the hospital that morning (after I had left) he was so conerned about me that he called to make sure I got home that morning. He said I had one of the worst cases he'd seen. At that point, he said I shouldn't even be driving, ever. So, yes, I encourage everyone i suspect who might have a problem with sleep apnea to seek treatment immediately. Literally, it could save your life!
Wow tinabheart...thank you for sharing your experience!

I never suspected sleep apnea so I was surprised when my doc sent me for the study, and then even more surprised when it was diagnosed.

I'm excited for the positive effects that I know will come.

Last night (my 4th with my machine) was the first time I got frustrated and took it off after only 3 hours or so. I just couldn't seem to get a good seal on it and it was driving me nuts.

And, for the first time last night, I felt discouraged about having to do this every night for the rest of my life. I'm not concerned with the vanity issues, or anything like's just a "restriction", you know? I know it will get better...

But I have a question for all of you who have had this for awhile...what specific products do you use to clean your machine? I've been trying to find mild UNSCENTED cleaners, and I'm not having any luck. DH is going to a hospital supply place today to see what they have, and I've only found one product online (and it was kinda pricey).
hiwaygal said:
Last night (my 4th with my machine) was the first time I got frustrated and took it off after only 3 hours or so. I just couldn't seem to get a good seal on it and it was driving me nuts.

And, for the first time last night, I felt discouraged about having to do this every night for the rest of my life. I'm not concerned with the vanity issues, or anything like's just a "restriction", you know? I know it will get better...

But I have a question for all of you who have had this for awhile...what specific products do you use to clean your machine? I've been trying to find mild UNSCENTED cleaners, and I'm not having any luck. DH is going to a hospital supply place today to see what they have, and I've only found one product online (and it was kinda pricey).

Try not to get discouraged - it really does become second nature with regards to using the machine (it will be 5 years next week for me - happy anniversary - LOL!). I don't even think about it anymore.

I usually use a slightly damp cloth to wipe down my CPAP machine after I unplug it. I've never found a need to use a cleaner on it. Make sure to check your gross air filter (the gray one probably) and wash that periodically with warm water and a mild dish detergent like Joy. Make sure that it's dry before you put it back into your CPAP. I also wash my mask every other day or so using warm water and Joy. I disinfect the mask once a week using a vinegar / water solution (usually 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar). I also put in 2 or 3 drops of vanilla extract into this solution - it gets rid of the vinegar smell.
GDUL - are following the directions perfectly with the whole cleaning thing.

For me, I simply make sure that my face is very clean. Even if I've taken off my makeup at 5pm, I wash my face before I lay down - even for a nap, so that does mean re-applying makeup.

I've never washed the filters - just replace them every six months or so. They are only $4 or $5. Actually, I didn't know you could wash them!

My mask - gets a rubbing alcohol rubdown every week or so - and that's it! In ten years, I've probably only had a new mask every other year or so. They seem to hold up well. I know they say not to use alcohol...but it works for me. I let it run for a minute or so, adn then the smell of the alcohol is gone.

I guess I'm not an example of how to take care of your mask, but it's worked for me, and I've had my machine for 10+ years.

I will say that I have central air, and we keep our house quite cool in winter and summer, so there isn't a lot of perspiration and little dust. Humidity or open windows could make a difference in the air filter I'm sure.

I also do not have a humidifier, so that could make a difference as well.

I'm happy to answer any questions anyone has.
tinabheart said:
GDUL - are following the directions perfectly with the whole cleaning thing.

I have to - I'm a Respiratory Therapist - it wouldn't look good otherwise - LOL!
GDUL said:
I have to - I'm a Respiratory Therapist - it wouldn't look good otherwise - LOL!


I'm taking my mask in tomorrow for a replacement. I think I want to try the nasal pillows.

I also want them to give me a copy of my prescription so I can maybe buy a different mask from another source (we found a hospital supply place nearby). I don't care about the insurance part on the masks, I'm more interested in comfort!!

Thanks for the advice on the cleaning! DH and I are having a VERY hard time finding any unscented products!
hiwaygal said:

I'm taking my mask in tomorrow for a replacement. I think I want to try the nasal pillows.

I also want them to give me a copy of my prescription so I can maybe buy a different mask from another source (we found a hospital supply place nearby). I don't care about the insurance part on the masks, I'm more interested in comfort!!

Thanks for the advice on the cleaning! DH and I are having a VERY hard time finding any unscented products!

You're welcome!

See if they have a ComfortLite 2 - a lot of CPAP users are having good results with this mask:
hiwaygal said:
That's the one I have...but it's got the full nose mask...I want to switch to the pillow ones.

The ComfortLite 2 has 3 different styles of cushions - one of which is a pillows type. The top picture in the link has a picture of this style. The "pillows" don't really go into your nose; they are positioned right at the nares (opening of the nostrils) so that when you turn on the CPAP machine, the pressure expands the pillows so that it creates a seal. This is why a lot of CPAP users like this mask - it doesn't really go inside of your nose. Did they only give you the "cup" style of cushion?
GDUL said:
The ComfortLite 2 has 3 different styles of cushions - one of which is a pillows type. The top picture in the link has a picture of this style. The "pillows" don't really go into your nose; they are positioned right at the nares (opening of the nostrils) so that when you turn on the CPAP machine, the pressure expands the pillows so that it creates a seal. This is why a lot of CPAP users like this mask - it doesn't really go inside of your nose. Did they only give you the "cup" style of cushion?

yeah, I think so...and it was fine for the most part...but when I try to sleep on my side it shifts and doesn't get a good seal and then it drives me crazy!!

I thought the pillows might work better...and I'd like to try them. It's kinda sad that you can't try different ones out for a week or so before you have to "commit" you know?
hiwaygal said:
yeah, I think so...and it was fine for the most part...but when I try to sleep on my side it shifts and doesn't get a good seal and then it drives me crazy!!

I thought the pillows might work better...and I'd like to try them. It's kinda sad that you can't try different ones out for a week or so before you have to "commit" you know?

I'd be surprised if they didn't have the "pillow" style cushions there for you to try. That way you wouldn't have to try and get used to a new mask, headgear, etc. Just switch one style cushion for another and keep the headgear, etc the same.

I know what you mean about wanting to try multiple masks before deciding on one. Unfortunately, masks are expensive and the companies that set up the CPAP and masks only get reimbursed for 1 mask at the time of the set-up. It doesn't take long for them to lose whatever profit margin they gain by setting up the machine if they run through masks quickly. Unfortunately, a sign of the times with regards to medical reimbursement these days. I would suggest that you check with your insurance company (or maybe the company that set up your CPAP for you could check) to see what their mask replacement policy is. Some allow for a replacement every 3 or 6 months - others every year. Not the best solution but at least you could try a different mask a couple times a year until you found one that worked for you.
GDUL said:
I know what you mean about wanting to try multiple masks before deciding on one. Unfortunately, masks are expensive and the companies that set up the CPAP and masks only get reimbursed for 1 mask at the time of the set-up. It doesn't take long for them to lose whatever profit margin they gain by setting up the machine if they run through masks quickly. Unfortunately, a sign of the times with regards to medical reimbursement these days. I would suggest that you check with your insurance company (or maybe the company that set up your CPAP for you could check) to see what their mask replacement policy is. Some allow for a replacement every 3 or 6 months - others every year. Not the best solution but at least you could try a different mask a couple times a year until you found one that worked for you.

Apparently, I can replace my mask every 6 months.

I'm going to get a copy of my prescription to take to another supply place. Some of the masks aren't TOO bad in cost. I'm willing to try one, maybe two and just consider them as "spares" if they aren't what I want, you know?


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